Seek opinion on "fix OE errors"



"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> WAIT A MINUTE! Is your only problem that the messages don't show up in
> Google Groups? And they DO show up in OE?

No Gary,
it was just confirmation that, (presumably) my ISP
somehow accepts my post, then it flits off into
the stratosphere somewhere.
As my understanding, Google just confirms
my post to the Newsgroup via OE.
In other words if I have a successful post to my NG
via my OE, It <always> arrives on Google as well.
(well it did once)
Now it shows up in my sent folder
shows as posted to my NG (but doesnt arrive)
and does not show up in Google.


"PA Bear" <> wrote in message

> In an earlier reply to this thread, I posted a (Google Groups) link to all
> of your recent newsgroup posts. Were any missing?

Yes, thank you
2 were missing, the Locomotives on stamps
and another posting.

I guess I can try again with another post?


"PA Bear" <> wrote in message

> What's the newsserver you're using (besides news:// and thru my OE newsreader.
The response I had from iprimus is, I suspect
a normal reply from India, the last time I complained
about another issue, the same thing,
I think iprimus outsources its call centres.

PA Bear

Rod wrote:
> "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
> news:ueV0Ynt4HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> In an earlier reply to this thread, I posted a (Google Groups) link to
>> all
>> of your recent newsgroup posts. Were any missing?

> Yes, thank you
> 2 were missing, the Locomotives on stamps
> and another posting.
> I guess I can try again with another post?

As others have pointed out, Google Groups archive is not infallible.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin

PA Bear

Rod wrote:
>> What's the newsserver you're using (besides news://

> and thru my OE newsreader.
> The response I had from iprimus is, I suspect
> a normal reply from India, the last time I complained
> about another issue, the same thing,
> I think iprimus outsources its call centres.

Your ISP's newsserver (which is probably not really their newsserver) may
only retain posts for a brief period of time (e.g., 24 hours).

Posts are retained for a minimum of 90 days on the MS newsserver.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Gary S. Terhune

My apologies for assuming that you were dealing with MS newsgroups. It's
more clear to me now, after reading your reply to Pa Bear. My best guess is
that at one point your ISP's server was acting up, and that either it or
Google (but probably your ISP's server) is still acting up, just in a
different way. In any case, it certainly isn't any problem with OE.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Rod" <> wrote in message
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:OQABMlr4HHA.2312@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> WAIT A MINUTE! Is your only problem that the messages don't show up in
>> Google Groups? And they DO show up in OE?

> No Gary,
> it was just confirmation that, (presumably) my ISP
> somehow accepts my post, then it flits off into
> the stratosphere somewhere.
> As my understanding, Google just confirms
> my post to the Newsgroup via OE.
> In other words if I have a successful post to my NG
> via my OE, It <always> arrives on Google as well.
> (well it did once)
> Now it shows up in my sent folder
> shows as posted to my NG (but doesnt arrive)
> and does not show up in Google.


"Rod" <> wrote in message
|> "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> news:enQEWto4HHA.4676@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> > In addition to the other fine advice, check that you do not have a
|> > message rule blocking or deleting replies. Also, answer the
|> > question Terhune posed: "Can you post a reply to one of your own
|> > messages?"
| As you can see,
| over the past two weeks, all my postings show (in my OE folder)
| yet there are no replies, (there has been some)
| and other peoples posts
| are not showing.

I see you have responded to PA Bear that only a few are actually
missing. You are not showing dates in that .htm. It could be as Bear
says they have expired off the server-- maybe before Google got it hands
on them. (Even expired, they still will show up in OE, because you have
already read them in-- so long as you don't reset the NG.) Or, as he
said, Google isn't infallible with its archives. As you said, try again.
Send it & a response to it through your server & ISP-- & see whether
they show up at Google. If not-- hold PA Bear's & Terhune's feet to the
fire for a better answer!

(It can't be a message rule doing it, if you still see them in OE.)


Thank you gentlemen, for your time.
my next plan of attack is to phone iprimus
and see if I can get varbal assistance
or at least advice on their NG policy.

failing that I guess I change supplier.

"PA Bear" <> wrote in message
> Rod wrote:
> > "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
> > news:ueV0Ynt4HHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> >
> >> In an earlier reply to this thread, I posted a (Google Groups) link to
> >> all
> >> of your recent newsgroup posts. Were any missing?

> >
> > Yes, thank you
> > 2 were missing, the Locomotives on stamps
> > and another posting.
> >
> > I guess I can try again with another post?

> As others have pointed out, Google Groups archive is not infallible.
> --
> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
> AumHa VSOP & Admin


Yes! Robear has showed up. Are you tearing things up with your roar Robear.
<hint, hint -- PCR will remember these kinds of jokes -- grin>

"PA Bear" wrote:

> Here are all newsgroup posts you've made using the email address you've used
> to post here:
> Are any missing? If so, the problem might lie with your ISP's newsserver or
> the one that you use to access the non-MS newsgroups (e.g.,
> rec.collecting.stamps.discuss rec.collecting.stamps.general).
> To make sure OE is receiving all posts to the newsgroups:
> 1. View > Current view > Show all messages (check this option)
> 2. Tools > Options > Read > Get XXX headers at a time > Uncheck (disable)
> this option
> ....then open your newsgroups again.
> More:
> You may set the option in #1 as high as 1,000. Right-click on the newsgroup
> in Folders pane > Synchronization Settings > select New Messages Only. Now
> every time you open the newsgroup (or hit F5), you will download the
> next-newest set of headers/messages.
> When you feel you've downloaded enough headers/messages, again right-click
> on the newsgroup in Folders pane and select Catch Up Now. This will Mark as
> Read all messages on the server, including ones you've not yet downloaded.
> Now return to "Get XXX headers at a time" and uncheck the option completely
> then compact the folder.
> From now on, OE will only download headers/messages posted to the server
> since you last checked (polled) for messages.
> You should probably visit this page, too:
> (lotsa good stuff
> there).
> --
> OE-specific newsgroup:
> news://
> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
> Rod wrote:
> > I'd like to run one of the free fix-it programs
> > "fix OE errors" available on the web.
> > Any recomendations? warnings?
> >
> > Just checking with the cognoscenti.
> >
> > Any problems are probably with my ISP,
> > my OE shows posts to my fav Newsgroup,
> > but they are not getting replies, nor showing
> > up in Google, so I thought I give these programs
> > a fly, in part, to appease my anxiety.
> >
> > Praise to the knowledgeable.



"Dan" <> wrote in message
| Yes! Robear has showed up. Are you tearing things up with your roar
| Robear. <hint, hint -- PCR will remember these kinds of jokes -- grin>

Good one! Ah, ha, ha! Watch out he doesn't roar off your tinfoil hat

| "PA Bear" wrote:
|> Here are all newsgroup posts you've made using the email address
|> you've used to post here:
|> Are any missing? If so, the problem might lie with your ISP's
|> newsserver or the one that you use to access the non-MS newsgroups
|> (e.g., rec.collecting.stamps.discuss rec.collecting.stamps.general).
|> To make sure OE is receiving all posts to the newsgroups:
|> 1. View > Current view > Show all messages (check this option)
|> 2. Tools > Options > Read > Get XXX headers at a time > Uncheck
|> (disable) this option
|> ....then open your newsgroups again.
|> More:
|> You may set the option in #1 as high as 1,000. Right-click on the
|> newsgroup in Folders pane > Synchronization Settings > select New
|> Messages Only. Now every time you open the newsgroup (or hit F5),
|> you will download the next-newest set of headers/messages.
|> When you feel you've downloaded enough headers/messages, again
|> right-click on the newsgroup in Folders pane and select Catch Up
|> Now. This will Mark as Read all messages on the server, including
|> ones you've not yet downloaded. Now return to "Get XXX headers at a
|> time" and uncheck the option completely then compact the folder.
|> From now on, OE will only download headers/messages posted to the
|> server since you last checked (polled) for messages.
|> You should probably visit this page, too:
|> (lotsa good
|> stuff there).
|> --
|> OE-specific newsgroup:
|> news://
|> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
|> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
|> Rod wrote:
|> > I'd like to run one of the free fix-it programs
|> > "fix OE errors" available on the web.
|> > Any recomendations? warnings?
|> >
|> > Just checking with the cognoscenti.
|> >
|> > Any problems are probably with my ISP,
|> > my OE shows posts to my fav Newsgroup,
|> > but they are not getting replies, nor showing
|> > up in Google, so I thought I give these programs
|> > a fly, in part, to appease my anxiety.
|> >
|> > Praise to the knowledgeable.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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