Re: q823559

  • Thread starter PA Bear [MS MVP]
  • Start date


Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF check and
windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I think what was wrong is
that this was in the Add\Remove during the reinstall of ie6 and just stayed
that way on the continuious attempt to reinstall the update.

The only problem I am having now is that the streaming video is not
displaying at Google News and probably elsewhere.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Jim wrote:
> | Yes, I think I see the problem there. The QFEcheck states Invalid. It
> | is seeing version difference. Should be,
> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
> | QFE seeing version
> | 2000.11.9.0 for both files.
> Interesting. How could everything look so good in your Windows Update
> log & in your registry-- & YET you have older files!?! But that sounds
> like it could be the problem all right. I'm still trying to think,
> but...
> (1) What folder are Html32.cnv & Msconv97.dll in?
> Normally, they'd be in...
> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
> (2) Are they located anywhere else too
> if so, what versions are they?
> (3) Do you have 823559UN.INF, & where is it?
> Should be in C:\WINDOWS\INF\QFE\W98.SE.
> Here is mine, just for comparitive purposes...
> 823559UN.INF
> This is the Setup information file to uninstall the Windows 98 Q823559
> Update:
> [version]
> AdvancedINF = 2.5, %AdvPackWarn%
> signature=$CHICAGO$
> [DefaultInstall]
> CustomDestination = app_chk
> DelFiles=WinUPD.delFiles,WinUPD.delINF,WinUpd.delOptions
> delreg=WinUPD.delreg
> RenFiles=WinUPD.renFiles
> DelDirs=WinUPD.deldir
> [DestinationDirs]
> WinUPD.delFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
> WinUPD.renFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
> WinUPD.delINF = 17,QFE\%SPKey%
> WinUpd.delOptions = 10,options\cabs
> check for install location
> [app_chk]
> 49500 = conv_loc_chk,5
> [conv_loc_chk]
> HKLM,"%conv_loc%",CommonFilesDir,,"1"
> "","","","This update is not designed for your version of Windows.
> Press OK to exit.",""
> [WinUPD.delFiles]
> html32.cnv
> msconv97.dll
> [WinUPD.renFiles]
> html32.cnv,html32.qfe
> msconv97.dll,msconv97.qfe
> [WinUPD.delINF]
> 823559UN.INF
> [WinUpd.delOptions]
> html32.cnv
> msconv97.dll
> [WinUPD.deldir]
> %17%\QFE\%SPKey%
> [WinUPD.delreg]
> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
> HKLM,%UpdateKey%\%SPKey%\%LocaleID%%UpdID%\
> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%UpdID%"
> [Strings]
> Non-localizable
> LANG = "EN"
> LocaleID = "UPD"
> Guid= "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}"
> version = ""
> UpdID = "Q823559"
> UpdateKey= "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updates"
> SPKey= "W98.SE"
> conv_loc = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
> sharedtools= "Micros~1\TextConv"
> Localizable strings
> UpdName="Windows 98 Q823559 Patch"
> AdvPackWarn="You need a newer version of advpack.dll."
> SrcDiskName="Q823559 Patch"
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:ughlh8wJJHA.5516@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> Jim wrote:
> |> | That program, critical update, is still stating that the update is
> |> | not installed.
> |>
> |> I see elsewhere you said you have all the registry keys I posted,
> |> which must include the one that displays the file versions. What
> |> about those file versions as they appear in the files themselves in
> |> Explorer properties...?...
> |>
> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
> |>
> |> If those match in the files themselves, for sure you got the update,
> |> & all we really want is for Windows Update to stop offering it. And
> |> are the files both located in...?...
> |>
> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
> |>
> |> You may also have a copy of each in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs (or
> |> equivalent) as I do. But they should be nowhere else-- are they? If
> |> so, what versions?
> |>
> |> | I think you [PCR] may have exposed why this is happening.
> |> | The regedit key:
> |> |
> |> |
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updat
> |> es\W
> |> | 98.SE\UPDQ823559
> |> |
> |> | This should be in Win98 updates not Win98 SE updates. The Citical
> |> | Update program most likely reads the msinfo32 log first. It does
> |> | not see this in Win98 updates and ignores it in Win98 SE updates.
> |> | Understand?
> |>
> |> That can't be the problem because Q823559 isn't constantly offered to
> |> me. They've never been offered more than once to me. What do you see
> |> for those files in...?...
> |>
> |> "START button, Run, QFECheck, W98.SE, UPDQ823559"
> |>
> |> Is it showing the correct versions? Too bad the fact you have that
> |> "IsInstalled" key set right isn't the end of this! But Terhune once
> |> said there's no telling what Windows Update is looking for in these
> |> matters!
> |>
> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:%239NfMtaJJHA.1308@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> |> Jim wrote:
> |> |> | OK, next I tried the reinstall of ie6setup with [radio button]
> |> |> | reinstall all components (which is not a minimal) and went thru
> |> |> | the whole approach again. Here I had 3 critical updates to
> |> |> | install with a reboot at the end. This is the log of win update
> |> |> | on this machine which appears to be successful.
> |> |> |
> |> |> ...snip...
> |> |> | Download destination root folder is: c:\WUTemp 2008-10-03
> |> |> | 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Downloaded file
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Local
> |> |> | path
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |>
> c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q837009_OE6_SP1_W98WinME_Only\IE6.0sp1-KB837009-
> |> |> x86-
> |> |> | ENU.exe 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> | Downloaded file
> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE Local
> |> |> | path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q823559_98\823559USA8.EXE
> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> | Downloaded file
> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE Local
> |> |> | path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q313829_W98_5285\q313829.exe
> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success IUENGINE See
> |> |> | iuhist.xml for details: Download finished 2008-10-03 17:31:36
> |> |> | 21:31:36 Success ...snip... I will check at Windows Update
> |> |> | scan to see if this still triggers the update.
> |> |>
> |> |> Yep, looks like you got 3 of them that time. I hope that solves
> |> |> it & you will not be offered any of them (especially 823559)
> |> |> again. But, if so, here are a few things to check...
> |> |>
> |> |> (1) Try to uninstall it FIRST, at "Control Panel, Add/Remove
> |> |> Programs, Install/Uninstall tab". It looks like this: "Windows 98
> |> |> Q823559 Update". Now, go to Windows Update, and see whether it
> |> |> will come in well-- & just once.
> |> |>
> |> |> (2) What are your versions of these files...?...
> |> |>
> |> |> ...Quote.. Win98 files...
> |> |> Date Time Version Size File
> |> |> name
> |>
> |> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> |> |> --- 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll ...End
> |> |> quote.....
> |> |>
> |> |> START button, Find, F/F, "Html32.cnv, Msconv97.dll".
> |> |> (No quotes, yes comma). R-Clk, & select Properties.
> |> |>
> |> |> I suppose you DID get the update, if your files look like that.
> |> |>
> |> |> What about this Registry key...?...
> |> |>
> |> |> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
> |> |> Components\{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}]
> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |> "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001
> |> |> "Locale"="EN"
> |> |> "Version"=""
> |> |>
> |> |> To see it...
> |> |> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit"
> |> |> (b) Click plus signs, beginning at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
> |> |> & ending with....................... "Installed Components".
> |> |> (c) Click "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}" in the left
> |> |> pane. (d) Look in the right pane. What do you see?
> |> |>
> |> |> And this one, which puts it into the left pane at...
> |> |> "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Software
> |> |> Updates, W98.SE"...?...
> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Upda
> |> |> tes\W98.SE\UPDQ823559]
> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |>
> |>
> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\html32.cnv"="2003.1100.5426
> |> |> .0"
> |> |>
> |>
> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\msconv97.dll"="2003.1100.54
> |> |> 26.0"
> |> |>
> |> |> Finally, there is this Registry key, which puts it in
> |> |> Add/Remove...
> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
> |> |> Q823559]
> |> |> @=""
> |> |> "DisplayName"="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |> "UninstallString"="RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
> |> |> C:\\WINDOWS\\INF\\QFE\\W98.SE\\823559UN.INF"
> |> |>
> |> |> | "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
> |> |> | news:O88PZROJJHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> [Begin crosspost to Win98 General newsgroup]
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Thread history:
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> The 0x801901F4 error(s) means that the update(s) failed to
> |> |> |> download AND install.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> IIRC only older versions of Zone Alarm firewall will work
> |> |> |> properly in Win98, Jim. If you're NOT running Zone Alarm
> |> |> |> v6.1.744.1, uninstall it now. [If you're connecting to the
> |> |> |> DSL modem via a router, the router alone should provide
> |> |> |> adequate protection for the Win98 box. Others here are sure
> |> |> |> to disagree with me but so be it.]
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Moving on...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> [You will want to print or copy/paste the following
> |> |> |> instructions into Notepad for offline reference.]
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> 1. AFAIK, no currently supported version of SpySweeper's
> |> |> |> supported in Win98. Assuming you've not purchased SpySweeper
> |> |> |> (or if you don't get if "free" from your ISP or MSN), please
> |> |> |> (a) disable all SpySweeper Guards (protections) then (b)
> |> |> |> uninstall it.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> 2. Very briefly & temporarily, disable ZA firewall (if still
> |> |> |> installed) *and* all SpySweeper Guards (if still installed)
> |> |> |> *and* Avast *and* physically disconnect the machine from the
> |> |> |> internet. Don't reconnect until Step #4 below!
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> 3a. Now overinstall IE6 SP1 per my previous reply to this
> |> |> |> thread:
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> 3b. After rebooting, repeat Step #2 above!!
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> 4. Now reconnect to the internet and go to Windows Update and
> |> |> |> try again. Follow all prompts.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> NB: Don't do ANYTHING else online until Avast has been
> |> |> |> re-enabled and (if you don't connect via a router) until ZA
> |> |> |> (v6.1.744.1 or earlier) has been re-enabled!!
> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> ~PA Bear
> |> |>
> |> |> --
> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> |> PCR
> |> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Jim wrote:
| Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
| windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF
| check and windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I think
| what was wrong is that this was in the Add\Remove during the
| reinstall of ie6 and just stayed that way on the continuious attempt
| to reinstall the update.

Are you saying Windows Update has ceased to offer it anymore & you do
have the right file versions? Wow! I am pleased! Go to that other NG PA
Bear has banned me from & tell them!

| The only problem I am having now is that the streaming video is not
| displaying at Google News and probably elsewhere.

Best start a new thread for that. Post a specific site that has the
problem for others to check. It could be something screwy on their end.

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eREcaOyJJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> Jim wrote:
|> | Yes, I think I see the problem there. The QFEcheck states Invalid.
|> | It is seeing version difference. Should be,
|> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> | QFE seeing version
|> | 2000.11.9.0 for both files.
|> Interesting. How could everything look so good in your Windows Update
|> log & in your registry-- & YET you have older files!?! But that
|> sounds like it could be the problem all right. I'm still trying to
|> think, but...
|> (1) What folder are Html32.cnv & Msconv97.dll in?
|> Normally, they'd be in...
|> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
|> (2) Are they located anywhere else too
|> if so, what versions are they?
|> (3) Do you have 823559UN.INF, & where is it?
|> Should be in C:\WINDOWS\INF\QFE\W98.SE.
|> Here is mine, just for comparitive purposes...
|> 823559UN.INF
|> This is the Setup information file to uninstall the Windows 98
|> Q823559 Update:
|> [version]
|> AdvancedINF = 2.5, %AdvPackWarn%
|> signature=$CHICAGO$
|> [DefaultInstall]
|> CustomDestination = app_chk
|> DelFiles=WinUPD.delFiles,WinUPD.delINF,WinUpd.delOptions
|> delreg=WinUPD.delreg
|> RenFiles=WinUPD.renFiles
|> DelDirs=WinUPD.deldir
|> [DestinationDirs]
|> WinUPD.delFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
|> WinUPD.renFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
|> WinUPD.delINF = 17,QFE\%SPKey%
|> WinUpd.delOptions = 10,options\cabs
|> check for install location
|> [app_chk]
|> 49500 = conv_loc_chk,5
|> [conv_loc_chk]
|> HKLM,"%conv_loc%",CommonFilesDir,,"1"
|> "","","","This update is not designed for your version of Windows.
|> Press OK to exit.",""
|> [WinUPD.delFiles]
|> html32.cnv
|> msconv97.dll
|> [WinUPD.renFiles]
|> html32.cnv,html32.qfe
|> msconv97.dll,msconv97.qfe
|> [WinUPD.delINF]
|> 823559UN.INF
|> [WinUpd.delOptions]
|> html32.cnv
|> msconv97.dll
|> [WinUPD.deldir]
|> %17%\QFE\%SPKey%
|> [WinUPD.delreg]
|> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
|> HKLM,%UpdateKey%\%SPKey%\%LocaleID%%UpdID%\
|> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%UpdID%"
|> [Strings]
|> Non-localizable
|> LANG = "EN"
|> LocaleID = "UPD"
|> Guid= "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}"
|> version = ""
|> UpdID = "Q823559"
|> UpdateKey= "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updates"
|> SPKey= "W98.SE"
|> conv_loc = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
|> sharedtools= "Micros~1\TextConv"
|> Localizable strings
|> UpdName="Windows 98 Q823559 Patch"
|> AdvPackWarn="You need a newer version of advpack.dll."
|> SrcDiskName="Q823559 Patch"
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:ughlh8wJJHA.5516@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> |> Jim wrote:
|> |> | That program, critical update, is still stating that the update
|> |> | is not installed.
|> |>
|> |> I see elsewhere you said you have all the registry keys I posted,
|> |> which must include the one that displays the file versions. What
|> |> about those file versions as they appear in the files themselves
|> |> in Explorer properties...?...
|> |>
|> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> |>
|> |> If those match in the files themselves, for sure you got the
|> |> update, & all we really want is for Windows Update to stop
|> |> offering it. And are the files both located in...?...
|> |>
|> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
|> |>
|> |> You may also have a copy of each in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs (or
|> |> equivalent) as I do. But they should be nowhere else-- are they?
|> |> If so, what versions?
|> |>
|> |> | I think you [PCR] may have exposed why this is happening.
|> |> | The regedit key:
|> |> |
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |> es\W
|> |> | 98.SE\UPDQ823559
|> |> |
|> |> | This should be in Win98 updates not Win98 SE updates. The
|> |> | Citical Update program most likely reads the msinfo32 log
|> |> | first. It does not see this in Win98 updates and ignores it in
|> |> | Win98 SE updates. Understand?
|> |>
|> |> That can't be the problem because Q823559 isn't constantly
|> |> offered to me. They've never been offered more than once to me.
|> |> What do you see for those files in...?...
|> |>
|> |> "START button, Run, QFECheck, W98.SE, UPDQ823559"
|> |>
|> |> Is it showing the correct versions? Too bad the fact you have that
|> |> "IsInstalled" key set right isn't the end of this! But Terhune
|> |> once said there's no telling what Windows Update is looking for
|> |> in these matters!
|> |>
|> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> | news:%239NfMtaJJHA.1308@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> Jim wrote:
|> |> |> | OK, next I tried the reinstall of ie6setup with [radio
|> |> |> | button] reinstall all components (which is not a minimal)
|> |> |> | and went thru the whole approach again. Here I had 3
|> |> |> | critical updates to install with a reboot at the end. This
|> |> |> | is the log of win update on this machine which appears to be
|> |> |> | successful.
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> ...snip...
|> |> |> | Download destination root folder is: c:\WUTemp 2008-10-03
|> |> |> | 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Downloaded file
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> | Local path
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> x86-
|> |> |> | ENU.exe 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> | Downloaded file
|> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> | Local path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q823559_98\823559USA8.EXE
|> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> | Downloaded file
|> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> | Local path
|> |> |> | c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q313829_W98_5285\q313829.exe
|> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success IUENGINE See
|> |> |> | iuhist.xml for details: Download finished 2008-10-03
|> |> |> | 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success ...snip... I will check at
|> |> |> | Windows Update scan to see if this still triggers the
|> |> |> | update.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Yep, looks like you got 3 of them that time. I hope that solves
|> |> |> it & you will not be offered any of them (especially 823559)
|> |> |> again. But, if so, here are a few things to check...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> (1) Try to uninstall it FIRST, at "Control Panel, Add/Remove
|> |> |> Programs, Install/Uninstall tab". It looks like this: "Windows
|> |> |> 98 Q823559 Update". Now, go to Windows Update, and see whether
|> |> |> it will come in well-- & just once.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> (2) What are your versions of these files...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> ...Quote.. Win98 files...
|> |> |> Date Time Version Size File
|> |> |> name
|> |>
|> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|> |> |> --- 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> |> |> ...End quote.....
|> |> |>
|> |> |> START button, Find, F/F, "Html32.cnv, Msconv97.dll".
|> |> |> (No quotes, yes comma). R-Clk, & select Properties.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> I suppose you DID get the update, if your files look like that.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> What about this Registry key...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
|> |> |> Components\{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}]
|> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
|> |> |> "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001
|> |> |> "Locale"="EN"
|> |> |> "Version"=""
|> |> |>
|> |> |> To see it...
|> |> |> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit"
|> |> |> (b) Click plus signs, beginning at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
|> |> |> & ending with....................... "Installed
|> |> |> Components". (c) Click
|> |> |> "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}" in the left pane. (d)
|> |> |> Look in the right pane. What do you see?
|> |> |>
|> |> |> And this one, which puts it into the left pane at...
|> |> |> "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Software
|> |> |> Updates, W98.SE"...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> tes\W98.SE\UPDQ823559]
|> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> .0"
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> 26.0"
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Finally, there is this Registry key, which puts it in
|> |> |> Add/Remove...
|> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> Q823559]
|> |> |> @=""
|> |> |> "DisplayName"="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
|> |> |> "UninstallString"="RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
|> |> |> C:\\WINDOWS\\INF\\QFE\\W98.SE\\823559UN.INF"
|> |> |>
|> |> |> | "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
|> |> |> | news:O88PZROJJHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> |> [Begin crosspost to Win98 General newsgroup]
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Thread history:
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> The 0x801901F4 error(s) means that the update(s) failed to
|> |> |> |> download AND install.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> IIRC only older versions of Zone Alarm firewall will work
|> |> |> |> properly in Win98, Jim. If you're NOT running Zone Alarm
|> |> |> |> v6.1.744.1, uninstall it now. [If you're connecting to the
|> |> |> |> DSL modem via a router, the router alone should provide
|> |> |> |> adequate protection for the Win98 box. Others here are sure
|> |> |> |> to disagree with me but so be it.]
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Moving on...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> [You will want to print or copy/paste the following
|> |> |> |> instructions into Notepad for offline reference.]
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> 1. AFAIK, no currently supported version of SpySweeper's
|> |> |> |> supported in Win98. Assuming you've not purchased SpySweeper
|> |> |> |> (or if you don't get if "free" from your ISP or MSN), please
|> |> |> |> (a) disable all SpySweeper Guards (protections) then (b)
|> |> |> |> uninstall it.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> 2. Very briefly & temporarily, disable ZA firewall (if still
|> |> |> |> installed) *and* all SpySweeper Guards (if still installed)
|> |> |> |> *and* Avast *and* physically disconnect the machine from the
|> |> |> |> internet. Don't reconnect until Step #4 below!
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> 3a. Now overinstall IE6 SP1 per my previous reply to this
|> |> |> |> thread:
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> 3b. After rebooting, repeat Step #2 above!!
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> 4. Now reconnect to the internet and go to Windows Update
|> |> |> |> and try again. Follow all prompts.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> NB: Don't do ANYTHING else online until Avast has been
|> |> |> |> re-enabled and (if you don't connect via a router) until ZA
|> |> |> |> (v6.1.744.1 or earlier) has been re-enabled!!
|> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> ~PA Bear
|> |> |>
|> |> |> --
|> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> |> PCR
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |>
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Thank you, Jim!]

Jim wrote:
> Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
> windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF check
> and
> windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I think what was wrong
> is
> that this was in the Add\Remove during the reinstall of ie6 and just
> stayed
> that way on the continuious attempt to reinstall the update.
> The only problem I am having now is that the streaming video is not
> displaying at Google News and probably elsewhere.
> "PCR" <> wrote in message
> news:eREcaOyJJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Jim wrote:
>>> Yes, I think I see the problem there. The QFEcheck states Invalid. It
>>> is seeing version difference. Should be,
>>> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
>>> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
>>> QFE seeing version
>>> 2000.11.9.0 for both files.

>> Interesting. How could everything look so good in your Windows Update
>> log & in your registry-- & YET you have older files!?! But that sounds
>> like it could be the problem all right. I'm still trying to think,
>> but...
>> (1) What folder are Html32.cnv & Msconv97.dll in?
>> Normally, they'd be in...
>> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
>> (2) Are they located anywhere else too
>> if so, what versions are they?
>> (3) Do you have 823559UN.INF, & where is it?
>> Should be in C:\WINDOWS\INF\QFE\W98.SE.
>> Here is mine, just for comparitive purposes...
>> 823559UN.INF
>> This is the Setup information file to uninstall the Windows 98 Q823559
>> Update:
>> [version]
>> AdvancedINF = 2.5, %AdvPackWarn%
>> signature=$CHICAGO$
>> [DefaultInstall]
>> CustomDestination = app_chk
>> DelFiles=WinUPD.delFiles,WinUPD.delINF,WinUpd.delOptions
>> delreg=WinUPD.delreg
>> RenFiles=WinUPD.renFiles
>> DelDirs=WinUPD.deldir
>> [DestinationDirs]
>> WinUPD.delFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
>> WinUPD.renFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
>> WinUPD.delINF = 17,QFE\%SPKey%
>> WinUpd.delOptions = 10,options\cabs
>> check for install location
>> [app_chk]
>> 49500 = conv_loc_chk,5
>> [conv_loc_chk]
>> HKLM,"%conv_loc%",CommonFilesDir,,"1"
>> "","","","This update is not designed for your version of Windows.
>> Press OK to exit.",""
>> [WinUPD.delFiles]
>> html32.cnv
>> msconv97.dll
>> [WinUPD.renFiles]
>> html32.cnv,html32.qfe
>> msconv97.dll,msconv97.qfe
>> [WinUPD.delINF]
>> 823559UN.INF
>> [WinUpd.delOptions]
>> html32.cnv
>> msconv97.dll
>> [WinUPD.deldir]
>> %17%\QFE\%SPKey%
>> [WinUPD.delreg]
>> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
>> HKLM,%UpdateKey%\%SPKey%\%LocaleID%%UpdID%\
>> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%UpdID%"
>> [Strings]
>> Non-localizable
>> LANG = "EN"
>> LocaleID = "UPD"
>> Guid= "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}"
>> version = ""
>> UpdID = "Q823559"
>> UpdateKey= "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updates"
>> SPKey= "W98.SE"
>> conv_loc = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
>> sharedtools= "Micros~1\TextConv"
>> Localizable strings
>> UpdName="Windows 98 Q823559 Patch"
>> AdvPackWarn="You need a newer version of advpack.dll."
>> SrcDiskName="Q823559 Patch"
>>> "PCR" <> wrote in message
>>> news:ughlh8wJJHA.5516@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>>>> Jim wrote:
>>>>> That program, critical update, is still stating that the update is
>>>>> not installed.
>>>> I see elsewhere you said you have all the registry keys I posted,
>>>> which must include the one that displays the file versions. What
>>>> about those file versions as they appear in the files themselves in
>>>> Explorer properties...?...
>>>> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
>>>> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
>>>> If those match in the files themselves, for sure you got the update,
>>>> & all we really want is for Windows Update to stop offering it. And
>>>> are the files both located in...?...
>>>> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
>>>> You may also have a copy of each in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs (or
>>>> equivalent) as I do. But they should be nowhere else-- are they? If
>>>> so, what versions?
>>>>> I think you [PCR] may have exposed why this is happening.
>>>>> The regedit key:

>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updat
>>>> es\W
>>>>> 98.SE\UPDQ823559
>>>>> This should be in Win98 updates not Win98 SE updates. The Citical
>>>>> Update program most likely reads the msinfo32 log first. It does
>>>>> not see this in Win98 updates and ignores it in Win98 SE updates.
>>>>> Understand?
>>>> That can't be the problem because Q823559 isn't constantly offered to
>>>> me. They've never been offered more than once to me. What do you see
>>>> for those files in...?...
>>>> "START button, Run, QFECheck, W98.SE, UPDQ823559"
>>>> Is it showing the correct versions? Too bad the fact you have that
>>>> "IsInstalled" key set right isn't the end of this! But Terhune once
>>>> said there's no telling what Windows Update is looking for in these
>>>> matters!
>>>>> "PCR" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:%239NfMtaJJHA.1308@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>>>>> Jim wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, next I tried the reinstall of ie6setup with [radio button]
>>>>>>> reinstall all components (which is not a minimal) and went thru
>>>>>>> the whole approach again. Here I had 3 critical updates to
>>>>>>> install with a reboot at the end. This is the log of win update
>>>>>>> on this machine which appears to be successful.
>>>>>> ...snip...
>>>>>>> Download destination root folder is: c:\WUTemp 2008-10-03
>>>>>>> 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Downloaded file


>>>>>>> 2008-10-03 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Local
>>>>>>> path

>> c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q837009_OE6_SP1_W98WinME_Only\IE6.0sp1-KB837009-
>>>>>> x86-
>>>>>>> ENU.exe 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
>>>>>>> Downloaded file


>>>>>>> 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE Local
>>>>>>> path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q823559_98\823559USA8.EXE
>>>>>>> 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
>>>>>>> Downloaded file


>>>>>>> 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE Local
>>>>>>> path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q313829_W98_5285\q313829.exe
>>>>>>> 2008-10-03 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success IUENGINE See
>>>>>>> iuhist.xml for details: Download finished 2008-10-03 17:31:36
>>>>>>> 21:31:36 Success ...snip... I will check at Windows Update
>>>>>>> scan to see if this still triggers the update.
>>>>>> Yep, looks like you got 3 of them that time. I hope that solves
>>>>>> it & you will not be offered any of them (especially 823559)
>>>>>> again. But, if so, here are a few things to check...
>>>>>> (1) Try to uninstall it FIRST, at "Control Panel, Add/Remove
>>>>>> Programs, Install/Uninstall tab". It looks like this: "Windows 98
>>>>>> Q823559 Update". Now, go to Windows Update, and see whether it
>>>>>> will come in well-- & just once.
>>>>>> (2) What are your versions of these files...?...
>>>>>> ...Quote.. Win98 files...
>>>>>> Date Time Version Size File
>>>>>> name
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> --- 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
>>>>>> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll ...End
>>>>>> quote.....
>>>>>> START button, Find, F/F, "Html32.cnv, Msconv97.dll".
>>>>>> (No quotes, yes comma). R-Clk, & select Properties.
>>>>>> I suppose you DID get the update, if your files look like that.
>>>>>> What about this Registry key...?...
>>>>>> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
>>>>>> Components\{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}]
>>>>>> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
>>>>>> "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001
>>>>>> "Locale"="EN"
>>>>>> "Version"=""
>>>>>> To see it...
>>>>>> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit"
>>>>>> (b) Click plus signs, beginning at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
>>>>>> & ending with....................... "Installed Components".
>>>>>> (c) Click "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}" in the left
>>>>>> pane. (d) Look in the right pane. What do you see?
>>>>>> And this one, which puts it into the left pane at...
>>>>>> "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Software
>>>>>> Updates, W98.SE"...?...

>> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Upda
>>>>>> tes\W98.SE\UPDQ823559]
>>>>>> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"

>> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\html32.cnv"="2003.1100.5426
>>>>>> .0"

>> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\msconv97.dll"="2003.1100.54
>>>>>> 26.0"
>>>>>> Finally, there is this Registry key, which puts it in
>>>>>> Add/Remove...

>> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
>>>>>> Q823559]
>>>>>> @=""
>>>>>> "DisplayName"="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
>>>>>> "UninstallString"="RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
>>>>>> C:\\WINDOWS\\INF\\QFE\\W98.SE\\823559UN.INF"
>>>>>>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:O88PZROJJHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>>>>>>> [Begin crosspost to Win98 General newsgroup]
>>>>>>>> Thread history:


>>>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>>>>> The 0x801901F4 error(s) means that the update(s) failed to
>>>>>>>> download AND install.
>>>>>>>> IIRC only older versions of Zone Alarm firewall will work
>>>>>>>> properly in Win98, Jim. If you're NOT running Zone Alarm
>>>>>>>> v6.1.744.1, uninstall it now. [If you're connecting to the
>>>>>>>> DSL modem via a router, the router alone should provide
>>>>>>>> adequate protection for the Win98 box. Others here are sure
>>>>>>>> to disagree with me but so be it.]
>>>>>>>> Moving on...
>>>>>>>> [You will want to print or copy/paste the following
>>>>>>>> instructions into Notepad for offline reference.]
>>>>>>>> 1. AFAIK, no currently supported version of SpySweeper's
>>>>>>>> supported in Win98. Assuming you've not purchased SpySweeper
>>>>>>>> (or if you don't get if "free" from your ISP or MSN), please
>>>>>>>> (a) disable all SpySweeper Guards (protections) then (b)
>>>>>>>> uninstall it.
>>>>>>>> 2. Very briefly & temporarily, disable ZA firewall (if still
>>>>>>>> installed) *and* all SpySweeper Guards (if still installed)
>>>>>>>> *and* Avast *and* physically disconnect the machine from the
>>>>>>>> internet. Don't reconnect until Step #4 below!
>>>>>>>> 3a. Now overinstall IE6 SP1 per my previous reply to this
>>>>>>>> thread:


>>>>>>>> 3b. After rebooting, repeat Step #2 above!!
>>>>>>>> 4. Now reconnect to the internet and go to Windows Update and
>>>>>>>> try again. Follow all prompts.
>>>>>>>> NB: Don't do ANYTHING else online until Avast has been
>>>>>>>> re-enabled and (if you don't connect via a router) until ZA
>>>>>>>> (v6.1.744.1 or earlier) has been re-enabled!!
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ~PA Bear
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks or Good Luck,
>>>>>> There may be humor in this post, and,
>>>>>> Naturally, you will not sue,
>>>>>> Should things get worse after this,
>>>>>> PCR
>>>> --
>>>> Thanks or Good Luck,
>>>> There may be humor in this post, and,
>>>> Naturally, you will not sue,
>>>> Should things get worse after this,
>>>> PCR

>> --
>> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> Should things get worse after this,
>> PCR

PA Bear [MS MVP]

PCR wrote:
> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
>> NB: Please delete the crosspost to Windows Update newsgroup in further
>> replies to this thread. Thank you.

> Why? There's got to be a chance I actually will find the solution! And
> aren't you due for another hibernation? :).

Jim's machine is now fully patched. He has no more updates to install.
There's no solution to a problem that doesn't exist.


I think the problem with q823559 is solved. I will know for sure as the week
goes on and the Critical Update notification cycles. Thank-you.
"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Jim wrote:
> | Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
> | windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF
> | check and windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I think
> | what was wrong is that this was in the Add\Remove during the
> | reinstall of ie6 and just stayed that way on the continuious attempt
> | to reinstall the update.
> Are you saying Windows Update has ceased to offer it anymore & you do
> have the right file versions? Wow! I am pleased! Go to that other NG PA
> Bear has banned me from & tell them!
> | The only problem I am having now is that the streaming video is not
> | displaying at Google News and probably elsewhere.
> Best start a new thread for that. Post a specific site that has the
> problem for others to check. It could be something screwy on their end.
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:eREcaOyJJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> Jim wrote:
> |> | Yes, I think I see the problem there. The QFEcheck states Invalid.
> |> | It is seeing version difference. Should be,
> |> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> |> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
> |> | QFE seeing version
> |> | 2000.11.9.0 for both files.
> |>
> |> Interesting. How could everything look so good in your Windows Update
> |> log & in your registry-- & YET you have older files!?! But that
> |> sounds like it could be the problem all right. I'm still trying to
> |> think, but...
> |>
> |> (1) What folder are Html32.cnv & Msconv97.dll in?
> |> Normally, they'd be in...
> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
> |>
> |> (2) Are they located anywhere else too
> |> if so, what versions are they?
> |>
> |> (3) Do you have 823559UN.INF, & where is it?
> |> Should be in C:\WINDOWS\INF\QFE\W98.SE.
> |> Here is mine, just for comparitive purposes...
> |>
> |> 823559UN.INF
> |> This is the Setup information file to uninstall the Windows 98
> |> Q823559 Update:
> |>
> |> [version]
> |> AdvancedINF = 2.5, %AdvPackWarn%
> |> signature=$CHICAGO$
> |>
> |> [DefaultInstall]
> |> CustomDestination = app_chk
> |> DelFiles=WinUPD.delFiles,WinUPD.delINF,WinUpd.delOptions
> |> delreg=WinUPD.delreg
> |> RenFiles=WinUPD.renFiles
> |> DelDirs=WinUPD.deldir
> |>
> |> [DestinationDirs]
> |> WinUPD.delFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
> |> WinUPD.renFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
> |> WinUPD.delINF = 17,QFE\%SPKey%
> |> WinUpd.delOptions = 10,options\cabs
> |>
> |> check for install location
> |> [app_chk]
> |> 49500 = conv_loc_chk,5
> |>
> |> [conv_loc_chk]
> |> HKLM,"%conv_loc%",CommonFilesDir,,"1"
> |> "","","","This update is not designed for your version of Windows.
> |> Press OK to exit.",""
> |>
> |> [WinUPD.delFiles]
> |> html32.cnv
> |> msconv97.dll
> |>
> |> [WinUPD.renFiles]
> |> html32.cnv,html32.qfe
> |> msconv97.dll,msconv97.qfe
> |>
> |> [WinUPD.delINF]
> |> 823559UN.INF
> |>
> |> [WinUpd.delOptions]
> |> html32.cnv
> |> msconv97.dll
> |>
> |> [WinUPD.deldir]
> |> %17%\QFE\%SPKey%
> |>
> |> [WinUPD.delreg]
> |> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
> |> HKLM,%UpdateKey%\%SPKey%\%LocaleID%%UpdID%\
> |> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%UpdID%"
> |>
> |> [Strings]
> |> Non-localizable
> |> LANG = "EN"
> |> LocaleID = "UPD"
> |> Guid= "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}"
> |> version = ""
> |> UpdID = "Q823559"
> |> UpdateKey= "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updates"
> |> SPKey= "W98.SE"
> |> conv_loc = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
> |> sharedtools= "Micros~1\TextConv"
> |>
> |> Localizable strings
> |> UpdName="Windows 98 Q823559 Patch"
> |> AdvPackWarn="You need a newer version of advpack.dll."
> |> SrcDiskName="Q823559 Patch"
> |>
> |>
> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:ughlh8wJJHA.5516@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> |> Jim wrote:
> |> |> | That program, critical update, is still stating that the update
> |> |> | is not installed.
> |> |>
> |> |> I see elsewhere you said you have all the registry keys I posted,
> |> |> which must include the one that displays the file versions. What
> |> |> about those file versions as they appear in the files themselves
> |> |> in Explorer properties...?...
> |> |>
> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
> |> |>
> |> |> If those match in the files themselves, for sure you got the
> |> |> update, & all we really want is for Windows Update to stop
> |> |> offering it. And are the files both located in...?...
> |> |>
> |> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
> |> |>
> |> |> You may also have a copy of each in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs (or
> |> |> equivalent) as I do. But they should be nowhere else-- are they?
> |> |> If so, what versions?
> |> |>
> |> |> | I think you [PCR] may have exposed why this is happening.
> |> |> | The regedit key:
> |> |> |
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |>
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updat
> |> |> es\W
> |> |> | 98.SE\UPDQ823559
> |> |> |
> |> |> | This should be in Win98 updates not Win98 SE updates. The
> |> |> | Citical Update program most likely reads the msinfo32 log
> |> |> | first. It does not see this in Win98 updates and ignores it in
> |> |> | Win98 SE updates. Understand?
> |> |>
> |> |> That can't be the problem because Q823559 isn't constantly
> |> |> offered to me. They've never been offered more than once to me.
> |> |> What do you see for those files in...?...
> |> |>
> |> |> "START button, Run, QFECheck, W98.SE, UPDQ823559"
> |> |>
> |> |> Is it showing the correct versions? Too bad the fact you have that
> |> |> "IsInstalled" key set right isn't the end of this! But Terhune
> |> |> once said there's no telling what Windows Update is looking for
> |> |> in these matters!
> |> |>
> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> |> | news:%239NfMtaJJHA.1308@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> Jim wrote:
> |> |> |> | OK, next I tried the reinstall of ie6setup with [radio
> |> |> |> | button] reinstall all components (which is not a minimal)
> |> |> |> | and went thru the whole approach again. Here I had 3
> |> |> |> | critical updates to install with a reboot at the end. This
> |> |> |> | is the log of win update on this machine which appears to be
> |> |> |> | successful.
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> ...snip...
> |> |> |> | Download destination root folder is: c:\WUTemp 2008-10-03
> |> |> |> | 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Downloaded file
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> |> | Local path
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q837009_OE6_SP1_W98WinME_Only\IE6.0sp1-KB837009-
> |> |> |> x86-
> |> |> |> | ENU.exe 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> |> | Downloaded file
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> |> | Local path c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q823559_98\823559USA8.EXE
> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> |> | Downloaded file
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
> |> |> |> | Local path
> |> |> |> | c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q313829_W98_5285\q313829.exe
> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success IUENGINE See
> |> |> |> | iuhist.xml for details: Download finished 2008-10-03
> |> |> |> | 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success ...snip... I will check at
> |> |> |> | Windows Update scan to see if this still triggers the
> |> |> |> | update.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Yep, looks like you got 3 of them that time. I hope that solves
> |> |> |> it & you will not be offered any of them (especially 823559)
> |> |> |> again. But, if so, here are a few things to check...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> (1) Try to uninstall it FIRST, at "Control Panel, Add/Remove
> |> |> |> Programs, Install/Uninstall tab". It looks like this: "Windows
> |> |> |> 98 Q823559 Update". Now, go to Windows Update, and see whether
> |> |> |> it will come in well-- & just once.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> (2) What are your versions of these files...?...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> ...Quote.. Win98 files...
> |> |> |> Date Time Version Size File
> |> |> |> name
> |> |>
> |>
> |> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> |> |> |> --- 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
> |> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
> |> |> |> ...End quote.....
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> START button, Find, F/F, "Html32.cnv, Msconv97.dll".
> |> |> |> (No quotes, yes comma). R-Clk, & select Properties.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> I suppose you DID get the update, if your files look like that.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> What about this Registry key...?...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed
> |> |> |> Components\{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}]
> |> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |> |> "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001
> |> |> |> "Locale"="EN"
> |> |> |> "Version"=""
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> To see it...
> |> |> |> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit"
> |> |> |> (b) Click plus signs, beginning at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
> |> |> |> & ending with....................... "Installed
> |> |> |> Components". (c) Click
> |> |> |> "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}" in the left pane. (d)
> |> |> |> Look in the right pane. What do you see?
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> And this one, which puts it into the left pane at...
> |> |> |> "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Software
> |> |> |> Updates, W98.SE"...?...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Upda
> |> |> |> tes\W98.SE\UPDQ823559]
> |> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\html32.cnv"="2003.1100.5426
> |> |> |> .0"
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> "C:\\PROGRA~1\\COMMON~1\\Micros~1\\TextConv\\msconv97.dll"="2003.1100.54
> |> |> |> 26.0"
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Finally, there is this Registry key, which puts it in
> |> |> |> Add/Remove...
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |>
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\
> |> |> |> Q823559]
> |> |> |> @=""
> |> |> |> "DisplayName"="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
> |> |> |> "UninstallString"="RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
> |> |> |> C:\\WINDOWS\\INF\\QFE\\W98.SE\\823559UN.INF"
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> | "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
> |> |> |> | news:O88PZROJJHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> |> [Begin crosspost to Win98 General newsgroup]
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> Thread history:
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> The 0x801901F4 error(s) means that the update(s) failed to
> |> |> |> |> download AND install.
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> IIRC only older versions of Zone Alarm firewall will work
> |> |> |> |> properly in Win98, Jim. If you're NOT running Zone Alarm
> |> |> |> |> v6.1.744.1, uninstall it now. [If you're connecting to the
> |> |> |> |> DSL modem via a router, the router alone should provide
> |> |> |> |> adequate protection for the Win98 box. Others here are sure
> |> |> |> |> to disagree with me but so be it.]
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> Moving on...
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> [You will want to print or copy/paste the following
> |> |> |> |> instructions into Notepad for offline reference.]
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> 1. AFAIK, no currently supported version of SpySweeper's
> |> |> |> |> supported in Win98. Assuming you've not purchased SpySweeper
> |> |> |> |> (or if you don't get if "free" from your ISP or MSN), please
> |> |> |> |> (a) disable all SpySweeper Guards (protections) then (b)
> |> |> |> |> uninstall it.
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> 2. Very briefly & temporarily, disable ZA firewall (if still
> |> |> |> |> installed) *and* all SpySweeper Guards (if still installed)
> |> |> |> |> *and* Avast *and* physically disconnect the machine from the
> |> |> |> |> internet. Don't reconnect until Step #4 below!
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> 3a. Now overinstall IE6 SP1 per my previous reply to this
> |> |> |> |> thread:
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |
> |> |>
> |> |
> |>
> |
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> 3b. After rebooting, repeat Step #2 above!!
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> 4. Now reconnect to the internet and go to Windows Update
> |> |> |> |> and try again. Follow all prompts.
> |> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> |> NB: Don't do ANYTHING else online until Avast has been
> |> |> |> |> re-enabled and (if you don't connect via a router) until ZA
> |> |> |> |> (v6.1.744.1 or earlier) has been re-enabled!!
> |> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> |> ~PA Bear
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> --
> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> |> |> PCR
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |> |> --
> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> |> PCR
> |> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |>
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
| PCR wrote:
|> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
|>> NB: Please delete the crosspost to Windows Update newsgroup in
|>> further replies to this thread. Thank you.
|> Why? There's got to be a chance I actually will find the solution!
|> And aren't you due for another hibernation? :).
| Jim's machine is now fully patched. He has no more updates to
| install. There's no solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

I understood your point & might have eventually agreed. HOWEVER, it
turned out his file versions were wrong in QFECheck for 823559, despite
his Windows Update.log was reporting that update to be a success. Now,
all seems to be well, though, that he uninstalled the update FIRST in
Add/Remove before taking it one final time. He said...!...

"Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF check
and windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I think what was
wrong is that this was in the Add\Remove during the reinstall of ie6 and
just stayed that way on the continuious attempt to reinstall the

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Jim wrote:
| I think the problem with q823559 is solved. I will know for sure as
| the week goes on and the Critical Update notification cycles.
| Thank-you.

You are welcome. Sounds like it is solved, if the proper versions are
showing. Why not just "START button, Windows Update" to see for sure, or

"PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23phuqnyJJHA.5060@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> Jim wrote:
|> | Ok, I just went to Add\Remove and removed q823559 and then went to
|> | windowsupdate and reinstalled and worked as far as QFEcheck and FF
|> | check and windowsupdate Welcome scan [all worked] this time. I
|> | think what was wrong is that this was in the Add\Remove during the
|> | reinstall of ie6 and just stayed that way on the continuious
|> | attempt to reinstall the update.
|> Are you saying Windows Update has ceased to offer it anymore & you do
|> have the right file versions? Wow! I am pleased! Go to that other NG
|> PA Bear has banned me from & tell them!
|> | The only problem I am having now is that the streaming video is not
|> | displaying at Google News and probably elsewhere.
|> Best start a new thread for that. Post a specific site that has the
|> problem for others to check. It could be something screwy on their
|> end.
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:eREcaOyJJHA.1160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> |> Jim wrote:
|> |> | Yes, I think I see the problem there. The QFEcheck states
|> |> | Invalid. It is seeing version difference. Should be,
|> |> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> |> | 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> |> | QFE seeing version
|> |> | 2000.11.9.0 for both files.
|> |>
|> |> Interesting. How could everything look so good in your Windows
|> |> Update log & in your registry-- & YET you have older files!?! But
|> |> that sounds like it could be the problem all right. I'm still
|> |> trying to think, but...
|> |>
|> |> (1) What folder are Html32.cnv & Msconv97.dll in?
|> |> Normally, they'd be in...
|> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
|> |>
|> |> (2) Are they located anywhere else too
|> |> if so, what versions are they?
|> |>
|> |> (3) Do you have 823559UN.INF, & where is it?
|> |> Should be in C:\WINDOWS\INF\QFE\W98.SE.
|> |> Here is mine, just for comparitive purposes...
|> |>
|> |> 823559UN.INF
|> |> This is the Setup information file to uninstall the Windows 98
|> |> Q823559 Update:
|> |>
|> |> [version]
|> |> AdvancedINF = 2.5, %AdvPackWarn%
|> |> signature=$CHICAGO$
|> |>
|> |> [DefaultInstall]
|> |> CustomDestination = app_chk
|> |> DelFiles=WinUPD.delFiles,WinUPD.delINF,WinUpd.delOptions
|> |> delreg=WinUPD.delreg
|> |> RenFiles=WinUPD.renFiles
|> |> DelDirs=WinUPD.deldir
|> |>
|> |> [DestinationDirs]
|> |> WinUPD.delFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
|> |> WinUPD.renFiles = 49500,%sharedtools%
|> |> WinUPD.delINF = 17,QFE\%SPKey%
|> |> WinUpd.delOptions = 10,options\cabs
|> |>
|> |> check for install location
|> |> [app_chk]
|> |> 49500 = conv_loc_chk,5
|> |>
|> |> [conv_loc_chk]
|> |> HKLM,"%conv_loc%",CommonFilesDir,,"1"
|> |> "","","","This update is not designed for your version of Windows.
|> |> Press OK to exit.",""
|> |>
|> |> [WinUPD.delFiles]
|> |> html32.cnv
|> |> msconv97.dll
|> |>
|> |> [WinUPD.renFiles]
|> |> html32.cnv,html32.qfe
|> |> msconv97.dll,msconv97.qfe
|> |>
|> |> [WinUPD.delINF]
|> |> 823559UN.INF
|> |>
|> |> [WinUpd.delOptions]
|> |> html32.cnv
|> |> msconv97.dll
|> |>
|> |> [WinUPD.deldir]
|> |> %17%\QFE\%SPKey%
|> |>
|> |> [WinUPD.delreg]
|> |> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\%GUID%"
|> |> HKLM,%UpdateKey%\%SPKey%\%LocaleID%%UpdID%\
|> |> HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%UpdID%"
|> |>
|> |> [Strings]
|> |> Non-localizable
|> |> LANG = "EN"
|> |> LocaleID = "UPD"
|> |> Guid= "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}"
|> |> version = ""
|> |> UpdID = "Q823559"
|> |> UpdateKey=
|> |> "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\Updates" SPKey=
|> |> "W98.SE"
|> |> conv_loc = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
|> |> sharedtools= "Micros~1\TextConv"
|> |>
|> |> Localizable strings
|> |> UpdName="Windows 98 Q823559 Patch"
|> |> AdvPackWarn="You need a newer version of advpack.dll."
|> |> SrcDiskName="Q823559 Patch"
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> | news:ughlh8wJJHA.5516@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> Jim wrote:
|> |> |> | That program, critical update, is still stating that the
|> |> |> | update is not installed.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> I see elsewhere you said you have all the registry keys I
|> |> |> posted, which must include the one that displays the file
|> |> |> versions. What about those file versions as they appear in the
|> |> |> files themselves in Explorer properties...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> |> |>
|> |> |> If those match in the files themselves, for sure you got the
|> |> |> update, & all we really want is for Windows Update to stop
|> |> |> offering it. And are the files both located in...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TEXTCONV
|> |> |>
|> |> |> You may also have a copy of each in C:\Windows\Options\Cabs (or
|> |> |> equivalent) as I do. But they should be nowhere else-- are
|> |> |> they? If so, what versions?
|> |> |>
|> |> |> | I think you [PCR] may have exposed why this is happening.
|> |> |> | The regedit key:
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> es\W
|> |> |> | 98.SE\UPDQ823559
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> | This should be in Win98 updates not Win98 SE updates. The
|> |> |> | Citical Update program most likely reads the msinfo32 log
|> |> |> | first. It does not see this in Win98 updates and ignores it
|> |> |> | in Win98 SE updates. Understand?
|> |> |>
|> |> |> That can't be the problem because Q823559 isn't constantly
|> |> |> offered to me. They've never been offered more than once to me.
|> |> |> What do you see for those files in...?...
|> |> |>
|> |> |> "START button, Run, QFECheck, W98.SE, UPDQ823559"
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Is it showing the correct versions? Too bad the fact you have
|> |> |> that "IsInstalled" key set right isn't the end of this! But
|> |> |> Terhune once said there's no telling what Windows Update is
|> |> |> looking for in these matters!
|> |> |>
|> |> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> |> | news:%239NfMtaJJHA.1308@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> |> Jim wrote:
|> |> |> |> | OK, next I tried the reinstall of ie6setup with [radio
|> |> |> |> | button] reinstall all components (which is not a minimal)
|> |> |> |> | and went thru the whole approach again. Here I had 3
|> |> |> |> | critical updates to install with a reboot at the end. This
|> |> |> |> | is the log of win update on this machine which appears to
|> |> |> |> | be successful.
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |> ...snip...
|> |> |> |> | Download destination root folder is: c:\WUTemp 2008-10-03
|> |> |> |> | 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE Downloaded
|> |> |> |> | file
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:18 21:31:18 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | Local path
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> x86-
|> |> |> |> | ENU.exe 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | Downloaded file
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:23 21:31:23 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | Local path
|> |> |> |> | c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q823559_98\823559USA8.EXE
|> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | Downloaded file
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:35 21:31:35 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | Local path
|> |> |> |> | c:\WUTemp\com_microsoft.Q313829_W98_5285\q313829.exe
|> |> |> |> | 2008-10-03 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success IUENGINE
|> |> |> |> | See iuhist.xml for details: Download finished 2008-10-03
|> |> |> |> | 17:31:36 21:31:36 Success ...snip... I will check at
|> |> |> |> | Windows Update scan to see if this still triggers the
|> |> |> |> | update.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Yep, looks like you got 3 of them that time. I hope that
|> |> |> |> solves it & you will not be offered any of them (especially
|> |> |> |> 823559) again. But, if so, here are a few things to check...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> (1) Try to uninstall it FIRST, at "Control Panel, Add/Remove
|> |> |> |> Programs, Install/Uninstall tab". It looks like this:
|> |> |> |> "Windows 98 Q823559 Update". Now, go to Windows Update, and
|> |> |> |> see whether it will come in well-- & just once.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> (2) What are your versions of these files...?...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> ...Quote.. Win98 files...
|> |> |> |> Date Time Version Size
|> |> |> |> File name
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
|> |> |> |> --- 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 311,864 Html32.cnv
|> |> |> |> 27-Jun-2003 02:19 2003.1100.5426 116,288 Msconv97.dll
|> |> |> |> ...End quote.....
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> START button, Find, F/F, "Html32.cnv, Msconv97.dll".
|> |> |> |> (No quotes, yes comma). R-Clk, & select Properties.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> I suppose you DID get the update, if your files look like
|> |> |> |> that.
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> What about this Registry key...?...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active
|> |> |> |> Setup\Installed
|> |> |> |> Components\{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}]
|> |> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update" "IsInstalled"=dword:00000001
|> |> |> |> "Locale"="EN"
|> |> |> |> "Version"=""
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> To see it...
|> |> |> |> (a) "START button, Run, Regedit"
|> |> |> |> (b) Click plus signs, beginning at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
|> |> |> |> & ending with....................... "Installed
|> |> |> |> Components". (c) Click
|> |> |> |> "{2806b4d1-cadf-4568-99df-1c8836a6b4bc}" in the left pane.
|> |> |> |> (d) Look in the right pane. What do you see?
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> And this one, which puts it into the left pane at...
|> |> |> |> "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Software
|> |> |> |> Updates, W98.SE"...?...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> tes\W98.SE\UPDQ823559]
|> |> |> |> @="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> .0"
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> 26.0"
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> Finally, there is this Registry key, which puts it in
|> |> |> |> Add/Remove...
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> |> |> Q823559]
|> |> |> |> @=""
|> |> |> |> "DisplayName"="Windows 98 Q823559 Update"
|> |> |> |> "UninstallString"="RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
|> |> |> |> C:\\WINDOWS\\INF\\QFE\\W98.SE\\823559UN.INF"
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> | "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote in message
|> |> |> |> | news:O88PZROJJHA.4144@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> |> |> [Begin crosspost to Win98 General newsgroup]
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> Thread history:
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> The 0x801901F4 error(s) means that the update(s) failed
|> |> |> |> |> to download AND install.
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> IIRC only older versions of Zone Alarm firewall will work
|> |> |> |> |> properly in Win98, Jim. If you're NOT running Zone Alarm
|> |> |> |> |> v6.1.744.1, uninstall it now. [If you're connecting to
|> |> |> |> |> the DSL modem via a router, the router alone should
|> |> |> |> |> provide adequate protection for the Win98 box. Others
|> |> |> |> |> here are sure to disagree with me but so be it.]
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> Moving on...
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> [You will want to print or copy/paste the following
|> |> |> |> |> instructions into Notepad for offline reference.]
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> 1. AFAIK, no currently supported version of SpySweeper's
|> |> |> |> |> supported in Win98. Assuming you've not purchased
|> |> |> |> |> SpySweeper (or if you don't get if "free" from your ISP
|> |> |> |> |> or MSN), please (a) disable all SpySweeper Guards
|> |> |> |> |> (protections) then (b) uninstall it.
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> 2. Very briefly & temporarily, disable ZA firewall (if
|> |> |> |> |> still installed) *and* all SpySweeper Guards (if still
|> |> |> |> |> installed) *and* Avast *and* physically disconnect the
|> |> |> |> |> machine from the internet. Don't reconnect until Step #4
|> |> |> |> |> below!
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> 3a. Now overinstall IE6 SP1 per my previous reply to this
|> |> |> |> |> thread:
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |
|> |> |>
|> |> |
|> |>
|> |
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> 3b. After rebooting, repeat Step #2 above!!
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> 4. Now reconnect to the internet and go to Windows Update
|> |> |> |> |> and try again. Follow all prompts.
|> |> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> |> NB: Don't do ANYTHING else online until Avast has been
|> |> |> |> |> re-enabled and (if you don't connect via a router) until
|> |> |> |> |> ZA (v6.1.744.1 or earlier) has been re-enabled!!
|> |> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> |> ~PA Bear
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |> |> --
|> |> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> |> |> PCR
|> |> |> |>
|> |> |>
|> |> |> --
|> |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> |> PCR
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |>
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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