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Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for September 2007

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Guest Newbie Coder

Why do you lnk people to the document rather than the page where they can

subscribe to the newsletter?



Newbie Coder

(It's just a name)






"TaurArian" <TaurArian@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-sep.mspx

> Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for September 2007

Guest TaurArian [MS-MVP]

Because it's on the page already -

"For information about how to receive automatic notifications whenever Microsoft security

bulletins are issued, visit Microsoft Technical Security Notifications."




TaurArian [MS-MVP] 2005-2008 - Australia


How to make a good post: http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm

Defending your machine: http://defendingyourmachine2.blogspot.com/



Emails will not be acknowledged - please post to the newsgroup so all may benefit.



"Newbie Coder" <newbiecoder@spammeplease.com> wrote in message


| Why do you lnk people to the document rather than the page where they can

| subscribe to the newsletter?


| --

| Newbie Coder

| (It's just a name)






| "TaurArian" <TaurArian@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message

| news:0506E3A8-8369-4785-BA39-F8EFAD8F4D42@microsoft.com...

| > http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-sep.mspx

| > Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for September 2007



Guest Mark M Morse

Perhaps TaurArian posted the URL for the security bulletin summary

web page out of motivation to share the security bulletin summary

information, as opposed to sharing information about newsletter



If you have an interest in subscribing, then I would suggest that

you click on the Subscriptions link that appears at the top of the

web page for which TaurArian posted the URL.


~ Mark


Newbie Coder (which may not be just a name) wrote:


> Why do you lnk people to the document rather than

> the page where they can subscribe to the newsletter?


> Newbie Coder

> (It's just a name)


> TaurArian wrote:


>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-sep.mspx

>> Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for September 2007

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