


"SGB" <> wrote in message
> "Now, it's just big penises and drugs. Sad."

And you have to know that it is bots or people who don't speak English
when they bombard ME (Heather) with Viagra, Cialis and a *bigger
penis*....Yahoo!! Just what I need. (VBG)

Interesting factoid.....I left Rogers for 4 months and when I came back
I asked for my old email name. The tech and I were just sorting it out
when I started getting hit with spam........4 months of bounces and they

I use a Yahoo address for absolutely every subscription I do, no matter
who it is. No one gets my private address except for friends. Life is
a lot easier.

Off to bed......I decided to work Election Day tomorrow cuz I heard it
was good money. No one told me I have to be there at 8:00 AM and STAY
till 10 PM!!!!!!!!! Omigawd......and you sit there like a dummy for
hours cuz most people don't start voting till mid afternoon. ACK!! Oh
well, I can now buy a lot of beads and jewels with the pay. That part
was right.

Night night......Figgs


"Alias" <> wrote in message
> Mike M wrote:
>>> Why bother to bounce the emails?

>> I don't and am pleased to read that you don't either however sadly many
>> users of programs such as MailWasher and SpamBully are doing just that.

> I use T-Bird and it doesn't have that feature, not that I would waste my
> time. The only intelligent thing to do with spam is nuke it and move on.
> If everyone would do that, it would disappear. I must say, though, that
> the spammers seem to have really gone downhill in the IQ department. Back
> in the late 90s, spam could even be interesting or from a legitimate
> company. Now, it's just big penises and drugs. Sad.
> --
> Alias
> To email me, remove shoes

Sadly the big penises and drugs were the more intelligent spammers. Now it
seems they outsourced much of the spam to people who don't even speak
English. Sometimes the subject line is just a bunch of question marks.
Sometimes it is words that don't make sense. Recently I've seen a lot
titled "This is not for idiots" or "Not for oversmart people".

I agree the best we can do for now is delete email that is definitely spam
and not send any notification back to the sender, though we may have to
bounce some sort of notification back that it didn't go through if there's a
possibility it is not spam. I did read years ago there was a committee on
the internet formed to find a way to remake it so no one can spoof email, so
it is possible to tell who sent everything and hunt down senders of junk and
viruses, but if tht committee is still working it doesn't appear they have a
solution for us anytime soon.

I did look into Dell before, and it seems they would be great to buy from
for the novice user who really needs someone else to set them up a package
system that just works. They're not the cheapest and I wouldn't recommend
them to anyone who knows anything about putting their own hardware together
or installing their own operating system. I'm not surprised they have a
backlog of orders about the time for school to start. It is a shame if they
can't or simply don't notify their customers of the backlog, and if you're
in a hurry you might want to try another big name site (TigerDirect?).

N. Miller

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:33:20 -0400, Eric wrote:

> I agree the best we can do for now is delete email that is definitely spam
> and not send any notification back to the sender, though we may have to
> bounce some sort of notification back that it didn't go through if there's a
> possibility it is not spam.

Simple solution: Reject during the SMTP transaction. Once your MTA has
accepted email for delivery, it is too late to send a bounce. All that you
have to go on is a "Return-Path:" email address, which is derived from the
easily forged SMTP "MAIL FROM:" command. Send email to the "Return-Path:"
email address, and you may bother an uninvolved victim of forgery.

However, reject the undeliverable message during the SMTP transaction, and
you leave the message with the sending mail host. It is then their problem
to deal with.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.
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