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My laptop went to do an update and came back unvalidated, what do I do?

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So I let my laptop do it's standard updating -- you know, the one where you can postpone for up to four hours? So it got to 15%, screen went black but I figured it went to sleep so I hit moved over the mousepad, nothing. I hit the power button, nothing.

So I figured it turned off and turned it back on, got the black screen that would let me do Safe Mode and was really confused. When I finally logged on, I got this message: &quotWindows did not pass genuine validation. Security Essentials will become disabled

in 30 days if you do not resolve this issue.&quot I went to Computer and found my Product ID but that didn't work. I literally couldn't type in the first number. I've had this laptop for six years and have never had this problem. What do I do?


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