USB driver issue



I meet the usb not work.

After I try to renew the driver , and check the log . It is as below:

>>> [Device Install (DiShowUpdateDevice) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0538\5&2C27A5E&0&1]
>>> Section start 2018/07/30 14:18:22.002
cmd: "C:\Windows\System32\devmgmt.msc" "C:\Windows\System32\devmgmt.msc"
>>> [Device Install (DiInstallDevice) - USB\VID_0000&PID_0538\5&2C27A5E&0&1]
>>> Section start 2018/07/30 14:18:31.114
cmd: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs -p -s DsmSvc
ndv: Flags: 0x0000000a
dvi: Selected driver installs from section [HID_Inst] in 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf'.
dvi: Class GUID of device changed to: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}.
dvi: Set selected driver complete.
sto: {Setup Import Driver Package: c:\windows\inf\input.inf} 14:18:31.126
! sto: Unable to determine presence of driver package. Error = 0x00000002
inf: Opened INF: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' ([strings])
inf: Provider: Microsoft
inf: Class GUID: {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da}
inf: Driver Version: 06/21/2006,10.0.16299.248
pol: {Driver package policy check} 14:18:31.215
pol: {Driver package policy check - exit(0x00000000)} 14:18:31.218
sto: {Stage Driver Package: c:\windows\inf\input.inf} 14:18:31.221
inf: Opened INF: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' ([strings])
inf: Opened INF: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' ([strings])
! sto: Unable to determine presence of driver package 'input.inf'. Error = 0x00000002
inf: {Query Configurability: c:\windows\inf\input.inf} 14:18:31.245
inf: Opened INF: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' ([strings])
inf: Schema extension {745a17a0-74d3-11d0-b6fe-00a0c90f57da} not found.
inf: Driver package 'input.inf' is configurable.
inf: {Query Configurability: exit(0x00000000)} 14:18:31.264
sto: Copying driver package files:
sto: Source Path = c:\windows\inf
sto: Destination Path = C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}
flq: CopyStyle - 0x00000000
flq: SourceRootPath - 'c:\windows\inf'
flq: SourceFilename - 'hidusb.sys'
flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}'
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
flq: CopyStyle - 0x00000000
flq: SourceRootPath - 'c:\windows\inf'
flq: SourceFilename - 'hidclass.sys'
flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}'
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
flq: CopyStyle - 0x00000000
flq: SourceRootPath - 'c:\windows\inf'
flq: SourceFilename - 'hidparse.sys'
flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}'
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
flq: CopyStyle - 0x00000000
flq: SourceRootPath - 'c:\windows\inf'
flq: SourceFilename - 'input.inf'
flq: TargetDirectory- 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}'
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COPY exit(0x00000000)}
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT} 14:18:31.329
flq: Source Media:
flq: SourcePath - [c:\windows\inf]
flq: SourceFile - [hidusb.sys]
flq: Flags - 0x00000000
flq: Copying 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' to 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\input.inf'.
flq: CopyFile: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' to 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\SETC9F9.tmp'
flq: MoveFile: 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\SETC9F9.tmp' to 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\input.inf'
flq: Source Media:
flq: SourcePath - [c:\windows\inf]
flq: SourceFile - [hidusb.sys]
flq: Flags - 0x00000000
!!! flq: Error installing file (0x00000002)
!!! flq: Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
! flq: SourceFile - 'c:\windows\inf\hidusb.sys'
! flq: TargetFile - 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\hidusb.sys'
!!! cpy: Failed to copy file 'c:\windows\inf\hidusb.sys' to 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\Temp\{31f26f00-c5e4-5c42-8f7d-5cae8372afe0}\hidusb.sys'. Error = 0x00000002
flq: {SPFQNOTIFY_COPYERROR - returned 0x00000000}
!!! flq: Error 995: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT_COPY_FILE exit(0x000003e3)}
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT_COPY_SUBQUEUE exit(0x000003e3)}
!!! flq: FileQueueCommit aborting!
!!! flq: Error 995: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.
flq: {FILE_QUEUE_COMMIT exit(0x000003e3)} 14:18:31.416
!!! sto: Failed to copy driver package files. Error = 0x00000002
!!! sto: Failed to import driver package into Driver Store. Error = 0x00000002
sto: {Stage Driver Package: exit(0x00000002)} 14:18:31.426
sto: {Setup Import Driver Package - exit (0x00000002)} 14:18:31.431
inf: Opened INF: 'c:\windows\inf\input.inf' ([strings])
!!! ndv: Driver package import failed for device.
!!! ndv: Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
ndv: Installing NULL driver.
dvi: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install for USB\VID_0000&PID_0538\5&2C27A5E&0&1}
ump: Creating Install Process: DrvInst.exe 14:18:31.827
! dvi: Installing NULL driver!
dvi: Set selected driver complete.
dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL} 14:18:31.904
dvi: No class installer for ' USB OPTICAL MOUSE'
dvi: No CoInstallers found
dvi: Default installer: Enter 14:18:31.911
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL - exit(0xe000020e)} 14:18:31.915
dvi: No class installer for ' USB OPTICAL MOUSE'
dvi: Default installer: Enter 14:18:31.922
dvi: Co-installers registered.
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS - exit(0x00000000)} 14:18:31.929
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE} 14:18:31.932
dvi: No class installer for ' USB OPTICAL MOUSE'
dvi: No CoInstallers found
dvi: Default installer: Enter 14:18:31.940
! dvi: Installing NULL driver!
dvi: Install Null Driver: Removing device sub-tree. 14:18:31.949
dvi: Install Null Driver: Removing device sub-tree completed. 14:18:32.016
dvi: Install Null Driver: Restarting device. 14:18:32.023
dvi: Install Null Driver: Restarting device completed. 14:18:32.066
dvi: Writing common driver property settings.
dvi: Device Status: 0x01806400, Problem: 0x1c (0x00000000)
dvi: Install Device: Starting device 'USB\VID_0000&PID_0538\5&2C27A5E&0&1'. 14:18:32.075
dvi: Install Device: Starting device completed. 14:18:32.118
dvi: Default installer: Exit
dvi: {DIF_INSTALLDEVICE - exit(0x00000000)} 14:18:32.126
ump: Server install process exited with code 0x00000000 14:18:32.138
ump: {Plug and Play Service: Device Install exit(00000000)}
<<< Section end 2018/07/30 14:18:32.147
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x00000002)]

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