Problems with the updates from June, July or August 2020


Bernd Leutenecker


Until now we have not found out which (most likely cumulative) updates of the last months exactly results in these problems but our users PCs (Win 10 x64 enterprise v1809 and some with v1903) run in several problems afterwards:

1) Trouble with using PCL-printers after updating

2) Pdf24 cannot create new Pdf-files anymore after updating

3) PCs won't work with our WSUS-server anymore after updating (and they won't update MS-Defender anymore too)

Are this known problems, are there any workarounds or solutions?

Thank you, MS - again I am facing the problem that updating should be stopped until it is not certified that updates won't create problems ... And uninstalling cumulative updates / monthly rollups means removing security fixes as well.

With Win10 we had switched to MS-Defender only but now it seems that we need to install another antivirus-software as well.

Ever since after Win7 several of my IT-colleagues have switched to MacOS or Linux - and I hardly can blame them ...



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