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Source Code

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Guest George Ellis

Yes, I am sure there is. It is next to the hanger with the UFO in it. That

source code is in a new 5GL based on alien technology.


Dude, you have an obsessive issue with "source code". EVER company that

writes code has a "department" that is keeping their work "under wraps". It

is called competition. And wow, it is all "new source code".


Animaton. Do I win the Turing test?


"Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Thank you George for your feedback. Now, at Microsoft wasn't there some

> project that is being kept under wraps in a separate department that is

> quietly at work developing a new source code because I thought I read

> something about it back in July of 2008 but there was only a small amount

> of

> data on the topic and I have even forgotten the name of the new source

> code.

> Can anyone please refresh my memory?


> "George Ellis" wrote:


>> Your first incorrect assumption is that Wikipedia is a complete and

>> correct

>> source of information. Wiki is only as good as those that control the

>> editing and in some places it is extremely bias.


>> I am sure there are code segments plagerized from the original NT

>> codebase.

>> But... to support Vista's 32/64 bit variants and the new security models,

>> all of that plagerized code has been modified to possibly something

>> unrecognizable from the original. Just because it is written down or in

>> the

>> newspaper does not make it true.


>> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message

>> news:22B13749-E86E-4E83-B1DC-AA66C4D11131@microsoft.com...

>> > Here is an article about how the NT source code was leaked and

>> > apparently

>> > even DOS source code was leaked back in the day but no one cared

>> > because

>> > it

>> > was so old. I now ask Microsoft how long will it be before Microsoft

>> > has

>> > new

>> > operating systems with new source code. Wikipedia mentions Windows 7

>> > will

>> > use the Windows NT source code much to my dismay. How about the

>> > successor

>> > to

>> > Windows 7 will people finally get an operating system with new source

>> > code

>> > that will be a relief from the tired out code that has caused so many

>> > security problems.

>> >

>> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3485545.stm

>> >

>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7

>> >

>> >




Guest Root Kit

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 08:33:38 +0100, "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>


>C'mon - be nice! :)))


Gimme just one reason why I should be nice to Dan.

Guest Alun Jones

"Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Thank you George for your feedback. Now, at Microsoft wasn't there some

> project that is being kept under wraps in a separate department that is

> quietly at work developing a new source code because I thought I read

> something about it back in July of 2008 but there was only a small amount

> of

> data on the topic and I have even forgotten the name of the new source

> code.

> Can anyone please refresh my memory?


I believe the word you're looking for is "Midori".


However, there are so many research projects into new operating systems,

display products, network stacks, interfaces, etc, that Microsoft puts their

efforts into, it's difficult to judge where any particular project is



Let's look at this logically - either Midori is designed to emulate the

Win32 API, in which case it inherits many of the quirks of the Win32 API

that have made security a tricky task, or it is designed not to be like

Win32, in which case few will switch to it because of the lack of

applications. Or it'll be something in-between, in which case, it's going to

face a lot of both problems.


There has been no proposal made public about a project to replace the

existing Windows code with all-new code - after all, most of the code is

time-tested and reliable, so why on earth would you?


Remember that for an operating system to stay functioning, most of its code

has to be working correctly, and the thought of throwing out all of that

code, and re-writing it from scratch is not something a company should take






Texas Imperial Software | Web: http://www.wftpd.com/

23921 57th Ave SE | Blog: http://msmvps.com/alunj/

Woodinville WA 98072-8661 | WFTPD, WFTPD Pro are Windows FTP servers.

Fax/Voice +1(425)807-1787 | Try our NEW client software, WFTPD Explorer.

Guest Alun Jones

"Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Thank you George for your feedback. Now, at Microsoft wasn't there some

> project that is being kept under wraps in a separate department that is

> quietly at work developing a new source code because I thought I read

> something about it back in July of 2008 but there was only a small amount

> of

> data on the topic and I have even forgotten the name of the new source

> code.

> Can anyone please refresh my memory?


I believe the word you're looking for is "Midori".




However, there are so many research projects into new operating systems,

display products, network stacks, interfaces, etc, that Microsoft puts their

efforts into, it's difficult to judge where any particular project is



Let's look at this logically - either Midori is designed to emulate the

Win32 API, in which case it inherits many of the quirks of the Win32 API

that have made security a tricky task, or it is designed not to be like

Win32, in which case few will switch to it because of the lack of

applications. Or it'll be something in-between, in which case, it's going to

face a lot of both problems.


There has been no proposal made public about a project to replace the

existing Windows code with all-new code - after all, most of the code is

time-tested and reliable, so why on earth would you?


Remember that for an operating system to stay functioning, most of its code

has to be working correctly, and the thought of throwing out all of that

code, and re-writing it from scratch is not something a company should take






Texas Imperial Software | Web: http://www.wftpd.com/

23921 57th Ave SE | Blog: http://msmvps.com/alunj/

Woodinville WA 98072-8661 | WFTPD, WFTPD Pro are Windows FTP servers.

Fax/Voice +1(425)807-1787 | Try our NEW client software, WFTPD Explorer.


"Root Kit" <b__nice@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:62c2c45e6psgem3m4b2cr1phvl8ahks0vu@4ax.com...

> On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 08:33:38 +0100, "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>

> wrote:


>>C'mon - be nice! :)))


> Gimme just one reason why I should be nice to Dan.


OK - Dan is a human being.

"Although we have been endowed with profound resources of character, we see that, left to


our egos, we are nonetheless weak, powerless and in need. Perhaps the Creator wanted us to


realize that we would only find strength in the help and support of a higher Source. He created a


strong opposition for us to provoke this realization. If this dilemma were to totally disappear,


everything would disappear. Both are needed the personal and the spiritual give each other


meaning. Together they help the human being to understand with true humility its utter


dependence on God. That is the secret of the two opposing possibilities for human selfhood: the


ego and the soul.


In other words this struggle between the two sides of ourselves will only be concluded when


a higher power comes into play. For this it is necessary to make a call for divine assistance, to


realize in humility our dependence on God, and, without abandoning the struggle with our


egocentric compulsions, to pray that these compulsions be dissolved.


This is the inner dilemma we human beings experience. If the human being, instead of just


looking at itself, could step back and see the whole situation, then it would indeed see who is



the cause of all this, who is really making each of them do what it does. Then it would have found


the truth. Then truth and justice would be established. All sides of the human being would


surrender to the Divine."




A quote from this pdf document:- http://thebook.org/tep-articles/uploads/humanbeing.pdf








Re: Source Code att Dave


Thank you, Alun Jones and this was exactly what I was wondering about. You

are truly an awesome and great individual. <smiles> {BTW, Dave don't bother

with RootKit aka B_Nice because he/she is really a troll who takes and takes

and rarely helps anyone. I can only think of one recent incident that the

individual was nice enough to help someone and then on another occasion

freaked out about how the whole newsgroup could not relax and have fun and

most focus only about security. The best thing I have realized is just to

ignore them if they are not helpful and my list of ignoring people is only 1

in the newsgroups and so I think that is fairly good, don't you think.



"Alun Jones" wrote:

> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message

> news:54616E2F-025A-4544-8224-514E81B52E09@microsoft.com...

> > Thank you George for your feedback. Now, at Microsoft wasn't there some

> > project that is being kept under wraps in a separate department that is

> > quietly at work developing a new source code because I thought I read

> > something about it back in July of 2008 but there was only a small amount

> > of

> > data on the topic and I have even forgotten the name of the new source

> > code.

> > Can anyone please refresh my memory?


> I believe the word you're looking for is "Midori".


> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midori_(operating_system)


> However, there are so many research projects into new operating systems,

> display products, network stacks, interfaces, etc, that Microsoft puts their

> efforts into, it's difficult to judge where any particular project is

> headed.


> Let's look at this logically - either Midori is designed to emulate the

> Win32 API, in which case it inherits many of the quirks of the Win32 API

> that have made security a tricky task, or it is designed not to be like

> Win32, in which case few will switch to it because of the lack of

> applications. Or it'll be something in-between, in which case, it's going to

> face a lot of both problems.


> There has been no proposal made public about a project to replace the

> existing Windows code with all-new code - after all, most of the code is

> time-tested and reliable, so why on earth would you?


> Remember that for an operating system to stay functioning, most of its code

> has to be working correctly, and the thought of throwing out all of that

> code, and re-writing it from scratch is not something a company should take

> lightly.


> Alun.

> ~~~~

> --

> Texas Imperial Software | Web: http://www.wftpd.com/

> 23921 57th Ave SE | Blog: http://msmvps.com/alunj/

> Woodinville WA 98072-8661 | WFTPD, WFTPD Pro are Windows FTP servers.

> Fax/Voice +1(425)807-1787 | Try our NEW client software, WFTPD Explorer.





Re: Source Code att Dave


"Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


{BTW, Dave don't bother with RootKit aka B_Nice because he/she is really a troll who takes and

takes and rarely helps anyone. I can only think of one recent incident that the individual was

nice enough to help someone and then on another occasion freaked out about how the whole newsgroup

could not relax and have fun and most focus only about security. The best thing I have realized is

just to ignore them if they are not helpful and my list of ignoring people is only 1 in the

newsgroups and so I think that is fairly good, don't you think. <grin>}




Well, Dan, I have felt, from time to time, that RootKit and I were/are on the same wavelength, so to

speak. I also seem to recall that I also once invited him to post on Jenn's BB too (but AFAICT, he

never came to visit http://pqlr.org/bbs/ ). I also have a strong suspicion that he has probably

forgotten more about computing than I've ever learned, so I'm happy to accept his advice on

technical matters! :)


We must all learn to be patient with one another - we all have our individual reasons for operating

here! <wink>





Guest Root Kit

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 15:44:26 +0100, "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>



>"Root Kit" <b__nice@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:62c2c45e6psgem3m4b2cr1phvl8ahks0vu@4ax.com...

>> On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 08:33:38 +0100, "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid>

>> wrote:


>>>C'mon - be nice! :)))


>> Gimme just one reason why I should be nice to Dan.


>OK - Dan is a human being.


I can provide you with a long list of human beings that deserve no

respect and who do not deserve to be treated nicely. Being a human

being simply isn't enough to qualify for that.

Guest FromTheRafters

Re: Source Code att Dave


I have had to agree with "RootKit" on technical terms in

all of his posts I have read. His 'delivery' may rub some

people the wrong way - but being correct has its merits.


Re: Source Code att Dave


Seconded! :)




PS You're pretty good yourself! <wink>



"FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:u5bou$4DJHA.4760@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>I have had to agree with "RootKit" on technical terms in

> all of his posts I have read. His 'delivery' may rub some

> people the wrong way - but being correct has its merits.




Re: Source Code att Dave


Agreed and patience is indeed a virtue which I do lack. {grin and thanks}

BTW, Gary S. Terhune gets credit for some knowledge I know and he and Chris

Quirke and others over in 98 general are really smart. Unfortunately, there

is not the interest in 98 general newsgroup as there used to be since the

operating system is so old and one has to wonder if even Mozilla Firefox will

support it after this year because Mozilla says they are going to give up on

version 2 by the end of the year and version 3 does not support Windows 98.

{I happily say this while I post using Windows 98 Second Edition and Mozilla

Firefox -- grins}


"~BD~" wrote:

> Seconded! :)


> Dave


> PS You're pretty good yourself! <wink>


> --

> "FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:u5bou$4DJHA.4760@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

> >I have had to agree with "RootKit" on technical terms in

> > all of his posts I have read. His 'delivery' may rub some

> > people the wrong way - but being correct has its merits.

> >

> >




Guest FromTheRafters

Re: Source Code att Dave


"Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Agreed and patience is indeed a virtue which I do lack. {grin and thanks}

> BTW, Gary S. Terhune gets credit for some knowledge I know and he and

> Chris

> Quirke and others over in 98 general are really smart. Unfortunately,

> there

> is not the interest in 98 general newsgroup as there used to be since the

> operating system is so old and one has to wonder if even Mozilla Firefox

> will

> support it after this year because Mozilla says they are going to give up

> on

> version 2 by the end of the year and version 3 does not support Windows

> 98.

> {I happily say this while I post using Windows 98 Second Edition and

> Mozilla

> Firefox -- grins}


The not so slow march of progress leaves behind many

good things. Up until I sent my old computers down the

recycle stream I was able to post with Forte Agent on

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 using Wolverine. If a

newsgroup exists for that, I suspect it is rather quiet too.


Posting through a newsreader program is far superior to

posting through a browser and a web interface. Outlook

Express or Windows Mail are okay, but others are better

both in available functions and in security.


Re: Source Code att Dave


"FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:eTe3PbCEJHA.3844@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...


> The not so slow march of progress leaves behind many

> good things. Up until I sent my old computers down the

> recycle stream I was able to post with Forte Agent on

> Windows for Workgroups 3.11 using Wolverine. If a

> newsgroup exists for that, I suspect it is rather quiet too.



When at work, my first Laptop came with Windows 3.1 :)


> Posting through a newsreader program is far superior to

> posting through a browser and a web interface. Outlook

> Express or Windows Mail are okay, but others are better

> both in available functions and in security.



Do you have a particular favourite FTR? Is there one, or more, which you would recommend? Please

advise. TIA


With regard to security ......... I'm uncertain how to phrase this ............. when I use OE6 I

appear to be connected directly to a server and often have almost instantaneous posting of my

message(s) on same. I have often wondered if I'm creating a hole in my defenses (firewall, anti-

this and that) by so doing, which might allow someone with malicious intent to gain access to my PC.


I'm in no way concerned about the microsoft servers ........... but have been highly suspicious when

using OE to connect to 'private' servers.


Any thoughts about this? TIA






Re: Source Code att Dave


Very true but I don't want Gary S. Terhune, mvp to think I am trying to be an

alias again which I sadly did as Art Wilder on his computer because I was

afraid of man and the fear of identity theft. Now that it has hit me, I am

no longer afraid and now just try to be cautious and not stupid but you are

fully correct that a good newsreader is better than the clumsy web based



"FromTheRafters" wrote:


> "Dan" <Dan@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message

> news:3812912A-729E-4B2F-A4CA-AE74FB281697@microsoft.com...

> > Agreed and patience is indeed a virtue which I do lack. {grin and thanks}

> > BTW, Gary S. Terhune gets credit for some knowledge I know and he and

> > Chris

> > Quirke and others over in 98 general are really smart. Unfortunately,

> > there

> > is not the interest in 98 general newsgroup as there used to be since the

> > operating system is so old and one has to wonder if even Mozilla Firefox

> > will

> > support it after this year because Mozilla says they are going to give up

> > on

> > version 2 by the end of the year and version 3 does not support Windows

> > 98.

> > {I happily say this while I post using Windows 98 Second Edition and

> > Mozilla

> > Firefox -- grins}


> The not so slow march of progress leaves behind many

> good things. Up until I sent my old computers down the

> recycle stream I was able to post with Forte Agent on

> Windows for Workgroups 3.11 using Wolverine. If a

> newsgroup exists for that, I suspect it is rather quiet too.


> Posting through a newsreader program is far superior to

> posting through a browser and a web interface. Outlook

> Express or Windows Mail are okay, but others are better

> both in available functions and in security.





Re: Source Code att Dave


I would go with a later and better newsreader but I am not the best one to

suggest one since I post using the web as my interface. I tried Mozilla

Thunderbird and it was good but I am sure there are ones that are much better.


"~BD~" wrote:


> "FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:eTe3PbCEJHA.3844@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

> <snip>

> > The not so slow march of progress leaves behind many

> > good things. Up until I sent my old computers down the

> > recycle stream I was able to post with Forte Agent on

> > Windows for Workgroups 3.11 using Wolverine. If a

> > newsgroup exists for that, I suspect it is rather quiet too.



> When at work, my first Laptop came with Windows 3.1 :)



> > Posting through a newsreader program is far superior to

> > posting through a browser and a web interface. Outlook

> > Express or Windows Mail are okay, but others are better

> > both in available functions and in security.



> Do you have a particular favourite FTR? Is there one, or more, which you would recommend? Please

> advise. TIA


> With regard to security ......... I'm uncertain how to phrase this ............. when I use OE6 I

> appear to be connected directly to a server and often have almost instantaneous posting of my

> message(s) on same. I have often wondered if I'm creating a hole in my defenses (firewall, anti-

> this and that) by so doing, which might allow someone with malicious intent to gain access to my PC.


> I'm in no way concerned about the microsoft servers ........... but have been highly suspicious when

> using OE to connect to 'private' servers.


> Any thoughts about this? TIA


> Dave


> --




Guest FromTheRafters

Re: Source Code att Dave


>> Posting through a newsreader program is far superior to

>> posting through a browser and a web interface. Outlook

>> Express or Windows Mail are okay, but others are better

>> both in available functions and in security.


> Do you have a particular favourite FTR? Is there one, or more, which you

> would recommend? Please advise. TIA


I'm not familiar with any other modern newsreaders as I've

been using OE and Windows Mail for quite a while now. The

main drawbacks with OE used to be no 'regular expression'

filtering and no 'text only' mode for reading. I just got these

machines up and running and haven't looked at the filtering

options yet.

> With regard to security ......... I'm uncertain how to phrase this

> ............. when I use OE6 I appear to be connected directly to a server

> and often have almost instantaneous posting of my message(s) on same. I

> have often wondered if I'm creating a hole in my defenses (firewall, anti-

> this and that) by so doing, which might allow someone with malicious

> intent to gain access to my PC.


No worse than any other ports and protocols.

> I'm in no way concerned about the microsoft servers ........... but have

> been highly suspicious when using OE to connect to 'private' servers.


> Any thoughts about this? TIA


The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am

aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions

that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the

e-mail protocols.


Re: Source Code att Dave


"FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:u1EvKOUEJHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

> The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am

> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions

> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the

> e-mail protocols.



Second attempt at posting this through Outlook Express:



Hmmm! <stroking chin!>


What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including screenshots) - there's a term for

that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.



I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to be sent to me). I opened

the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.



I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow! Inside that file, above

all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of

course I went and looked! <grin>



During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM (advertising the likes of Viagra

and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain, taking me to a SPAM site!



I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own eyes! So there!



Any thoughts?




Guest FromTheRafters

Re: Source Code att Dave


"~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message



> "FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message

> news:u1EvKOUEJHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

>> The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am

>> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions

>> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the

>> e-mail protocols.



> Second attempt at posting this through Outlook Express:



> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>


> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including

> screenshots) - there's a term for

> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.


There's RTF (Rich Text Format) and HTML (HyperText

Markup Language) the latter is how active content can be

contained within - and this feature can be abused.

> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to

> be sent to me). I opened

> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.


Millions of people do that every day. E-mail wasn't designed

as a file transfer protocol, but the MIME extension allows it.

> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow!

> Inside that file, above

> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner

> of web pages ,,,,,,,, of

> course I went and looked! <grin>


Live links in notepad? I don't get that in notepad or wordpad.

Anyway, when I used to view files in this manner I always

used "Edit" (which in the MS-DOS days also required the

Qbasic files). Type "edit" into the command prompt or the

run box. I don't want an editor to interpret content. If the

file is formatted text wordpad is good enough, but first time

I always used "Edit".

> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM

> (advertising the likes of Viagra

> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain,

> taking me to a SPAM site!


Probably wasn't *really* a jpeg. The OS I used to use had

a habit of having jpeg files (actually, any file with a .jpg as an

extension) open with a default program that also interpreted

HTML. I made another program my default for opening files

of that type - I don't want my "picture" viewer or editor to

interpret active content either.

> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own

> eyes! So there!


You probably don't still have that kicking around anymore

so I can't see it with my own eyes - yet I believe it was

not a jpeg, or rather not *just* a jpeg file.


I even avoided using "type" in DOS to view the contents

of files because I found that the old ctrl+g that used to ring

the teletype bell sounded the PC speaker - I didn't want

my 'typing to screen' to be doing anything other than typing

symbols to the screen.

> Any thoughts?


Yes, but they get fewer and farther between these days. :o)


Re: Source Code att Dave


"FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message news:epNIEOgEJHA.4092@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...

> "~BD~" <BoaterDave@nospam.invalid> wrote in message news:OOkndJdEJHA.5732@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...


>> "FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message

>> news:u1EvKOUEJHA.4488@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

>>> The transmission is textual - the protocol has no issues I am

>>> aware of. Any security risk would probably be in the extensions

>>> that allow this textual data to 'contain' malware - similar to the

>>> e-mail protocols.



>> Second attempt at posting this through Outlook Express:



>> Hmmm! <stroking chin!>


>> What about when 'pictures' or photographs are included (including screenshots) - there's a term

>> for

>> that which escapes me right now! In other words, not in 'plain text'.


> There's RTF (Rich Text Format) and HTML (HyperText

> Markup Language) the latter is how active content can be

> contained within - and this feature can be abused.


>> I once received a 'screenshot' as an email attachment (I'd asked for it to be sent to me). I

>> opened

>> the 'picture' (jpeg I think) and all seemed fine.


> Millions of people do that every day. E-mail wasn't designed

> as a file transfer protocol, but the MIME extension allows it.


>> I then opened the file with Notepad (I do crazy things like that!). Wow! Inside that file, above

>> all the 'gobbledegook' one might expect, were *live* links to all manner of web pages ,,,,,,,, of

>> course I went and looked! <grin>


> Live links in notepad? I don't get that in notepad or wordpad.

> Anyway, when I used to view files in this manner I always

> used "Edit" (which in the MS-DOS days also required the

> Qbasic files). Type "edit" into the command prompt or the

> run box. I don't want an editor to interpret content. If the

> file is formatted text wordpad is good enough, but first time

> I always used "Edit".


>> During my experimentation over the years, I've seen lots of SPAM (advertising the likes of Viagra

>> and Jewelry) - every one of those links shown in Notepad was, I'm certain, taking me to a SPAM

>> site!


> Probably wasn't *really* a jpeg. The OS I used to use had

> a habit of having jpeg files (actually, any file with a .jpg as an

> extension) open with a default program that also interpreted

> HTML. I made another program my default for opening files

> of that type - I don't want my "picture" viewer or editor to

> interpret active content either.


>> I''ve been told that is impossible ........... yet I saw it with my own eyes! So there!


> You probably don't still have that kicking around anymore

> so I can't see it with my own eyes - yet I believe it was

> not a jpeg, or rather not *just* a jpeg file.


> I even avoided using "type" in DOS to view the contents

> of files because I found that the old ctrl+g that used to ring

> the teletype bell sounded the PC speaker - I didn't want

> my 'typing to screen' to be doing anything other than typing

> symbols to the screen.


>> Any thoughts?


> Yes, but they get fewer and farther between these days. :o)




Magic final comment, FTR <big grin> I know the feeling! However - thank you for answering so



You are correct, I dont still have that screenshot and I used the jpeg term in a generalistic

manner - it was a 'picture' extention! <smile>


I'd like some further advice on 'Certificates' ......... but it's late now. I'll get back to you if

I may.


Thanks again.



Guest FromTheRafters

Re: Source Code att Dave


> I'd like some further advice on 'Certificates' ......... but it's late

> now. I'll get back to you if I may.


I don't know much about them. Better to start a new thread

and let someone else advise.


Certificates query


"FromTheRafters" <erratic@ne.rr.com> wrote in message


>> I'd like some further advice on 'Certificates' ......... but it's late now. I'll get back to you

>> if I may.


> I don't know much about them. Better to start a new thread

> and let someone else advise.




OK - new thread started! (In microsoft.public.security.homeusers)


Sorry about the senior moment - I'd thought *you* had responded previously but later determined that

it had been Charlie42.


I do, though, appreciate the advice which you have given me. Thank you.





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