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Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board

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Why did Windows 8 remove the Start menu from the Desktop?


Why is Windows 8 marketing itself for touch screen when no one would ever use a touch screen desktop?


Why isn't: Microsoft Office or Microsoft Movie Maker installed?


Why are programs now called Apps, available only at an App store?


Why is there no minimize, change window size, or exit button at the top right of windows anymore?


Why is Windows 8 on desktop/laptop at all?


Why am I being forced to relearn everything I have ever known about a computer?


Why cant you split screen 2 windows evenly like in Windows7?


Why are there no tabs for IE on Windows 8?


How am I supposed to know out of the box how to close a program?


How am I supposed to know out of the box how to shut down or restart the computer?


How am I supposed to know out of the box how do do anything on Windows 8?


Why didn't Microsoft fire Steven Sinofsky before he could ruin Windows 8?


Why was there 0 oversight on Microsoft's part over Windows 8?


Did Microsoft really expect PC/Laptop users to like, adapt, or admire Windows 8?


Will Microsoft offer a free backwards compatibility to Windows 7?


Please try to answer as may questions as possible.


Thank you,


Future Apple User.



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