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I bought my Lenovo Thinkpad Grand 4 T480 second hand and I can't remove the activation lock bsod and I already did jailbreak and it's still the same

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I put a jailbreak on my Lenovo Thinkpad T480 and when I charged it and turned it on and off for it to take effect it stopped workingBSOD CRITICAL_TERMINAL_JAILBREAKED appearedWhen I plug it into a charger or an Acer computer it turns on but the button and the screen to put recovery from another PC workI don't know what I did wrong and also the jailbreaks were compatible and the Thinkpad Home Screen doesn't appear. Among other messages, your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart, you can restart. I also can't connect Acer PC to Thinkpad PC and it works CRITICAL_TERMINAL_DANGEROUSSeveral pr

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