
I have a windows 2016 standard server setup of one physical computer running HyperV that is hosting a DC VM and an RDS VM. The Host and the DC update just fine every month, but the RDS machine has been stuck not wanting to update the cumulative security updates since what looks like its original installation (it was built in 2018, but would not install 2017 patches either initially). I finally got it to push the 04-2019 cumulative security update by installing it manually, but it won't install any past that. It always gets to 8% then fails and reverts all pending changes. It seems the 05-2019 is the issue because it will not install no matter what I try. I checked the CBS logs and found that it is the cpu.inf driver that is causing the update to fail at 8% every time and reverse changes. I did some digging and found the setupapi,dev file that is showing the actual error. See excerpt from the file below. I copied a little before and a little after for context. file excerpt:

idb: {Publish Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:05.770
sto: {Publish Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:05.770
sto: Driver update 'miradisp.inf' is already reflected.
sto: Driver update 'volmgr.inf' is already reflected.
sto: Driver update 'disk.inf' is already reflected.
sto: {Cache Device Nodes} 20:15:05.770
sto: Cached 1363 device nodes. Time = 297ms
sto: {Cache Device Nodes: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:06.067
sto: Devices using 'cpu.inf':
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_1 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_2 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_3 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_4 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_5 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_6 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_7 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_8 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_9 -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64_Family_6_Model_79_-_Intel(R)_Xeon(R)_CPU_E5-2650_v4_@_2.20GHz\_a -> ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_Intel64 [IntelPPM_Inst.NT]
sto: Installed section names:
sto: IntelPPM_Inst.NT
sto: {Reflect Driver Package: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\cpu.inf_amd64_2f26a063f63bec78\cpu.inf}
inf: Class GUID = {50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65}
inf: Class Options = Configurable BootCritical
idb: Driver packages:
idb: cpu.inf_amd64_2f26a063f63bec78 (active)
idb: cpu.inf_amd64_0bca01e9076006fd
inf: {Configure Driver: Intel Processor}
inf: Section Name = IntelPPM_Inst.NT
inf: {Add Service: intelppm}
inf: Start Type = 3
inf: Service Type = 1
inf: Error Control = 1
inf: Image Path = \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\intelppm.sys
inf: Display Name = Intel Processor Driver
inf: Group = Extended Base
!!! inf: Failed to query service configuration. Error = 0x0000000D
inf: {Add Service: exit(0x0000000d)}
inf: {Configure Driver: exit(0x0000000d)}
!!! sto: Failed to reflect driver package. Error = 0x0000000D
sto: {Reflect Driver Package: exit(0x0000000d)}
!!! sto: Failed to reflect all driver updates. Error = 0x0000000D
<<< Section end 2020/03/22 20:15:06.114
<<< [Exit status: FAILURE(0x0000000d)]

>>> [Unstage Driver Updates]
>>> Section start 2020/03/22 20:15:06.161
cmd: C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.3561_none_7ef6ec6421f9a10c\TiWorker.exe -Embedding
sto: Image State = Specialized
sto: Image Architecture = amd64
sto: Driver Updates = 20
sto: {Unstage Driver Package: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\tsusbhub.inf_amd64_11cc831e40125f08\tsusbhub.inf} 20:15:06.176
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE BEGIN} 20:15:06.176
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE BEGIN: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:06.176
idb: {Unregister Driver Package: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\tsusbhub.inf_amd64_11cc831e40125f08\tsusbhub.inf} 20:15:06.176
idb: Unregistered driver package 'tsusbhub.inf_amd64_11cc831e40125f08' from 'tsusbhub.inf'.
idb: Deleted driver package object 'tsusbhub.inf_amd64_11cc831e40125f08' from SYSTEM database node.
idb: Driver packages registered to 'tsusbhub.inf':
idb: tsusbhub.inf_amd64_8fc8b454c2989861
idb: {Unregister Driver Package: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:06.176
cpy: {Delete Directory: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\tsusbhub.inf_amd64_11cc831e40125f08} 20:15:06.176
cpy: {Delete Directory: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:06.176
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE END} 20:15:06.176
sto: {DRIVERSTORE DELETE END: exit(0x00000000)} 20:15:06.176

As you can see the issue is clearly: "Failed to query service configuration. Error = 0x0000000D"

here is the CBS log failure excerpt also:

CBS.log excerpt of failure:

Doqe: Recording result: 0x8007000d. for Inf: cpu.inf
DriverUpdateInstallUpdates failed [HRESULT = 0x8007000d - ERROR_INVALID_DATA]

My questions are, what does "Failed to query service configuration. Error = 0x0000000D" mean (specifically!) and how do I fix it? I've compared the contents of the cpu.inf file to the other servers and there is no difference. My assumption is that there are some configurations created possibly in the registry that are corrupt, but where specifically. I've followed the trail of the cpu.inf keys mentioned, but I see no issues unless I am missing something.

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