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I recently did a full system Restore of Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit Op System.


Since then, Windows Update is not working.


I ran Fix it KB 947821 which told me it had resolved Windows Update problems and no further problems were detected.


I also downloaded the System Readiness Tool.


I still cannot get Windows update to perform. I open Windows Update and the first screen I get is a yellow shield that tells me I "must first Install new Windows Update Software." "To check for updates, you must first install an update for Windows Update"


So I click "Install now"-


I briefly see a pop up that says "Downloading &amp Installing updates"


Then the Updates page returns with a Red shield box that says-


"Windows could not search for new updates" "An error occurred while checking for new updates for your computer" "Windows encountered an unknown error"


Errors found Code 800B0001 Then a link to "Get help for this error"


Which leads me back to trying the System Readiness tool and I'm stuck in a big circle of the same solution suggestions as I've already tried.


Thanks in advance for any help.


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