How to install DSL, how to install ethernet card?


On Sep 14, 3:04 am, w_tom <> wrote:
> On Sep 13, 11:32 am, wrote:
> > On Sep 12, 11:19 pm, w_tom <> wrote:
> >> Did you really think a 150 ma Polyswitch isprotection? The
> >> numbers. 1) What is voltage for that Polyswitch? 60 volts.

> > Only a person of your ignorance could propose 60v.

> Let's view that Polyswitch datasheet for the RXEF010 at:
> > Vmax Operating (V) = 60

> Curious. A Polyswitch that would have to block at least 600 volts
> (ypically more like 1000 volts) is only rated for 60 volts? Fourteen
> reasons demonstrated that fl_fly_boy does not have basic electrical
> knowledge. Which one is *ignorant* ? One that quotes a
> manufacturer datasheet? Or the electrically naive accuser who could
> not bother to post numbers or a datasheet who recommends ineffective
> protectors who instead posts insults? Well, one who posts insults
> also believes protectors work 'tip to ring'. He just knows this
> cannot even say why. Those who post myths often avoid 'reasons why'.
> Myths don't last very long if numbers are provided.
> A poster who identified fourteen errors in fl_fly_boy's reasoning,
> AND who provided the datasheet, AND who identifies effective
> protectors as 'wire to earth', AND has a few decades of actual
> experience, AND knew about the telco provided 'whole house' protector
> (fl_fly_boy did not), AND understands that destructive surges are made
> irrelevant when shunted / diverted / clamped to earth ground - that
> one is accused by fl_fly_boy as being "ignorant"? He accuses and
> does not even provide a number to prove 'ignorance'. But again,
> personal accusations and no numbers is how junk science gets promoted.
> Telephone appliances already contain internalprotection. Telephone
> appliances must withstand more than 600 volt transients without
> damage as even demonstrated in Bell System Technical papers. Anyprotectionthat would be effective adjacent to a DSL modem is already
> inside that DSL modem. So thatprotectioninside that DSL modem is
> not overwhelmed, we earth a typically destructivesurge(lightning)
> before thatsurgecan enter a building. IOW we do exactly what the
> telco also does for their own switching computers. Connected to
> overhead wires all over town, that switching computer may be
> threatened by 100 surges during every thunderstorm - and must not be
> damaged.
> fl_fly_boy also asks:
> > Do you think lighting creates all surges?

> We installsurgeprotectionfor lightning. Then other surges are
> also made irrelevant. Effectivesurgeprotectionis installed so that
> direct lightning strikes should not cause damage to electronics or the
> protector. How do we do that? Clearly a one centimeter Polyswitch
> will block lightning surges.
> Those who learned about Ben Franklin's lightning rods in primary
> school would know about earthing lightning - to protect church
> steeples and even humans. Ben Franklin demonstrated the technique in
> 1752. Earliest 20th Century Ham radio operators learned that a mason
> jar does not stop lightning but earthing their antenna stopped
> damage. Westinghouse and GE research papers demonstrated earthing to
> protect electronics in the 1930s. Why were they so much smarter long
> ago?
> 21st Century 'geniuses' who recommend 'miracle box' protectors need
> not learn from science and history. Instead, Circuit City and Best
> Buy salesman can provide education. Those 'miracle boxes' will
> somehow stop what three miles of sky could not? It must be true. The
> salesman said so.
> If fl_fly_boy knew even one of those fourteen reasons, then he would
> not have again replied with myths - that a Polyswitch will somehow
> stop lightning surges. Let's see. Thesurgeis done in
> microseconds. The Polyswitch takes about 1000 times longer to
> respond. Oh. Another fact that fl_fly_boy did not learn from
> datasheets. Polyswitch could never respond fast enough - but somehow
> it providedprotection.
> The OP was provided two recommendations to protect his DSL modem.
> First, confirm and maybe enhance earthing for a telco installed 'whole
> house' protector. Second, earth all AC electric wires 'less than 10
> feet' to that same earth ground - either directly (neutral wire) or
> via a 'whole house' protector (hot wires). Protectionof his DSL
> modem and everything else inside the building should be defined by the
> quality of and connections to his earthing system (secondaryprotection) -
> AND the primaryprotectionsystem:
> Both systems should be inspected.
> A protector is only as effective as its earth ground - be it asurge
> protector or a Franklin lightning rod.

Since you think a pots line needs no secondary protection from
voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site. ptc's
and mov's

instead of that 60v w_tom, try this one since you like tyco.
better choices, but you like tyco.

this is not the only ## reasons you are wrong.

Since you think a pots line needs no secondary protection from
voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site.

ieee quote
"Telephone line "primary protectors" have been required for almost
100 years, and are normally spark gap protectors, based on either
carbon or gas discharge tubes. "Carbon block" protectors consist of
carbon electrodes and an air gap. They are generally considered
obsolete, but are still found in the field. In the last 50 years,
have been mostly replaced by "gas tube" protectors, which consist of
spark gap in a small container of inert gas, like a neon lamp. The
breakdown voltages are quite high, typically 600-1000 V for carbon
400-600 V for gas tubes. They normally have a thermally-activated
short circuit switch so that if a sustained high AC voltage occurs,
heat generated in the arc will close the switch and carry the current
harmlessly to ground. These protectors are listed under UL Standard
497. They typically have high surge current ratings, 5,000 to 10,000
(8x20 µs), since they may have to intercept direct lightning strikes
carried in on aerial phone lines."

w_tom quote -- a
"No, I am not done. In the 1970s, a Bell System study provided
numbers for surges. Medium surge voltage was 381 volts."

w_tom quote -- b
"Curious. A Polyswitch that would have to block at least 600 volts
(ypically more like 1000 volts) is only rated for 60 volts?" (w_tom
picked the 60V)

w_tom quote -- c
"> Odds of the primary properly "Earth Ground" letting in
> 400-1000v, close to 100%.

Those research papers correct his odds: closer to 0% get "letting
in". Earthing limited all surges to below what the telephone
equipment must withstand without damage."

which of these w_tom quotes are correct?

See w_tom lie 14 more times. He twist and lies so much he knows no
truth or reality.

maybe I should be nice like curt and just say "Please w_tom, *do not*
read into, and then make claims that I've asserted something I


On Sep 14, 3:25 pm, wrote:
> Since you think a pots line needs no secondary protection from
> voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
> ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
> will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site.
> ptc's
> and mov's

fl_fly_boy: do you even bother to read your own citations? Your
citation says that protection is only for metallic mode. You
therefore assume the only destructive surge is metallic? You do if
you don't have basic electrical knowledge. You do what propagandists
hope you will do? You only believe what was first told then you do
everything to deny later and accurate facts. Propagandists hope more
people think that way. fl_fly_boy - the retail saleman who
recommended a secondary protectors was wrong. Spinning

Which component in the app note is the protection? Not the
Polyswitch as fl_fly_boy assumed. Read that post again. The
Polyswitch acts only like a fuse. The Sibar (or other equivalents
such as Sidactor) provides surge protection inside the phone AND for
only one type of surge. fl_fly_bly - where is the protection?
Already exists Inside the phone, modem, etc. as you were told
repeatedly. View the figure labeled "Figure 2: Modem Interface".
Protector is inside the modem. Protector is not a secondary (and
expensive) device. Protection is already inside the phone as I posted
and as fl_fly_boy repeatedly ignored.

Telephone appliance contains internal protection. Why would a
secondary protector do anything when a protector is already inside the
telephone? But then fl_fly_boy has no experience with POTS hardware
and no basic electrical knowledge. He did not know that protector
already exists even after reading his own application note.

fl_fly_boy has assumed the typically destructive transient is
> Customer premise equipment is generally ungrounded and
> therefore requiring only metallic protection architecture
> against lightning and AC power faults

Other type of surges that are typically destructive are not
discussed because that protection is elsewhere.. Since the app note
only discussed metallic, then fl_fly_boy assumes only metallic
transients exist? Of course not. If he had basic knowledge, then
fl_fly_boy would not make those assumptions.

First, it should have been obvious to fl_fly_boy that the Polyswitch
does not provide surge protection. Obviously the SiBar is the
protector. Obviously the SiBar is only for one type of surge -
metallic. Most embarrassing is that fl_fly_boy still thinks
Polyswitch is for blocking surges. It is not. But explaining
anything more will only result in more denials in long rambling posts
and quotes that he does not understand.

Second, protection already exists inside telco equipment. Why would
spending big bucks for a secondary protector do anything when the
protector is already inside the phone? It would not. If fl_fly_boy
had learned this stuff or if he even read his app notes, then
fl_fly_boy would not have posted spin.

Third, what provides protection from another type of surge that
typically does damage? The telco 'whole house' protector ... if
properly earthed. Protector that makes all type of surges irrelevant
so that protection inside POTS equipment is not overwhelmed.
fl_fly_boy even demonstrated protection exists inside telephone
appliances. Now if he would only admit it. fl_fly_boy still insists
we must install on telephone cords what already exists inside the
telephone, modem, et al.

mm - for DSL modem protection - so that the protector circuits
already inside that DSL modem are not overwhelmed - you must inspect
and may need to upgrade your earthing system. The protector is only
as effective as its earth ground. The telco provided protector is
earthed so that protection already inside telephone and modem is not

Curt Christianson

Patience...truth *always* prevails. Just don't confuse him with the facts.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

<> wrote in message
On Sep 14, 3:04 am, w_tom <> wrote:
> On Sep 13, 11:32 am, wrote:
> > On Sep 12, 11:19 pm, w_tom <> wrote:
> >> Did you really think a 150 ma Polyswitch isprotection? The
> >> numbers. 1) What is voltage for that Polyswitch? 60 volts.

> > Only a person of your ignorance could propose 60v.

> Let's view that Polyswitch datasheet for the RXEF010 at:
> > Vmax Operating (V) = 60

> Curious. A Polyswitch that would have to block at least 600 volts
> (ypically more like 1000 volts) is only rated for 60 volts? Fourteen
> reasons demonstrated that fl_fly_boy does not have basic electrical
> knowledge. Which one is *ignorant* ? One that quotes a
> manufacturer datasheet? Or the electrically naive accuser who could
> not bother to post numbers or a datasheet who recommends ineffective
> protectors who instead posts insults? Well, one who posts insults
> also believes protectors work 'tip to ring'. He just knows this
> cannot even say why. Those who post myths often avoid 'reasons why'.
> Myths don't last very long if numbers are provided.
> A poster who identified fourteen errors in fl_fly_boy's reasoning,
> AND who provided the datasheet, AND who identifies effective
> protectors as 'wire to earth', AND has a few decades of actual
> experience, AND knew about the telco provided 'whole house' protector
> (fl_fly_boy did not), AND understands that destructive surges are made
> irrelevant when shunted / diverted / clamped to earth ground - that
> one is accused by fl_fly_boy as being "ignorant"? He accuses and
> does not even provide a number to prove 'ignorance'. But again,
> personal accusations and no numbers is how junk science gets promoted.
> Telephone appliances already contain internalprotection. Telephone
> appliances must withstand more than 600 volt transients without
> damage as even demonstrated in Bell System Technical papers.
> Anyprotectionthat would be effective adjacent to a DSL modem is already
> inside that DSL modem. So thatprotectioninside that DSL modem is
> not overwhelmed, we earth a typically destructivesurge(lightning)
> before thatsurgecan enter a building. IOW we do exactly what the
> telco also does for their own switching computers. Connected to
> overhead wires all over town, that switching computer may be
> threatened by 100 surges during every thunderstorm - and must not be
> damaged.
> fl_fly_boy also asks:
> > Do you think lighting creates all surges?

> We installsurgeprotectionfor lightning. Then other surges are
> also made irrelevant. Effectivesurgeprotectionis installed so that
> direct lightning strikes should not cause damage to electronics or the
> protector. How do we do that? Clearly a one centimeter Polyswitch
> will block lightning surges.
> Those who learned about Ben Franklin's lightning rods in primary
> school would know about earthing lightning - to protect church
> steeples and even humans. Ben Franklin demonstrated the technique in
> 1752. Earliest 20th Century Ham radio operators learned that a mason
> jar does not stop lightning but earthing their antenna stopped
> damage. Westinghouse and GE research papers demonstrated earthing to
> protect electronics in the 1930s. Why were they so much smarter long
> ago?
> 21st Century 'geniuses' who recommend 'miracle box' protectors need
> not learn from science and history. Instead, Circuit City and Best
> Buy salesman can provide education. Those 'miracle boxes' will
> somehow stop what three miles of sky could not? It must be true. The
> salesman said so.
> If fl_fly_boy knew even one of those fourteen reasons, then he would
> not have again replied with myths - that a Polyswitch will somehow
> stop lightning surges. Let's see. Thesurgeis done in
> microseconds. The Polyswitch takes about 1000 times longer to
> respond. Oh. Another fact that fl_fly_boy did not learn from
> datasheets. Polyswitch could never respond fast enough - but somehow
> it providedprotection.
> The OP was provided two recommendations to protect his DSL modem.
> First, confirm and maybe enhance earthing for a telco installed 'whole
> house' protector. Second, earth all AC electric wires 'less than 10
> feet' to that same earth ground - either directly (neutral wire) or
> via a 'whole house' protector (hot wires). Protectionof his DSL
> modem and everything else inside the building should be defined by the
> quality of and connections to his earthing system (secondaryprotection) -
> AND the primaryprotectionsystem:
> Both systems should be inspected.
> A protector is only as effective as its earth ground - be it asurge
> protector or a Franklin lightning rod.

Since you think a pots line needs no secondary protection from
voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site. ptc's
and mov's

instead of that 60v w_tom, try this one since you like tyco.
better choices, but you like tyco.

this is not the only ## reasons you are wrong.

Since you think a pots line needs no secondary protection from
voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site.

ieee quote
"Telephone line "primary protectors" have been required for almost
100 years, and are normally spark gap protectors, based on either
carbon or gas discharge tubes. "Carbon block" protectors consist of
carbon electrodes and an air gap. They are generally considered
obsolete, but are still found in the field. In the last 50 years,
have been mostly replaced by "gas tube" protectors, which consist of
spark gap in a small container of inert gas, like a neon lamp. The
breakdown voltages are quite high, typically 600-1000 V for carbon
400-600 V for gas tubes. They normally have a thermally-activated
short circuit switch so that if a sustained high AC voltage occurs,
heat generated in the arc will close the switch and carry the current
harmlessly to ground. These protectors are listed under UL Standard
497. They typically have high surge current ratings, 5,000 to 10,000
(8x20 µs), since they may have to intercept direct lightning strikes
carried in on aerial phone lines."

w_tom quote -- a
"No, I am not done. In the 1970s, a Bell System study provided
numbers for surges. Medium surge voltage was 381 volts."

w_tom quote -- b
"Curious. A Polyswitch that would have to block at least 600 volts
(ypically more like 1000 volts) is only rated for 60 volts?" (w_tom
picked the 60V)

w_tom quote -- c
"> Odds of the primary properly "Earth Ground" letting in
> 400-1000v, close to 100%.

Those research papers correct his odds: closer to 0% get "letting
in". Earthing limited all surges to below what the telephone
equipment must withstand without damage."

which of these w_tom quotes are correct?

See w_tom lie 14 more times. He twist and lies so much he knows no
truth or reality.

maybe I should be nice like curt and just say "Please w_tom, *do not*
read into, and then make claims that I've asserted something I

On Sep 14, 7:07 pm, w_tom <> wrote:
> On Sep 14, 3:25 pm, wrote:
> > Since you think a pots line needs no secondaryprotectionfrom
> > voltage, and current is never an issue, and since you picked a 60v
> > ptc, and since you have difficulty understanding simple technology, I
> > will be nice enough and point you to your tyco site.

> > ptc's
> > and mov's

> fl_fly_boy: do you even bother to read your own citations? Your
> citation says thatprotectionis only for metallic mode. You
> therefore assume the only destructivesurgeis metallic? You do if
> you don't have basic electrical knowledge. You do what propagandists
> hope you will do? You only believe what was first told then you do
> everything to deny later and accurate facts. Propagandists hope more
> people think that way. fl_fly_boy - the retail saleman who
> recommended a secondary protectors was wrong. Spinning

but w_ your the only one thinking your way so i guess you've be told
several times you are propagandists. but then i'll be told by you i'm
just spining

> Which component in the app note is theprotection? Not the
> Polyswitch as fl_fly_boy assumed. Read that post again. The
> Polyswitch acts only like a fuse. The Sibar (or other equivalents
> such as Sidactor) providessurgeprotectioninside the phone AND for
> only one type ofsurge. fl_fly_bly - where is theprotection?
> Already exists Inside the phone, modem, etc. as you were told
> repeatedly. View the figure labeled "Figure 2: Modem Interface".
> Protector is inside the modem. Protector is not a secondary (and
> expensive) device. Protectionis already inside the phone as I posted
> and as fl_fly_boy repeatedly ignored.
> Telephone appliance contains internalprotection. Why would a
> secondary protector do anything when a protector is already inside the
> telephone? But then fl_fly_boy has no experience with POTS hardware
> and no basic electrical knowledge. He did not know that protector
> already exists even after reading his own application note.
> fl_fly_boy has assumed the typically destructive transient is
> metallic.
> > Customer premise equipment is generally ungrounded and
> > therefore requiring only metallicprotectionarchitecture
> > against lightning and AC power faults

> Other type of surges that are typically destructive are not
> discussed because thatprotectionis elsewhere.. Since the app note
> only discussed metallic, then fl_fly_boy assumes only metallic
> transients exist? Of course not. If he had basic knowledge, then
> fl_fly_boy would not make those assumptions.
> First, it should have been obvious to fl_fly_boy that the Polyswitch
> does not providesurgeprotection. Obviously the SiBar is the
> protector. Obviously the SiBar is only for one type ofsurge-
> metallic. Most embarrassing is that fl_fly_boy still thinks
> Polyswitch is for blocking surges. It is not. But explaining
> anything more will only result in more denials in long rambling posts
> and quotes that he does not understand.
> Second,protectionalready exists inside telco equipment. Why would
> spending big bucks for a secondary protector do anything when the
> protector is already inside the phone? It would not. If fl_fly_boy
> had learned this stuff or if he even read his app notes, then
> fl_fly_boy would not have posted spin.
> Third, what providesprotectionfrom another type ofsurgethat
> typically does damage? The telco 'whole house' protector ... if
> properly earthed. Protector that makes all type of surges irrelevant
> so thatprotectioninside POTS equipment is not overwhelmed.
> fl_fly_boy even demonstratedprotectionexists inside telephone
> appliances. Now if he would only admit it. fl_fly_boy still insists
> we must install on telephone cords what already exists inside the
> telephone, modem, et al.
> mm - for DSL modemprotection- so that the protector circuits
> already inside that DSL modem are not overwhelmed - you must inspect
> and may need to upgrade your earthing system. The protector is only
> as effective as its earth ground. The telco provided protector is
> earthed so thatprotectionalready inside telephone and modem is not
> overwhelmed.

Why don't you learn to read and think "to be equipped with" is in no
way saying it is the only component in the protector?

Mm was obviously talking about a different component than a ptc so
that is at least two components.

Only a person of your ignorance could propose 60v.

How fast is that ac surge into that dsl modem coming out the pots

Do you think lighting creates all surges?

What 'miracle box' components in existing circuits already inside
telephone appliances make 600 volts non-destructive?

Why does the dsl modem take damage with the in existing circuits
already inside telephone appliances?

"Telephone line "primary protectors" have been required for almost
100 years, and are normally spark gap protectors, based on either
carbon or gas discharge tubes. "Carbon block" protectors consist of
carbon electrodes and an air gap. They are generally considered
obsolete, but are still found in the field. In the last 50 years,
they have been mostly replaced by "gas tube" protectors, which consist
a spark gap in a small container of inert gas, like a neon lamp. The
breakdown voltages are quite high, typically 600-1000 V for carbon
and 400-600 V for gas tubes. They normally have a thermally-activated
short circuit switch so that if a sustained high AC voltage occurs,
heat generated in the arc will close the switch and carry the current
harmlessly to ground. These protectors are listed under UL Standard
497. They typically have high surge current ratings, 5,000 to 10,000
A (8x20 µs), since they may have to intercept direct lightning
carried in on aerial phone lines."
IEEE Guide for Surge Protection of Equipment 27

"harmlessly to ground" to be confused with w_tom's " 'wire to
earth' (tip to earth ground and ring to earth ground)."

The guide is saying the opposite of you. Who's should I believe ieee
or w_tom?

Most embarrassing is w_tom that can't read and think before lying.

So how much did he not know when he posted?

And I know better than ask you to backup anything you say with a
reference, you don't do that.

ieee quote
"Telephone line "primary protectors" have been required for almost
100 years, and are normally spark gap protectors, based on either
carbon or gas discharge tubes. "Carbon block" protectors consist of
carbon electrodes and an air gap. They are generally considered
obsolete, but are still found in the field. In the last 50 years,
they have been mostly replaced by "gas tube" protectors, which consist
a spark gap in a small container of inert gas, like a neon lamp. The
breakdown voltages are quite high, typically 600-1000 V for carbon
and 400-600 V for gas tubes. They normally have a thermally-activated
short circuit switch so that if a sustained high AC voltage occurs,
heat generated in the arc will close the switch and carry the current
harmlessly to ground. These protectors are listed under UL Standard
497. They typically have high surge current ratings, 5,000 to 10,000
A (8x20 µs), since they may have to intercept direct lightning
carried in on aerial phone lines."

w_tom quote -- a
"No, I am not done. In the 1970s, a Bell System study provided
numbers for surges. Medium surge voltage was 381 volts."

w_tom quote -- b
"Curious. A Polyswitch that would have to block at least 600 volts
(ypically more like 1000 volts) is only rated for 60 volts?" (w_tom
picked the 60V)

w_tom quote -- c
"> Odds of the primary properly "Earth Ground" letting in

> 400-1000v, close to 100%.

Those research papers correct his odds: closer to 0% get "letting
in". Earthing limited all surges to below what the telephone
equipment must withstand without damage."

which of these w_tom quotes are correct?

See w_tom lie 14 more times. He twist and lies so much he knows no
truth or reality.

> fl_fly_boy has assumed the typically destructive transient is
> metallic.

w_tom quote
"Real world protectors don't connect tip to ring."

w_tom is not real intelligent

i know you read my quote "Odds of this happening are close to 0% with
working primary protection that protects T-G and R-G. Odds of the
primary properly "Earth Ground" letting in 400-1000v, close to 100%.

No you are lieing again, you have assumed.

"fl_fly_boy: do you even bother to read your own citations?"

yes i read them, understand them, and agree with them, you may read
them, may understand them, you may agree with them, but then you lie
to people about them.

Please w_tom, *do not* read into, and then make claims that I've
asserted something I haven't.

you make statement, people challange your statements, you ignore the
challange, you spin, you twist, you lie


On Sep 15, 8:25 am, wrote:
> Seew_tomlie 14 more times. He twist and lies so much he knows no
> truth or reality.

This is how fl_fly_boy proves facts? Insults? What do we now have
- 17 times he posted in obvious error. The Polyswitch does not
provide surge protection - does not even claim to provide surge
protection. fl_fly_boy's own citation says the Sibar is for metallic
mode. Protection from one type of surge will make other typically
destructive types of surges irrelevant? Well, yes according to
fl_fly_boy. To prove it, he posts insults.

Meanwhile, protection from all types of surges is located where
utility wires enterin the building and include that all so essential
earthing wire. No earth ground means no effective protection. No
earthing is how fl_fly_boy's miracle solution is supposed to work?

The OP is encouraged to verify earthing for his telco 'provided for
free' protector is installed, is shared by all other incoming
utilities, and is short and direct. The OP is encouraged to inspect
earthing for AC electric and to install one 'whole house' protector
for that utility. These are solutions used in every factility where
damage is not acceptable. The protector is only as effective as its
earth ground.


On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 17:05:45 -0400, mm <>

>So Verizon DSL is getting cheap and it's clear IMO that my current ISP
>(erols/rcn/starpower in Baltimore) is never going to have highspeed.
>Verizon sent me the kit and started billing me yesterday**, but not

Replying to my own post: And it is finally hooked up, sort of, today,
9 days later!

Most of what follows is just narrative. follow-up, but at ##### are a
couple new questions.

>use the USB port, that I have to have an ethernet card.

I still haven't found my NIC, and I didn't want to go to the store, so
I bought one on ebay, a Belkin card, 3 dollars for the card and 4.85
for shipping!

It came this past thursday, in the original heat shrunk cellophane,
but it mentions XP in the instructions so it couldn't be that old.

Problem installing:

The DSL light was flashing on the DSL modem, and eventually I learned
that is not as good as steady, and it went steady after BYPASSING THE
Surge protector.

I put in a DSL filter on the phone line, and it there was a lot of
whooshing, so I added a second one in series and it's fine now.
Probably the first one was no good at all, but I haven't tested the
second alone yet.

I had put in the first one backwards (by using the Y connector) and I
thought it didn't work because it was backwards. So I still have to
try the good one backwards and see if that works.

STill iddn't work. Verizon software said I had no ethernet card, even
though Device manager said I had one.

But when I clicked on Disply Driver Details, in the second tab, the
white box was empty. No details.

DOS box IPCONFIG gave all zeroes.

Network Box (Control Panel) had no new entries for TCP/IP.

Verizon tried to help, but eventually I called Belkin. The first
person spoke good English, but her accent was so strong some of the
time, I still couldn't really understand everything, but she said to
reinstall the card. I asked the card into the motherboard or the
software for the card. (I had already installed the software 2 or 3
times, but hadn't removed it in between. I tried the card in another
slot, then back to the first.

CAlled again. The second guy said download new drivers. Reconnected
to dial-up and did that. NO file on the download is more than 5 hours
newer than the files on the CD that came with the card. April 25,

Nonetheless, the new files work well. NIC is fixed. If they just
wrote the CD, how did they have time to stuff the CD's in the boxes
and ship them if they had changed some of the files 5 hours later.
Weren't the boxes still in the building?

When did XP come out? If later than April 25, 2001, how come they
didn't include the newer, downloadable drivers on the CD they shpped,
which included software for XP.

Still couldn't connect.

Verizon had me do lots of things, but I think it was at Internet
Options/Connections/LAN connections. Yesterday, nothing was checked.
The first guy had me check the top option, Automatically Detect
Settings. Today when we looked, that was no longer checked. Use Proxy
was checked, even though no proxy address was filled in. Not
surprised that wouldn't work, but I didn't change it. Maybe installing
the NIC software did, but that seems strange.

Now I can connect and dowload a file real fast, and IE6 works, but

Firefox doesn't work. Can't imagine why not, since IE does.

And I have to make changes in the settings for Agent. (I've posted
to the AGent ng.)

Plus I forgot that Verizon probably doesn't have ngs, or at least not
most of the ones I have been reading, and if I want to cancel Erols, I
have to find another way to get them. I don't think the article
numbers will match up and I'm afraid it will want to delete what I
have retrieved already, or it will get all mixed up. Any Agent
specialists out there?

And I have to make changes to get Eudora to work. (I've posted to the
Eudora ng.

I knew this wouldn't be simple. Thanks for all your help.

If you are inclined to email me
for some reason, remove NOPSAM :)


"mm" <> wrote in message
| On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 17:05:45 -0400, mm <>
| wrote:

[deleted materials - lots of issues]

| Nonetheless, the new files work well. NIC is fixed. If they just
| wrote the CD, how did they have time to stuff the CD's in the boxes
| and ship them if they had changed some of the files 5 hours later.
| Weren't the boxes still in the building?
| When did XP come out? If later than April 25, 2001, how come they
| didn't include the newer, downloadable drivers on the CD they shaped,
| which included software for XP.

The answer to both is: the CD creation [driver creation] was done well
before the card was shipped, or rather the files to be included were sent to
be *pressed*.

| Still couldn't connect.
| Verizon had me do lots of things, but I think it was at Internet
| Options/Connections/LAN connections. Yesterday, nothing was checked.
| The first guy had me check the top option, Automatically Detect
| Settings. Today when we looked, that was no longer checked. Use Proxy
| was checked, even though no proxy address was filled in. Not
| surprised that wouldn't work, but I didn't change it. Maybe installing
| the NIC software did, but that seems strange.
| Now I can connect and download a file real fast, and IE6 works, but
| ########
| Firefox doesn't work. Can't imagine why not, since IE does.
| And I have to make changes in the settings for Agent. (I've posted
| to the AGent ng.)
| Plus I forgot that Verizon probably doesn't have ngs, or at least not
| most of the ones I have been reading, and if I want to cancel Erols, I
| have to find another way to get them. I don't think the article
| numbers will match up and I'm afraid it will want to delete what I
| have retrieved already, or it will get all mixed up. Any Agent
| specialists out there?
| And I have to make changes to get Eudora to work. (I've posted to the
| Eudora ng.
| I knew this wouldn't be simple. Thanks for all your help.
| If you are inclined to email me
| for some reason, remove NOPSAM :)

Ow, had some difficulties. Would say you likely have them sorted out but it
looks like you may have some more configuring to do ...

Thanks for posting back ...



w_tom wrote:

> No earth ground means no effective protection.

The religious mantra repeated. The IEEE guide explains, for anyone who
can read and think, that plug-in suppressors work primarily by clamping
the voltage on all wires to the common ground at the suppressor, not

And w_ still has not found another lunatic that says plug-in
suppressors are NOT effective.

Both the IEEE and NIST guides say plug-in suppressors are effective.
Read the sources.

Still never explained by w_:
- Why do the only 2 examples of protection in the IEEE guide use plug-
in suppressors?
- Why does the NIST guide says plug-in suppressors are "the easiest


On Sep 16, 8:47 am, w_tom <> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 8:25 am, wrote:
> > Seew_tomlie 14 more times. He twist and lies so much he knows no
> > truth or reality.

> This is how fl_fly_boy proves facts? Insults? What do we now have
> - 17 times he posted in obvious error. The Polyswitch does not
> providesurgeprotection- does not even claim to providesurgeprotection. fl_fly_boy's own citation says the Sibar is for metallic
> mode. Protectionfrom one type ofsurgewill make other typically
> destructive types of surges irrelevant? Well, yes according to
> fl_fly_boy. To prove it, he posts insults.
> Meanwhile,protectionfrom all types of surges is located where
> utility wires enterin the building and include that all so essential
> earthing wire. No earth ground means no effectiveprotection. No
> earthing is how fl_fly_boy's miracle solution is supposed to work?
> The OP is encouraged to verify earthing for his telco 'provided for
> free' protector is installed, is shared by all other incoming
> utilities, and is short and direct. The OP is encouraged to inspect
> earthing for AC electric and to install one 'whole house' protector
> for that utility. These are solutions used in every factility where
> damage is not acceptable. The protector is only as effective as its
> earth ground.
one more fact for you w_tom


Some background on what you had observed. First, DSL light on modem
blinks when a DSL signal is observed but modem cannot synchronize. A
weak signal is one reason. A problem sometimes created by a plug-in
protector it eats the DSL signal. Even telco 'installed for free'
protectors from 30 years ago would not do that destructive eating. To
operate properly, DSL signal light must be on constant.

Your post is unclear. DSL modem must connect directly to telco -
through no filter. Every device in the building including answering
machine, all phones, fax, alarm system, surge protector, and even
modem in same computer must connect to telco via a filter. No

Filters I have seen are bidirectional. However best is to have jack
connected to telco socket connected to POTS device. A second filter
should do nothing useful. If any wire goes to places unknown, then
that wire should be disconnected or connected through a filter - again
so that more DSL signal is not eaten.

Depending on configuration, the DSL modem should have a page that
reports an important number labeled "signal strength", "decibel",
"dB", or "signal/noise ratio". Reporting that number here would
result in useful replies. Also that number is how to test DSL filters
for bidirectional, operation, and maybe missing (needed) filters
somewhere in the building. Number would also define how badly a surge
protector was eating DSL signals.

Windows Device Manager only sees NIC hardware and device driver.
Both were OK according to Device Manager. Verizon software also
needed something additional to see the NIC unique configuration
data. IOW NIC hardware and driver were working OK. But configuration
data was in error. Newer downloaded software probably only changed
configuration setup - maybe changed a default setting - probably
loaded same drivers.

If reinstalling hardware, first manually remove all older entries in
Device Manager, then reboot, before reinstalling the NIC. To confirm
hardware is OK, better manufacturers provide comprehensive hardware
diagnostics that either tell you important facts or make requests for
help useful. What are those numbers?

Verizon software does nothing to the NIC. However the last NIC
configuration data, in some cases, may need to access Verizon router
to finish its setup. Otherwise IPCONFIG would report all zeros.

Internet Options/Connections/LAN connections did nothing to or for
NIC. That was completely about setting parameters for the DSL modem's
ethernet port.

On Sep 16, 7:49 pm, mm <> wrote:
> Most of what follows is just narrative. follow-up, but at ##### are a
> couple new questions.
> ...
>>use the USB port, that I have to have an ethernet card.

> I still haven't found my NIC, and I didn't want to go to the store, so
> I bought one on ebay, a Belkin card, 3 dollars for the card and 4.85
> for shipping!
> It came this past thursday, in the original heat shrunk cellophane,
> but it mentions XP in the instructions so it couldn't be that old.
> Problem installing:
> The DSL light was flashing on the DSL modem, and eventually I learned
> that is not as good as steady, and it went steady after BYPASSING THE
> Surge protector.
> I put in a DSL filter on the phone line, and it there was a lot of
> whooshing, so I added a second one in series and it's fine now.
> Probably the first one was no good at all, but I haven't tested the
> second alone yet.
> I had put in the first one backwards (by using the Y connector) and I
> thought it didn't work because it was backwards. So I still have to
> try the good one backwards and see if that works.
> STill iddn't work. Verizon software said I had no ethernet card, even
> though Device manager said I had one.
> But when I clicked on Disply Driver Details, in the second tab, the
> white box was empty. No details.
> DOS box IPCONFIG gave all zeroes.
> Network Box (Control Panel) had no new entries for TCP/IP.
> Verizon tried to help, but eventually I called Belkin. The first
> person spoke good English, but her accent was so strong some of the
> time, I still couldn't really understand everything, but she said to
> reinstall the card. I asked the card into the motherboard or the
> software for the card. (I had already installed the software 2 or 3
> times, but hadn't removed it in between. I tried the card in another
> slot, then back to the first.
> CAlled again. The second guy said download new drivers. Reconnected
> to dial-up and did that. NO file on the download is more than 5 hours
> newer than the files on the CD that came with the card. April 25,
> 2001.
> Nonetheless, the new files work well. NIC is fixed. If they just
> wrote the CD, how did they have time to stuff the CD's in the boxes
> and ship them if they had changed some of the files 5 hours later.
> Weren't the boxes still in the building?
> When did XP come out? If later than April 25, 2001, how come they
> didn't include the newer, downloadable drivers on the CD they shpped,
> which included software for XP.
> Still couldn't connect.
> Verizon had me do lots of things, but I think it was at Internet
> Options/Connections/LAN connections. Yesterday, nothing was checked.
> The first guy had me check the top option, Automatically Detect
> Settings. Today when we looked, that was no longer checked. Use Proxy
> was checked, even though no proxy address was filled in. Not
> surprised that wouldn't work, but I didn't change it. Maybe installing
> the NIC software did, but that seems strange.
> Now I can connect and dowload a file real fast, and IE6 works, but
> ########
> Firefox doesn't work. Can't imagine why not, since IE does.
> And I have to make changes in the settings for Agent. (I've posted
> to the AGent ng.)
> Plus I forgot that Verizon probably doesn't have ngs, or at least not
> most of the ones I have been reading, and if I want to cancel Erols, I
> have to find another way to get them. I don't think the article
> numbers will match up and I'm afraid it will want to delete what I
> have retrieved already, or it will get all mixed up. Any Agent
> specialists out there?
> And I have to make changes to get Eudora to work. (I've posted to the
> Eudora ng.

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