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Windows 11

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  1. When I'm playing a game, it'll randomly freeze for a bit, at first it'll happen infrequently, for maybe a second, and over maybe an hour it'll start happening more, and the freezes will last longer and longer, and it's almost unplayable . Last time this happened, I installed the latest graphics driver and fixed it at least until now. Hoping this does as well, but I never had to install new drivers before, so I'm thinking it's something else, it's also possible the drivers did nothing, and it was solved after just a restart, as it still happens sometimes. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!View the full article
  2. Na KB5052093 installatie vandaag de melding bij WD ssd "moet hersteld worden" klopt niet werkt gewoon. Samsung SSD wordt helemaal niet gezien en bij sluiten verkenner blokeert hele laptop. View the full article
  3. Hello,The touchpad on my laptop (Dell Vostro 5590) acts as if the clicklock were turned on - right click does not work, neither does drag to select. However, the box for clicklock function is not ticked in the advanced settings. Reinstalling the driver did not help. I am at my wits' end and I'd appreciate any help.View the full article
  4. Okay so what is this because i have been trying to fix this problem in my computer like doing and sfc scan and restarting windows explorer and it doesnt work even when i restart it still doesnt work please help me to bring the color back it is like a grey screen or a black screen.View the full article
  5. I have purchased new Dell Pc after 3,4 month pc suddenly showing blue screen. Showing msg is unmount boot volume. And Restart, after restart showing recovery key, I don't know what is this please help me my data is so importantView the full article
  6. 2025-02Cumulative update preview for Windows 11 version 23H2 for x64-based systems(KB5052094)View the full article
  7. How do i update preview for windows 11 version 23H2 for x64-based systemsView the full article
  8. Hi i need access to my Hotmail account and i have filled in the recovery forms and nothing has happened for more than 24 hours - i urgently need to access my emails. i have filled in the questions and answers and cant provide any more Info so what do i do View the full article
  9. Latest W11 update installed. Opening screen now asks for password. NEVER did before. As sole user I never did use a password. Unable to get past opening screen. Please help. John View the full article
  10. Hello,I have mapped a few network drives in my laptop from my server, and it is working fine, but whenever I shut down and restart my system, the drives I had mapped earlier are disconnected. And now, because it's disconnected, I need to remap all the drives to my computer.I have faced this issue earlier, but earlier, when I faced this issue, I made some registry changes. Those changes resolved this problem, but that method didn't work on this laptop.I need to know what I can do to resolve this issue. I cannot just map the network drive every time I start the laptop.View the full article
  11. Just got a bsod while in the middle of streaming and playing gameshttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/evvdbfac45yhxqms9uxb9/030525-12250-01.dmp?rlkey=4xx3hdxc8qacf3kxnb12r2wqn&st=dut12kc1&dl=0the link to my dmp is here, I'd like to know what's causing this and what I can do to fix it, thank you! View the full article
  12. Hi.I was surfing the net and suddenly I lost connection and had no WIFI option in my ASUS laptop to connect.The troubleshooter just say "you are connected using a virtual network adapter that we cant test."I updated each network adapter and reset all WiFi adapter. Still unable to even turn the WiFi on. I have no manual keyboard to turn off WiFi.My system manufacturer is ASUSTek COMPUTER INC., and my system model is Vivobook_ASUSlaptop X1502ZA_F1502ZA.I would be very thankful for any support.View the full article
  13. hi, im having trubble deactivating my current windows 11 on my gaming pc and cant find any way to do it. i need to reinstall it on a new gaming pc because my old SSD got corrupted and can not be saved (including all my old fiels) can it be done from my laptop?View the full article
  14. Hi all, I'm really bad at tech so any help would be appreciated! So I've recently built a new pc and I'm having a few problems with windows.1. I can't sign into any of the office apps when i try to i get a popup saying "Revocation Information for the security certificate for this site us not available. Do you wish to proceed?" I hit yes and then I write my email and press submit and then I get and error code. 0x80072F17. I'm able to use the apps and save files but it's inconvenient being signed out.2. I've installed steam and discord setups but I'm not able to open either. Discord - I get a poView the full article
  15. Hello!As mentioned above i'm running into an issue with "Select an App to Open 'UserName'" showing up. I had this show up once after turning on my Laptop, but it stopped after deactivating autostart programs in task-manager.Now i wanted to uninstall Discord, and this shows up again, leaving me unable to uninstall. I've looked up other options to uninstall discord, as it seems like this is not effecting all apps. Opening the Run dialog box (The windows that opens when hitting windows + R) i typed in %AppData% - and this threw me the "Select an App to Open 'UserName'" again.I made Windows DefendView the full article
  16. Delivery optimization is basically a windows based virus that kills the available bandwidth of Windows 11 users when on limited bandwidth connections. And even if I disable it, it comes back automatically as soon as I do an update. It is terrible programming, that acts like a Microsoft sponsored virus. Remove it from future versions.View the full article
  17. ma localisation est placée en Afrique ald France , faussant les recherches sur internet EX prix en ZAR ald EurosView the full article
  18. I keep gettig install Error - 0x80070103 Windows 11 Pro Intel Corporation for Intel Display - and Intel Corporation - Extension - the full article
  19. Can not back up PC it says Sync is not available for your account. Contact your system administrator to resolve this, i contacted microsoft office 365 but was told this is a windows problem and they can not help.View the full article
  20. 長文失礼します。frontierのゲーミングノートパソコンを使っています。数ヶ月前にssdを増設してからしばらくは問題なかったのですが、数週間前から急にpcの再起動をするとメーカーの名前が出たあとキーボードは光ったままパソコンの画面は真っ暗になりそのまま放置していても反応しなくなりました。(マウスポインタは出ません。ファンが回っている音は聞こえます)電源ボタンで強制的に電源を落とし再び起動すると通常通り立ち上がるのですが再起動だけ上手く行きません。そのため、暫くは再起動をせず、凌ぎながらpcを使用していたのですが、最近windowsupdateをしようとしたところまた同じ状況になることが分かりました。仕方がなく電源を落とし、起動すると毎回「更新が進行中です→更新が完了出来ませんでした」と出ます。セーフモードはf8を連打しても起動出来ませんでした。放電しても変わりませんでした。やはり、修理に持ち込んだ方がいいのでしょうか。View the full article
  21. I accidentally share some folder, i want to unshare it but i cant locate it. people in my same network are able to view it but i need to remove that access from them as its a private fileView the full article
  22. The Esc key on my computer suddenly stopped working properly. Initially, I thought the key itself was broken, but later I realized the issue only occurs in specific applications. Strangely, it was working fine the day before. For example:When I maximized File Explorer, pressing the Esc key didn't restore it to a smaller windowThe same issue occurs in Edge browser and other applicationsView the full article
  23. windous11を更新するようメッセージの表示が出ました。更新プログラムをダウンロードする方法を伝授下さいView the full article
  24. So, I bought a new laptop. I had all my files on the SSD but now that I've installed the SSD to my new laptop Bitlocker ask for a 48-digit key. I have the key but it does not match the drive. What am I not understanding?View the full article
  25. So, i recently just updated to Windows 11 24H2 "2025-02 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 24H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5052093)", once done, i started getting Windows Security notifications saying "protected folder access blocked", and the apps trying to access them were "explorer.exe" and "ie4uinit.exe". they were trying to access folders in my %userprofile%, which makes sense because those folders are protected. I just need to know if these processes are legitimate. do these screenshots of the properties look correct, and these are legit? I also scanned them with virustotal.cView the full article
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