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My computer is using Window Vista Home Premium Operating System, 64 bits.

I'm trying to install Window Vista SP1 with windows updare but it fails all the time with error code

800f081f. have also tried full sp1 install and system Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista but all fail with same error code please help.


Here is my windows update log. (below)


2012-05-20 08:46:27:708 988 a58 AU # Approved updates = 1

2012-05-20 08:46:27:727 988 a58 AU AU initiated download, updateId = {12050967-CBA3-43AF-B9C4-D3AB39C4BD6F}.107, callId = {FDD2AAF3-C52A-4D03-87C4-FBB1A0D4EE17}

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 a58 AU Currently showing Progress UX client - so not launching any other client

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr *************

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr *********

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr * Call ID = {FDD2AAF3-C52A-4D03-87C4-FBB1A0D4EE17}

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1, Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 0, Proxy session id = 1, ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 Agent * Title = Windows Vista Service Pack 1 for x64-based Systems (KB936330)

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 Agent * UpdateId = {12050967-CBA3-43AF-B9C4-D3AB39C4BD6F}.107

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 Agent * Bundles 2 updates:

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 Agent * {02FEFF61-3823-4850-8A74-E1FAF4806A8B}.107

2012-05-20 08:46:27:728 988 f70 Agent * {D63B5583-12FF-4F8F-AED8-125800DC076D}.107

2012-05-20 08:46:27:742 988 f70 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [updateId = {02FEFF61-3823-4850-8A74-E1FAF4806A8B}.107] ***********

2012-05-20 08:46:27:742 988 a58 AU # Pending download calls = 1

2012-05-20 08:46:27:742 988 a58 AU ## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [updateId = {12050967-CBA3-43AF-B9C4-D3AB39C4BD6F}]

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 f70 Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdatesWuApp]

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 3d8 AU # WARNING: Download failed, error = 0x800F081F

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 f70 Agent *************

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 f70 Report REPORT EVENT: {55FC37B1-74A6-4BFE-8EC0-C379B4BEEE16} 2012-05-20 08:52:56:084+0100 1 161 106 {12050967-CBA3-43AF-B9C4-D3AB39C4BD6F} 107 800f081f AutomaticUpdatesWuApp Failure

Content Download Error: Download failed.

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 3d8 AU #########

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 3d8 AU ## END ## AU: Download updates

2012-05-20 08:53:05:314 988 3d8 AU #############

2012-05-20 08:53:05:315 988 3d8 AU Currently showing Progress UX client - so not launching any other client

2012-05-20 08:53:05:323 988 f70 Report CWERReporter::HandleEvents - WER report upload completed with status 0x8

2012-05-20 08:53:05:323 988 f70 Report WER Report sent: 7.4.7600.226 0x800f081f 12050967-CBA3-43AF-B9C4-D3AB39C4BD6F Download 106 Unmanaged

2012-05-20 08:53:05:323 988 f70 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

2012-05-20 08:53:05:367 988 e64 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true

2012-05-20 08:53:05:367 988 e64 AU No featured updates available.

2012-05-20 08:53:06:130 988 e64 AU BeginInteractiveInstall invoked for Install

2012-05-20 08:53:06:131 988 e64 AU Auto-approved 0 update(s) for install (for Ux), installType=0

2012-05-20 08:53:06:131 988 e64 AU WARNING: BeginInteractiveInstall failed, error = 0x8024000C

2012-05-20 08:53:06:131 3196 948 CltUI FATAL: BeginInteractiveInstall for install returned code 8024000C

2012-05-20 08:53:06:179 3196 948 CltUI WARNING: AU directive Interactive Progress is exiting due to error 8024000C

2012-05-20 08:53:06:196 988 ee0 AU AU received handle event

2012-05-20 08:53:06:196 988 ee0 AU No featured updates notifications to show

2012-05-20 08:53:06:196 988 ee0 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: 0 download(s) are still in progress.

2012-05-20 08:53:06:198 988 ee0 AU Triggering Offline detection (non-interactive)

2012-05-20 08:53:06:198 988 ee0 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Install Complete Ux'

2012-05-20 08:53:06:198 988 ee0 AU WARNING: Pending directive, 'Install Complete Ux', is not applicable

2012-05-20 08:53:06:198 988 ee0 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Approval'

2012-05-20 08:53:06:204 988 ee0 AU #############

2012-05-20 08:53:06:204 988 ee0 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates

2012-05-20 08:53:06:205 988 ee0 AU #########

2012-05-20 08:53:06:208 988 ee0 AU ## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {E445B3D7-7528-4031-AF70-E2020256AADD}]

2012-05-20 08:53:15:376 988 3d8 AU # 1 updates detected

2012-05-20 08:53:15:376 988 3d8 AU #########

2012-05-20 08:53:15:376 988 3d8 AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {E445B3D7-7528-4031-AF70-E2020256AADD}]

2012-05-20 08:53:15:376 988 3d8 AU #############

2012-05-20 08:53:15:376 988 3d8 AU No featured updates notifications to show

2012-05-20 08:53:15:392 988 af0 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true

2012-05-20 08:53:15:392 988 af0 AU No featured updates available.

2012-05-20 08:53:21:203 988 ee0 AU Launched new AU client for directive 'Download Approval', session id = 0x1

2012-05-20 08:53:21:224 4092 6fc Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0100) ===========

2012-05-20 08:53:21:224 4092 6fc Misc = Process: C:Windowssystem32wuauclt.exe

2012-05-20 08:53:21:222 4092 6fc AUClnt Launched Client UI process

2012-05-20 08:53:21:250 4092 6fc Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0100) ===========

2012-05-20 08:53:21:250 4092 6fc Misc = Process: C:Windowssystem32wuauclt.exe

2012-05-20 08:53:21:250 4092 6fc Misc = Module: C:Windowssystem32wucltux.dll

2012-05-20 08:53:21:250 4092 6fc CltUI AU client got new directive = 'Download Approval', serviceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, return = 0

2012-05-20 09:08:41:723 988 f08 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true

2012-05-20 09:08:41:723 988 f08 AU No featured updates available.

2012-05-20 09:27:36:760 3368 ae4 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.4.7600.226, tz: +0100) ===========

2012-05-20 09:27:36:760 3368 ae4 Misc = Process: C:WindowsSysWOW64DllHost.exe

2012-05-20 09:27:36:760 3368 ae4 Misc = Module: C:WindowsSysWOW64wuapi.dll

2012-05-20 09:27:36:758 3368 ae4 COMAPI -------------

2012-05-20 09:27:36:760 3368 ae4 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = ]

2012-05-20 09:27:36:760 3368 ae4 COMAPI ---------

2012-05-20 09:27:36:796 988 344 Agent *************

2012-05-20 09:27:36:796 988 344 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = ]

2012-05-20 09:27:36:796 3368 ae4 COMAPI -- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = ]

2012-05-20 09:28:15:288 3368 704 COMAPI - Updates found = 1

2012-05-20 09:28:15:288 3368 704 COMAPI ---------

2012-05-20 09:28:15:289 3368 704 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = ]

2012-05-20 09:28:15:289 3368 704 COMAPI -------------

2012-05-20 09:28:20:231 988 344 Report REPORT EVENT: {38BF3250-37EA-4BE3-A47B-61D445D091E0} 2012-05-20 09:28:15:230+0100 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Success Software Synchronization

Windows Update Client successfully detected 1 updates.

2012-05-20 09:28:20:231 988 344 Report CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

2012-05-20 09:47:08:380 988 d34 AU Getting featured update notifications. fIncludeDismissed = true

2012-05-20 09:47:08:380 988 d34 AU No featured updates available.




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