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Can't download updates, microsoft techs worked on PC remotely for ten hours, can anyone help me?

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On 12/22/12 tried to download update KB2753842 got error code 800703F1. Got hold of the Tech Desk at Microsoft and a tech logged on to my PC remotely and tried to solve problem for 6 hours. He did several command prompts, selective start-up, typed in several

registry commands and did a scannow for integrity issues. He went in and disabled my McAfee security but forgot to enable it before he got done and forgot to change it back to normal start-up. Well he said he fixed the problem (if you call hiding the update

a fix). After he logged off that's when my problems really began. I went to check on the update and he erased every update, no history, then it showed one update was available It was KB2753842 and I tried to update got the same error code as above. Then my

McAfee starting blinking red and said my PC was unprotected and message center I needed to activate it. I couldn't do anything because all the services were disabled from the command prompt the tech ran. Finally got another tech and explained what the first

tech had done. This time it was only 4 hours. The first tech didn't leave any notes, so tech number 2 did about the same as tech one did but could not solve the update problem, and didn't solve my McAfee security problem. So enter tech number 3 after I e-mailed

and called the desk for the third time. He finally got my McAfee security working, and told him to not even try to fix the update problem after 10 hours. Then today 1/9/13 get 11 updates that Microsoft says are critical security updates. My PC only updates

3 and I get error code 800703F1 again. Get hold of Microsoft support again today, spend 50 minutes on the phone explaining problem, giving him the previous service numbers from the 12/22 encounters. Give him all the updates that failed today and their numbers

and ERROR CODE 800703F1 as the explanation. He said he reviewed the notes from the previous techs and that the solution to the problem is (1. I upgraded to Windows 8 from Windows 7 after I bought this Dell AIO new and got the coupon when I purchased . He told

me I had to reload Windows 7 then re-install Windows 8 again, to solve the problem. I told him I upgraded to Windows 8 on my Toshiba laptop from Windows 7 and have no problem with the same updates that I can't upload on my desktop. Have the same McAfee security

on there as well so how can that be the solution? After reading the forum and different threads on the updates, a whole lot of people are having the same problems The tech today said for me to contact Dell which I have already, they say its Microsoft's problem.

And finally the tech said 3rd party software (CCleaner, Advanced System Cleaner, Defraggler) may not be letting my PC update. But have the same 3rd party software on my laptop. I got so irritated with the tech today that I just hung up. I agree with one of

the ladies on one thread on the forum, if Microsoft techs can't fix it what worth is it having Windows 8. I just hope someone out there has a solution that can lead to a cure!


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