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Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based systems (KB2769369) fails error 80070490

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I have tried every possible solution to this problem to no avail. I have run SFC, readiness tool, tools specific to 80070490 ERRORS, an 11 step manual process on the Microsoft support website, and any other possible solution I can find. I have a PC that

did not come with a Windows 7 Home Premium recovery disc but instead a protected recovery partition. Before I purchased the PC the store upgraded the OS to Windows 7 Pro 64bit using Windows Anytime Upgrade. IMMEDIATELY upon getting the PC home before doing

ANYTHING else I created a set of recovery discs. All was fine and good until recently when I began having the 80070490 errors.


The recommendation at this point is to reinstall the OS!! This is like replacing the engine, electrical, and all other systems in a car because the odometer does not work. Since the error is alleged to be caused by a corrupt file which keeps record of

windows updates doesn't Microsoft have a tool that can detect updates correctly installed and "wipe out" those incorrectly installed, performing a reset of that database (or whatever type of file it is) file and allow us to re-perform corrupt updates? Even

if it meant having to reinstall every single update it would be far easier than having to perform a system recovery (which I do not know would work because of the change in the OS from Win 7 HP to Pro (both 64bit)), then another "anytime upgrade," then reinstall

and re-update every single app installed on my PC and perform all patches and updates to those as well? Isn't there even a default system upate tracking file that would assume NO updates had been performed and simply perform all Win 7 updates again, correcting

registry errors, overwriting potentially corrupt files, etc.?


Finally, is it a coincidence that this error is rampant while Windows 8 is being offered for 39.99? I have tried the new OS and it is counter intuitive to me as it is to many others. Some of the major PC magazines are recommending against the update

even at the 39.99 price. My partner purchased a new PC with it preinstalled and he and I both do not like it. I was the N.A. at my last business and have always performed OS upgrades as they were released and participated in some betas for MS and other companies

so I am not a newbie. This is the first OS that I can honestly say I will resist until it is absolutely necessary to upgrade or a new OS is released that gets rid of the things I consider counter intuitive about Win 8. So, is MS not correcting this security

error update to the print spooler because it is hoping to "encourage" people to upgrade to Win 8? I know it may sound paranoid but I would not put anything past any large multi-national corporation at this point.


The last thing is why can I not perform a REPAIR INSTALL using my Windows 7 Pro 64bit anytime upgrade? I already purchased the Win 7 Home Premium k64 bit OS and the upgrade to the Pro version. The only difference is it has been discless. Other than

that I have paid for functional versions of both OS's and why is someone who purchases DVD versions of the OS be able to perform a repair install but those of us who have purchased electronic versions be prohibited from the same rights? This hardly seems

fair or ethical and places a significant burden on those of us who will have to spend days reconstucting our PC's rather than simply performing a repair install. So, please help us ALL. Thank you.



Ed S.


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