Good content blocker/site blocker for Vista workstation?



In article , V@nguard.LH says...
> I've heard of some censorware, like NetNanny, but never used any.
> However, getting back to OpenDNS, you don't have to install any software
> to use OpenDNS and you can use it no matter to whose network you happen
> to connect at the time. You configure the TCP parameters to use the
> OpenDNS server. Whether at someone's home, in the construction trailer,
> while travelling, or wherever, that laptop will still be using the
> OpenDNS server to resolve IP name-to-address lookups. Because the
> laptop will likely be getting a dynamic IP address from whomever's DHCP
> server is available on the current network, you need to use a DNS
> reporter client on the laptop to tell your OpenDNS account what is your
> current IP address. Then when you connect using that IP address,
> OpenDNS knows to apply your account's settings to your network traffic.
> Obviously the abusive employees must be using a limited user account so
> they cannot alter the TCP setup (to revert to DHCP-assigned DNS servers
> and get away from using the OpenDNS servers). Since you're talking
> about Windows Vista, again, no software install is needed. Just create
> a limited user account (LUA) that all the non-admin users must share (or
> give them each their own LUA account).

I'm aware of OpenDNS, and I'm aware of the client tool for dynamic
clients, but it was a concern that they could stop the client and still
surf or other method. Not having used the client, I wasn't sure how it
would work if they didn't run it - I would assume that the DNS would
fail if the client wasn't running, at least I would hope so.

> Of course, if the company were really interested in controlling what
> their employees do with the company's property, like the laptop, then
> they should establish policies and enforce them. To that end, and since
> it is the company's property, they could install monitoring software to
> see just where their employees are visiting on the Net. I've heard of
> SpectorSoft as one vendor of spy software (never used it, though).

If the company was able to put money into this project I would have
already completed the solution, but they have several issues and are
moving and etc.... They don't want to "Monitor" them, just block all
except approved sites.

Thanks for the discussion - I think that NetNanny may be the route to
take this one.

- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address)


In article , says...
> use and then set up a
> whitelist. Do not allow user to modify netnanny or install/config other
> software.

Thanks Dan, I believe that NetNanny is the direction to take this.

- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a
drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist" (remove 999 for proper email address)


On Mon, 9 Feb 2009 06:23:08 -0500, Leythos wrote:

> If the company was able to put money into this project I would have
> already completed the solution, but they have several issues and are
> moving and etc.... They don't want to "Monitor" them, just block all
> except approved sites.
> Thanks for the discussion - I think that NetNanny may be the route to
> take this one.

Considering your and their limitations, Net Nanny is about it. Install
and config it, then when they see the limitations, issues and potential
annoyances, be ready to give them a more professional solution.
Meet Ari!
"To get concrete results, you have to be confrontational".


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