Domain have via "External Two way trust" only access to shared folders on Domain controller of other Domains



Within our organization, four different Domains (A, B, D, D) are connected through External Two-way trust.
All four Domains have access to a shared folder (everyone read) on Memberserver in Domain A
Conditional Forwarders has been created on all domains in the DNS.
Two way trusts between the Domains have been created without problems.
Pinging from Domains (A, B, C, D) to a server from another domain is also without problems.
Tool PortQryUI gives the same results on all four Domains.
For Domains (A, B, C), shared folders in another domains on both Domain controllers and Member servers are accessible without problems also on Domain D, without having to enter crendentials.

Domain D appears to only have access to shared folders on Domain controllers from Domains (A, B, C) without pop-up, shared folders on Member servers of this Domains gives a pop-up request to enter credentials.

External Two way recreated, validated, Servers restart, etc, unfortunately did not help.

We are using VMware 6.5, Windows 2016 servers.

Does anyone have an idea?

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