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Desandu Hettiarachchi

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Everything posted by Desandu Hettiarachchi

  1. [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=5]Hey Antonio, Wish you a very Happy Birthday...!:)[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [URL='https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM1xExIzEBYYhtkmdKC80NA'][COLOR=rgb(0, 175, 255)][FONT=tahoma][SIZE=4]Desandu 7[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/URL][/CENTER]
  2. When we create a Shortcut for Microsoft Store Apps & Games in the Desktop, the Icon of those becomes too small. But, it appears correctly in the Start Menu. This happens only in the Desktop. This happened after a Cumulative Update for Windows 11. I don't know how to fix it. The apps that are installed Externally, are displayed correctly on the Desktop. Can someone please help me to fix this issue...? = =
  3. Thank you for sharing it with me. It might work for Laptops, but the problem is my computer is a Desktop. So, it doesn't have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. That's why I asked, is there a way to Miracast using a Cable...!
  4. I wanted to Cast the Android Screen to my Desktop. But, unfortunately, it says, "Your device doesn't support Miracast, so you'll need to connect an external display with a cable". But, I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me, please...? Do we want to install a Software for the phone, to use this feature...? Also, I want to say that, my device is Windows 11 Pro...!
  5. Wish you a very Happy Teachers' Day...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhzn6Mi0YgM View: https://youtu.be/Hhzn6Mi0YgM
  6. [CENTER][URL='https://youtu.be/Hhzn6Mi0YgM'][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)][SIZE=7][B]Wish you a very Happy Teachers' Day...!:)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhzn6Mi0YgM[/CENTER] [I][SIZE=2][URL='https://youtu.be/Hhzn6Mi0YgM']View: https://youtu.be/Hhzn6Mi0YgM[/URL][/SIZE][/I]
    1. Desandu Hettiarachchi

      Desandu Hettiarachchi

      [SIZE=5]If it's good, Please Comment, Like, Share, and Subscribe to my Channel to help me improve...![/SIZE]
  7. If it's good, Please Comment, Like, Share, and Subscribe to my Channel to help me improve...!
  8. Wish you a very Happy Children's Day, Everyone...! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LXMP-fgyxs View: https://youtu.be/0LXMP-fgyxs
  9. [CENTER][URL='https://youtu.be/0LXMP-fgyxs'][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)][B][SIZE=7]Wish you a very Happy Children's Day, Everyone...[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/URL][SIZE=7][B][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LXMP-fgyxs[/B][/CENTER] [B][I][SIZE=2][URL='https://youtu.be/0LXMP-fgyxs']View: https://youtu.be/0LXMP-fgyxs View: https://youtu.be/0LXMP-fgyxs[/URL][/SIZE][/I][/B]
    1. Desandu Hettiarachchi

      Desandu Hettiarachchi

      [SIZE=6]If it's good, Please Comment, Like, Share, and Subscribe to my Channel to help me improve...![/SIZE]
  10. I have posted the Same thread two times in Windows BBS, and I want to remove one of them. How can I do it...? Can someone please help me with it...?
  11. [B]This is my YouTube Channel - (Desandu 7 ICT) -[/B]( [URL]https://www.youtube.com/@Desandu7000[/URL] )[B]- Check it out...![/B] [I]* Don't be scared, The above Link doesn't contain any Unnecessary Content, Harmful Viruses, or Spam...! * It will take you directly to YouTube...! * And please, Don't Forget to Subscribe, Like & Share it with your friends, to help me improve...![/I]
    1. Desandu Hettiarachchi

      Desandu Hettiarachchi

      [FONT=tahoma][SIZE=5][I][COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]It's about Computing. I hope it'll be helpful for you, and will be able to Personalize your PC, too...![/COLOR][/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [CENTER][URL='https://www.youtube.com/@Desandu7000'][COLOR=rgb(0, 175, 255)][SIZE=6][FONT=arial][I][B]:ph34r:Where there are Computers, I'm there...!:ph34r:[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [/CENTER]
  13. I accidentally put the wrong Birthdate, and I cannot change it again. When I try to change it from Account Details, it says; "Once your birthday has been entered, it cannot be changed. Please contact an administrator if it is incorrect." But I don't know how to contact an Administrator, as I'm a new member...! Please, can someone help me with it...? And, can someone tell, what's the Minimum Age to register Windows BBS...?
  14. I think you have installed Twitter from Microsoft Store too...!
  15. If you want to Delete multiple programs at the same time, find the location where your programs were installed. Then find and click on 'uninstall.exe'. In this way, you'll be able to delete multiple programs at the same time, but your PC's performance will be a little slow until the programs have been uninstalled...!
  16. Try increasing the Sharpness of the Display...!
  17. Yes, you can burn it into a DVD, because it's an ISO File...!
  18. © 2021 Desandu 7 Corporation. All rights reserved. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukVxhoLrL3Y View: https://youtu.be/ukVxhoLrL3Y ) This is my New Video, with the New Features...! *Now with an Animated Dubbed Character & Sinhala Captions...!* This video will show you How to get Cortana to open the Screensavers, with easy steps...! Please, Don't Forget to Subscribe, Like & Share, to help me improve...! If you are having any Questions, please send a Comment...!
  19. © 2021 Desandu 7 Corporation. All rights reserved. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkcy7IRf7ms View: https://youtu.be/rkcy7IRf7ms ) I create this video mainly because everyone is saying that ''Cortana is dead in Windows 10, No use of Cortana because she can't do anything. But, from these ways, we can add more Features to her...! All you need to do is make a Shortcut. After that, you can slide down the Lockscreen to Turn off your PC. It's like a piece of cake. Let's do it...! Please, Don't Forget to Subscribe, Like & Share, to help me improve...! If you are having any Questions, please send a Comment...! And, also I want to say that, From my mistake, the previous channel was Deleted, but Fortunately, I have my Videos still, so you can watch them on this new Channel. The problem is I lost all my Subscribers, Views, Likes, Comments & everything...! And, Don't think about the Audio of this Video, because I replaced it with a new one because there was Copyright in it...! Next, I'm going to upload the video of, ''How to play Music with Cortana...?'', as I promised in the earlier Channel. So, no worries, we'll meet there again...!
  20. © 2021 Desandu 7 Corporation. All rights reserved. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12a0yxPUUy0 View: https://youtu.be/12a0yxPUUy0 ) Check out this Video...! Now, I'm going to fulfill the promise I gave you...! All you need to do is make a Shortcut. After that, you can just ask Cortana to play your Favourite Music stored on your Local Hard Drive. It's like a piece of cake. Let's do it...! Please, Don't Forget to Subscribe, Like & Share, to help me improve...! If you are having any Questions, please send a Comment...! If you haven't read this, please read it too...! And, also I want to say that, From my mistake, the previous channel was Deleted, but Fortunately, I have all my Videos still, so you can watch them on this new Channel. The problem is I lost all my Subscribers, Views, Likes, Comments & everything...! But, no worries. I will never lose my Courage. Let's do it...!
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