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Windows Security

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  1. Today we’re publishing the February 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We fielded 15 questions on various topics during the webcast, with specific bulletin questions focusing primarily on Microsoft Internet Explorer (MS13-009), VML (MS13-010) and the update for Microsoft Exchange in MS13-012. There were several questions during the webcast that we were unable to answer on air, and we have also answered those on the Q&A page.View the full article
  2. Before we discuss this month’s release, I wanted to briefly touch on the big event happening this week. No, I’m not talking about the romantically-themed holiday on Thursday. I’m talking about the start of spring training and the return of baseball. There are a few things I am very passionate about and those who know me, know how much I love baseball.View the full article
  3. Today we revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, this revision was released in conjunction with Adobe’s update process. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically.View the full article
  4. We’re kicking off the February 2013 Security Bulletin Release with Advance Notification of 12 bulletins for release Tuesday, February 12. This release brings five Critical and seven Important-class bulletins, which address 57 unique vulnerabilities. The Critical-rated bulletins address issues in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and Exchange Software. The Important-rated bulletins address issues in Microsoft Windows, Office, .View the full article
  5. Today we’re publishing the January 2013 Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded 17 questions focusing on Security Update MS13-088, and SecurityAdvisory 2794220 which was deprecated by this update release. All questions and answers are included in the transcript. We invite our customers to join us for the next scheduled webcast on Wednesday, February 13th at 11 a.View the full article
  6. Today, we released MS13-008 to address the issue described in Security Advisory 2794220. We’ve seen only a limited number of attacks through an issue in Internet Explorer 6-8, but the potential exists that more customers could be affected. The majority of customers have automatic updates enabled and will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically.View the full article
  7. Today, we are providing Advance Notification to customers that at approximately 10 a.m. PST on Monday, January 14, 2013, we will release an out-of-band security update to fully address the issue described in Security Advisory 2794220. While we have still seen only a limited number of customers affected by the issue, the potential exists that more customers could be affected in the future.View the full article
  8. Today we’re publishing the January2013 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded 12 questions focusing primarily on the Print Spooler (MS12-001) and .NET Framework (MS13-004) updates. All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next scheduled webcast on Wednesday, February 13th at 11 a.View the full article
  9. At the end of each year, some folks take a moment to jot down predictions about what the coming year has in store. I, on the other hand, do not do predictions. I am neither prognosticator, seer, fortune teller, prophet, clairvoyant, soothsayer, nor medium; although I have been accused of being a thaumaturge and security gnome, but only in good ways, of course.View the full article
  10. Hello, Today we released Security Advisory 2798897 to notify customers that we are aware of active attacks using a fraudulent digital certificate issued by TURKTRUST Inc. To help protect customers, we have updated the Certificate Trust List (CTL) to remove the trust of the certificates causing this issue, and we encourage customers follow the guidance in Security Advisory 2798897.View the full article
  11. On behalf of all of us here at Microsoft, I’d like to wish everyone a very happy New Year! With 2013 starting on a Tuesday, our monthly bulletin release is upon us a bit earlier than usual. Next Tuesday we’ll release seven bulletins; two Critical and five Important, which address 12 vulnerabilities.View the full article
  12. We have updated Security Advisory 2749920 to include the Fix it we discussed in Saturday’s blog post. This easy, one-click Fix it is available to everyone and prevents the vulnerability from being used for code execution without affecting your ability to browse the Web. Additionally, applying the Fix it does not require a reboot.View the full article
  13. Today, we released Security Advisory 2794220 regarding an issue that impacts Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8. We are only aware of a very small number of targeted attacks at this time. This issue allows remote code execution if users browse to a malicious website with an affected browser. This would typically occur by an attacker convincing someone to click a link in an email or instant message.View the full article
  14. Hello, Today we’re publishing the December 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded five questions focusing primarily on Microsoft Word and the Office compatibility pack in MS12-079. All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next public webcast on Wednesday, January 9th at 11 a.View the full article
  15. Happy holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season. I like to get my holiday shopping done early, and this year was no exception. In the middle of my holiday shopping last week, as I passed my cash from one store to the next, I was reminded of “Pass-the-Hash.” (My mind does tend to wander a bit as I shop.View the full article
  16. While it may be the most wonderful time of the year, we know it can also be the busiest time of the year. With that in mind, we’re providing advance notification that next Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012, we’ll release seven security bulletins; five Critical and two Important, which address 11 vulnerabilities.View the full article
  17. Hello, Today we’re publishing the November 2012 Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded ten questions focusing primarily Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012 detection and deployment, MS12-072 (Windows Shell), and MS12-073 (IIS). All questions are included on the Q&A page. We invite our customers to join us for the next public webcast on Wednesday, December 12th at 11 a.View the full article
  18. Some of you may have noticed us improving our defense-in-depth practices for bulletins by supplying sha1 and sha2 hashes in the Knowledge Base (KB) articles. This has been most visible in the KB with the addition of the “File hash information” section, but it is also noted in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of each bulletin for convenience.View the full article
  19. Security Updates Today we released six security bulletins to help protect our customers - four Critical, one Important, and one Moderate – addressing 19 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Shell, Windows Kernel, Internet Explorer, Internet Information Services (IIS), .NET Framework, and Excel. For those who need to prioritize deployment, we recommend focusing on these two Critical updates first:View the full article
  20. Today, we’re providing advance notification for six bulletins to help protect customers against 19 CVEs. The four Critical-rated updates will address 13 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer and the .NET Framework. One bulletin rated Important will address four vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office and finally, one Moderate update will address two issues in Microsoft Windows.View the full article
  21. Today, in conjunction with Adobe’s update process, we have revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who do not use automatic updates should apply the guidance in the advisory immediately using update management software, or by checking the Microsoft Update service, to help ensure protection.View the full article
  22. Hello, Today we published the October Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. During the webcast, we fielded five questions focusing primarily on Security Advisory 2661254 addressing trust certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bit key lengths. One additional question was answered after the webcast. All questions are included on the Q&A page.View the full article
  23. As previously mentioned in the Advance Notification blog on Thursday, today we’re releasing seven bulletins, one Critical-class and six Important-class bulletins. Before we discuss those releases, let’s take a closer look at the Security Advisories we also released today. Security Advisory 2661254 We began discussing this issue in June, and originally released this advisory in August.View the full article
  24. Today we revised Security Advisory 2755801 to address issues in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10, in conjunction with Adobe’s update process. Customers who have automatic updates enabled will not need to take any action because protections will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who do not use automatic updates should apply the guidance in the advisory immediately using update management software, or by checking the Microsoft Update service, to help ensure protection.View the full article
  25. Today we’re providing advance notification of the release of seven bulletins, one Critical and six Important, which address 20 vulnerabilities for October 2012. The Critical bulletin addresses vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word. The six Important-rated bulletins will address issues in Windows, Microsoft Office, and SQL Server. This release will also address the issue in FAST Search Server first described in Security Advisory 2737111.View the full article
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