
Microsoft news and info.
On July 18, CrowdStrike, an independent cybersecurity company, released a software update that began impacting IT systems globally. Although this was not a Microsoft incident, given it impacts our ecosystem, we want to provide an update on the steps we’ve taken with CrowdStrike and others to...
At Microsoft, our vision is to empower scientists with the latest breakthroughs in AI to unlock their full creative potential and tackle some of our most pressing challenges. This vision will require bringing the full power of generative AI together with quantum-classical hybrid computing to...
At the 2024 G7 Summit in Fasano, Italy, President Biden and other G7 leaders met with private sector executives, including Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella, to reaffirm their commitment to accelerate sustainable infrastructure investment through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure...
Today we are thrilled to announce the latest milestone in our journey towards modernizing customer service: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center, a Copilot-first contact center solution that delivers generative AI to every customer engagement channel. With general availability on July 1, this...
In the face of adversity, the ability to continue to move forward, inspire and spark change is something to celebrate. Even small change is hugely meaningful because progress often comes from small steps of affirmation, resistance and perhaps, even most importantly, celebration. That’s why the...
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