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Why can't my computer install Microsoft updates... stall at 13%?

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I have a pavilion g6 AMD 64x processor. I purchased this computer on October 16th, 2012. I upgraded to Windows 8 about two weeks ago. I deeply regret upgrading to Windows 8 and would not recommend it to anyone with this laptop until they fix the issues.

My computer is seriously screwed up now and it is all because of Windows 8. I have contacted Microsoft 4 times about my updates stalling at 13%. Each time the updates are forced through and I am able to restart my computer without problems until a few days

later when my computer tries to update again and then I am back to the original problem of not being able to update and stalling at 13%. This process takes HOURS until finally I get a message saying update failed, reverting changes.I have an error code - 800F0920.

I am extremely frustrated and this is going to end up costing me a lot of money. The only reason I upgraded is because I had a promo code to upgrade free when I bought my computer. Now, this is going to cost because I am afraid I am going to have to purchase

windows 7 and go back to that unless there is something someone can do to help.



Here is what I have done so far to try and fix this problem:




  • Uninstalled Norton, installed windows defender.
  • Contacted Microsoft 4x, gained remote access and used command prompt to install updates and fix computer health
  • Uninstalled AMD High definition audio devices, manually installed updates successfully audio devices re-installed on their own after updates.
  • Refreshed my PC, re-downloaded all necessary software that was taken off of my computer after refreshing
  • Attempted to manually install updates, but when computer needs to restart it again stalls at 13%

Some of these solutions have worked for that time, but like I said, once the update comes up again in a couple days or even the next day the issues start all over. I need a solution NOW, please. I'm open to any suggestions.









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