OPEN LETTER to MVP's here who deny problems

  • Thread starter Hubert Cumberdale
  • Start date

Hubert Cumberdale

I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows Vista!

Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of course
there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also you need
to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive hardware base
where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand build and produce
their own systems and write the software for the systems.

I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware. Something
tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for that matter. Its
true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.

for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure UAC
was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout didn't make
sense, but thats called change.

Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just remember
though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware goes wrong.
Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection plan. Hey if my PC
goes wrong i just swap bits out!

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
> fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
> creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
> YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a
> downpayment.
> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
> look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or
> status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I
> said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of
> fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
> than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care
> for you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
> convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
> hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
> HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
> dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
> years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
> Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler.
> In the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the
> same salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even
> though it was "sales push" it was classy.
> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
> alias is, changing daily.
> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day
> who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent
> sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get
> a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your
> advise rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
> didn't exist in WindowsXP.
> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
> undo.


Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows Vista!

There's a fair one?

> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also
> you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive
> hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand
> build and produce their own systems and write the software for the systems.

And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called Vista.

> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for that
> matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.

Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their

> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure
> UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout
> didn't make sense, but thats called change.

It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.

> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware
> goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection plan.
> Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!

Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and all
the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.

> "JEWboy" wrote in message
> news:u6M%236Rk$JHA.1352@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible -
>> a fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a
>> great creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got
>> 0% for a YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned
>> to use for a downpayment.
>> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an
>> arrogant look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than
>> profession or status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a
>> creditcard". I said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire
>> amount & matter of fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K
>> Chrysler Sebring
>> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps,
>> rather than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough
>> buyers to care for you, we control enough market share to worry about
>> 1 cheap customer"
>> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
>> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted
>> a convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit,
>> I hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan
>> and GO HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
>> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and
>> almost dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or
>> whatever... 5 years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next
>> car will also be a Nissan or maybe an American to support American
>> jobs, but NOT Chrysler. In the following 2 years whenever I used that
>> dealership for service, the same salesguy recognized & talked to me to
>> see if I can upgrade, etc even though it was "sales push" it was classy.
>> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your
>> moron alias is, changing daily.
>> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one
>> day who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an
>> excellent sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit
>> telling "go get a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting
>> Macs because of your advise rather than admitting Vista problems &
>> avoiding them in Windows7.
>> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
>> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At
>> least it didn't exist in WindowsXP.
>> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
>> undo.



IMHO, don't get a Mac - they suck.

JFYI, you can purchase retail copies of Windows 7 at a steep discount right
now *and* you can use your credit card. Paul Thurrott composed a good list
of where you can purchase copies of Windows 7 right now online. 'Natch, you
will have to wait for the release of the software, it is not generally
available yet:

[Pre-order Windows 7: Find participating online retailers in the US ]

You are not limited to the U.S. though, in case you are not a U.S. citizen,
e.g., I bought a copy of Windows 7 Professional in Cdn. dollars from

Furthermore, if you do testing scenarios with software, you can get a
Technet subscription which gives you access to a wide range of operating
systems, servers, and business and productivity software - plus a neat
magazine with great articles on scripting - at relatively low cost - great
for developers, geeks and techs. Just visit:

[Technet - Microsoft]

As far as these bloody MVPs go, well, they're MVPs, not quite Microsoft, not
quite peers - so I can't comment, there. I do know that if you get a Technet
or MSDN subscription, the Microsoft folks are very helpful. They publish
shXtloads of stuff online and will answer your legitmate questions in

You can have a lot of fun with Microsoft stuff, earn money, and be very
productive too and there's a lot of support out there. So stick to your own
business and don't get discouraged by some snoot comments by passers by.

'Have a nice week,

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
> fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
> creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
> YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a
> downpayment.
> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
> look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or
> status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I
> said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of
> fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
> than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care
> for you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
> convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
> hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
> HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
> dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
> years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
> Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler.
> In the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the
> same salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even
> though it was "sales push" it was classy.
> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
> alias is, changing daily.
> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day
> who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent
> sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get
> a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your
> advise rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
> didn't exist in WindowsXP.
> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
> undo.

Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>> Vista!

> There's a fair one?
>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also
>> you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive
>> hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand
>> build and produce their own systems and write the software for the
>> systems.

> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called Vista.

Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software. So
if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That makes Linux
USELESS for most.

>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for that
>> matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.

> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
> customers.

No - They just hate idiots like YOU.

>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure
>> UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout
>> didn't make sense, but thats called change.

> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware goes
>> wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection plan. Hey
>> if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!

> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and all
> the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.

You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't afford
Windows? Typical for a lying troll.

Mike Brannigan

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
> fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
> creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
> YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a
> downpayment.
> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
> look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or
> status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I
> said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of
> fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
> than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care
> for you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
> convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
> hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
> HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
> dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
> years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
> Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler.
> In the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the
> same salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even
> though it was "sales push" it was classy.
> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
> alias is, changing daily.
> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day
> who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent
> sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get
> a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your
> advise rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
> didn't exist in WindowsXP.
> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
> undo.

Of course you failed to mention what Nissan you ended up with - but I can
only assume it was one that met your "... what I can afford, use creditcard
or whatever..."
I suspect it was hardly the equivalent of what you really wanted which was
your US convertible or the luxury Nissan.
So using your analogy it sounds like you ended up buying a Linux PC,
certainly not a Mac or a capable Windows Vista machine but one that follows
the Linux mantra of "just good enough" (so I'm sure you and "alias" will be
right at home on that one.)
Mike Brannigan


Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>> Vista!

>> There's a fair one?
>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also
>>> you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive
>>> hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand
>>> build and produce their own systems and write the software for the
>>> systems.

>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
>> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called Vista.
> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software. So
> if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That makes Linux
> USELESS for most.

Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install
Linux, so you wouldn't know.

>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for that
>>> matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.

>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
>> customers.
> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.

WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.

>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure
>>> UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout
>>> didn't make sense, but thats called change.

>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware goes
>>> wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection plan. Hey
>>> if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!

>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and all
>> the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't afford
> Windows? Typical for a lying troll.

I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.


Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Over Easy wrote:
>> "Alias" wrote in message
>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>> Vista!
>>> There's a fair one?
>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>>>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like.
>>>> Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a
>>>> massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the
>>>> other hand build and produce their own systems and write the software
>>>> for the systems.
>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
>>> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called Vista.

>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software.
>> So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That makes
>> Linux USELESS for most.
> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has comparable
> programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install Linux, so you
> wouldn't know.
>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.
>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
>>> customers.

>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure
>>>> UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout
>>>> didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware
>>>> goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection
>>>> plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and all
>>> the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.

>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is stupid
> but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
> Alias

Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to smoke
all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week. HA HA HA HA


Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a

There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or status),
uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I said I am
using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of fact if I wish
I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care for
you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.

The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler. In
the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the same
salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even though
it was "sales push" it was classy.

This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
alias is, changing daily.
By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day who
thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent sales
year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get a Mac",
hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your advise
rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
didn't exist in WindowsXP.
Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to undo.


Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>>> Vista!
>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>>>>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like.
>>>>> Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a
>>>>> massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the
>>>>> other hand build and produce their own systems and write the software
>>>>> for the systems.
>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
>>>> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called Vista.
>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software.
>>> So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That makes
>>> Linux USELESS for most.

>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has comparable
>> programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install Linux, so you
>> wouldn't know.
>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.
>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
>>>> customers.
>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.

>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
>> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure
>>>>> UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout
>>>>> didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware
>>>>> goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection
>>>>> plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and all
>>>> the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.

>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is stupid
>> but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>> Alias
> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to smoke
> all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week. HA HA HA HA

You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't afford
to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so you need
a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and if I want to,
say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have heard of
rental cars, right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in the USA
will originate from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of driving
and you won't get so damned FAT.

I don't smoke dope all day. That's another of your lies. I'm beginning
to think you don't know the difference between the truth and lies.


Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Over Easy wrote:
>> "Alias" wrote in message
>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>>>> Vista!
>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>>>>>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like.
>>>>>> Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a
>>>>>> massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the
>>>>>> other hand build and produce their own systems and write the software
>>>>>> for the systems.
>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
>>>>> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called
>>>>> Vista.
>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software.
>>>> So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That
>>>> makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install
>>> Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.
>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
>>>>> customers.
>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
>>> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware
>>>>>> goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection
>>>>>> plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and
>>>>> all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>> Alias

>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to smoke
>> all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week. HA HA HA
>> HA
> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just because
> someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't afford to buy
> it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so you need a car.
> Everything I need is within walking distance and if I want to, say, go for
> a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have heard of rental cars,
> right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in the USA will originate
> from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of driving and you won't get
> so damned FAT.

You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in Los
Angeles. I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every evening
with the wife.

I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing is
that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post every
day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you claim to get.

> I don't smoke dope all day. That's another of your lies. I'm beginning to
> think you don't know the difference between the truth and lies.
> Alias


Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>>>>> Vista!
>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
>>>>>>> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like.
>>>>>>> Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a
>>>>>>> massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the
>>>>>>> other hand build and produce their own systems and write the software
>>>>>>> for the systems.
>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run on
>>>>>> hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called
>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same software.
>>>>> So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on Linux. That
>>>>> makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install
>>>> Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.
>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE their
>>>>>> customers.
>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
>>>> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware
>>>>>>> goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection
>>>>>>> plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and
>>>>>> all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>> Alias
>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to smoke
>>> all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week. HA HA HA
>>> HA

>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just because
>> someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't afford to buy
>> it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so you need a car.
>> Everything I need is within walking distance and if I want to, say, go for
>> a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have heard of rental cars,
>> right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in the USA will originate
>> from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of driving and you won't get
>> so damned FAT.
> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in Los
> Angeles.

Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.

I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every evening
> with the wife.

Good for you.

> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing is
> that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post every
> day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you claim to get.

Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach and
can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when the
kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary Islands.
>> I don't smoke dope all day. That's another of your lies. I'm beginning to
>> think you don't know the difference between the truth and lies.
>> Alias


Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Over Easy wrote:
>> "Alias" wrote in message
>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>>>>>> Vista!
>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems,
>>>>>>>> of course there are going to be problems and things people don't
>>>>>>>> like. Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write
>>>>>>>> for a massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple
>>>>>>>> on the other hand build and produce their own systems and write the
>>>>>>>> software for the systems.
>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run
>>>>>>> on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called
>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>>>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the
>>>>>>>> masses.
>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
>>>>> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>>>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the
>>>>>>>> hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care
>>>>>>>> protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and
>>>>>>> all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>> Alias
>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week.
>>>> HA HA HA HA
>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't afford
>>> to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so you need
>>> a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and if I want to,
>>> say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have heard of
>>> rental cars, right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in the USA
>>> will originate from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of driving
>>> and you won't get so damned FAT.

>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in
>> Los Angeles.
> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
> smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.
> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every evening
>> with the wife.

> Good for you.
>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing
>> is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post
>> every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you claim
>> to get.

> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach and
> can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when the kid
> gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary Islands.

Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere else?
You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries? They use
Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!

>>> I don't smoke dope all day. That's another of your lies. I'm beginning
>>> to think you don't know the difference between the truth and lies.
>>> Alias



Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows
>>>>>>>>> Vista!
>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems,
>>>>>>>>> of course there are going to be problems and things people don't
>>>>>>>>> like. Also you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write
>>>>>>>>> for a massive hardware base where all systems are different. Apple
>>>>>>>>> on the other hand build and produce their own systems and write the
>>>>>>>>> software for the systems.
>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run
>>>>>>>> on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig called
>>>>>>>> Vista.
>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for
>>>>>>>>> that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the
>>>>>>>>> masses.
>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that your
>>>>>> paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your customers.
>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just
>>>>>>>>> remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the
>>>>>>>>> hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care
>>>>>>>>> protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux and
>>>>>>>> all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week.
>>>>> HA HA HA HA
>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't afford
>>>> to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so you need
>>>> a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and if I want to,
>>>> say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have heard of
>>>> rental cars, right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in the USA
>>>> will originate from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of driving
>>>> and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in
>>> Los Angeles.

>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
>> smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.
>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every evening
>>> with the wife.

>> Good for you.
>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing
>>> is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post
>>> every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you claim
>>> to get.

>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach and
>> can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when the kid
>> gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary Islands.
> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere else?
> You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries? They use
> Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!

I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three
countries. I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos
and now Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada,
Andorra, Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C.,
Maryland, Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there,
done that and wore out all the T-Shirts.


>>>> I don't smoke dope all day. That's another of your lies. I'm beginning
>>>> to think you don't know the difference between the truth and lies.
>>>> Alias


Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Over Easy wrote:
>> "Alias" wrote in message
>> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for
>>>>>>>>>> Windows Vista!
>>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating
>>>>>>>>>> systems, of course there are going to be problems and things
>>>>>>>>>> people don't like. Also you need to take into consideration that
>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft write for a massive hardware base where all systems are
>>>>>>>>>> different. Apple on the other hand build and produce their own
>>>>>>>>>> systems and write the software for the systems.
>>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run
>>>>>>>>> on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig
>>>>>>>>> called Vista.
>>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else
>>>>>>>>>> for that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the
>>>>>>>>>> masses.
>>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that
>>>>>>> your paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your
>>>>>>> customers.
>>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit.
>>>>>>>>>> Just remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the
>>>>>>>>>> hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care
>>>>>>>>>> protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux
>>>>>>>>> and all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>>>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week.
>>>>>> HA HA HA HA
>>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't
>>>>> afford to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so
>>>>> you need a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and if I
>>>>> want to, say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have
>>>>> heard of rental cars, right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in
>>>>> the USA will originate from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of
>>>>> driving and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in
>>>> Los Angeles.
>>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
>>> smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.
>>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every
>>>> evening with the wife.
>>> Good for you.
>>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing
>>>> is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post
>>>> every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you
>>>> claim to get.
>>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach and
>>> can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when the
>>> kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary Islands.

>> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere else?
>> You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries? They use
>> Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!
> I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
> High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three countries.
> I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos and now
> Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada, Andorra,
> Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C., Maryland,
> Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there, done that and
> wore out all the T-Shirts.
> Alias

Was your Dad in the military or was he a in drugs and had to stay one step
ahead of the law?


"JEWboy" wrote in

> I can use all $10K towards $23K
> Chrysler Sebring

So you *really* wanted to buy a total chick car ?

Richard Urban

Alias gave up on Vista when he failed to pirate it. Back then he said he
couldn't afford to buy it. He was always ranting about WGA and how it
stopped people from pirating the operating system. God, he went on and on!

Now he earns thousands a day (right) and still can't afford to buy it!


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP
Windows Desktop Experience

"Over Easy" wrote in message
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t7f5$c7f$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for
>>>>>>>>>>> Windows Vista!
>>>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating
>>>>>>>>>>> systems, of course there are going to be problems and things
>>>>>>>>>>> people don't like. Also you need to take into consideration that
>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft write for a massive hardware base where all systems
>>>>>>>>>>> are different. Apple on the other hand build and produce their
>>>>>>>>>>> own systems and write the software for the systems.
>>>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will
>>>>>>>>>> run on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig
>>>>>>>>>> called Vista.
>>>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else
>>>>>>>>>>> for that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after
>>>>>>>>>>> the masses.
>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that
>>>>>>>> your paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your
>>>>>>>> customers.
>>>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work
>>>>>>>>>>> with. Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok the layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the
>>>>>>>>>>> hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care
>>>>>>>>>>> protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux
>>>>>>>>>> and all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less
>>>>>>>>>> safely.
>>>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and
>>>>>>>>> can't afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a
>>>>>>> week. HA HA HA HA
>>>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't
>>>>>> afford to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States
>>>>>> so you need a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and
>>>>>> if I want to, say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You
>>>>>> have heard of rental cars, right? The next big health crisis
>>>>>> (diabetes) in the USA will originate from people being OBESE. Try
>>>>>> walking instead of driving and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live
>>>>> in Los Angeles.
>>>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>>>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
>>>> smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.
>>>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every
>>>>> evening with the wife.
>>>> Good for you.
>>>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny
>>>>> thing is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck.
>>>>> You post every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a
>>>>> week you claim to get.
>>>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach
>>>> and can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when
>>>> the kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary
>>>> Islands.
>>> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere
>>> else? You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries?
>>> They use Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!

>> I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
>> High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three countries.
>> I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos and now
>> Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada, Andorra,
>> Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C., Maryland,
>> Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there, done that
>> and wore out all the T-Shirts.
>> Alias
> Was your Dad in the military or was he a in drugs and had to stay one step
> ahead of the law?


Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t7f5$c7f$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for
>>>>>>>>>>> Windows Vista!
>>>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating
>>>>>>>>>>> systems, of course there are going to be problems and things
>>>>>>>>>>> people don't like. Also you need to take into consideration that
>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft write for a massive hardware base where all systems are
>>>>>>>>>>> different. Apple on the other hand build and produce their own
>>>>>>>>>>> systems and write the software for the systems.
>>>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will run
>>>>>>>>>> on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig
>>>>>>>>>> called Vista.
>>>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware.
>>>>>>>>>>> Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else
>>>>>>>>>>> for that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to look after the
>>>>>>>>>>> masses.
>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that
>>>>>>>> your paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your
>>>>>>>> customers.
>>>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the
>>>>>>>>>>> layout didn't make sense, but thats called change.
>>>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the
>>>>>>>>>>> hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple Care
>>>>>>>>>>> protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits out!
>>>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux
>>>>>>>>>> and all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less safely.
>>>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and can't
>>>>>>>>> afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a week.
>>>>>>> HA HA HA HA
>>>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't
>>>>>> afford to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States so
>>>>>> you need a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and if I
>>>>>> want to, say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You have
>>>>>> heard of rental cars, right? The next big health crisis (diabetes) in
>>>>>> the USA will originate from people being OBESE. Try walking instead of
>>>>>> driving and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live in
>>>>> Los Angeles.
>>>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>>>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss the
>>>> smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the traffic.
>>>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every
>>>>> evening with the wife.
>>>> Good for you.
>>>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny thing
>>>>> is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck. You post
>>>>> every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a week you
>>>>> claim to get.
>>>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach and
>>>> can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when the
>>>> kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary Islands.
>>> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere else?
>>> You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries? They use
>>> Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!

>> I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
>> High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three countries.
>> I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos and now
>> Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada, Andorra,
>> Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C., Maryland,
>> Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there, done that and
>> wore out all the T-Shirts.
>> Alias
> Was your Dad in the military or was he a in drugs and had to stay one step
> ahead of the law?

Neither one. Care to make another lame guess?


Over Easy

"Alias" wrote in message
> Over Easy wrote:
>> "Alias" wrote in message
>> news:h2t7f5$c7f$
>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for
>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows Vista!
>>>>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating
>>>>>>>>>>>> systems, of course there are going to be problems and things
>>>>>>>>>>>> people don't like. Also you need to take into consideration
>>>>>>>>>>>> that Microsoft write for a massive hardware base where all
>>>>>>>>>>>> systems are different. Apple on the other hand build and
>>>>>>>>>>>> produce their own systems and write the software for the
>>>>>>>>>>>> systems.
>>>>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will
>>>>>>>>>>> run on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig
>>>>>>>>>>> called Vista.
>>>>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own
>>>>>>>>>>>> hardware. Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or
>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone else for that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to
>>>>>>>>>>>> look after the masses.
>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that
>>>>>>>>> your paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your
>>>>>>>>> customers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work
>>>>>>>>>>>> with. Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a
>>>>>>>>>>>> reason. Ok the layout didn't make sense, but thats called
>>>>>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if
>>>>>>>>>>>> the hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>> Care protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits
>>>>>>>>>>>> out!
>>>>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux
>>>>>>>>>>> and all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less
>>>>>>>>>>> safely.
>>>>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and
>>>>>>>>>> can't afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a
>>>>>>>> week. HA HA HA HA
>>>>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't
>>>>>>> afford to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States
>>>>>>> so you need a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and
>>>>>>> if I want to, say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You
>>>>>>> have heard of rental cars, right? The next big health crisis
>>>>>>> (diabetes) in the USA will originate from people being OBESE. Try
>>>>>>> walking instead of driving and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>>>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live
>>>>>> in Los Angeles.
>>>>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>>>>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss
>>>>> the smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the
>>>>> traffic.
>>>>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>>>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every
>>>>>> evening with the wife.
>>>>> Good for you.
>>>>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny
>>>>>> thing is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck.
>>>>>> You post every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a
>>>>>> week you claim to get.
>>>>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach
>>>>> and can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when
>>>>> the kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary
>>>>> Islands.
>>>> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere
>>>> else? You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries?
>>>> They use Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!
>>> I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
>>> High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three
>>> countries. I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos
>>> and now Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada,
>>> Andorra, Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C.,
>>> Maryland, Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there,
>>> done that and wore out all the T-Shirts.
>>> Alias

>> Was your Dad in the military or was he a in drugs and had to stay one
>> step ahead of the law?
> Neither one. Care to make another lame guess?
> Alias

So why where you in 16 different schools before graduating from High School?
usually military families do that.


Over Easy wrote:
> "Alias" wrote in message
> news:h2t9aj$i21$
>> Over Easy wrote:
>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>> news:h2t7f5$c7f$
>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>> news:h2t6q8$a3i$
>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:h2t61p$7dp$
>>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:h2t5aq$4du$
>>>>>>>>>> Over Easy wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Alias" wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:h2t2b5$r43$
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Windows Vista!
>>>>>>>>>>>> There's a fair one?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating
>>>>>>>>>>>>> systems, of course there are going to be problems and things
>>>>>>>>>>>>> people don't like. Also you need to take into consideration
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Microsoft write for a massive hardware base where all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> systems are different. Apple on the other hand build and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> produce their own systems and write the software for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> systems.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And Linux runs on the same hardware that Windows does and will
>>>>>>>>>>>> run on hardware that can't handle the resource hungry little pig
>>>>>>>>>>>> called Vista.
>>>>>>>>>>> Linux runs on the same hardware but won't run any of the same
>>>>>>>>>>> software. So if you have Windows applications, they WON'T run on
>>>>>>>>>>> Linux. That makes Linux USELESS for most.
>>>>>>>>>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>>>>>>>>>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>>>>>>>>>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hardware. Something tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone else for that matter. Its true though Microsoft have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> look after the masses.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Microsoft only looks after one thing: the bottom line. They HATE
>>>>>>>>>>>> their customers.
>>>>>>>>>>> No - They just hate idiots like YOU.
>>>>>>>>>> WPA and the myriads of WGA say differently. You can't ASSUME that
>>>>>>>>>> your paying customers are thieves and say you don't hate your
>>>>>>>>>> customers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with. Sure UAC was slightly anoying, but its there for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason. Ok the layout didn't make sense, but thats called
>>>>>>>>>>>>> change.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's called change for change sake, not change for the better.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just remember though how much it can cost to repair a mac if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hardware goes wrong. Especially if your don't have an Apple
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Care protection plan. Hey if my PC goes wrong i just swap bits
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Me too but I don't use Apple or Windows. I save money with Linux
>>>>>>>>>>>> and all the programs one needs to run Windows more or less
>>>>>>>>>>>> safely.
>>>>>>>>>>> You claim to make so much money you have to use a FREE OS and
>>>>>>>>>>> can't afford Windows? Typical for a lying troll.
>>>>>>>>>> I can afford Windows as you well know. Spending money foolishly is
>>>>>>>>>> stupid but, then again, you're not famous for being very smart.
>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>> Talk about spending money foolishly. I don't buy pounds of DOPE to
>>>>>>>>> smoke all day. I can even afford a car and I don't make $14k a
>>>>>>>>> week. HA HA HA HA
>>>>>>>> You buy what you want to buy and I'll buy what I want to buy. Just
>>>>>>>> because someone opts not to buy something doesn't mean they can't
>>>>>>>> afford to buy it. Where did you learn logic? You live in the States
>>>>>>>> so you need a car. Everything I need is within walking distance and
>>>>>>>> if I want to, say, go for a drive in the country, I rent a car. You
>>>>>>>> have heard of rental cars, right? The next big health crisis
>>>>>>>> (diabetes) in the USA will originate from people being OBESE. Try
>>>>>>>> walking instead of driving and you won't get so damned FAT.
>>>>>>> You are right. I do need a car because I have many clients and live
>>>>>>> in Los Angeles.
>>>>>> Just living in LA requires a car. I used to live there and spent a lot
>>>>>> time stuck in traffic. I'm glad that's over with. I also don't miss
>>>>>> the smog, police helicopters circling round all the time and the
>>>>>> traffic.
>>>>>> I chose that lifestyle and it's just fine with me. When I get
>>>>>>> home I exercise and walk. I take my dog for a walk almost every
>>>>>>> evening with the wife.
>>>>>> Good for you.
>>>>>>> I can afford to go on vacation and when I do, I rent a car. Funny
>>>>>>> thing is that I can afford these things. Seems like you are stuck.
>>>>>>> You post every day all day. You never go anywhere with that $14k a
>>>>>>> week you claim to get.
>>>>>> Where I live IS a vacation spot. I'm walking distance from the beach
>>>>>> and can see it from my terrace. That's why I moved here, although when
>>>>>> the kid gets out of college, we may very well move to the Canary
>>>>>> Islands.
>>>>> Since you live in a vacation spot you have no desire to go anywhere
>>>>> else? You have no desire to see the mountains, snow, other countries?
>>>>> They use Ubuntu in a few other countries so you just might be at home!
>>>> I have traveled all my life, starting at age 1. Before I graduated from
>>>> High School, I had been to 16 schools in four states and three
>>>> countries. I've lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Laos
>>>> and now Spain. I've visited France, Panama, Italy, Thailand, Canada,
>>>> Andorra, Hawaii and Japan. I've lived in Connecticut, California, D.C.,
>>>> Maryland, Virginia, NYC, Chicago, Texas and Colorado. IOW, been there,
>>>> done that and wore out all the T-Shirts.
>>>> Alias
>>> Was your Dad in the military or was he a in drugs and had to stay one
>>> step ahead of the law?

>> Neither one. Care to make another lame guess?
>> Alias
> So why where you in 16 different schools before graduating from High School?
> usually military families do that.

USAID, US State Department, CIA, DEA, OAS, news correspondents, etc.


I Agree, Windows Vista Should Be Recalled By The U.S.A. Consumer Product
Safety Commission!

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
> fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
> creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
> YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a
> downpayment.
> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
> look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or
> status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I
> said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of
> fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
> than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care
> for you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
> convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
> hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
> HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
> dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
> years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
> Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler.
> In the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the
> same salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even
> though it was "sales push" it was classy.
> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
> alias is, changing daily.
> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day
> who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent
> sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get
> a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your
> advise rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
> didn't exist in WindowsXP.
> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
> undo.

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