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can rufus imager format the bit-locked partition completely as the original targeted partition of same HardDisk Ext.Storage. All Partition are missing

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Guest रबिन्द्र शाही

When i shrink 5 gb storage from my external disk hard drive making it fat32 and drive D: and try to Rufus/flash-win11 into it (D: shrinked no-bitlock drive) and after reinserting usb it relock--> J: drive(large data-bit-locked ) and make open type D: drive shows. and Rufus Shows me the Drive name (insum) : -my adata DRIVE name: [d:][J:] 1TB, i thought it only accept open drive even though its name is in combined [D:][J:] showing by rufus when selecting. and Run/Start Rufus, but it stop after formatting and start flashing that fat32 5GB shrinked drive and that error make disappear my Or


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