OPEN LETTER to MVP's here who deny problems

  • Thread starter Hubert Cumberdale
  • Start date

Michael Dobony

On Mon, 6 Jul 2009 15:32:06 +0100, Hubert Cumberdale wrote:

> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows Vista!
> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of course
> there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also you need
> to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive hardware base
> where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand build and produce
> their own systems and write the software for the systems.
> I can see it now, Microsoft starting to make their own hardware. Something
> tells me the EU wouldn't be very happy or anyone else for that matter. Its
> true though Microsoft have to look after the masses.
> for me personally Windows Vista has been a pleasure to work with. Sure UAC
> was slightly anoying, but its there for a reason. Ok the layout didn't make
> sense, but thats called change.

My experience has been anything BUT a pleasure. I do NOT enjoy frequent
program lockups (MS Office 2007, et. al.) and mysterious hard reboots. I
spen about a month locating and installing WXP and drivers on my HP laptop.
I also did not enjoy the programs that would not run, even under XP
compatibility mode. My son had the same experience on his computer and
likewise spent time installing XP. XP is stable and runs everything. No
driver problems. My son is testing W7 and it is comparable to XP in
running programs, stability, and drivers. Vista is JUNK!!!!! Wake up and
smell the dung heap!

> Feel free to go and get a Mac, they are a great peice of kit. Just remember
> though how much it can cost to repair a mac if the hardware goes wrong.
> Especially if your don't have an Apple Care protection plan. Hey if my PC
> goes wrong i just swap bits out!
> "JEWboy" wrote in message
> news:u6M%236Rk$JHA.1352@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Five years ago I came to a Chrysler Dealership to buy a Convertible - a
>> fancar, my first new/unused car due to midlife crisis. Carrying a great
>> creditcard as unlike today by creditscore was so perfect, I got 0% for a
>> YEAR on a whopping 10K creditline - part of which I planned to use for a
>> downpayment.
>> There was a snobbishly looking Chrysler's salesman who after an arrogant
>> look at my jeans & T-shirt (I often look simpler than profession or
>> status), uttered with a grin "you can't buy cars with a creditcard". I
>> said I am using it for a downpayment, not for entire amount & matter of
>> fact if I wish I can use all $10K towards $23K Chrysler Sebring
>> He again gave me a look like I am supposed to beg for Foodstamps, rather
>> than buying a car. His look was telling me "I got enough buyers to care
>> for you, we control enough market share to worry about 1 cheap customer"
>> I'll never forgive Chrysler for that treatment. Their dealership was
>> overshadowing a much smaller & democratic Nissan. As much as I wanted a
>> convertible which Nissan didn't have other than a luxury $40K+ unit, I
>> hopelessly turned around and decided to take a walk around Nissan and GO
>> HOME. "Forget it, I need more money" I was thinking.
>> The story ended up with a Nissan salesguy grabbing me by hand and almost
>> dragging and explaining what I can afford, use creditcard or whatever... 5
>> years later I am still riding that Nissan and my next car will also be a
>> Nissan or maybe an American to support American jobs, but NOT Chrysler.
>> In the following 2 years whenever I used that dealership for service, the
>> same salesguy recognized & talked to me to see if I can upgrade, etc even
>> though it was "sales push" it was classy.
>> This is a lesson to you Frank/Justin/SpankeyMonkey or whoever your moron
>> alias is, changing daily.
>> By telling me "go get a Mac" you may end up like Chrysler and GM one day
>> who thought they're invicible. At the time Chrysler had an excellent
>> sales year, today I am not so sure! And if you don't quit telling "go get
>> a Mac", hell knows maybe people will start getting Macs because of your
>> advise rather than admitting Vista problems & avoiding them in Windows7.
>> The problem with WinExplorer forgetting views and insisting on its own
>> selection of columns, is a problem and NOT a minor nuissance. At least it
>> didn't exist in WindowsXP.
>> Stop defending Vista aqs it was indeed a fiasco, Windows7 is trying to
>> undo.


"Richard Urban" wrote in

> Alias gave up on Vista when he failed to pirate it. Back then he said
> he couldn't afford to buy it. He was always ranting about WGA and how
> it stopped people from pirating the operating system. God, he went on
> and on!

Uh, right....

From Day 1, WGA has *never* stopped anyone with half-a-brain from using a
pirated copy of Windows.

It's a joke.


"JEWboy" wrote in

> All synthetics - Amsoil oil & ATF & brake fluid, AFE filter, Injen
> airintake, TSW Aluminum allow rims, BraileAuto revolutionary battery
> weighing 9 LBs (compare to a typical 30LBs battery!!), some Euro
> company LED tailights (forgot company's name), Yokohama highperf
> tires, etc, etc. It's no longer a Sentra, it's a devil with hgumble
> badge and what ahppens they see a Sentra on LIE Expressway and think,
> OK, $14000 crap car with 1.8L engine, the next moment I leave them in
> the dust wondering why their $40K+ car was passed by this "tincan"
> than Sentra is on outside.

Doubtful, as the only performance upgrade you mentioned is a performance

> My oil is $10+ per quart and it's rated at 35,000 miles, filter rated
> at 25K miles made by AMSOIL.

And that means what ? Nothing really.

Over Easy

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> At the time (NOT anymore) I was younger & obsessed with Convertibles
> Sebring was one in affordable range & an American. I tried to support
> American jobs, and it's not a new trend, I did this since arriving to USA.
> I failed. Americans don't make godo cars anymore, I ended up with a
> Nissan but 40% of it was made in Alabama, another 40 %9in Mexico, and only
> engine, electronics and high-precision parts were from Japan. So I didn't
> feel like betraying my NEW country.

Of course you failed. You are an IDIOT.

> But I know Sebring was obviously not a "totally chick" car, it was cheap
> and a convertible though. Chick convertibles aren't in my range yet,
> it's usually Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Lotus (newcomer), Porsche.

Even if you had a Ferrari, you couldn't attract a girl. That is why you
purchase the latex girls.

> I liked renting Ford Mustang for weeks in Florida but it's more about
> legend than engineering/design these days - I get more kick from my $6000
> cheaper Nissan, probably because I stripped down Nissan to extreme even
> removed a passenger seat & ALL stuff in trunk from spare tire to carpet -
> it's a devil, I scare peopel on highways, I get around them like it's not
> Sentra but Porsche!

I am sure you scare people on the highways. That's why you need the latex

> So no Sebring is not a highend, and I wasn't born yesterday - fully awaree
> of that.
> But the point is:
> I was able to buy it, the salesman RUINED his sale and it's that kind of
> American attitude which developed over the recent years that ruined not
> just one sale, but a company.
> What it means - is a sense of invincibility, arrogance, ignoring
> international competitors.
> I didn't plan to cross the street - as you know even different car makers
> dealerships are clustered together, but he angered me and I did cross the
> street in 4 minutes I was in Nissan's parking lot, a few mins later I was
> being dragged into their showroom, and 2 days later I rolled out in a new
> Sentra which even saved me $7000 + owning a Japanese car means higher
> resale value.
> I don't plan to sell it ever, it's going to be driven to the end & killed
> into a junkyard, love it too much to sell because everythign i smodified.

Keep it forever because you can't afford to purchase a new car. Remember
you need to spend money on your latex girlfriend. Just FYI.

> All synthetics - Amsoil oil & ATF & brake fluid, AFE filter, Injen
> airintake, TSW Aluminum allow rims, BraileAuto revolutionary battery
> weighing 9 LBs (compare to a typical 30LBs battery!!), some Euro company
> LED tailights (forgot company's name), Yokohama highperf tires, etc, etc.
> It's no longer a Sentra, it's a devil with hgumble badge and what ahppens
> they see a Sentra on LIE Expressway and think, OK, $14000 crap car with
> 1.8L engine, the next moment I leave them in the dust wondering why their
> $40K+ car was passed by this "tincan" than Sentra is on outside.
> My oil is $10+ per quart and it's rated at 35,000 miles, filter rated at
> 25K miles made by AMSOIL.
> I could be doing it to Chrysler convertible, but salesmen pissed me off
> enough to betray an American brand.


At the time (NOT anymore) I was younger & obsessed with Convertibles
Sebring was one in affordable range & an American. I tried to support
American jobs, and it's not a new trend, I did this since arriving to USA.

I failed. Americans don't make godo cars anymore, I ended up with a Nissan
but 40% of it was made in Alabama, another 40 %9in Mexico, and only engine,
electronics and high-precision parts were from Japan. So I didn't feel like
betraying my NEW country.

But I know Sebring was obviously not a "totally chick" car, it was cheap and
a convertible though. Chick convertibles aren't in my range yet, it's
usually Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Lotus (newcomer), Porsche.
I liked renting Ford Mustang for weeks in Florida but it's more about legend
than engineering/design these days - I get more kick from my $6000 cheaper
Nissan, probably because I stripped down Nissan to extreme even removed a
passenger seat & ALL stuff in trunk from spare tire to carpet - it's a
devil, I scare peopel on highways, I get around them like it's not Sentra
but Porsche!

So no Sebring is not a highend, and I wasn't born yesterday - fully awaree
of that.
But the point is:
I was able to buy it, the salesman RUINED his sale and it's that kind of
American attitude which developed over the recent years that ruined not just
one sale, but a company.
What it means - is a sense of invincibility, arrogance, ignoring
international competitors.

I didn't plan to cross the street - as you know even different car makers
dealerships are clustered together, but he angered me and I did cross the
street in 4 minutes I was in Nissan's parking lot, a few mins later I was
being dragged into their showroom, and 2 days later I rolled out in a new
Sentra which even saved me $7000 + owning a Japanese car means higher resale
I don't plan to sell it ever, it's going to be driven to the end & killed
into a junkyard, love it too much to sell because everythign i smodified.

All synthetics - Amsoil oil & ATF & brake fluid, AFE filter, Injen
airintake, TSW Aluminum allow rims, BraileAuto revolutionary battery
weighing 9 LBs (compare to a typical 30LBs battery!!), some Euro company LED
tailights (forgot company's name), Yokohama highperf tires, etc, etc. It's
no longer a Sentra, it's a devil with hgumble badge and what ahppens they
see a Sentra on LIE Expressway and think, OK, $14000 crap car with 1.8L
engine, the next moment I leave them in the dust wondering why their $40K+
car was passed by this "tincan" than Sentra is on outside.

My oil is $10+ per quart and it's rated at 35,000 miles, filter rated at 25K
miles made by AMSOIL.

I could be doing it to Chrysler convertible, but salesmen pissed me off
enough to betray an American brand.

Bruce Chambers

DanS wrote:
> "Richard Urban" wrote in
> news:#ey5Zbl$JHA.2120@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
>> Alias gave up on Vista when he failed to pirate it. Back then he said
>> he couldn't afford to buy it. He was always ranting about WGA and how
>> it stopped people from pirating the operating system. God, he went on
>> and on!

> Uh, right....
> From Day 1, WGA has *never* stopped anyone with half-a-brain from using a
> pirated copy of Windows.
> It's a joke.

Stipulated. That still doesn't mean it wouldn't have stopped Alias cold.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


> I am an engineer.... women get imrpessed with fragrances & clothing, but
> men get impressed with engines!

LOL. But then again, one doesn't always have to choose which means one
could use more "AND" than "OR".

In this case, why not properly dressed, smelled, and ALSO full of
(engineering) knowledge with a positive attitude to impress everyone not
just men OR women?

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Doubtful?
> My Amsoil oil is 0W30, versus regular winter 5W30 or summer 10W30
> And amazingly it's better protetcion than 10W30!
> Look, suppose it gives you ZERO performance boost, which is not true
> because viscousity, flashpoint, etc. are all better than even so-called
> bst synth - MobilOne.
> But suppose I accept your doubts.
> However the mere fact of changing it ONCE per year, is a huge time &
> environmental saver, also saves money.
> I swear by Mother Theresa, I still haven't changed oil since march2008 and
> not worrying - out of curiosity we took a chemical analysis of a sample
> sucked out of oil dipstick tube (guide) - TBN number is still acceptable
> after 18K miles and 15 months! It's rated at 35,000 miles, it's a wonder
> oil
> Just this fact alone, however besides that it does improve performance
> along with Amsoil ATF.
> I don't work for Amsoil, or for Linux, or whoever people imagine here, I
> just like to support environmentally-responsible or well-engineered
> products.
> I am an engineer.... women get imrpessed with fragrances & clothing, but
> men get impressed with engines!



My Amsoil oil is 0W30, versus regular winter 5W30 or summer 10W30
And amazingly it's better protetcion than 10W30!

Look, suppose it gives you ZERO performance boost, which is not true because
viscousity, flashpoint, etc. are all better than even so-called bst synth -
But suppose I accept your doubts.

However the mere fact of changing it ONCE per year, is a huge time &
environmental saver, also saves money.
I swear by Mother Theresa, I still haven't changed oil since march2008 and
not worrying - out of curiosity we took a chemical analysis of a sample
sucked out of oil dipstick tube (guide) - TBN number is still acceptable
after 18K miles and 15 months! It's rated at 35,000 miles, it's a wonder

Just this fact alone, however besides that it does improve performance along
with Amsoil ATF.
I don't work for Amsoil, or for Linux, or whoever people imagine here, I
just like to support environmentally-responsible or well-engineered
I am an engineer.... women get imrpessed with fragrances & clothing, but men
get impressed with engines!


> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has comparable
> programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to install Linux, so you
> wouldn't know.

heh .. sounds like you're too STUPID to run Windows VISTA.

but turning the world on its head in order to support your arguement is
nothing new for the left.



Rich wrote:
>> Actually, most Windows programs will run in WINE but Linux has
>> comparable programs and much more. Course, you're too stupid to
>> install Linux, so you wouldn't know.

> heh .. sounds like you're too STUPID to run Windows VISTA.

I've run Vista. Yuck, no thanks!

> but turning the world on its head in order to support your arguement is
> nothing new for the left.
> Rich

Oh, you're a right wing Christian wacko are you? Do you support the
bimbo from Alaska? Do you think Bush did a great job with the economy by
deregulating everything? I bet you think water boarding is an acceptable
interrogation technique, don't you?


Over Easy, ESQ

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> I am an engineer.... women get imrpessed with fragrances & clothing, but
> men get impressed with engines!

CORRECTION: You pretend to be an engineer and dream of getting a woman.


Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

P.S. Do you like Michael Jackson?


Hubert Cumberdale wrote:
> I would like to say that this is a very unfair argument for Windows Vista!
> Microsoft spend thosands of hours producing the operating systems, of
> course there are going to be problems and things people don't like. Also
> you need to take into consideration that Microsoft write for a massive
> hardware base where all systems are different. Apple on the other hand
> build and produce their own systems and write the software for the systems.

The amount of time spent on a project has little to do with its success.
Look how many hours went into designing and constructing the Titanic,
but it didn't even complete its maiden voyage. The history of science
and technology is loaded with examples--say, the Tacoma Narrows bridge.
I personally am sorry that Bill Gates retired Ballmer seems to be just
a frustrated song-and-dance man.


> P.S. Do you like Michael Jackson?

FYI, I worked two full-time jobs to support myself all the way to
post-graduate education, and received my first managerial position while I
was still in school.

I am proud of the U.S. education system, especially for post high-school
education, and I've recommended too many people from Europe to Asia to
attend the U.S. post-graduate programs (and they paid very expensive
tuitions to support schools) and have received countless appreciations and
thank-you notes.

You, however, raised my doubt.

"JEWboy" wrote in message
> Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
> P.S. Do you like Michael Jackson?

xfile wrote:
>> P.S. Do you like Michael Jackson?

> FYI, I worked two full-time jobs to support myself all the way to
> post-graduate education, and received my first managerial position while
> I was still in school.
> I am proud of the U.S. education system, especially for post high-school
> education, and I've recommended too many people from Europe to Asia to
> attend the U.S. post-graduate programs (and they paid very expensive
> tuitions to support schools) and have received countless appreciations
> and thank-you notes.
> You, however, raised my doubt.
He says he's an MSEE and going for a PhD. What he really meant was he
works at Taco-Bell and tries to think outside the BUN!

Go Away Imposter!

wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
>>> P.S. Do you like Michael Jackson?

>> FYI, I worked two full-time jobs to support myself all the way to
>> post-graduate education, and received my first managerial position while
>> I was still in school.
>> I am proud of the U.S. education system, especially for post high-school
>> education, and I've recommended too many people from Europe to Asia to
>> attend the U.S. post-graduate programs (and they paid very expensive
>> tuitions to support schools) and have received countless appreciations
>> and thank-you notes.
>> You, however, raised my doubt.
> He says he's an MSEE and going for a PhD. What he really meant was he
> works at Taco-Bell and tries to think outside the BUN!

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