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BSOD: PC has been crashing for years but it is now becoming unusable.

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Good people of Microsoft forums, I desperately need your help. My PC has been crashing for years, but it is finally getting to the point where it is becoming unusable to game with. I suspect based on the googling that I have done so far that my GPU may be dying. But I would really love someone to tell me that this is just a quick and easy software fix.Below is my file. I ran the Minidump file,https://1drv.ms/u/c/4a878f10a6fc4751/EbMaMB3l62pKgGnM88sEeLkBWd-Zr4iGUv5TDBkYsUE4UA?e=LKFdybThrough WindDBG and it came back with anUNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (7f) But I honestly don't know exactly

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