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My computer is new, and it keeps restating down for no apparent reason. At first it would shut down when I wasn't using it, but it doesn't do that anymore. Now, at the most random times, a blue screen comes up that says there was an error,

that it's gathering data, and going to restart. It also said to look up "system_service_exception", but that hasn't been helpful. When my computer is restarted it shows me what the error was and it's always the same error.

My computer is a Gateway SX2110G-UW318 (which runs on Windows 8).The error message just says there was a problem and shows theses:Cwindowsminidump20913-15662-01.dmpC:usersUSERappdatalocaltempwer-74474-0.sysdata.xmlC:windowsmemory.dmpDoes anybody know what the problem could be, and how to fix it?


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