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Can I buy cheap Brother printer cartridges at www.ink4less.com?

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Guest Leythos

In article <eLWmmfe5IHA.1592@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>, heybub@gmail.com


> I can't agree with that. I remember when we bought new toner cartridges.

> Before they were put in the printer, we'd have them refilled because the

> refill toner was of much better quality.


what vendors toner and printer model?



- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a

drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest Gary S. Terhune

I couldn't care less what you think.



Gary S. Terhune

MS-MVP Shell/User



"Arthur Entlich" <e-printerhelp@mvps.org> wrote in message


> Gary,


> I'm disappointed. You've been treated civilly by Michael. He has come

> back to respond to your debate points, and although I may not agree with

> all his analogies, they aren't as off based as you claim, I see where he

> is coming from.


> What is more clear to me is this. You don't agree with his POV, or his

> philosophy, yet you kept on engaging him. Now, when you "can't have him

> see your way", you become indignant and insulting. That's just dirty

> pool, and disrespectful.


> This last posting was totally uncalled for and unnecessary. All you had

> to do is say you agreed to disagree, or you no longer wished to continue

> this thread or debate, or you could have simply ignored the continuation

> on his part and let it alone.


> You don't play fair. You were confrontational from the beginning with me,

> without knowing anything about my background or my expertise. You

> challenged many things I said, while expecting me to verify and prove my

> statements while you have made some of the most broadly invalid and

> inaccurate statements as "fact" in this thread.


> I know that being an MS MVP doesn't hold you to any standard of behavior,

> but when you put that in your signature, you do represent all of us.

> Yeah, we all get testy at times, but you might want to consider how

> allowing your personal politics to decide how you treat people works the

> other way around as well.


> Art



> If you are interested in issues surrounding e-waste,

> I invite you to enter the discussion at my blog:


> http://e-trashtalk.spaces.live.com/


> Gary S. Terhune wrote:

>> I'm tired of this thread, I'm tired of you. Your analogies are ludicrous

>> and it pains me to even think about responding to them. You can't even

>> recognize a brush-off when you see one. Well here's a more blunt version.

>> No response required.


Guest measekite

HeyBub wrote:


measekite wrote:




I think we also agree that OEM inks usually are close to, or even to, the highest quality inks on the market,




I can't agree with that. I remember when we bought new toner cartridges. Before they were put in the printer, we'd have them refilled because the refill toner was of much better quality.





Sometimes it comes down to "builder quality" vs. "top of the line." Does anyone believe the tires or windshield wipers that come on a new car are superior to the after-market replacements?


They are made by the same company. My micheleins are the same as what came with the car. But so what and who cares we are talking about ink and printers and not cars or horses.

Guest measekite

Neither can I


Gary S. Terhune wrote:




"Arthur Entlich" &lte-printerhelp@mvps.org&gt wrote in message news:YHJek.908$nD.50@pd7urf1no...






&gt Gary, &gt &gt I'm disappointed. You've been treated civilly by Michael. He has come &gt back to respond to your debate points, and although I may not agree with &gt all his analogies, they aren't as off based as you claim, I see where he &gt is coming from. &gt &gt What is more clear to me is this. You don't agree with his POV, or his &gt philosophy, yet you kept on engaging him. Now, when you "can't have him &gt see your way", you become indignant and insulting. That's just dirty &gt pool, and disrespectful. &gt &gt This last posting was totally uncalled for and unnecessary. All you had &gt to do is say you agreed to disagree, or you no longer wished to continue &gt this thread or debate, or you could have simply ignored the continuation &gt on his part and let it alone. &gt &gt You don't play fair. You were confrontational from the beginning with me, &gt without knowing anything about my background or my expertise. You &gt challenged many things I said, while expecting me to verify and prove my &gt statements while you have made some of the most broadly invalid and &gt inaccurate statements as "fact" in this thread. &gt &gt I know that being an MS MVP doesn't hold you to any standard of behavior, &gt but when you put that in your signature, you do represent all of us. &gt Yeah, we all get testy at times, but you might want to consider how &gt allowing your personal politics to decide how you treat people works the &gt other way around as well. &gt &gt Art &gt &gt &gt If you are interested in issues surrounding e-waste, &gt I invite you to enter the discussion at my blog: &gt &gt http://e-trashtalk.spaces.live.com/ &gt &gt Gary S. Terhune wrote:




&gt&gt I'm tired of this thread, I'm tired of you. Your analogies are ludicrous &gt&gt and it pains me to even think about responding to them. You can't even &gt&gt recognize a brush-off when you see one. Well here's a more blunt version. &gt&gt No response required. &gt&gt

Guest Michael Johnson

Gary S. Terhune wrote:

> I couldn't care less what you think.


Funny how that happens just when you're confronted with solid facts and

logic. Or if you have to backup your statements. I guess it is easier

for you to fold. I won't miss you at all.

Guest Gary S. Terhune

I didn't even bother to read your last long post. I was finished with you

after you proposed that idiotic car analogy. I was hoping that my response

was insulting enough to make you realize that I wasn't interested in your

boring, repetitive arguments anymore.


I provided my opinion. Nothing I've seen from you has changed that opinion,

you're obviously set in your ways and not going to change, so why bother to




Gary S. Terhune

MS-MVP Shell/User



"Michael Johnson" <cds@erols.com> wrote in message


> Gary S. Terhune wrote:

>> I couldn't care less what you think.


> Funny how that happens just when you're confronted with solid facts and

> logic. Or if you have to backup your statements. I guess it is easier

> for you to fold. I won't miss you at all.

Guest Michael Johnson

Gary S. Terhune wrote:

> I didn't even bother to read your last long post. I was finished with you

> after you proposed that idiotic car analogy. I was hoping that my response

> was insulting enough to make you realize that I wasn't interested in your

> boring, repetitive arguments anymore.


You will have to do a lot more to insult me in any meaningful way. I

won't won't be bullied in person, and certainly not on Usenet, by a

condescending, arrogant, self appointed expert on all things in life.

> I provided my opinion. Nothing I've seen from you has changed that opinion,

> you're obviously set in your ways and not going to change, so why bother to

> continue?


You've provided opinions galore will little to back them up with facts.

When you finally have to put up or shut up you whine like a little

bitch and quit the game. Don't go away mad, just go away.


Was that insulting enough for you or shall I continue?

Guest measekite

Michael Johnson wrote:

> Gary S. Terhune wrote:

>> I couldn't care less what you think.


> Funny how that happens just when you're confronted with solid facts

> and logic. Or if you have to backup your statements. I guess it is

> easier for you to fold. I won't miss you at all.


Now Now Junior. You must behave.

Guest measekite

Gary S. Terhune wrote:

> I didn't even bother to read your last long post. I was finished with you

> after you proposed that idiotic car analogy.


Ah ha ha ha


You ought to hear his horse analogy.


> I was hoping that my response

> was insulting enough to make you realize that I wasn't interested in your

> boring, repetitive arguments anymore.


> I provided my opinion. Nothing I've seen from you has changed that opinion,

> you're obviously set in your ways and not going to change, so why bother to

> continue?



Guest Arthur Entlich

I think I'll just allow that one to stand as it is, because it sums

things up perfectly well.




If you are interested in issues surrounding e-waste,

I invite you to enter the discussion at my blog:




Gary S. Terhune wrote:

> I couldn't care less what you think.


Guest Arthur Entlich

In actual fact, there are three sets of printer using inks of this basic

nature, with somewhat varying longevity.


Epson has their 4 color pigment printers, called the C and CX series

(The CX are "all in one" types.) They all use Durabrite and Durabrite

Ultra inks. These printers are sold for between $50 and about $125 US/CAN.


Then Epson has the Ultrachrome ink sets which are more sophisticated

inks, and these sets come in a high gloss and normal type, come with

several types of black sets for matte or photo use, and come in a number

of different color sets. These printers include the R1800, R800, the

R2100, R2200 and R2300. These printers range from about $300 to $700.


Then there are the new Kodak lines. They are all "all in one" and they

range from about $100 to $150 and use their new pigment colorant inks.

I don't know if the accelerated age tests are complete on them yet.

These are the ones which sell black cartridges for about $10 and the

full color set for another $15 list price.


Of course, there are other ink sets made by OEM and 3rd party which are

even more permanent, but they are for higher end printers or commercial





If you are interested in issues surrounding e-waste,

I invite you to enter the discussion at my blog:




Leythos wrote:

> In article <epIek.98627$gc5.56620@pd7urf2no>, e-printerhelp@mvps.org

> says...

>> There are now inkjet inksets that, using the exact same testing as used

>> for "photographic prints" the inkjet output is expected to last 4-10

>> times longer than the best currently available silver halide

>> photographic processes. We are speaking of color images under glass

>> with 80 to 200 years under accelerated aging tests, versus papers like

>> Ilfochrome (originally called Cibachrome (one of the longest lasting

>> silver halide photographic processes) lasting 17-30 years under similar

>> testing conditions.


> Just want to ask, how many residential users that have FREE printers or

> ones under $100 are going to be able to use or afford that type of ink.



Guest measekite

Arthur Entlich wrote:

> In actual fact, there are three sets of printer using inks of this

> basic nature, with somewhat varying longevity.


> Epson has their 4 color pigment printers, called the C and CX series

> (The CX are "all in one" types.) They all use Durabrite and Durabrite

> Ultra inks. These printers are sold for between $50 and about $125



These are not really terrific printers.


> Then Epson has the Ultrachrome ink sets which are more sophisticated

> inks, and these sets come in a high gloss and normal type, come with

> several types of black sets for matte or photo use, and come in a

> number of different color sets. These printers include the R1800,

> R800, the R2100, R2200 and R2300. These printers range from about

> $300 to $700.


These printers are very good. Canon is however better. Epson printers

use more ink than Canon.


> Then there are the new Kodak lines. They are all "all in one" and they

> range from about $100 to $150 and use their new pigment colorant inks.

> I don't know if the accelerated age tests are complete on them yet.

> These are the ones which sell black cartridges for about $10 and the

> full color set for another $15 list price.


These are a step below Canon, Epson and HP but better than Lexmark and



> Of course, there are other ink sets made by OEM and 3rd party which

> are even more permanent, but they are for higher end printers or

> commercial models.


> Art


> If you are interested in issues surrounding e-waste,

> I invite you to enter the discussion at my blog:


> http://e-trashtalk.spaces.live.com/


> Leythos wrote:

>> In article <epIek.98627$gc5.56620@pd7urf2no>, e-printerhelp@mvps.org

>> says...

>>> There are now inkjet inksets that, using the exact same testing as

>>> used for "photographic prints" the inkjet output is expected to last

>>> 4-10 times longer than the best currently available silver halide

>>> photographic processes. We are speaking of color images under glass

>>> with 80 to 200 years under accelerated aging tests, versus papers

>>> like Ilfochrome (originally called Cibachrome (one of the longest

>>> lasting silver halide photographic processes) lasting 17-30 years

>>> under similar testing conditions.


>> Just want to ask, how many residential users that have FREE printers

>> or ones under $100 are going to be able to use or afford that type of

>> ink.



  • 2 weeks later...
Guest PhotoSci@att.net

The always literate, always knowledgeable (and may I add, rarely

provoked) Arthur Entlich mused as to whether tests on Kodak’s new line

of printers had been completed.


Wilhelm Imaging Research (http://www.wilhelm-research.com) recently published

its image permanence tests on the Kodak All-In-One printers and

claimed that they achieved “the highest level of overall print

permanence of any current consumer desktop printer system.” While I

frequently disagree with some of WIR’s methodology, this is certainly

an indication that Kodak’s image permanence (using its pigmented inks

and its protective overcoat “ink”) is likely to be among the best.


Also recently, PC World magazine (August, 2008) commissioned the

Image Testing Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology to

test printer ink systems. They reported that not only were “Kodak inks

as economical as the third party inks”, but that they “rated

especially highly in color glossy print jobs” and “were second only to

Epson in resisting ozone and UV light.” (The RIT tests apparently did

not include thermal fade or humidity resistance, where other testing

has found Kodak prints to show excellent image permanence as well.)


Both the RIT tests and those by Quality Logic confirmed Kodak’s claims

of low cost per print, based on a business model where the printers

are not sold at a loss with the intent of making big profits on later

ink sales.


Whether anyone’s All-In-One printer meets your imaging needs in other

ways, of course, is another issue, but image permanence seems to be a

strong point for Kodak’s system.

Guest measekite

PhotoSci@att.net wrote:

> The always literate, always knowledgeable (and may I add, rarely

> provoked) Arthur Entlich mused as to whether tests on Kodak’s new line

> of printers had been completed.


> Wilhelm Imaging Research (http://www.wilhelm-research.com) recently published

> its image permanence tests on the Kodak All-In-One printers and

> claimed that they achieved “the highest level of overall print

> permanence of any current consumer desktop printer system.” While I

> frequently disagree with some of WIR’s methodology, this is certainly

> an indication that Kodak’s image permanence (using its pigmented inks

> and its protective overcoat “ink”) is likely to be among the best.



I guess you could believe the Wilhelm tests about longevity but if you

want the best quality results I would go with either Canon for a dye

based printer or either Canon or Epson for a pigmented based printer.

> Also recently, PC World magazine (August, 2008) commissioned the

> Image Testing Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology to

> test printer ink systems. They reported that not only were “Kodak inks

> as economical as the third party inks”, but that they “rated

> especially highly in color glossy print jobs” and “were second only to

> Epson in resisting ozone and UV light.”




> (The RIT tests apparently did

> not include thermal fade or humidity resistance, where other testing

> has found Kodak prints to show excellent image permanence as well.)


> Both the RIT tests and those by Quality Logic confirmed Kodak’s claims

> of low cost per print, based on a business model where the printers

> are not sold at a loss with the intent of making big profits on later

> ink sales.


Tests show that when you buy the package of Kodak paper and ink and then

throw away unused ink because you use out 1 color that the economics may

not be there.

> Whether anyone’s All-In-One

plus Kodak does not make a printer at all. They make a multifunction

device. We all know that Epson scanners are best for consumers.

> printer meets your imaging needs in other

> ways, of course, is another issue, but image permanence seems to be a

> strong point for Kodak’s system.






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