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Windows 11 Pro DPI Scaling, affects cursor speed. At 150%, the curser also travels faster. How can I separate speed from ui scaling?

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I recently stumbled upon this problem, that with my 32inch 4K screen, I need to set my Scaling to 125% or 150% to better see things. But then the mouse also travels faster! I use no accerleration and the mouse at 1000dpi, and I measured the travel from one screen side to the other at 100% and the travel should be at a width of 3820px oviously 3,82 inches, whichs it is, but only at 100% scaling. Now if I increase the scaling to say 200% the mouse only needs to travel half of 3,82inches, so aproximatly 1,91 inches, but the irony is, that in reality of course, itstill has to travel 3820px in widt

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