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I can not get my Windows Firewall to use recommended settings.I have tried all fixes.I am running Wi

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I have been having this issue for about 2 months.It started when My Dell Inspiron 580s Became infected. Tried for several days to clean system up but could not. I took to my tech guy,very good and reliable, and he had same out come. He COMPLETLY reformatted

my harddrive and we installed a brand new Version of Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Computer is working great . I use Microsoft Security Essentials and also check with Malwarebytes. I keep all my software up to date and check DAILY .


I have tried everything I know, and my tech guy is ill, and I can not get Windows 7 to run recommended settings. It keeps telling me to update and I do, time and time again with same result. Please help.



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