Unauthorized credit card use



Mike M wrote:
> I'm pleased to read that you've got running water back Shane and that
> you no longer have to share the dog's bath or use the village pump
> whenever you needed a shower or to brush your teeth.

Yes, the pump is in a most inconvenient position - on the London Rd! - which
was a darn sight less busy when it was constructed (we also still have the
village stocks, it would appear! The council dismantled them a few years
back but some crazy old bird had them put back! I expect she envisages the
day when they'll be in use again).

> As to all your playing with VMs especially with 2K8 I'm happy to leave
> that to you. I'm so out of touch with stuff nowadays and I no longer
> really want to be bothered with trying to keep up. Old age perhaps.
> disillusionment, a fair bit and well, better things to do with my time
> such as trying to sleep. :)

Good luck to you! Anyway I think my playing about with multiple OSes is just
the latest incarnation of the general obsession that is almost my entire
computer utilisation. Along with excessive punctiliousness - ably
demonstrated, perhaps, by the fact I don't really know what it means!

> Enjoy your games. Oh, and why don't you try beta testing
> "officially"? See https://connect.microsoft.com but you'll need a
> pissport <yuk>.

lol and cheers, Mike! I already am going the official beta testing route. Or
Arthur Sixpence is! (it was a requirement - like validation - of downloading
the iso). I regret having originally told them my real name way back when I
opened my long-disused Hotmail account. I suppose it was required - or that
I didn't know how to avoid it back then. Only I suppose if I hadn't given
them any genuine info I'd have had to continue using Hotmail, not just the
ID - so everything works out in the end, I suppose. Meanwhile I see someone
else with the first name *Qwerty* was involved in the production of
HackerDefender, so I don't suppose I'll adopt the latest persona, which I
was just about to.



Now of course, Joan, since my reply didn't show up, but then my next one -
to Mike - did, then when I reposted the reply to you it was downloading then
got withdrawn from the server as I watched, yet the second attempt is on
Google - but not the first - despite the fact that if it had any merit
(probably not!), it won't survive the autopsy, I want to know what is going
on! I didn't put anything in a filter should take notice of. It sparks my
paranoia, though I pretty-much accept Mike's assurances that I'm not being
censored on *this* group.

So the post is here:


And let's see if *this* one appears!


Mike M


Goof to read you've still got a set of stocks. Care to have them shipped
to Lambeth where they and others could be put to use? Not certain though
who should be put in them, perhaps some of the do good community who just
seem to make matters worse in this area although anything is better than
the ASBOs which abound and are about as useful as confetti in this

>> with my time such as trying to sleep. :)

Which for the next few days has become a major problem as my cpap failed
last night and won't be repaired until sometime next week by which time I
will probably have been awake for 120 hours or more. As it is I'm already
knackered and it's just 31-32 hours.

See you on the other side, or at least after I've had some sleep as until
then I can do little.

Shane <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike M wrote:
>> I'm pleased to read that you've got running water back Shane and that
>> you no longer have to share the dog's bath or use the village pump
>> whenever you needed a shower or to brush your teeth.

> Yes, the pump is in a most inconvenient position - on the London Rd!
> - which was a darn sight less busy when it was constructed (we also
> still have the village stocks, it would appear! The council
> dismantled them a few years back but some crazy old bird had them put
> back! I expect she envisages the day when they'll be in use again).
>> As to all your playing with VMs especially with 2K8 I'm happy to
>> leave that to you. I'm so out of touch with stuff nowadays and I no
>> longer really want to be bothered with trying to keep up. Old age
>> perhaps. disillusionment, a fair bit and well, better things to do
>> with my time such as trying to sleep. :)

> Good luck to you! Anyway I think my playing about with multiple OSes
> is just the latest incarnation of the general obsession that is
> almost my entire computer utilisation. Along with excessive
> punctiliousness - ably demonstrated, perhaps, by the fact I don't
> really know what it means!
>> Enjoy your games. Oh, and why don't you try beta testing
>> "officially"? See https://connect.microsoft.com but you'll need a
>> pissport <yuk>.

> lol and cheers, Mike! I already am going the official beta testing
> route. Or Arthur Sixpence is! (it was a requirement - like validation
> - of downloading the iso). I regret having originally told them my
> real name way back when I opened my long-disused Hotmail account. I
> suppose it was required - or that I didn't know how to avoid it back
> then. Only I suppose if I hadn't given them any genuine info I'd have
> had to continue using Hotmail, not just the ID - so everything works
> out in the end, I suppose. Meanwhile I see someone else with the
> first name *Qwerty* was involved in the production of HackerDefender,
> so I don't suppose I'll adopt the latest persona, which I was just
> about to.
> Shane

Joan Archer

<lol> Just read your post Shane, the one on Google, I couldn't sulk if I
tried, don't get the chance <g> and I had an enjoyable day plus my new
hard drive had to be exchanged as the first one didn't want to work on
here but the new one has a higher capacity so I'm not complaining <g>

Shane wrote:
> Now of course, Joan, since my reply didn't show up, but then my next
> one - to Mike - did, then when I reposted the reply to you it was
> downloading then got withdrawn from the server as I watched, yet the
> second attempt is on Google - but not the first - despite the fact
> that if it had any merit (probably not!), it won't survive the
> autopsy, I want to know what is going on! I didn't put anything in a
> filter should take notice of. It sparks my paranoia, though I
> pretty-much accept Mike's assurances that I'm not being censored on
> *this* group.
> So the post is here:
> http://groups.google.co.uk/group/microsoft.public.windowsme.general/msg/cd4106fce3ce57f9
> And let's see if *this* one appears!
> Shane


Well, Mike, I hope this finds you rested - but I somehow doubt it

There are many eye-openers - for want of a less ironic description -
aren't there! One, we can drink the tap water now - if we boil it - so
not completely over yet (and yesterday I got caught out in it - in
summer wear - and in a couple of minutes the full drains were
billowing water out again! I expect that the worse hit would have
been, yet again, yesterday - though I don't know if it was so!). So,
not completely over, yet, but we don't need the bowsers anymore -
though perhaps it is wise to leave them in situ awhile longer! And
while loading up the dishwasher this morning, for the first time in a
couple of weeks (not that I've been using the dishwasher, of course!)
I didn't save the latest empty plastic milk bottles. But because we
have been saving them, quite a collection has built up and suddenly
I'm aware of how much of this stuff we throw away! I don't know about
running out of room on this planet, but we ought to be able to make
another one from our refuse!

The other eye opener just occured, and concerns the use of the stocks.
I thought actually it would be a pretty good idea for a good no. of
offenders - the kind who don't warrant long-term incarceration. The
only problem is, because of the types we have today - the very kids
you mention, in fact - people put in the stocks would be routinely
murdered. Which, as far as I understand it, didn't happen in the days
when they *were* in use! Pretty dreadful state of affairs, eh? In this
time of the height of our civilisation we're worse than ever before! I
was going to say except perhaps when we were still nomadic hunters -
except that was *before* civilisation, so doesn't count.

Meanwhile I see on the Technet Forum 2K8 testers seemingly accepting
that SuperFetch can't run on Servers. I tried to post that I had the
service (at least) running - but I had to join and couldn't post as
'Shane' because that name was already in use. That is a form of
idiocy, don't you think? Sod them. If people who clearly want to use
their actual name are prepared to be forced to use a pseudonym, what a
sad state of affairs! I could have chosen my full name, I suppose -
after all it's showing to the right of this! But when people tell me I
can't call myself 'Shane', personally I'd prefer to do violence.

This, of course, has no place in a Win ME group, but - I gather (I'm
just reading about it now) there's this false tip that SuperFetch can
be enabled in XP by adding the D-Word "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet
\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
\EnablePreFetcher"="1". SuperFetch does not exist in XP, of course.
But this is the key - along with another D-Word "EnableSuperFetch",
also with the value "1", that enables the service (that definately
does exist) - in Server 2K8 b3 (possibly the 2nd D-Word is
unnecessary. I'll have to reboot to try it without). But then, I
expect just about everyone trying to enable it in 2K8 is doing so
solely because ReadyBoost depends upon it, and I don't believe the
necessary files for ReadyBoost exist and that's all there is to it.

Again, I don't suppose there are many - if any - here who will care
tuppence for it, but I've been looking at thumb drives available in
the High St. for weeks now, I got my sister one for her birthday a
month ago - a 1GB Verbatim in W H Smith for half price. A week or so
later I went back to get myself one but they were full price again (I
didn't think they ever were that price and like just about everything
these days was on permanent sale. I mean the point of the RRP these
days is just to make the goods look like a better deal than they are,
isn't it?). Anyway the Verbatim was much cheaper than anything else
around - much, much cheaper - until I saw the 2GB Maxell in HMV. Same
price, reputable storage media company, twice the capacity. And that's
the one I eventually bought. Then I found out about ReadyBoost. Next I
found out that my Maxell is not ReadyBoost enabled. Ha! Well, no big
deal, not really. I started looking for thumb drives that were
ReadyBoost enabled. Well, there may be 600-odd that are, but not in
the High St! Lots of drives in Currys Digital, but only 1 that
mentions ReadyBoost and that to say that it isn't compatible with it.
I eventually found one. Finally!

The Verbatim, in W H Smith. Which is now a quarter of the RRP.

And in the checkout queue I remembered that I don't actually have
Vista. I do have a 2GB drive (that was effectively half the price of
the Verbatim but is now more or less identical), so I don't have any
use for another 1GB. A 4GB drive, sure - but not a 1GB. So I put it
back. Really it was for the best because the Verbatim is red, and I
hate red. Whereas my sister would be red herself if she could. So, 1GB
ReadyBoost-capable (red) Verbatim thumbdrive in W H Smith ~£8, 2GB
ReadyBoost incapable (cool black) Maxell thumbdrive in HMV, £15. Get
'em while they last! There're also pretty colour ones in HMV - Splash
(which I believe are waterproof) - for about the same price, also RB-


On Aug 3, 2:59 pm, "Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote:
> Shane,
> Goof to read you've still got a set of stocks. Care to have them shipped
> to Lambeth where they and others could be put to use? Not certain though
> who should be put in them, perhaps some of the do good community who just
> seem to make matters worse in this area although anything is better than
> the ASBOs which abound and are about as useful as confetti in this
> neighbourhood.
> >> with my time such as trying to sleep. :)

> Which for the next few days has become a major problem as my cpap failed
> last night and won't be repaired until sometime next week by which time I
> will probably have been awake for 120 hours or more. As it is I'm already
> knackered and it's just 31-32 hours.
> See you on the other side, or at least after I've had some sleep as until
> then I can do little.
> --
> Mike
> Shane <shanebeat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Mike M wrote:
> >> I'm pleased to read that you've got running water back Shane and that
> >> you no longer have to share the dog's bath or use the village pump
> >> whenever you needed a shower or to brush your teeth.

> > Yes, the pump is in a most inconvenient position - on the London Rd!
> > - which was a darn sight less busy when it was constructed (we also
> > still have the village stocks, it would appear! The council
> > dismantled them a few years back but some crazy old bird had them put
> > back! I expect she envisages the day when they'll be in use again).

> >> As to all your playing with VMs especially with 2K8 I'm happy to
> >> leave that to you. I'm so out of touch with stuff nowadays and I no
> >> longer really want to be bothered with trying to keep up. Old age
> >> perhaps. disillusionment, a fair bit and well, better things to do
> >> with my time such as trying to sleep. :)

> > Good luck to you! Anyway I think my playing about with multiple OSes
> > is just the latest incarnation of the general obsession that is
> > almost my entire computer utilisation. Along with excessive
> > punctiliousness - ably demonstrated, perhaps, by the fact I don't
> > really know what it means!

> >> Enjoy your games. Oh, and why don't you try beta testing
> >> "officially"? Seehttps://connect.microsoft.combut you'll need a
> >> pissport <yuk>.

> > lol and cheers, Mike! I already am going the official beta testing
> > route. Or Arthur Sixpence is! (it was a requirement - like validation
> > - of downloading the iso). I regret having originally told them my
> > real name way back when I opened my long-disused Hotmail account. I
> > suppose it was required - or that I didn't know how to avoid it back
> > then. Only I suppose if I hadn't given them any genuine info I'd have
> > had to continue using Hotmail, not just the ID - so everything works
> > out in the end, I suppose. Meanwhile I see someone else with the
> > first name *Qwerty* was involved in the production of HackerDefender,
> > so I don't suppose I'll adopt the latest persona, which I was just
> > about to.

> > Shane- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -


So it wasn't just that *I* couldn't access it (as is usually the case!)?
Unless they filter on words like 'Alzheimer's', or I accidentally hit upon
some Yankee-Doodle curse word we've never heard of, I don't know why it
should be deleted from the server. Or perhaps that ol' server they can't be
bothered to maintain has become intelligent like in the SF movies. Jeez, I
hope that doesn't mean the Govinator's gonna turn up! And especially not

Admittedly it was pretty gratuitous - but I did mention Win ME, which made
it more relevent than the usual fare!

Anyway, I'm glad you appear to have enjoyed your birthday, Joan. So was the
first drive incompatible, or just faulty? And you're now backing up with
Acronis 10 to an external drive? Possibly I ought to do that. Well, first
thing would be to get a back up prog that works with RAID. And maybe
Internal IDE drives with a lot more capacity, ie I've done as the 'Loom
predicted and gone back to RAID0, so if a disc fails it would be handy to
have something more appropriate to back up to. Sure, I can do it, given that
much is already on DVD and my maintenance OS can just be re-installed rather
than backed up (since it won't be changing by any appreciable amount,
ever) - but the idea is to have it all automated. My Drive Image does this
great pre-RAID - the running at Shutdown is invaluable, for instance. I'm
not sure Acronis - or anything else I've heard of lately - does that. The
idea is that I can be gone for extended periods but other users still have
backups being made and be able to restore them, without me or some other
geek being around (especially not one they have to pay!).

I think I'll (re-)download the Acronis 10 trial. I did before but don't have
it now and can't remember why not (assuming I didn't just delete the wrong
thing - which is not beyond the realms of possibilty these days!). Hopefully
it wasn't because it just isn't possible to automate Acronis or restore from
it without knowing the jargon, or I'll be wasting my time downloading it

And here I am, back home. I set up Windows Mail now, to post this, as my
Google session timed out. So, what, can you only use Google Groups to post
short replies, or ones that don't require any thought?? (That was only worth
2 questions marks, I thought. What to them there Yankee fellers call those?

Rosie just bought in a boid. It was still warm. Very sad, though I praised
her anyhow. I don't think it was a robin - rather some sort of tit with a
bit of reddy-orange breast. But you don't need long here to realise why the
footie team's nickname is 'The Robins'! If you like robins, this is the
place to be! Or Italy, if its the eating them you like. I bet Tony Blair
gets through a few platefuls at Sylvio Crookisconi's place!


On Aug 3, 9:06 pm, "Joan Archer" <archer_j...@NOSPAM.com> wrote:
> <lol> Just read your post Shane, the one on Google, I couldn't sulk if I
> tried, don't get the chance <g> and I had an enjoyable day plus my new
> hard drive had to be exchanged as the first one didn't want to work on
> here but the new one has a higher capacity so I'm not complaining <g>
> Joan
> Shane wrote:
> > Now of course, Joan, since my reply didn't show up, but then my next
> > one - to Mike - did, then when I reposted the reply to you it was
> > downloading then got withdrawn from the server as I watched, yet the
> > second attempt is on Google - but not the first - despite the fact
> > that if it had any merit (probably not!), it won't survive the
> > autopsy, I want to know what is going on! I didn't put anything in a
> > filter should take notice of. It sparks my paranoia, though I
> > pretty-much accept Mike's assurances that I'm not being censored on
> > *this* group.
> > So the post is here:

> >http://groups.google.co.uk/group/microsoft.public.windowsme.general/m...

> > And let's see if *this* one appears!

> > Shane- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Joan Archer

Not sure what was wrong with the first one but we just couldn't get my
machine to recognise it, it kept telling us there was an error installing
it, don't know what though <g>
I am not backing up as the next one went back this morning, that installed
and was recognised and all seemed well but it went belly up this morning
and as it's under warranty it's been taken back to be replaced and we're
hoping it's going to be 3rd time lucky when I get the next one and I'll
actually be able to use it <g>

Shane wrote:
> Anyway, I'm glad you appear to have enjoyed your birthday, Joan. So
> was the first drive incompatible, or just faulty? And you're now
> backing up with Acronis 10 to an external drive?


Well, if ever there was a cause to just say "Hmm"! Do tell us if you find
out what it is/was (let's hope it's 'was').

Yes, if ever there was a computer I wish I could get my hands on right this
moment (of course, with the drives having gone back it would be largely


"Joan Archer" <archer_joan@NOSPAM.com> wrote in message
> Not sure what was wrong with the first one but we just couldn't get my
> machine to recognise it, it kept telling us there was an error installing
> it, don't know what though <g>
> I am not backing up as the next one went back this morning, that installed
> and was recognised and all seemed well but it went belly up this morning
> and as it's under warranty it's been taken back to be replaced and we're
> hoping it's going to be 3rd time lucky when I get the next one and I'll
> actually be able to use it <g>
> Joan
> Shane wrote:
>> Anyway, I'm glad you appear to have enjoyed your birthday, Joan. So
>> was the first drive incompatible, or just faulty? And you're now
>> backing up with Acronis 10 to an external drive?


Mike M

> Well, Mike, I hope this finds you rested

Not at all. Having climbed the walls all night I'm currently curled up in
a corner of the ceiling. Hopefully I'll get things fixed tomorrow a.m.
after which hopefully sleep beautiful sleep. I've got a minicab booked
for the round trip, it now all depends on the hospital giving the OK for
tomorrow a.m.


shanebeatson@gmail.com <shanebeatson@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, Mike, I hope this finds you rested - but I somehow doubt it
> will.
> There are many eye-openers - for want of a less ironic description -
> aren't there! One, we can drink the tap water now - if we boil it - so
> not completely over yet (and yesterday I got caught out in it - in
> summer wear - and in a couple of minutes the full drains were
> billowing water out again! I expect that the worse hit would have
> been, yet again, yesterday - though I don't know if it was so!). So,
> not completely over, yet, but we don't need the bowsers anymore -
> though perhaps it is wise to leave them in situ awhile longer! And
> while loading up the dishwasher this morning, for the first time in a
> couple of weeks (not that I've been using the dishwasher, of course!)
> I didn't save the latest empty plastic milk bottles. But because we
> have been saving them, quite a collection has built up and suddenly
> I'm aware of how much of this stuff we throw away! I don't know about
> running out of room on this planet, but we ought to be able to make
> another one from our refuse!
> The other eye opener just occured, and concerns the use of the stocks.
> I thought actually it would be a pretty good idea for a good no. of
> offenders - the kind who don't warrant long-term incarceration. The
> only problem is, because of the types we have today - the very kids
> you mention, in fact - people put in the stocks would be routinely
> murdered. Which, as far as I understand it, didn't happen in the days
> when they *were* in use! Pretty dreadful state of affairs, eh? In this
> time of the height of our civilisation we're worse than ever before! I
> was going to say except perhaps when we were still nomadic hunters -
> except that was *before* civilisation, so doesn't count.
> Meanwhile I see on the Technet Forum 2K8 testers seemingly accepting
> that SuperFetch can't run on Servers. I tried to post that I had the
> service (at least) running - but I had to join and couldn't post as
> 'Shane' because that name was already in use. That is a form of
> idiocy, don't you think? Sod them. If people who clearly want to use
> their actual name are prepared to be forced to use a pseudonym, what a
> sad state of affairs! I could have chosen my full name, I suppose -
> after all it's showing to the right of this! But when people tell me I
> can't call myself 'Shane', personally I'd prefer to do violence.
> This, of course, has no place in a Win ME group, but - I gather (I'm
> just reading about it now) there's this false tip that SuperFetch can
> be enabled in XP by adding the D-Word "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet
> \Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
> \EnablePreFetcher"="1". SuperFetch does not exist in XP, of course.
> But this is the key - along with another D-Word "EnableSuperFetch",
> also with the value "1", that enables the service (that definately
> does exist) - in Server 2K8 b3 (possibly the 2nd D-Word is
> unnecessary. I'll have to reboot to try it without). But then, I
> expect just about everyone trying to enable it in 2K8 is doing so
> solely because ReadyBoost depends upon it, and I don't believe the
> necessary files for ReadyBoost exist and that's all there is to it.
> Again, I don't suppose there are many - if any - here who will care
> tuppence for it, but I've been looking at thumb drives available in
> the High St. for weeks now, I got my sister one for her birthday a
> month ago - a 1GB Verbatim in W H Smith for half price. A week or so
> later I went back to get myself one but they were full price again (I
> didn't think they ever were that price and like just about everything
> these days was on permanent sale. I mean the point of the RRP these
> days is just to make the goods look like a better deal than they are,
> isn't it?). Anyway the Verbatim was much cheaper than anything else
> around - much, much cheaper - until I saw the 2GB Maxell in HMV. Same
> price, reputable storage media company, twice the capacity. And that's
> the one I eventually bought. Then I found out about ReadyBoost. Next I
> found out that my Maxell is not ReadyBoost enabled. Ha! Well, no big
> deal, not really. I started looking for thumb drives that were
> ReadyBoost enabled. Well, there may be 600-odd that are, but not in
> the High St! Lots of drives in Currys Digital, but only 1 that
> mentions ReadyBoost and that to say that it isn't compatible with it.
> I eventually found one. Finally!
> The Verbatim, in W H Smith. Which is now a quarter of the RRP.
> And in the checkout queue I remembered that I don't actually have
> Vista. I do have a 2GB drive (that was effectively half the price of
> the Verbatim but is now more or less identical), so I don't have any
> use for another 1GB. A 4GB drive, sure - but not a 1GB. So I put it
> back. Really it was for the best because the Verbatim is red, and I
> hate red. Whereas my sister would be red herself if she could. So, 1GB
> ReadyBoost-capable (red) Verbatim thumbdrive in W H Smith ~£8, 2GB
> ReadyBoost incapable (cool black) Maxell thumbdrive in HMV, £15. Get
> 'em while they last! There're also pretty colour ones in HMV - Splash
> (which I believe are waterproof) - for about the same price, also RB-
> incapable.

Joan Archer

Which is one reason I've not called, I don't want to disturb you when you
do manage to get to sleep so I'll leave it for a few more days. <g>

Mike M wrote:
>> Well, Mike, I hope this finds you rested

> Not at all. Having climbed the walls all night I'm currently curled
> up in a corner of the ceiling. Hopefully I'll get things fixed
> tomorrow a.m. after which hopefully sleep beautiful sleep. I've got
> a minicab booked for the round trip, it now all depends on the
> hospital giving the OK for tomorrow a.m.
> Mike

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