Guest Leythos Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 In article <OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>, "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> says... > Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. > Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY REASON > to think it is you who is lying. > I think it would be amazing if he could just provide a link to a program he's written that wasn't pirated from other peoples works. -- - Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. - Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address) Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to prove those lies about me. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote in message news:OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... > "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Is that your only defense? (Yes, I know you > did not use those exact words, so don't get all excited.) > > You stated, "You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So > you can't even understand what you are reading." > > Apparently, you thought that I do not even know what an MVP is, so I chose > to stoop very low (again) and answer your ***ridiculous*** ASSUMPTION. I > posted one link showing ***that I do know what an MVP is*** and you > somehow think that is a "lie" on my part? NOWHERE did I say that the link > had anything to do with my previous searches for your specific "The Real > Truth MVP" misnomer. The two comments are TOTALLY UNRELATED. > > How about YOU step up and ***be a man*** and GIVE US A LINK proving that > you are an MVP, i.e., a real official ***current*** Microsoft-awarded > "Most Valuable Professional"? Or are you too chicken? > > Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. > Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY REASON > to think it is you who is lying. > > Gregg Hill > > > > > "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message > news:0I0uk.18251$ >> Well the you lied when you said this "I found in Google searches evidence >> from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not an MVP" MS would not >> post anything saying that for two reasons. >> >> 1. Because I am a current MS MVP and they know it. >> 2. MS employees who deal with this stuff do not posts to newsgroups. >> >> Now do you want to back up your lie by posting a link to that Google >> search? >> >> >> -- >> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring >> them is not an option. >> >> >> >> >> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote >> in message news:%23JtOOhiCJHA.4368@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl... >>> Indeed I do! >>> >>> Gregg Hill >>> >>> >>> "---Fitz---" <> wrote in message >>> news:udS5Y6ZCJHA.5316@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >>>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>>> news:6BLtk.11734$ >>>>> You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you can't >>>>> even understand what you are reading. >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>> I think he understands perfectly what he's reading. >>> >>> >> > > Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 Re: STALKER ALERT The obsessed stalker has retuned. His obsession with me has returned. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message > In article <OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>, "Gregg Hill" > <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> says... >> Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. >> Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY >> REASON >> to think it is you who is lying. >> > > I think it would be amazing if he could just provide a link to a program > he's written that wasn't pirated from other peoples works. > > -- > - Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. > - Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a > drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" > (remove 999 for proper email address) Quote
Guest Leythos Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 Re: STALKER ALERT In article <v6cuk.21102$>, says... > The obsessed stalker has retuned. His obsession with me has returned. LOL - You are the stalker, creating a hate website about me, creating pornographic materials about me, posting my name in your sig for a LONG time. I see that you didn't dispute anything I wrote about you in the items I list below: PCBUTTS has done the following in Usenet - that none of the rest of us have done: 1) Posted links to Pornographic material on his website that he's personally created and bragged about and bragged about in these groups. 2) Posted links to Pornographic material on his Leythos website that he's personally created and bragged about in these groups. 3) Been exposed as pirating code from other people's apps. 4) Included copyrighted code in his applications which he is not the copyright holder. 5) Impersonated other members of the community and done so in a bad manner 6) Impersonated unknowns to show fake support for PCBUTTS1 7) Switched Identities from Male to Female 8) Been exposed with pirated code after fake entries were added to code of others files - the code appeared in PCBUTTS's code shortly after. 9) Used very foul language in Usenet posts 10) Stalked members of the community in his signature in every post for a period of time 11) Created a website using a community members name to post hate filled and pornographic materials and then direct others to it 12) Exposed unknowing people to pornography on his website. 13) Improperly hosted vendors apps on his website without being an authorized mirror and without following the vendors rules for hosting the applications. 14) Regularly posted links to exe files on his website without giving the author/vendor credit for the work - taking credit for the resolution himself. 15) Puts entries into your HOST file that BLOCK ACCESS TO REPUTABLE ANTI-MALWARE SITES WITHOUT TELLING YOU. 16) Has lost any respect from the community because of his actions and many more that have not been listed. No other member of the community has done all of those things, only PCBUTTS has done all of those things...... -- - Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. - Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address) Quote
Guest ---Fitz--- Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message news:h4cuk.21101$ >A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove >what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to prove >those lies about me. Gosh...are you going to add him to your hate pages too? I'm sure he'll be so depressed. Quote
Guest Gregg Hill Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 I tried to reply this morning, but it either did not go through, or it's just not showing up on my end. Just in case it failed to go through, here is this morning's reply. Your writing style, or actually the lack thereof, indicates a person who knows he/she is losing, and is incapable of continuing an adult conversation. It frequently happens that when one is confronted with logical, adult, reasonable information and requests, one stoops to calling names as you have just done, and using profanity, as you have done a lot on your blog. You remind me of my little brother when he was losing an argument. He would pick one word out of a 30-minute argument and try to defend it, ignoring all the other accusations and requests for proof. You just did the same thing. I took a few minutes to read your blog (after turning off my firewall porn and malware filters to be able to see the site) and it revealed a writing style that is profane and childish, with YOU making yourself appear to be a crazed person. You stated, "...and you could not." Ah, here again you ASSUME that I ***could not*** back my statement, when in reality I merely **did not** because it was late and I was tired. Today I have to be on a job in an hour, so I cannot take the time to do so, but that does not mean I never saw the information. However, had I taken the time that late at night at the end of a long week to bore myself with reading all about you again, and had I posted the link, it would have made no difference to your mind to prove anything to YOU. ***Many others have posted evidence*** here and elsewhere regarding your lack of integrity and standing as an MVP, and you just deny it, over and over again, without ANY proof that what you say is true. If I dig up a link to the information I found where a Microsoft employee said you were not an MVP, you will simply claim it to be false, as you have already done with others. If it will make you happy, I'll dig for it again, but ***only AFTER YOU answer the one request*** many people have made and you have been unwilling or unable to provide...PROVE YOU ARE A CURRENT Microsoft MVP. As you stated, "All you had to do was post that link to prove what you said and you could not." Why can't YOU (or won't you) post some proof to prove those people are lying about you? Heck, I can put "President of the USA" as my name in a newsgroup, but that doesn't make me George Bush. Putting "MVP" in your posting nickname does not make you one, either. So, how about you man up (or be a an adult woman, now that your blog says you are female) and prove you are a Microsoft-awarded current MVP once and for all. Prove that the statements made about you stealing others' code is false. That is all I ask. If you can do that, I'll waste more of my time wading through the myriad posts about you to find that reference again. As I said before, until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY REASON to think it is you who is lying. Gregg Hill "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message news:h4cuk.21101$ >A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove >what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to prove >those lies about me. > > -- > Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring > them is not an option. > > > > > "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote > in message news:OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >> "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Is that your only defense? (Yes, I know you >> did not use those exact words, so don't get all excited.) >> >> You stated, "You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So >> you can't even understand what you are reading." >> >> Apparently, you thought that I do not even know what an MVP is, so I >> chose to stoop very low (again) and answer your ***ridiculous*** >> ASSUMPTION. I posted one link showing ***that I do know what an MVP is*** >> and you somehow think that is a "lie" on my part? NOWHERE did I say that >> the link had anything to do with my previous searches for your specific >> "The Real Truth MVP" misnomer. The two comments are TOTALLY UNRELATED. >> >> How about YOU step up and ***be a man*** and GIVE US A LINK proving that >> you are an MVP, i.e., a real official ***current*** Microsoft-awarded >> "Most Valuable Professional"? Or are you too chicken? >> >> Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. >> Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY >> REASON to think it is you who is lying. >> >> Gregg Hill >> >> >> >> >> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >> news:0I0uk.18251$ >>> Well the you lied when you said this "I found in Google searches >>> evidence from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not an MVP" MS >>> would not post anything saying that for two reasons. >>> >>> 1. Because I am a current MS MVP and they know it. >>> 2. MS employees who deal with this stuff do not posts to newsgroups. >>> >>> Now do you want to back up your lie by posting a link to that Google >>> search? >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring >>> them is not an option. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> >>> wrote in message news:%23JtOOhiCJHA.4368@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl... >>>> Indeed I do! >>>> >>>> Gregg Hill >>>> >>>> >>>> "---Fitz---" <> wrote in message >>>> news:udS5Y6ZCJHA.5316@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >>>>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>>>> news:6BLtk.11734$ >>>>>> You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you can't >>>>>> even understand what you are reading. >>>>>> >>>>>> -- >>>>> I think he understands perfectly what he's reading. >>>> >>>> >>> >> >> > Quote
Guest Gregg Hill Posted August 30, 2008 Posted August 30, 2008 I am. I just diluted my bowl of soup. I don't know why I even bother, because this person obviously would never believe anything anyone says. Paranoia apparently runs quite deep. I suppose it is for the shear entertainment that I come back to read his (her?) rantings. Gregg Hill Bored to tears! "---Fitz---" <> wrote in message news:O56h5OsCJHA.5060@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl... > "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message > news:h4cuk.21101$ >>A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove >>what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to >>prove those lies about me. > > Gosh...are you going to add him to your hate pages too? I'm sure he'll be > so depressed. Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 Re: TROLL ALERT Another excuse, I see that's all you have. You have no link and no proof. You spouted your big mouth off like all the other trolls do who have no proof of the allegations they make. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote in message news:upGbC6uCJHA.4576@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >I tried to reply this morning, but it either did not go through, or it's >just not showing up on my end. Just in case it failed to go through, here >is this morning's reply. > > Your writing style, or actually the lack thereof, indicates a person who > knows he/she is losing, and is incapable of continuing an adult > conversation. It frequently happens that when one is confronted with > logical, adult, reasonable information and requests, one stoops to calling > names as you have just done, and using profanity, as you have done a lot > on > your blog. You remind me of my little brother when he was losing an > argument. He would pick one word out of a 30-minute argument and try to > defend it, ignoring all the other accusations and requests for proof. You > just did the same thing. > > I took a few minutes to read your blog (after turning off my firewall porn > and malware filters to be able to see the site) and it revealed a writing > style that is profane and childish, with YOU making yourself appear to be > a > crazed person. > > You stated, "...and you could not." Ah, here again you ASSUME that I > ***could not*** back my statement, when in reality I merely **did not** > because it was late and I was tired. Today I have to be on a job in an > hour, > so I cannot take the time to do so, but that does not mean I never saw the > information. > > However, had I taken the time that late at night at the end of a long week > to bore myself with reading all about you again, and had I posted the > link, > it would have made no difference to your mind to prove anything to YOU. > ***Many others have posted evidence*** here and elsewhere regarding your > lack of integrity and standing as an MVP, and you just deny it, over and > over again, without ANY proof that what you say is true. > > If I dig up a link to the information I found where a Microsoft employee > said you were not an MVP, you will simply claim it to be false, as you > have > already done with others. > > If it will make you happy, I'll dig for it again, but ***only AFTER YOU > answer the one request*** many people have made and you have been > unwilling > or unable to provide...PROVE YOU ARE A CURRENT Microsoft MVP. > > As you stated, "All you had to do was post that link to prove what you > said > and you could not." Why can't YOU (or won't you) post some proof to prove > those people are lying about you? > > Heck, I can put "President of the USA" as my name in a newsgroup, but that > doesn't make me George Bush. Putting "MVP" in your posting nickname does > not > make you one, either. > > So, how about you man up (or be a an adult woman, now that your blog says > you are female) and prove you are a Microsoft-awarded current MVP once and > for all. Prove that the statements made about you stealing others' code is > false. That is all I ask. > > If you can do that, I'll waste more of my time wading through the myriad > posts about you to find that reference again. As I said before, until you > man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. Put your > money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY REASON to think > it is you who is lying. > > Gregg Hill > > > > > "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message > news:h4cuk.21101$ >>A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove >>what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to >>prove those lies about me. >> >> -- >> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring >> them is not an option. >> >> >> >> >> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote >> in message news:OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>> "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Is that your only defense? (Yes, I know you >>> did not use those exact words, so don't get all excited.) >>> >>> You stated, "You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So >>> you can't even understand what you are reading." >>> >>> Apparently, you thought that I do not even know what an MVP is, so I >>> chose to stoop very low (again) and answer your ***ridiculous*** >>> ASSUMPTION. I posted one link showing ***that I do know what an MVP >>> is*** and you somehow think that is a "lie" on my part? NOWHERE did I >>> say that the link had anything to do with my previous searches for your >>> specific "The Real Truth MVP" misnomer. The two comments are TOTALLY >>> UNRELATED. >>> >>> How about YOU step up and ***be a man*** and GIVE US A LINK proving that >>> you are an MVP, i.e., a real official ***current*** Microsoft-awarded >>> "Most Valuable Professional"? Or are you too chicken? >>> >>> Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you >>> say. Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY >>> REASON to think it is you who is lying. >>> >>> Gregg Hill >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>> news:0I0uk.18251$ >>>> Well the you lied when you said this "I found in Google searches >>>> evidence from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not an MVP" >>>> MS would not post anything saying that for two reasons. >>>> >>>> 1. Because I am a current MS MVP and they know it. >>>> 2. MS employees who deal with this stuff do not posts to newsgroups. >>>> >>>> Now do you want to back up your lie by posting a link to that Google >>>> search? >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply >>>> ignoring them is not an option. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> >>>> wrote in message news:%23JtOOhiCJHA.4368@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl... >>>>> Indeed I do! >>>>> >>>>> Gregg Hill >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> "---Fitz---" <> wrote in message >>>>> news:udS5Y6ZCJHA.5316@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >>>>>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>>>>> news:6BLtk.11734$ >>>>>>> You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you >>>>>>> can't even understand what you are reading. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> -- >>>>>> I think he understands perfectly what he's reading. >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> > > Quote
Guest Gregg Hill Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 Re: "The Real Truth" is too afraid to PROVE he/she/it is an MVP Oh, I'll dig it up on my own good time. "Another excuse, I see that's all you have." That applies more to you than to it does to me, because YOU have been asked to prove you are an MVP for a long time by MANY people, yet you are still too chicken to do so. Step up to the plate and PROVE IT, or shut up. Gregg Hill "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message news:%5muk.25848$ > Another excuse, I see that's all you have. You have no link and no proof. > You spouted your big mouth off like all the other trolls do who have no > proof of the allegations they make. > > -- > Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring > them is not an option. > > > > > "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote > in message news:upGbC6uCJHA.4576@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>I tried to reply this morning, but it either did not go through, or it's >>just not showing up on my end. Just in case it failed to go through, here >>is this morning's reply. >> >> Your writing style, or actually the lack thereof, indicates a person who >> knows he/she is losing, and is incapable of continuing an adult >> conversation. It frequently happens that when one is confronted with >> logical, adult, reasonable information and requests, one stoops to >> calling >> names as you have just done, and using profanity, as you have done a lot >> on >> your blog. You remind me of my little brother when he was losing an >> argument. He would pick one word out of a 30-minute argument and try to >> defend it, ignoring all the other accusations and requests for proof. You >> just did the same thing. >> >> I took a few minutes to read your blog (after turning off my firewall >> porn >> and malware filters to be able to see the site) and it revealed a writing >> style that is profane and childish, with YOU making yourself appear to be >> a >> crazed person. >> >> You stated, "...and you could not." Ah, here again you ASSUME that I >> ***could not*** back my statement, when in reality I merely **did not** >> because it was late and I was tired. Today I have to be on a job in an >> hour, >> so I cannot take the time to do so, but that does not mean I never saw >> the >> information. >> >> However, had I taken the time that late at night at the end of a long >> week >> to bore myself with reading all about you again, and had I posted the >> link, >> it would have made no difference to your mind to prove anything to YOU. >> ***Many others have posted evidence*** here and elsewhere regarding your >> lack of integrity and standing as an MVP, and you just deny it, over and >> over again, without ANY proof that what you say is true. >> >> If I dig up a link to the information I found where a Microsoft employee >> said you were not an MVP, you will simply claim it to be false, as you >> have >> already done with others. >> >> If it will make you happy, I'll dig for it again, but ***only AFTER YOU >> answer the one request*** many people have made and you have been >> unwilling >> or unable to provide...PROVE YOU ARE A CURRENT Microsoft MVP. >> >> As you stated, "All you had to do was post that link to prove what you >> said >> and you could not." Why can't YOU (or won't you) post some proof to prove >> those people are lying about you? >> >> Heck, I can put "President of the USA" as my name in a newsgroup, but >> that >> doesn't make me George Bush. Putting "MVP" in your posting nickname does >> not >> make you one, either. >> >> So, how about you man up (or be a an adult woman, now that your blog says >> you are female) and prove you are a Microsoft-awarded current MVP once >> and >> for all. Prove that the statements made about you stealing others' code >> is >> false. That is all I ask. >> >> If you can do that, I'll waste more of my time wading through the myriad >> posts about you to find that reference again. As I said before, until you >> man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you say. Put your >> money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have EVERY REASON to >> think >> it is you who is lying. >> >> Gregg Hill >> >> >> >> >> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >> news:h4cuk.21101$ >>>A new troll has emerged. All you had to do was post that link to prove >>>what you said and you could not. Why can't anybody post some proof to >>>prove those lies about me. >>> >>> -- >>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring >>> them is not an option. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> >>> wrote in message news:OsKXcPnCJHA.2056@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>>> "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Is that your only defense? (Yes, I know >>>> you did not use those exact words, so don't get all excited.) >>>> >>>> You stated, "You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. >>>> So you can't even understand what you are reading." >>>> >>>> Apparently, you thought that I do not even know what an MVP is, so I >>>> chose to stoop very low (again) and answer your ***ridiculous*** >>>> ASSUMPTION. I posted one link showing ***that I do know what an MVP >>>> is*** and you somehow think that is a "lie" on my part? NOWHERE did I >>>> say that the link had anything to do with my previous searches for your >>>> specific "The Real Truth MVP" misnomer. The two comments are TOTALLY >>>> UNRELATED. >>>> >>>> How about YOU step up and ***be a man*** and GIVE US A LINK proving >>>> that you are an MVP, i.e., a real official ***current*** >>>> Microsoft-awarded "Most Valuable Professional"? Or are you too chicken? >>>> >>>> Until you man up, NO ONE has any reason to believe a single word you >>>> say. Put your money where your mouth is. Until you do, I will have >>>> EVERY REASON to think it is you who is lying. >>>> >>>> Gregg Hill >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>>> news:0I0uk.18251$ >>>>> Well the you lied when you said this "I found in Google searches >>>>> evidence from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not an MVP" >>>>> MS would not post anything saying that for two reasons. >>>>> >>>>> 1. Because I am a current MS MVP and they know it. >>>>> 2. MS employees who deal with this stuff do not posts to newsgroups. >>>>> >>>>> Now do you want to back up your lie by posting a link to that Google >>>>> search? >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply >>>>> ignoring them is not an option. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> >>>>> wrote in message news:%23JtOOhiCJHA.4368@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl... >>>>>> Indeed I do! >>>>>> >>>>>> Gregg Hill >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> "---Fitz---" <> wrote in message >>>>>> news:udS5Y6ZCJHA.5316@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >>>>>>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >>>>>>> news:6BLtk.11734$ >>>>>>>> You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you >>>>>>>> can't even understand what you are reading. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>> I think he understands perfectly what he's reading. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >> >> > Quote
Guest Maurice N ~ MVP Posted September 1, 2008 Posted September 1, 2008 Re: "The Real Truth" is too afraid to PROVE he/she/it is an MVP Gregg, Save your efforts and time. Everyone well knows this is an imposter, by whatever name. Form SiteAdvisor "Feedback from credible users suggests this site may not be what it claims to be". -- Maurice Naggar MS-MVP ----- "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote in message news:Ox4meyzCJHA.1184@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... > Oh, I'll dig it up on my own good time. > > "Another excuse, I see that's all you have." That applies more to you than > to it does to me, because YOU have been asked to prove you are an MVP for a > long time by MANY people, yet you are still too chicken to do so. > > Step up to the plate and PROVE IT, or shut up. > > Gregg Hill Quote
Guest lifesuckedme Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. i had the same problem for more than 1month..i tried everything.. but becoz of REAL TRUTH MVP ..i finnallllllly removed this virus so called antivirus2008. even i removed VUNDOOOOOOO. this hell was completley removed today.. i love you REAL TRUTH ..then i was able to enable update in service.exe. but still i have some problem ..but my automatic update schdeule is still disabled. please help me slightly more.... thanx real truth MVP... > You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you can't even > understand what you are reading. > > -- > Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring > them is not an option. > > > > > "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote in > message news:Ot6BhCMCJHA.4176@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... > >I started a thread asking about Antivirus 2009. Others brought to my > >attention that I may want to "be aware" of some things about you, > >specifically that you are not an MVP as you claim. I found in Google > >searches evidence from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not an > >MVP. You and the others have turned it into a pissing contest of your own. > > > > You stated in one post, "Anyone with any common sense would know that if > > everything they say were true I would not be here." I find the opposite is > > quite often true, with the real "trolls" (I love the name calling to which > > you resort) being the one jumping up and down saying that everyone is > > against you for no good reason. That is not always true, but sometimes it > > is true. If a room full of **respected people** are questioning your > > integrity, it is prudent on my part to QUESTION it as well, but not > > necessarily blindly believe "their lies" as you call them. Yes, I decided > > to question your integrity for myself, and I judge you by what I have read > > about you ***and what I have read IN YOUR OWN WORDS.*** The majority is > > not always right, but I have read enough from you in Google searches to > > know that I would never have any dealings with you, whether or not your > > product is any good. One person and a lot of smoke might indicate a > > disgruntled person, but I usually find that a whole bunch of people and a > > lot of smoke quite often indicates a fire, and that is something I choose > > to avoid. > > > > If the dissenting opinions were from a bunch of low-lifes, I would not pay > > attention. However, the majority of what I have read is from people who > > really are respected by their peers. You claim that you "allow only the > > truth dissenting or not." Without the appearance of ***any*** apparent > > dissention, I question your view of the "truth" you proclaim and censor. > > > > As I said, the newsgroup is not the place for it. > > > > You may have the rest of this newsgroup to yourself. I refuse to further > > dignify this downhill thread. > > > > Gregg Hill > > > > > > > > > > "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message > > news:%4mtk.19159$ > >> What the hell are you telling me for I didn't start it. You started the > >> thread and continued it by replying to the trolls, who always start it up > >> with me, and believing their lies. You asked a question, I gave you an > >> answer that works for free. You choose not to use it and that's fine but > >> you didn't have to start posting smart remarks about me continuing the > >> flamewar. > >> > >> -- > >> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring > >> them is not an option. > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote > >> in message news:%23CDbL0JCJHA.1180@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... > >>> Please start your own thread entitled "Urinary Distance Testing" or > >>> something similar. This newsgroup is no place for this sort of banter. > >>> > >>> Gregg Hill > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message > >>> news:Udltk.25628$ > >>>>I allow only the truth dissenting or not. If you post something that is > >>>>a flat out lie it will not get posted. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> -- > >>>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply > >>>> ignoring them is not an option. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> "John Eddy" <> wrote in message > >>>> > >>>> On Aug 25, 5:56 pm, "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote: > >>>>> The un bias real truth about me and > >>>>> the quality of the tools I make can be found here Check my feedback > >>>>> and see > >>>>> what others have said about me and my > >>>>> tools. also tell everyone > >>>>> who sends > >>>>> feedback or emails me directly not to comment in the NG because they > >>>>> will be > >>>>> ridiculed by the jealous others in this group. > >>>> > >>>> If that was 100% unbiased, you'd allow dissenting opinion, such as > >>>> from me (John Eddy, former newsgroup administrator at MS), or even > >>>> give me the chance to reply to your ridiculous claims about my time at > >>>> Microsoft and your supposed influence on them. > >>> > >>> > >> > > > > > > Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Try my Svchosts Fix tool. Download it here If that does not do it then use the the Microsoft's Automatic Update Repair Tool on that same page. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "lifesuckedme" <> wrote in message > > > "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. > i had the same problem for more than 1month..i tried everything.. > but becoz of REAL TRUTH MVP ..i finnallllllly removed this virus so called > antivirus2008. > even i removed VUNDOOOOOOO. this hell was completley removed today.. > i love you REAL TRUTH ..then i was able to enable update in service.exe. > > but still i have some problem ..but my automatic update schdeule is still > disabled. > please help me slightly more.... > thanx real truth MVP... >> You are mistaking MVP's with MS employees, they are not. So you can't >> even >> understand what you are reading. >> >> -- >> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring >> them is not an option. >> >> >> >> >> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> wrote >> in >> message news:Ot6BhCMCJHA.4176@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >> >I started a thread asking about Antivirus 2009. Others brought to my >> >attention that I may want to "be aware" of some things about you, >> >specifically that you are not an MVP as you claim. I found in Google >> >searches evidence from Microsoft employees indicating that you are not >> >an >> >MVP. You and the others have turned it into a pissing contest of your >> >own. >> > >> > You stated in one post, "Anyone with any common sense would know that >> > if >> > everything they say were true I would not be here." I find the opposite >> > is >> > quite often true, with the real "trolls" (I love the name calling to >> > which >> > you resort) being the one jumping up and down saying that everyone is >> > against you for no good reason. That is not always true, but sometimes >> > it >> > is true. If a room full of **respected people** are questioning your >> > integrity, it is prudent on my part to QUESTION it as well, but not >> > necessarily blindly believe "their lies" as you call them. Yes, I >> > decided >> > to question your integrity for myself, and I judge you by what I have >> > read >> > about you ***and what I have read IN YOUR OWN WORDS.*** The majority is >> > not always right, but I have read enough from you in Google searches to >> > know that I would never have any dealings with you, whether or not your >> > product is any good. One person and a lot of smoke might indicate a >> > disgruntled person, but I usually find that a whole bunch of people and >> > a >> > lot of smoke quite often indicates a fire, and that is something I >> > choose >> > to avoid. >> > >> > If the dissenting opinions were from a bunch of low-lifes, I would not >> > pay >> > attention. However, the majority of what I have read is from people who >> > really are respected by their peers. You claim that you "allow only the >> > truth dissenting or not." Without the appearance of ***any*** apparent >> > dissention, I question your view of the "truth" you proclaim and >> > censor. >> > >> > As I said, the newsgroup is not the place for it. >> > >> > You may have the rest of this newsgroup to yourself. I refuse to >> > further >> > dignify this downhill thread. >> > >> > Gregg Hill >> > >> > >> > >> > >> > "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >> > news:%4mtk.19159$ >> >> What the hell are you telling me for I didn't start it. You started >> >> the >> >> thread and continued it by replying to the trolls, who always start it >> >> up >> >> with me, and believing their lies. You asked a question, I gave you an >> >> answer that works for free. You choose not to use it and that's fine >> >> but >> >> you didn't have to start posting smart remarks about me continuing the >> >> flamewar. >> >> >> >> -- >> >> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply >> >> ignoring >> >> them is not an option. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> "Gregg Hill" <greggmhill at please do not spam me at yahoo dot com> >> >> wrote >> >> in message news:%23CDbL0JCJHA.1180@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >> >>> Please start your own thread entitled "Urinary Distance Testing" or >> >>> something similar. This newsgroup is no place for this sort of >> >>> banter. >> >>> >> >>> Gregg Hill >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message >> >>> news:Udltk.25628$ >> >>>>I allow only the truth dissenting or not. If you post something that >> >>>>is >> >>>>a flat out lie it will not get posted. >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> -- >> >>>> Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply >> >>>> ignoring them is not an option. >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> "John Eddy" <> wrote in message >> >>>> >> >>>> On Aug 25, 5:56 pm, "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote: >> >>>>> The un bias real truth about me and >> >>>>> the quality of the tools I make can be found here Check my feedback >> >>>>> and see >> >>>>> what others have said about me and my >> >>>>> tools. also tell >> >>>>> everyone >> >>>>> who sends >> >>>>> feedback or emails me directly not to comment in the NG because >> >>>>> they >> >>>>> will be >> >>>>> ridiculed by the jealous others in this group. >> >>>> >> >>>> If that was 100% unbiased, you'd allow dissenting opinion, such as >> >>>> from me (John Eddy, former newsgroup administrator at MS), or even >> >>>> give me the chance to reply to your ridiculous claims about my time >> >>>> at >> >>>> Microsoft and your supposed influence on them. >> >>> >> >>> >> >> >> > >> > >> >> Quote
Guest Leythos Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 In article <>, says... > "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you fix your problems. -- - Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. - Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address) Quote
Guest ~BD~ Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message > In article <>, > says... >> "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. > > And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be > able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you fix > your problems. > > Ah! But! ............. Just suppose ... it is the other way around! Maybe he/she is the *good* guy and the tool provided might release a 'captured' computer from the clutches of the bad guys. Hmmmm! There really is no way of knowing, is there? Dave Quote
Guest FromTheRafters Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message news:%23nzBO0zEJHA.3616@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... > "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message > >> In article <>, >> says... >>> "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. >> >> And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be >> able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you fix >> your problems. >> >> > > Ah! But! ............. Just suppose ... it is the other way around! > > Maybe he/she is the *good* guy and the tool provided might release a > 'captured' computer from the clutches of the bad guys. > > Hmmmm! > > There really is no way of knowing, is there? No, not for the average person. It is generally not a good idea to get software from unreliable sources - especially when the same software is just as available from the reliable ones. Because pcbutts was made aware that encouraging people to download from its site was actually encouraging bad behavior - and its reaction was of the 'I don't care' ilk - I discourage people from using its site just based on exhibited personality traits. ....but in the end the choice is up to the person seeking help. Quote
Guest ~BD~ Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message news:%23VZ8NU0EJHA.4784@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... > > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message > news:%23nzBO0zEJHA.3616@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message >>> In article <>, >>> says... >>>> "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. >>> >>> And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be >>> able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you fix >>> your problems. >>> >>> >> >> Ah! But! ............. Just suppose ... it is the other way around! >> >> Maybe he/she is the *good* guy and the tool provided might release a 'captured' computer from the >> clutches of the bad guys. >> >> Hmmmm! >> >> There really is no way of knowing, is there? > > No, not for the average person. > > It is generally not a good idea to get software from unreliable > sources - especially when the same software is just as available > from the reliable ones. > > Because pcbutts was made aware that encouraging people to > download from its site was actually encouraging bad behavior > - and its reaction was of the 'I don't care' ilk - I discourage > people from using its site just based on exhibited personality > traits. > > ...but in the end the choice is up to the person seeking help. > > I just love ....... "its" site Hahaha! I tend to agree with your stated views, FTR. Dave -- Quote
Guest lifesuckedme Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "The Real Truth MVP" i downloaded pcbutts .... i started browsing every microsoft websites, still there are some major problems like error 1079 when i tried to enable security centre in service.exe. again i tried to download "Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool " but i canot download from there.. "This project is not yet published If you are a coordinator or developer on this project, please sign in to access the project." please help me... Quote
Guest lifesuckedme Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "The Real Truth MVP" : i have used only Malware removing tool Quote
Guest lifesuckedme Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 "The Real Truth MVP" what should i do..!!!!!!!! i did not understand your answer... i downloaded pcbutts .... i started browsing every microsoft websites, still there are some major problems like error 1079 when i tried to enable security centre in service.exe. again i tried to download "Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool " but i canot download from there.. "This project is not yet published If you are a coordinator or developer on this project, please sign in to access the project." please help me... Quote
Guest David H. Lipman Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 From: "lifesuckedme" <> | "The Real Truth MVP" | i downloaded pcbutts .... i started browsing every microsoft websites, still | there are some major problems like error 1079 when i tried to enable security | centre in service.exe. | again i tried to download "Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool " | but i canot download from there.. | "This project is not yet published | If you are a coordinator or developer on this project, please sign in to | access the project." | please help me... OK. Forget using any more tools suggested here. You need direct, expert, guided assistance. Download and execute HiJack This! (HJT) Then post the contents of the HJT log in your post in one of the below expert forums... { Please - Do NOT post the HJT Log here ! } Forums where you can get expert advice for HiJack This! (HJT) Logs. NOTE: Registration is REQUIRED in any of the below before posting a log Suggested primary: Suggested secondary: Suggested tertiary: -- Dave Multi-AV - Quote
Guest David H. Lipman Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 From: "lifesuckedme" <> | "The Real Truth MVP" | what should i do..!!!!!!!! i did not understand your answer... | i downloaded pcbutts .... i started browsing every microsoft websites, still | there are some major problems like error 1079 when i tried to enable security | centre in service.exe. | again i tried to download "Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool " | but i canot download from there.. | "This project is not yet published | If you are a coordinator or developer on this project, please sign in to | access the project." | please help me... Number one and foremost... Ignore PCBUTTS The following is what you MUST do or you need to wipe your PC and reinstall the OS. Download and execute HiJack This! (HJT) Then post the contents of the HJT log in your post in one of the below expert forums... { Please - Do NOT post the HJT Log here ! } Forums where you can get expert advice for HiJack This! (HJT) Logs. NOTE: Registration is REQUIRED in any of the below before posting a log Suggested primary: Suggested secondary: Suggested tertiary: -- Dave Multi-AV - Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 The only place to get my software is from me and until you prove that it is bad STFU. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message news:%23VZ8NU0EJHA.4784@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... > > "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message > news:%23nzBO0zEJHA.3616@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message >> >>> In article <>, >>> says... >>>> "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. >>> >>> And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be >>> able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you fix >>> your problems. >>> >>> >> >> Ah! But! ............. Just suppose ... it is the other way around! >> >> Maybe he/she is the *good* guy and the tool provided might release a >> 'captured' computer from the clutches of the bad guys. >> >> Hmmmm! >> >> There really is no way of knowing, is there? > > No, not for the average person. > > It is generally not a good idea to get software from unreliable > sources - especially when the same software is just as available > from the reliable ones. > > Because pcbutts was made aware that encouraging people to > download from its site was actually encouraging bad behavior > - and its reaction was of the 'I don't care' ilk - I discourage > people from using its site just based on exhibited personality > traits. > > ...but in the end the choice is up to the person seeking help. > Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 I have the Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool it will fix your issue. Use the email link at the bottom of my webpage and email me and I will send it to you The link to the Codeplex site is down. Do NOT listen to the other fools who want you to format and wipe your system you do NOT need to do that. They will tell you anything to get you to not work with me. I have the knowledge and expertise to fix it they don't. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "lifesuckedme" <> wrote in message > > > "The Real Truth MVP" > > i downloaded pcbutts .... i started browsing every microsoft websites, > still > there are some major problems like error 1079 when i tried to enable > security > centre in service.exe. > > again i tried to download "Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool > " > but i canot download from there.. > > "This project is not yet published > > If you are a coordinator or developer on this project, please sign in to > access the project." > please help me... > > > > Quote
Guest The Real Truth MVP Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 I have the Automatic Updates and WindowsUpdate Reset tool it will fix your issue. Use the email link at the bottom of my webpage and email me and I will send it to you The link to the Codeplex site is down. Do NOT listen to the other fools who want you to format and wipe your system you do NOT need to do that. They will tell you anything to get you to not work with me. I have the knowledge and expertise to fix it they don't. -- Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring them is not an option. "lifesuckedme" <> wrote in message > > > "The Real Truth MVP" : > > i have used only Malware removing tool > Quote
Guest FromTheRafters Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 I didn't say it was bad, what I said was that your usenet personality leads me to not trust you. ....and you have just proven my point. "The Real Truth MVP" <> wrote in message news:uSYxk.37122$ > The only place to get my software is from me and until you prove that it > is bad STFU. > > -- > Cyberstalking is a crime. If you had one as bad as I did simply ignoring > them is not an option. > > > > > "FromTheRafters" <> wrote in message > news:%23VZ8NU0EJHA.4784@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >> >> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message >> news:%23nzBO0zEJHA.3616@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >>> "Leythos" <void@nowhere.lan> wrote in message >>> >>>> In article <>, >>>> says... >>>>> "The Real Truth MVP" the great person for me.. >>>> >>>> And now that you've installed his malware on your computer you won't be >>>> able to access reputable (good) anti-malware sites that can help you >>>> fix >>>> your problems. >>>> >>>> >>> >>> Ah! But! ............. Just suppose ... it is the other way around! >>> >>> Maybe he/she is the *good* guy and the tool provided might release a >>> 'captured' computer from the clutches of the bad guys. >>> >>> Hmmmm! >>> >>> There really is no way of knowing, is there? >> >> No, not for the average person. >> >> It is generally not a good idea to get software from unreliable >> sources - especially when the same software is just as available >> from the reliable ones. >> >> Because pcbutts was made aware that encouraging people to >> download from its site was actually encouraging bad behavior >> - and its reaction was of the 'I don't care' ilk - I discourage >> people from using its site just based on exhibited personality >> traits. >> >> ...but in the end the choice is up to the person seeking help. >> > Quote
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