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"Lori" wrote:

> I have Micorsoft Works Suite 2005, recently I have been having problems with

> it. First I couldn't use the "making a card feature" when I tried it said

> to insert Disk #2 and that wouldn't run. So now I have uninstalled it, then

> reinstalled it. Now when I try to open Microsoft Word I get this message:

> This patch pakage could not be opened.

> Verify that the patch package exists and

> that you can access it, or contact the

> application vendor to verify this is a

> valid Windows Installer patch pakage.

> I don't know where to go I tried to find a patch to no avail, I did do the

> Service Pack 3 Update, but that didn't help. My comp is brand new only 2

> months old and I need Micorsoft Word. Thanks...

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