Printing a complete thread.

  • Thread starter Curt Christianson
  • Start date


"PA Bear" <> wrote in message
> YW. Good luck interpreting the results! You'll most likely need to do

> heavy editing (in, e.g., Word or Wordpad) to end up with what you want,


No problemo,
I employ the MSWorks suite, use the word proc (1 click open)
piece of cake
I had to use it B4 anyway, when I cut and pasted.

I belong to a philatelic NG, and I save long posts

Your advice was invaluable.


"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in


> I have need to print out an entire thread using OE6. Is
> there an easy way?


I was gonna reply when I first saw your post, but thought I'd
leave it alone - if you like OE, that's your business.

All I will say is that if you use XNews - which happens to be a
*real* newsreader, and the best one, IMO - you can save an
entire thread to a single txt file by hitting F6. Then you can
edit/print it however you want.

I would find installing Xnews and doing that considerably easier
than all the other suggestions.

No to mention IE/OE is garbage, and I am being VERY kind.

But whatever.


(Waiting for the day when it will be illegal to use anything but
Vista on any computer anywhere in the world.)

Curt Christianson

Appreciate the opinion, and I *do* like OE, but will also admit I've never
used anything else. So there may very well be better products out there. I
also appreciate not bashing MS, besides the garbage part--because that *is*
your opinion.


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
| "Curt Christianson" <> wrote in
| news:#qfAcPBCIHA.4752@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl:
| <SNIP>
| > I have need to print out an entire thread using OE6. Is
| > there an easy way?
| <SNIP>
| I was gonna reply when I first saw your post, but thought I'd
| leave it alone - if you like OE, that's your business.
| All I will say is that if you use XNews - which happens to be a
| *real* newsreader, and the best one, IMO - you can save an
| entire thread to a single txt file by hitting F6. Then you can
| edit/print it however you want.
| I would find installing Xnews and doing that considerably easier
| than all the other suggestions.
| No to mention IE/OE is garbage, and I am being VERY kind.
| But whatever.
| t.
| (Waiting for the day when it will be illegal to use anything but
| Vista on any computer anywhere in the world.)


Angel wrote:
| Hi PCR,
| That is the way I had found on in this group a long time ago.
| Except for changing the Outlook Express. I was not using Outlook
| Express for anything other than the newsgroup. I had PeoplePC and I
| usually used another webmail rather than the PeoplePC to send the
| strings from the Newsgroup. I don't use PeoplePC because I have
| At&t/DSL.
| I never used the other method, so, I do not know which method is
| best.
| I like to leave the message on the server so I had it set up
| that way before this, just in case I have to review it for reference
| from the library because my computer went haywire and I did not
| remember it. all. I cannot use the Outlook Express to get my email at
| the library or another place other than my home.
| So what ever method works for you, my advice is to use it. Maybe
| some time I will use the other method.

Now I get it. Yea, it is good to know all the options, in case one
doesn't use Outlook Express. I'll try to remember all of that, then, in
case it comes up again. Thanks. NetZero has a mail area too, but not one
for newsgroup postings that I know of. I hardly use it, because it is
cumbersome & slow on Dial-Up. I believe, once I read an E-Mail from
there into my machine, it will disappear from NetZero's store.
Eventually, I tried to duplicate my OE rules at the NetZero store to
delete junk mail & gigantic posts. Seems like I get far fewer now into

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eclA6QFDIHA.484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> Angel wrote:
|> | P.S. in line,
|> |
|> | "Angel" <> wrote in message
|> | news:eoS4qv6CIHA.4228@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> PCR and Curt,
|> |>
|> |> Using PCR's method of trying to do a direct print, it only
|> |> prints one post at a time. That is what it did for me.
|> OK. Thanks, Angel-- & I THOUGHT I read as much a while ago!
|> |> I have found that if you highlight the posts using PCR's
|> |> method and forwarding it to your webmail address you will be able
|> |> to get the whole text. Do a printable view you can print it up
|> |> completely.
|> I see. But is there any advantage to doing it that way over what PA
|> Bear has confirmed will work? (He may have been the one I got that
|> from.)...
|> (a) Highlight the full thread or even posts from various threads.
|> Select the top post, & hold Shift while selecting the bottom
|> post. Or, hold Ctrl while selecting various posts.
|> (b) R-Clk the group, & select "Combine & Decode".
|> One huge post appears containing all the selected posts.
|> (c) From the File menu of the huge post, select "print".
|> After you close the combined post, I believe it no longer exists. (I
|> can't find it, anyhow.) The original posts that were combined remain
|> unchanged where they were.
|> |> If you use Outlook Express to open it, all comes out with
|> |> separate attachments. You can set up your Outlook Express to
|> |> *leave copy on the server*. Check that option. I am not sure of
|> |> the exact wording. I have done this and it works.
|> |
|> | To set up your Outlook Express to save message on server: In
|> | Outlook Express, go to Tools>accounts, double click your email
|> | account and on the advanced tab at the bottom, check "leave copy
|> | of message on server" click Ok, done.
|> Is there a good reason to do all of that?
|> |> Angel
|> |>
|> |> "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> news:ejO%23WP4CIHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> > Curt Christianson wrote:
|> |> > | PCR,
|> |> > |
|> |> > | No, you were right. cut/paste and then print from the document
|> |> > | seems to work fine. Think I'll stick with that.
|> |> >
|> |> > I never said that! I said to try...!...
|> |> >
|> |> > (a) Highlight the full thread.
|> |> > Select the top post, & hold Shift while selecting the
|> |> > bottom post. Or, hold Ctrl while selecting the others.
|> |> >
|> |> > (b) R-Clk the group, & select "print".
|> |> >
|> |> > But, if that doesn't work (& I have reason to believe it may
|> |> > not), then-- looks like "combine & decode" will work! It grabs
|> |> > all the selected posts into one post-- & has a "print" in the
|> |> > File menu!
|> |> >
|> |> > | Speaking of ink cartridges, I've tried some of the re-fill
|> |> > | kits (only a couple of times though), and so far they work
|> |> > | great. If you compare the price of a re-fill kit with all
|> |> > | the stores offering to do the service for you, then I'm not
|> |> > | sure how much of a bargain it is.
|> |> >
|> |> > Hmm. But I don't have a Walgreens within reach, I don't think.
|> |> >
|> |> > | I re-filled (myself) the black ink cartridge with great
|> |> > | results, but just couldn't afford the color kit. So there I
|> |> > | sit with black only for a year, when one day about 3 weeks
|> |> > | ago Walgreens offered to refill any cartridge, black or white
|> |> > | for FREE! I took them up on it, and it works great. Their
|> |> > | normal re-fill price is $10 for black, $15 for color. At
|> |> > | those prices they are beating out a lot of the competing
|> |> > | store, even the "Office M**" and stores of that sort.
|> |> > |
|> |> > | Just something to consider my friend.
|> |> >
|> |> > OK, thanks. I DID see a refill kit in Staples once-- but
|> |> > hesitated to purchase it for a reason I can't quite recall.
|> |> > Perhaps it STILL seemed expensive. But, it may also be that I
|> |> > was considering getting a printer/copier combo, instead. Maybe
|> |> > soon I'll go look again!
|> |> >
|> |> > | --
|> |> > | HTH,
|> |> > | Curt
|> |> > |
|> |> > | Windows Support Center
|> |> > |
|> |> > | Practically Nerded,...
|> |> > |
|> |> > |
|> |> > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> > | news:enYDPFSCIHA.5868@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> |> > || Curt Christianson wrote:
|> |> > ||| Thanks Dan and PCR,
|> |> > |||
|> |> > ||| I just figured that there ought to be a better way besides
|> |> > ||| cut/paste, but until then we'll have to wait for the Vista
|> |> > ||| experts to weigh in!!
|> |> > ||
|> |> > || I dimly recall, cut & paste was involved for it in some
|> |> > || ancient thread. (I guess you are saying it didn't work to
|> |> > || just highlight the full thread, R-Clk it, & select "print".
|> |> > || I still need to get a new print cartridge.)
|> |> > ||
|> |> > || Vista experts? The chances of V-irradiation causing just the
|> |> > || right mutation for it is remote! Very remote!
|> |> > ||
|> |> > ||| They're all "up younder" and seldom make appearances here
|> |> > ||| any longer. Besides, WE got all the 98 bugs already worked
|> |> > ||| out of our machines. <VBG>
|> |> > ||
|> |> > || Uhuh. That's right.
|> |> > ||
|> |> > ||| --
|> |> > ||| HTH,
|> |> > ||| Curt
|> |> > |||
|> |> > ||| Windows Support Center
|> |> > |||
|> |> > ||| Practically Nerded,...
|> |> > |||
|> |> > |||
|> |> > ||| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> |> > ||| news:uRAX%237GCIHA.4176@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |> > |||| Curt Christianson wrote:
|> |> > ||||| Good morning friends,
|> |> > |||||
|> |> > ||||| Jamming along to Fleetwood Mac as a I write--better that
|> |> > ||||| *any* meds!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| I still prefer you get an MVP transplant! There was little
|> |> > |||| wrong with that idea!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| Even after firing off that post of yesterday AM, I
|> |> > ||||| thought I would try it one last time without my "Spill
|> |> > ||||| Chunker" (Spell Checker--Oh, I don't know). I was amazed
|> |> > ||||| by just how bad I mucked it up, but I trust you good
|> |> > ||||| souls got the gist of it--well, maybe not CPR!
|> |> > ||||| <intentional this time>
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| I've crossed my eyes-- & it comes out PCR!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| I have need to print out an entire thread using OE6. Is
|> |> > ||||| there an easy way?
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| What happens if you highlight all the posts of the thread
|> |> > |||| (click top one, hold Shift & click bottom one) in OE, R-Clk
|> |> > |||| the bunch, & select "print"?
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| You gotta remember, I used the insane CDO interface for my
|> |> > ||||| first two years here--NEVER Again!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| Very good.
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| Thank you for all the heartfelt feelings and well wishes
|> |> > ||||| on my behalf.
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| You are welcome.
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| I'm *very* fortunate* in that I have a DR. who *will not *
|> |> > ||||| give up, since the diagnosis was first made 2 1/2 years
|> |> > ||||| ago.
|> |> > |||||
|> |> > ||||| And Brian (you know who you are), take your time waking
|> |> > ||||| up, and shaking the cobwebs from your head. From personal
|> |> > ||||| experience a few years ago, ANOTHER beer *does* help!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| That sounds like Brian A!
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||||| --
|> |> > ||||| HTH,
|> |> > ||||| Curt
|> |> > |||||
|> |> > ||||| Windows Support Center
|> |> > |||||
|> |> > ||||| Practically Nerded,...
|> |> > |||||
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > |||| --
|> |> > |||| Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> > |||| There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> > |||| Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> > |||| Should things get worse after this,
|> |> > |||| PCR
|> |> > ||||
|> |> > ||
|> |> > || --
|> |> > || Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> > || There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> > || Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> > || Should things get worse after this,
|> |> > || PCR
|> |> > ||
|> |> >
|> |> > --
|> |> > Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> > There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> > Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> > Should things get worse after this,
|> |> > PCR
|> |> >
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


thanatoid wrote:
| "Curt Christianson" <> wrote in
| news:#qfAcPBCIHA.4752@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl:
| <SNIP>
|> I have need to print out an entire thread using OE6. Is
|> there an easy way?
| <SNIP>
| I was gonna reply when I first saw your post, but thought I'd
| leave it alone - if you like OE, that's your business.
| All I will say is that if you use XNews - which happens to be a
| *real* newsreader, and the best one, IMO - you can save an
| entire thread to a single txt file by hitting F6. Then you can
| edit/print it however you want.
| I would find installing Xnews and doing that considerably easier
| than all the other suggestions.

OE's Combine & Decode method allows one to selectively grab posts from a
single thread or even from multiple threads into a single post. One
doesn't need to take the whole thread. Then, that combined post can be
printed without saving it-- but you have the choice to save it too.

It isn't that hard to do-- you just hold the CTRL key as you select
posts anywhere in the NG. Then, R-Clk any of the selected posts, &
select "Combine & Decode". Finally, use its File menu to print or save
it. You could even post it, looks like!

| No to mention IE/OE is garbage, and I am being VERY kind.
| But whatever.
| t.
| (Waiting for the day when it will be illegal to use anything but
| Vista on any computer anywhere in the world.)

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Curt Christianson

Help Bear,(Hope you're still monitoring)

The Combine and Decode work great, but where did that combined thread
disappear to when I closed it? I haven't found it yet!


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"PA Bear" <> wrote in message
| Assuming this thread is still on-topic:
| View > Current view > Group messages by conversation (enabled) > Expand
| mail or news conversation in Preview pane > Select (highlight) all
| conversations in the thread > Message > Combine & Decode.
| --
| OE-specific newsgroup:
| news://
| ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
| MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)

Curt Christianson

Please disregard. I found out what I did wrong. (Gosh, those Help files can
be helpful)

Thank you Robear



Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
| Help Bear,(Hope you're still monitoring)
| The Combine and Decode work great, but where did that combined thread
| disappear to when I closed it? I haven't found it yet!
| --
| HTH,
| Curt
| Windows Support Center
| Practically Nerded,...
| "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
| news:uoPfHa7CIHA.5288@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| Assuming this thread is still on-topic:
|| View > Current view > Group messages by conversation (enabled) > Expand
| the
|| mail or news conversation in Preview pane > Select (highlight) all
|| conversations in the thread > Message > Combine & Decode.
|| --
|| OE-specific newsgroup:
|| news://
|| ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
|| MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)

Curt Christianson

Please disregard. I found out what I did wrong. (Gosh, those Help files can
be helpful)

Thank you Robear



Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
| Help Bear,(Hope you're still monitoring)
| The Combine and Decode work great, but where did that combined thread
| disappear to when I closed it? I haven't found it yet!
| --
| HTH,
| Curt
| Windows Support Center
| Practically Nerded,...
| "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
| news:uoPfHa7CIHA.5288@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|| Assuming this thread is still on-topic:
|| View > Current view > Group messages by conversation (enabled) > Expand
| the
|| mail or news conversation in Preview pane > Select (highlight) all
|| conversations in the thread > Message > Combine & Decode.
|| --
|| OE-specific newsgroup:
|| news://
|| ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
|| MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)

PA Bear

When all else fails, RTFM. <eg>

Curt Christianson wrote:
> Please disregard. I found out what I did wrong. (Gosh, those Help files
> can
> be helpful)
> Thank you Robear
> "Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
> news:%23ec1IiUDIHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Help Bear,(Hope you're still monitoring)
>> The Combine and Decode work great, but where did that combined thread
>> disappear to when I closed it? I haven't found it yet!
>> --
>> HTH,
>> Curt
>> Windows Support Center
>> Practically Nerded,...
>> "PA Bear" <> wrote in message
>> news:uoPfHa7CIHA.5288@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> Assuming this thread is still on-topic:
>>> View > Current view > Group messages by conversation (enabled) > Expand
>>> the mail or news conversation in Preview pane > Select (highlight) all
>>> conversations in the thread > Message > Combine & Decode.
>>> --
>>> OE-specific newsgroup:
>>> news://
>>> ~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
>>> MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)


"Curt Christianson" <> wrote in message
> PCR,
> No, you were right. cut/paste and then print from the document seems to
> work
> fine. Think I'll stick with that.
> Speaking of ink cartridges, I've tried some of the re-fill kits (only a
> couple of times though), and so far they work great. If you compare the
> price of a re-fill kit with all the stores offering to do the service for
> you, then I'm not sure how much of a bargain it is.
> I re-filled (myself) the black ink cartridge with great results, but just
> couldn't afford the color kit. So there I sit with black only for a year,
> when one day about 3 weeks ago Walgreens offered to refill any cartridge,
> black or white for FREE! I took them up on it, and it works great. Their
> normal re-fill price is $10 for black, $15 for color. At those prices
> they
> are beating out a lot of the competing store, even the "Office M**" and
> stores of that sort.
> Just something to consider my friend.
> --
> HTH,
> Curt
> Windows Support Center
> Practically Nerded,...
> "PCR" <> wrote in message
> news:enYDPFSCIHA.5868@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | Curt Christianson wrote:
> || Thanks Dan and PCR,
> ||
> || I just figured that there ought to be a better way besides cut/paste,
> || but until then we'll have to wait for the Vista experts to weigh in!!
> |
> | I dimly recall, cut & paste was involved for it in some ancient thread.
> | (I guess you are saying it didn't work to just highlight the full
> | thread, R-Clk it, & select "print". I still need to get a new print
> | cartridge.)
> |
> | Vista experts? The chances of V-irradiation causing just the right
> | mutation for it is remote! Very remote!
> |
> || They're all "up younder" and seldom make appearances here any longer.
> || Besides, WE got all the 98 bugs already worked out of our machines.
> || <VBG>
> |
> | Uhuh. That's right.
> |
> || --
> || HTH,
> || Curt
> ||
> || Windows Support Center
> ||
> || Practically Nerded,...
> ||
> ||
> || "PCR" <> wrote in message
> || news:uRAX%237GCIHA.4176@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> ||| Curt Christianson wrote:
> |||| Good morning friends,
> ||||
> |||| Jamming along to Fleetwood Mac as a I write--better that *any* meds!
> |||
> ||| I still prefer you get an MVP transplant! There was little wrong with
> ||| that idea!
> |||
> |||| Even after firing off that post of yesterday AM, I thought I would
> |||| try it one last time without my "Spill Chunker" (Spell Checker--Oh,
> |||| I don't know). I was amazed by just how bad I mucked it up, but I
> |||| trust you good souls got the gist of it--well, maybe not CPR!
> |||| <intentional this time>
> |||
> ||| I've crossed my eyes-- & it comes out PCR!
> |||
> |||| I have need to print out an entire thread using OE6. Is there an
> |||| easy way?
> |||
> ||| What happens if you highlight all the posts of the thread (click top
> ||| one, hold Shift & click bottom one) in OE, R-Clk the bunch, & select
> ||| "print"?
> |||
> |||| You gotta remember, I used the insane CDO interface for my first two
> |||| years here--NEVER Again!
> |||
> ||| Very good.
> |||
> |||| Thank you for all the heartfelt feelings and well wishes on my
> |||| behalf.
> |||
> ||| You are welcome.
> |||
> |||| I'm *very* fortunate* in that I have a DR. who *will not * give up,
> |||| since the diagnosis was first made 2 1/2 years ago.
> ||||
> |||| And Brian (you know who you are), take your time waking up, and
> |||| shaking the cobwebs from your head. From personal experience a few
> |||| years ago, ANOTHER beer *does* help!
> |||
> ||| That sounds like Brian A!
> |||
> |||| --
> |||| HTH,
> |||| Curt
> ||||
> |||| Windows Support Center
> ||||
> |||| Practically Nerded,...
> ||||
> |||
> ||| --
> ||| Thanks or Good Luck,
> ||| There may be humor in this post, and,
> ||| Naturally, you will not sue,
> ||| Should things get worse after this,
> ||| PCR
> |||
> |
> | --
> | Thanks or Good Luck,
> | There may be humor in this post, and,
> | Naturally, you will not sue,
> | Should things get worse after this,
> | PCR
> |
> |
> |

I just learned from someone in another group that Stateside you can go into
the dollar store and get refill kits now. He also reported good success
with the ones he used. Now that is a savings.

Top Bottom