Tricky Win98 Format

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Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> WHHHOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHH, right over your head, I see that demonstration
> was
> lost upon you as well.. to bad...


Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
"I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for THIS

All posts to Microsoft.public news groups are available on Usenet, so how
is it possible for you to "create" a post that won't appear?

(It does not matter if the subscriber is using their ISP news server, or
the Microsoft server to read posts)
The whole World is not contained within the USA.

Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

I could hardly believe the 21 replies waiting for me when I signed in
just now... thank you, all of you.

I have only a moment to reply, so I'll make this quick for now, and
write properly tomorrow or the next day (indeed, I hope to finish this
format/reinstall within the next two or three days).

I'll only add to what has been said that I've run Norton Disk Doctor
on both drives (within the last 6months, so I'll do so again ASAP) and
it found no bad sectors on the newer drive, and I *think* none on the
older. I'll keep what you've said in mind, 98 Guy, and I appreciate
your comments, however I will probably keep both drives as long as
they continue to come up clean on surface tests etc. The reason I'm
not too worried about doing this (although I can't deny being loath to
throw away components that still work, and are apparently reliable)
leads to the second thing i wanted to add-

I'm going to be using this computer purely for word-processing and
printing. The master drive will be nearly empty, and the slave will
only be used to back-up files. If I can find good (free) antivirus
software for win98, then I'll reinstall a dial-up modem as well and
use this machine to browse academic, text-heavy and graphics-lite
sites. (I can see there is a lot on win98-supported antivirus software
on usenet, so I'll research that when I have the time).

OK, thank you once again,



Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

"Sunny" <> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:uGOxsAhOIHA.5140@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > WHHHOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHH, right over your head, I see that demonstration
| > was
| > lost upon you as well.. to bad...
| <snip>
| Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
| "I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for THIS
| server"
| All posts to Microsoft.public news groups are available on Usenet, so how
| is it possible for you to "create" a post that won't appear?
| (It does not matter if the subscriber is using their ISP news server, or
| the Microsoft server to read posts)
| The whole World is not contained within the USA.

Okay, that poses a reasonable question so I'll answer.

Both of those posts were posted UPON and through Microsoft's [actually the
main host's server since Microsoft off-loaded much of its services to other
servers under contract, though it may be back within Microsoft] server and
forum, that's *HERE*, where I post, I do NOT post on or through USENET.

This server, as you noted, is a *SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ENTITY* from USENET,
and is no part of it. Not uniquely, even though your original post noted the
differences, there was a break down between the understanding.

Microsoft could have setup this service requiring parties who wish to post
through it or to it, in the same form as Google and other services, ISPs and
other, which REQUIRES one to have an account, however, Microsoft chose to
provide this server and service to the public and for their use, and
provided several ways to post in it, the web interface, newsreaders, USENET,
and directly.
Such is not done without constraint, Microsoft has instituted filters, and
does modify them from time to time to hopefully ensure that inappropriate
content does not appear. However, it remains MICROSOFT'S forum, not ANY
other service or other that ECHOES IT. Any posts coming from external
sources ARE filtered, the same as local postings are.

Yes, you can QOUTE material from OUTSIDE sources which might make it
through the filters, as you have shown, though the filter rules try to
ensure these things don't happen. Note I used a mild term to use as the BAIT
within that post should it be placed here from an external source, hopefully
it is so benign that even children or their parents are not offended
[perhaps even causing a good laugh].

Occasionally those changes cause havoc when some modification blocks
material which does not need blocked. We occasionally have discussions HERE
[this forum] concerning blocked posts and those modifications, or these are
noted [generally without extensive comment] when someone complains they had
to post several times for the item to appear [though that also happens when
other server maintenance is done].

However, USENET, actually hundreds/thousands of INDIVIDUAL servers and
services and other, loosely referred to as USENET, Google, and other News
Services [generally private services] automatically pull FROM this
server/host, and generally each individual service *WITH THEIR OWN DISTINCT
POSTING RULES*. Don't miss that, there are thousands of *supposed Netiquette
rules* across the planet.
They may contain postings which will NEVER appear here upon Microsoft's
server, the MASTER HOST, the controller of the forum.
This master forum occasionally receives a *RE: {something}* which never
appeared here [the master host] in the first place, which sometimes causes
someone to respond with a *huh, what are you talking about*, because those
that receive this forum directly do NOT receive the USENET drivel, UNLESS it
passes the master host's filters.

The demonstration, if you followed the posts, was produced to show this
distinction, and to show how ignorant 98 Guy was concerning these aspects
[as I posted]. The specifically created USENET post [actually just a regular
post here on the master host] contained material which would NOT be posted d
irectly within forum [it flicked in but was removed even before *I* could
download it] though it was submitted through and upon THIS master
server/host, but WOULD be pulled from the server automatically [before
filtering] by those services which monitor postings here, which is generally
referred to as USENET.
You posted the entire *BAIT POST*, which I knew 98 Guy could not resist
responding to, due to the apparent intense need for ego building, but does
not appear here on the master host, at least not until you and 98 Guy posted

Look carefully at those responses,,,, not only does 98 Guy fail to grasp
the issues, but posts absolutely ignorant threats, this is typical of the
discussions with this party.

Look at the material carefully [the message headers]... look at the content
of the thread and the postings related, and it should have been rather
obvious what it was, and what it proofed.

Not only should this have demonstrated [and it does] the DISTINCT
differences, but it also responded to the other completely ignorant postings
98 Guy had placed within this forum. Moreover, the continued postings by 98
Guy exposed the EXACT apparent indications of which I had placed. Once again
this entity COMPLETELY fails to grasp the reality of the world and how all
this on the Internet works EVEN WHEN DEMONSTRATED by the very person HE
CLAIMS doesn't understand ...

This should be enough to explain it, but if more is required, perhaps
others can respond as I have lost interest [unless 98 Guy puts more dumb
stuff here, though I may just ignore it], I have achieved what I set out to

BTW: no one has responded to those unanswered questions I posted to expose
other segments of this post on Netiquette fallacies. Any *takers* out there?



Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> "Sunny" <> wrote in message
> news:%23afo0uiOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...

> | Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
> | "I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for THIS
> | server"

> Okay, that poses a reasonable question so I'll answer.
> Both of those posts were posted UPON and through Microsoft's [actually
> the
> main host's server since Microsoft off-loaded much of its services to
> other
> servers under contract, though it may be back within Microsoft] server
> and
> forum, that's *HERE*, where I post, I do NOT post on or through USENET.
> This server, as you noted, is a *SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ENTITY* from
> and is no part of it. Not uniquely, even though your original post noted
> the
> differences, there was a break down between the understanding.

Thank you for your verbose reply, however,
"Microsoft has created the Microsoft.public newsgroup hierarchy and made
it available to anyone on the Usenet"

I have for years subscribed to Microsoft servers (Including one requiring
a password access) and the fact that they have "filters" in place does not
remove them from Usenet.
ISPs around the World do not "Echo" Microsoft public news group postings,
they simply download any of the available groups that they require.

Any ISP, who chooses to make their NNTP server available to non paying
customers, is in effect part of Usenet.

It doesn't matter if anyone posts direct to the Microsoft "public" server
using AOL or any other World wide ISP, they are in effect posting to


Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

"Sunny" <> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:uTlkk1pOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > "Sunny" <> wrote in message
| > news:%23afo0uiOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| <snip>
| > | Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
| > | "I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for THIS
| > | server"
| <snip>
| > Okay, that poses a reasonable question so I'll answer.
| >
| > Both of those posts were posted UPON and through Microsoft's [actually
| > the
| > main host's server since Microsoft off-loaded much of its services to
| > other
| > servers under contract, though it may be back within Microsoft] server
| > and
| > forum, that's *HERE*, where I post, I do NOT post on or through USENET.
| >
| > This server, as you noted, is a *SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ENTITY* from
| > and is no part of it. Not uniquely, even though your original post noted
| > the
| > differences, there was a break down between the understanding.
| <snip>
| Thank you for your verbose reply, however,
| "Microsoft has created the Microsoft.public newsgroup hierarchy and made
| it available to anyone on the Usenet"

The key words are "Microsoft has created" and "made it available" think
carefully before you reply, I know its hard sometimes..

| I have for years subscribed to Microsoft servers (Including one requiring
| a password access) and the fact that they have "filters" in place does not
| remove them from Usenet.
| ISPs around the World do not "Echo" Microsoft public news group postings,
| they simply download any of the available groups that they require.

Did you really type that.. yep you did... so they MERELY download something
which they have no direct control over and which they do not and did not

| Any ISP, who chooses to make their NNTP server available to non paying
| customers, is in effect part of Usenet.
| It doesn't matter if anyone posts direct to the Microsoft "public" server
| using AOL or any other World wide ISP, they are in effect posting to
| Usenet.

So why did you also choose to point out AOL, I do not post via AOL....
get it yet... and that is a rather ridiculous argument,, really think about
what you just typed to supposedly proof your issue, it holds no water

I also have at times had some other access.. so what's the relevance to
THIS situation and discussion.

Anyway, I can see you will apparently never get the differences so should I
why bother ...



Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> "Sunny" <> wrote in message
> news:ee1Cs4rOIHA.292@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:uTlkk1pOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > "Sunny" <> wrote in message
> | > news:%23afo0uiOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | <snip>
> | > | Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
> | > | "I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for
> | > | server"
> | <snip>
> | > Okay, that poses a reasonable question so I'll answer.
> | >
> | > Both of those posts were posted UPON and through Microsoft's
> [actually
> | > the
> | > main host's server since Microsoft off-loaded much of its services
> to
> | > other
> | > servers under contract, though it may be back within Microsoft]
> server
> | > and
> | > forum, that's *HERE*, where I post, I do NOT post on or through
> | >
> | > This server, as you noted, is a *SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ENTITY* from
> | > USENET,
> | > and is no part of it. Not uniquely, even though your original post
> noted
> | > the
> | > differences, there was a break down between the understanding.
> | <snip>
> | Thank you for your verbose reply, however,
> | "Microsoft has created the Microsoft.public newsgroup hierarchy and
> made
> | it available to anyone on the Usenet"
> |
> The key words are "Microsoft has created" and "made it available" think
> carefully before you reply, I know its hard sometimes..

Careful your inflated ego is showing.
(Although it may be easy for you to slip into a know it all, smartarse

> | I have for years subscribed to Microsoft servers (Including one
> requiring
> | a password access) and the fact that they have "filters" in place does
> not
> | remove them from Usenet.
> | ISPs around the World do not "Echo" Microsoft public news group
> postings,
> | they simply download any of the available groups that they require.
> Did you really type that.. yep you did... so they MERELY download
> something
> which they have no direct control over and which they do not and did not
> create...

As does every NNTP server in the World, including Microsoft.

> | Any ISP, who chooses to make their NNTP server available to non paying
> | customers, is in effect part of Usenet.
> |
> | It doesn't matter if anyone posts direct to the Microsoft "public"
> server
> | using AOL or any other World wide ISP, they are in effect posting to
> | Usenet.
> |
> So why did you also choose to point out AOL, I do not post via AOL....
> get it yet... and that is a rather ridiculous argument,, really think
> about
> what you just typed to supposedly proof your issue, it holds no water
> whatsoever...
> I also have at times had some other access.. so what's the relevance to
> THIS situation and discussion.
> Anyway, I can see you will apparently never get the differences so
> should I
> why bother ...

Have a safe Christmas, secure in your knowledge that you are not posting
on Usenet.


Re: Tricky Win98 Format - Netiquette falicies

Oh come'on I thought you were so close to a reasonable argument, just a few
more holes to fill...

And the same to you, have a happy Holiday season.


"Sunny" <> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:%23QMWVEsOIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > "Sunny" <> wrote in message
| > news:ee1Cs4rOIHA.292@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| > |
| > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | news:uTlkk1pOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > "Sunny" <> wrote in message
| > | > news:%23afo0uiOIHA.3556@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | <snip>
| > | > | Must admit I still have difficulty with your :
| > | > | "I created two posts... one specifically for USENET, and one for
| > THIS
| > | > | server"
| > | <snip>
| > | > Okay, that poses a reasonable question so I'll answer.
| > | >
| > | > Both of those posts were posted UPON and through Microsoft's
| > [actually
| > | > the
| > | > main host's server since Microsoft off-loaded much of its services
| > to
| > | > other
| > | > servers under contract, though it may be back within Microsoft]
| > server
| > | > and
| > | > forum, that's *HERE*, where I post, I do NOT post on or through
| > | >
| > | > This server, as you noted, is a *SEPARATE AND DISTINCT ENTITY* from
| > | > USENET,
| > | > and is no part of it. Not uniquely, even though your original post
| > noted
| > | > the
| > | > differences, there was a break down between the understanding.
| > | <snip>
| > | Thank you for your verbose reply, however,
| > | "Microsoft has created the Microsoft.public newsgroup hierarchy and
| > made
| > | it available to anyone on the Usenet"
| > |
| >
| > The key words are "Microsoft has created" and "made it available" think
| > carefully before you reply, I know its hard sometimes..
| Careful your inflated ego is showing.
| (Although it may be easy for you to slip into a know it all, smartarse
| role)
| > | I have for years subscribed to Microsoft servers (Including one
| > requiring
| > | a password access) and the fact that they have "filters" in place does
| > not
| > | remove them from Usenet.
| > | ISPs around the World do not "Echo" Microsoft public news group
| > postings,
| > | they simply download any of the available groups that they require.
| >
| > Did you really type that.. yep you did... so they MERELY download
| > something
| > which they have no direct control over and which they do not and did not
| > create...
| As does every NNTP server in the World, including Microsoft.
| > | Any ISP, who chooses to make their NNTP server available to non paying
| > | customers, is in effect part of Usenet.
| > |
| > | It doesn't matter if anyone posts direct to the Microsoft "public"
| > server
| > | using AOL or any other World wide ISP, they are in effect posting to
| > | Usenet.
| > |
| >
| > So why did you also choose to point out AOL, I do not post via AOL....
| > get it yet... and that is a rather ridiculous argument,, really think
| > about
| > what you just typed to supposedly proof your issue, it holds no water
| > whatsoever...
| >
| > I also have at times had some other access.. so what's the relevance to
| > THIS situation and discussion.
| >
| > Anyway, I can see you will apparently never get the differences so
| > should I
| > why bother ...
| Have a safe Christmas, secure in your knowledge that you are not posting
| on Usenet.

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