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Worries About Stealing, etc

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Guest David Kaye

You guys...you're all getting worked up about who stole what ideas and who


pirated what scripts and whatnot. Easy there. The world is full of people


who steal things, or borrow them, or incorporate them, or are inspired by






Apple tried to sue Microsoft over the Macintosh "look and feel" and then


Microsoft pointed out that Apple took the Macintosh style from the Xerox Star


system. Case dropped.




Anybody who is truly inventive will come up with newer ideas and better


implementations. They don't have to worry about the also-ran copiers because


the folks who copy will always be left in the dust.




So, quit your bitching already and let's get back to malware problems, okay?

Guest Leythos

In article , sfdavidkaye2


@yahoo.com says...




> So, quit your bitching already and let's get back to malware problems, okay?






When you have something that you value, that you've created, stolen by


another person and the credit changed to that person, you won't feel the


same way.






You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest Peter Foldes











Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others


Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.




"Leythos" wrote in message




> In article , sfdavidkaye2


> @yahoo.com says...




>> So, quit your bitching already and let's get back to malware problems, okay?






> When you have something that you value, that you've created, stolen by


> another person and the credit changed to that person, you won't feel the


> same way.




> --


> You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


> voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


> Trust yourself.


> spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest David Kaye

Leythos wrote:



>When you have something that you value, that you've created, stolen by


>another person and the credit changed to that person, you won't feel the


>same way.




Oh, it's happened to me. I created a list of telco area codes and prefixes,


toll charges (remember those?) and a small custom database program to display


them. It would work on any DOS or Windows machine. It was a simple, handy


way to check on long distance charges before making phone calls. It even had


a hotkey set up under DOS where you could press an F key and bring it up.




Sure enough, someone stole it, put their name on it, whatever.




As DOS went on and Windows got faster and long distance charges no longer made


a difference, my program was quickly obsolete anyway. And that's the way it


is in software. You build something and you move on. The imitators will be


imitating last year's ideas.




This is especially true of anti-malware programs. I mean, heck, does anybody


who knows anything use Norton or McAfee anymore? Or how about Ad Aware? AAW


was hot just a year ago. Now it's yesterday's news. StopZilla?


Spyware Doctor? SpySweeper? Hello?




You folks look like crybabies, bitching and moaning about who is stealing what


from whom and who is a good anti-malware expert and who isn't. There is room


enough for everyone at this table -- there is room enough for everyone who can


contribute ideas that will help to head off this invasion.

Guest David Kaye

sfdavidkaye2@yahoo.com (David Kaye) wrote:



>You build something and you move on. The imitators will be


>imitating last year's ideas.




Here's a great example. The McDonald brotherss did not invent the hamburger.


They figured out a way to mass produce them and sell them fast. McDonald's


grew into a huge organization, for a long time #1 in fast food.




McDonald's spends money to scout new locations. And guess what: Burger King


comes along and without spending money to scout new locations, they open up


down the street from the new McDonald's.




So, Burger King is stealing McDonald's game plan. But remember, who is #1 and


who is #2. Burger King will never be #1 because they're always following, one


step behind.

Guest Tom Willett

: You folks look like crybabies, bitching and moaning about who is stealing




: from whom and who is a good anti-malware expert and who isn't. There is




: enough for everyone at this table -- there is room enough for everyone who




: contribute ideas that will help to head off this invasion.




and your little epistle isn't going to change anything.



Guest FromTheRafters

"David Kaye" wrote in message




> You guys...you're all getting worked up about who stole what ideas and


> who


> pirated what scripts and whatnot. Easy there. The world is full of


> people


> who steal things, or borrow them, or incorporate them, or are inspired


> by


> them.




> Apple tried to sue Microsoft over the Macintosh "look and feel" and


> then


> Microsoft pointed out that Apple took the Macintosh style from the


> Xerox Star


> system. Case dropped.




> Anybody who is truly inventive will come up with newer ideas and


> better


> implementations. They don't have to worry about the also-ran copiers


> because


> the folks who copy will always be left in the dust.




> So, quit your bitching already and let's get back to malware problems,


> okay?




So it is okay with you to send folks needing help to a known liar and


thief's website?




....or to not warn them about the ethics of the PCButts1 domain owner?




Are you forgetting that "security" is in the name of this newsgroup as


well as "virus" is?




Warning folks about PCButts could be considered on topic for this group.

Guest Leythos

In article , sfdavidkaye2


@yahoo.com says...


> As DOS went on and Windows got faster and long distance charges no longer made


> a difference, my program was quickly obsolete anyway. And that's the way it


> is in software. You build something and you move on. The imitators will be


> imitating last year's ideas.






So, your program was made obsolete and you don't mind and you stopped


developing it.




How about you get on the same page with the victims of this theft - they




TO MANY, but you want people to ignore that their hard work is being


pirated, their names removed, and that someone is making a profit off


their continued work?






You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest Leythos

In article , sfdavidkaye2


@yahoo.com says...




> sfdavidkaye2@yahoo.com (David Kaye) wrote:




> >You build something and you move on. The imitators will be


> >imitating last year's ideas.




> Here's a great example.


[snip broken example that doesn't come close]




The pirated code was unique, it is still of value, still in service,


still being updated as new malware is released, and it's STILL BEING








UPDATED DAILY/WEEKLY and claiming it's his code.










You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest David Kaye

Leythos wrote:





>UPDATED DAILY/WEEKLY and claiming it's his code.




So get a cease and desist order on him already and be done with it. And if


that doesn't work then sue him. If the code is so valuable then it's worth


hiring a lawyer to make sure it doesn't get stolen.

Guest David Kaye

"FromTheRafters" wrote:



>So it is okay with you to send folks needing help to a known liar and


>thief's website?




Personally, I'm here and not reading a lot of the websites because the info


here is near-instantaneous and not filtered by webmasters. I find a lot of


stuff on websites to be either incomplete or just plain wrong. What other


people do to get their info isn't of much concern to me.




I try to share what I can of the information I get, but Jesus Christ on a


Stick, it is getting so annoying having a newsgroup filled with


he-said/she-said all the time.

Guest Leythos

In article , sfdavidkaye2


@yahoo.com says...




> Leythos wrote:






> >UPDATED DAILY/WEEKLY and claiming it's his code.




> So get a cease and desist order on him already and be done with it. And if


> that doesn't work then sue him. If the code is so valuable then it's worth


> hiring a lawyer to make sure it doesn't get stolen.




It's hard to start a case from a person in the UK, an INDIVIDUAL THAT


TAKES NO MONEY FOR THEIR WORKS, in the USA - it's not cheap. Butts knows


this, that's why he takes code from people from outside the USA.






You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest David Kaye

Leythos wrote:



>It's hard to start a case from a person in the UK, an INDIVIDUAL THAT


>TAKES NO MONEY FOR THEIR WORKS, in the USA - it's not cheap. Butts knows


>this, that's why he takes code from people from outside the USA.




Again, if the code is worth so much, then it's worth hiring legal counsel to


make it right. I suspect that the code is not worth very much.

Guest Leythos

In article , sfdavidkaye2


@yahoo.com says...




> Leythos wrote:




> >It's hard to start a case from a person in the UK, an INDIVIDUAL THAT


> >TAKES NO MONEY FOR THEIR WORKS, in the USA - it's not cheap. Butts knows


> >this, that's why he takes code from people from outside the USA.




> Again, if the code is worth so much, then it's worth hiring legal counsel to


> make it right. I suspect that the code is not worth very much.




And you don't seem to understand how much it costs to file a case from


outside the country.






You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest David Kaye

Leythos wrote:



>> Again, if the code is worth so much, then it's worth hiring legal counsel to


>> make it right. I suspect that the code is not worth very much.




>And you don't seem to understand how much it costs to file a case from


>outside the country.




Again, if the code is worth so much, then it's worth hiring legal counsel to


make it right. I suspect that the code is not worth very much.




You're going round and round with this. People have some very inflated ideas


of the value of what they do. Some people think that just because they write


something or come up with a name that they've created value and that they


deserve to retire rich.




Let me say, having filed trademarks and copyrights and having seen


intellectual property stolen by some of the best in the business, a lot of


this stuff simply isn't worth very much in the first place.




Again, the creative person can re-create the code better than before, while


the imitator will always be in second place. The only trouble is if the


imitator has better marketing than the originator. So, maybe the originator


needs to enlist the help of marketing people. Generally, this doesn't happen


because the originator is so headstrong that they can't work with others.




If you truly have good code, enlist the help of a partner who can bring it to



Guest Andy Medina

"David Kaye" wrote in message










So now you are engaged in the same stuff you originally stated you


"have no time for".


Remember the "Tirades" thread:




From: "David Kaye"


Subject: The Tirades


Date: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:23 PM




If you folks keep bitching and fighting instead of fighting malware


I'm going


to go away. I am trying to contribute useful information from my work


in the


field, but I'll be damned if I'm going to continue here if 3/4 of the


stuff is


people bitching at each other over perceived slights. I have no time


for it.

Guest David H. Lipman

From: "Andy Medina"




| "David Kaye" wrote in message


| news:hpo3i7$vsn$1@news.eternal-september.org...


| [stuff]






| So now you are engaged in the same stuff you originally stated you


| "have no time for".


| Remember the "Tirades" thread:




| From: "David Kaye"


| Subject: The Tirades


| Date: Thursday, March 11, 2010 12:23 PM




| If you folks keep bitching and fighting instead of fighting malware


| I'm going


| to go away. I am trying to contribute useful information from my work


| in the


| field, but I'll be damned if I'm going to continue here if 3/4 of the


| stuff is


| people bitching at each other over perceived slights. I have no time


| for it.


















Multi-AV - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp

Guest The Real Truth MVP

First let me say again that nothing of mine is stolen. That is why there is


no law suit. Second my software is nothing but standard DOS commands put


into a batch file. So if anyone is to sue me it would have to be Bill Gates.


All that BS Leythos has you believing is just that BS. He's pulling your


chain. That's what trolls do. Leythos wants you believe that I have been


doing that for 5 years. Yet not one law suit. You do the math, open your










The Real Truth http://pcbutts1-therealtruth.blogspot.com/


*WARNING* Do NOT follow any advice given by the people listed below.


They do NOT have the expertise or knowledge to fix your issue. Do not waste


your time.


David H Lipman, Malke, PA Bear, Beauregard T. Shagnasty, Leythos.










"David Kaye" wrote in message




> Leythos wrote:




>>It's hard to start a case from a person in the UK, an INDIVIDUAL THAT


>>TAKES NO MONEY FOR THEIR WORKS, in the USA - it's not cheap. Butts knows


>>this, that's why he takes code from people from outside the USA.




> Again, if the code is worth so much, then it's worth hiring legal counsel


> to


> make it right. I suspect that the code is not worth very much.



Guest David Kaye

"Andy Medina" wrote:



>So now you are engaged in the same stuff you originally stated you


>"have no time for".




For a few moments, then I drop it. Notice that I have made very few posts on


this topic compared with the others.

Guest FromTheRafters

"The Real Truth MVP" wrote in message





> First let me say again that nothing of mine is stolen.




But you *do* make unauthorized use of the work product of others.



> That is why there is no law suit.




That doesn't follow - there can be any number of reasons for not filing


a lawsuit.



> Second my software is nothing but standard DOS commands put into a


> batch file. So if anyone is to sue me it would have to be Bill Gates.




It's all destined to be ones and zeroes, and nobody owns those (so


you're in the clear). :o\




(wanna buy a bridge?)




[more lies removed]

Guest Leythos

In article , trt@void.com says...


> First let me say again that nothing of mine is stolen.






Notice the play on words? Nothing of HIS is stolen, but he fails to


mention that content HE'S INCLUDED came from others and the embedded


signatures that are fakes, put there by the real authors prove he's


"Stolen" the code he claims as HIS.






You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest Leythos

Worries About Stealing, etc - PCBUTTS Exposed, again


In article , trt@void.com says...


> All that BS Leythos has you believing is just that BS. He's pulling your


> chain. That's what trolls do. Leythos wants you believe that I have been


> doing that for 5 years. Yet not one law suit. You do the math, open your


> eyes.








This is from a thread in July 2009, it clearly shows that Butts pirated


Stuarts work and included it in his "batch" file that butts takes credit


for. You can search Usenet archives for this if you want to follow the








From Leythos:




For those that don't know, Stuart inserted the obatssrsghde.exe marker


into his batch file to prove, to the community, that PCBUTTS1 / The Real


Truth MVP is actually a lying thief, and PCBUTTS admitted in his own


post that he created the marker and claimed to know what it was - even


claimed to have submitted the malware to anti-virus vendors, but the


joke was on him, Stuart told everyone in the community about it BEFORE


it appeared in PCBUTTS1 download.... There is no actual file named


obatssrsghde.exe in the malware community, it was a ruse.




The key is in the spelling:










If you change (add) 1 character to each letter you will see that


"obatssrsghde" is actually the marker "pcbuttsthief" - proving that


PCBUTTS1 is a thief.




Are there other markers - YES, does PCBUTTS1 know about them - know,


they've been there for a long time, but this is the most obvious one.




Face it Chris/PCBUTTS1/TRT, you've exposed yourself in public.








You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little


voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.


Trust yourself.


spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest David H. Lipman

Worries About Stealing, etc - PCBUTTS Exposed, again


From: "Leythos"




| In article , trt@void.com says...


>> All that BS Leythos has you believing is just that BS. He's pulling your


>> chain. That's what trolls do. Leythos wants you believe that I have been


>> doing that for 5 years. Yet not one law suit. You do the math, open your


>> eyes.








| This is from a thread in July 2009, it clearly shows that Butts pirated


| Stuarts work and included it in his "batch" file that butts takes credit


| for. You can search Usenet archives for this if you want to follow the


| thread.






Public Marker #1








IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\application data\seilhturtlaereht.inf"




seilhturtlaereht.inf ==> Drop the .INF




seilhturtlaereht ==> theealtruthlies




Public Marker #2






IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" echo "%UserProfile%\local




IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" echo "%UserProfile%\local






The file "%UserProfile%\local settings\temp\obatssrsghde.exe" is a fabrication. It does


not exist.




It, obatssrsghde.exe, is actually a file name in code.




obatssrsghde.exe ==> drop .EXE








increase character by 1 ==> pcbuttsthief










Multi-AV - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp

Guest Virus Guy

Someone answer me this:




Is any of this contentious code or scripts or what-ever, is any of it


being made available for a price? Is anyone charging money for it? Or


is it given away for free as public service in the fight against






Leythos wrote:



> When you have something that you value, that you've created,


> stolen by another person and the credit changed to that person,


> you won't feel the same way.




That depends on two things:




a) is the creation (code, etc) acting as a source of income by


any of the so-called authors?




b) do any of the so-called authors make their real identity


fully and clearly visible to the end user of the


creative work - regardless if this work is given away


for free or is sold to the end user.




Authorship and/or correct attribution of a creative work is important.


But most of this thread that deals with the idea of people taking each


other to court becomes fruitless if nobody is selling the work or


gaining any revenue from it.




And if the real identities of the people that claim to have created


these works are not plainly visible to end users, then nobody can claim


that their recognition is being stolen from them if they don't


publically acknowledge their creative role.




Full-Quoter The Real Truth MVP top-poasted:



> All that BS Leythos has you believing is just that BS.




Has Leythos admitted to being an author of any of this code yet?




Do we know who he is?


Virus Guy wrote:


> Someone answer me this:




> Is any of this contentious code or scripts or what-ever, is any of it


> being made available for a price? Is anyone charging money for it? Or


> is it given away for free as public service in the fight against


> malware?




> Leythos wrote:




>> When you have something that you value, that you've created,


>> stolen by another person and the credit changed to that person,


>> you won't feel the same way.




> That depends on two things:




> a) is the creation (code, etc) acting as a source of income by


> any of the so-called authors?




> b) do any of the so-called authors make their real identity


> fully and clearly visible to the end user of the


> creative work - regardless if this work is given away


> for free or is sold to the end user.




> Authorship and/or correct attribution of a creative work is important.


> But most of this thread that deals with the idea of people taking each


> other to court becomes fruitless if nobody is selling the work or


> gaining any revenue from it.




> And if the real identities of the people that claim to have created


> these works are not plainly visible to end users, then nobody can claim


> that their recognition is being stolen from them if they don't


> publically acknowledge their creative role.




> Full-Quoter The Real Truth MVP top-poasted:




>> All that BS Leythos has you believing is just that BS.




> Has Leythos admitted to being an author of any of this code yet?




> Do we know who he is?




The Real Truth MVP is not listed on the MVP list:










The web page http://www.ms-mvp.org/ uses Godaddy's stealth


frame-redirection to redirect you to:








Check out “pcbutts†using your favorite search engine.






Can you really trust someone like this? Do you really want to download


his software and/or follow his advice?












Enough said. If you want to use his crap-ware, go for it. Stop trying to


justify his actions.







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