how to check windows system files integrity?



"glee" <> wrote in

> "thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> news:Xns9A18B3580161Athanexit@
>> "glee" <> wrote in
>> news:uudq9RLTIHA.4272@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl:
>>> Corrupted Setupx.dll After Installing Windows 98 Second
>>> Edition

>> Thanks, Glen.
>> I checked it out. Mercifully, it was a very small page,
>> especially by MS standards.
>> "This issue can occur if the verification table that SFC
>> uses is not current".
>> What do they mean? It was done when I installed 98SE and
>> NOTHING has changed, so HOW can it NOT be current? Does it
>> have a time- expiration bug or something?
>> It's sort of a rhetorical question, but if you DO have an
>> explanation, feel free to post if so inclined.
>> Thanks again.

> Well, I don't have *the* answer, but I have *an* answer.
> Simply put, SFC has some bugs in its verification system,
> as well as in its file extraction process. I think in the
> case of this file, even though the file is the same version
> as when Windows was installed, it either doen't seem to
> register this fact in the verification table or the program
> itself doen't read it correctly.
> The verification process in SFC was so buggy, MS had
> already retired that function by the time it was reworked
> in Windows ME. The only good use of SFC is the file
> extraction function.
> System File Checker explained:
> How to Extract Original Compressed Windows Files
> Description of the System File Checker Tool (Sfc.exe):
> System File Checker Tool Extracts Incorrect File Versions
> Error Message: System File Checker Identified that the
> Following File may Be Corrupted. File: EXTRAC32.EXE...:
> System File Checker May Not Replace Older Files:

Thanks, that is good info.

Just the names of the links are scary enough to pretty much put
me off SFC for good - not that I really need it, obviously.
Still it was interesting to find out about its existence.

I have /several/ times been surprised by goodies found on the OS
CD's that do not install as a standard part of the OS -
obviously SFC installs, but I have never heard of it before.

Needless to say, I disdain such idiocies as Xmas and New Year's,
but I'd thought I'd play along just once...

thanatoid's New Year's Resolutions.

01. Stop posting good advice to help newsgroups.
02. Stop posting stupid advice to help newsgroups.
03. Drive to see the Grand Canyon and then to Las Vegas, buy a
04. Gamble a little in a desperate attempt to fit in for once.
05. Hire 5 of the best looking Las Vegas hookers and have a 3
hour orgy.
06. Have a king-size eggs and bacon and hashbrowns with onions
07. Return to hotel room, put gun in mouth and pull trigger.


"Bill in Co." <> wrote in

> glee wrote:


>> The verification process in SFC was so buggy, MS had
>> already retired that function by the time it was reworked
>> in Windows ME. The only good use of

>> is the file extraction function.

> Not quite. It's still VERY useful to me to run it just
> after installing some new programs to see if they have
> modified any system files (which quite often happens, and
> sometimes with bad or untold consequences). It has (on
> occasion) saved me a LOT of grief in that regard (sometimes
> I have had to bring back the original files I had copies
> of, from a backup drive).

Not just because of /my/ experience, such as it was, and what
Glen said, but I would suggest using a file-change/registry
monitoring program and/or InCtrl 4 (or whatever equivalent runs
on one's given system).

I have never bothered with a file-change monitor program -
although I do have "FileMap-by-BB" installed and running - but I
ALWAYS use InCtrl 4 and could not live without it.

Needless to say, I disdain such idiocies as Xmas and New Year's,
but I'd thought I'd play along just once...

thanatoid's New Year's Resolutions.

01. Stop posting good advice to help newsgroups.
02. Stop posting stupid advice to help newsgroups.
03. Drive to see the Grand Canyon and then to Las Vegas, buy a
04. Gamble a little in a desperate attempt to fit in for once.
05. Hire 5 of the best looking Las Vegas hookers and have a 3
hour orgy.
06. Have a king-size eggs and bacon and hashbrowns with onions
07. Return to hotel room, put gun in mouth and pull trigger.


thanatoid and others that get "Corrupted files" when they use sfc,

On that small old ancient computer, when I first acquired it, I was also
getting what the thing called "corrupted files". After I installed all the
updates that would work on that machine, I no longer got that message. All
is well with that computer as far as sfc is concerned. So try to do all the
updates that work with whatever machine you are using.

Just a suggestion!


"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
: "Bill in Co." <> wrote in
: news:e4fpUwBTIHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
: > Run SFC at the prompt: Start, Run, sfc
: Well, what do you know. Thanks. It's been a long time since I
: saw any useful info (and unknown to me, needless to say) posted
: here.
: [A few minutes later...]
: Follow up question, if I may:
: Besides calc.exe (which I have replaced with a different one
: ages ago), SFC found only one other file which was "bad"
: (setupx.dll) so I allowed it to replace it but backed it up to
: check it later. It is /exactly/ the same as the file which
: replaced it - and which was /not/ flagged by SFC as "bad",
: Is this just another example of the quality of MS products or
: what?
: --
: The only cure for stupidity is death.
: The only cure for brilliance is death.
: The only cure for love is death.
: The only cure for hate is death.
: Indifference needs no cure.
: The only cure for life is death.
: {© 2007 thanatoid}


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> SANTANDER wrote:
> | "Bill in Co." <> wrote in message
> | news:e4fpUwBTIHA.1164@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> Run SFC at the prompt: Start, Run, sfc
> |>
> |> SANTANDER wrote:
> |> > how to check windows system files integrity? (to be sure no files
> |> > has been replaced or corrupted, after spyware screensaver
> |> > removing).
> |> >
> |> > thanks.
> | ------
> | I tried run SFC, it show that plenty of files has been
> | changed(replaced), but this due various upgrades, usually for newer
> | file version.
> To be fairly sure SFC will show only the changes you are interested in,
> you'd have to run it immediately before the uninstall is done to prime
> it. Accept all the changes & have it update its tables. Then, do the
> uninstall & run SFC again-- immediately! The new set of changes is just
> what the uninstall did. Here is what I usually post for it...
> "START button, Run, SFC"
> However, this tool needs a priming, which basically means to accept all
> current changes. Its Settings, especially Search Criteria, may need
> adjusting. You may look through its log, C:\Windows\SFCLOG.TXT, to see
> what it's done. Also, there is a certain amount of confusion involved
> with it, under the best of circumstances. For one thing, certain files
> (like DrWatson.vxd, if you have it in the system tray) will always seem
> to have changed. For another, it does not well handle version numbers
> greater than 11 characters. Here are some articles...
> System File Checker
> SFC baseline
> SFC extracts wrong file
> Error Message: The File
> Was Not Found. Verify That You Have Selected the
> Correct 'Restore from' Location and Try Again
> SFC use & problems
> SFC use & problems
> | I canceled SFC after short time without waiting it finished, since it
> | is not possible to verify each file individually, due too many files
> | has been changed, so it constantly prompt for action, I always
> | clicked 'Ignore'.
> Run it again & accept all changes-- or it never will do you any good!
> You'll always wonder which changes are new & which are old otherwise!
> | (In 'Settings' I've selected check for changed and
> | deleted files, both options, and 'Prompt for backup').
> | Just noticed for some changed files which SFC has found, that it has
> | been changed but not for newer version, but for older. I'm not sure
> | why this. for example:
> |
> | 'hh.exe' previous version - 4.73.8412
> | 'hh.exe' current version - 4.72.7286 - older
> Somewhere along the line that's what happened-- the newer one was
> replaced with the older. You must run SFC before & after each install &
> uninstall to know which did what. My own hh.exe shows up in at least 10
> SFC reports. Here is the last mention...
> HH.EXE Updated 5.2.3644.0 6/10/02 5.2.3790.30 4/13/05
> No
> And the actual current version of that file I have is...
> 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540).
> SO... SFC isn't great with that one! The version number is too big!
> REALLY, you need something like...
> 's InCtrl5 by Neil J. Rubenking. Besides showing
> what files are changed during an in/un-install, it will say what
> Registry keys have changed. It even can say what lines have changed
> inside certain .txt & .ini files.
> One also needs to do periodic full system backups. Even SFC doesn't save
> files. It is only updating some kind of signature of the files. You
> can't go back to an intermediate version of a file. You can only go back
> to the original that is in the Windows .cab's. For instance, this is all
> I've got for HH.exe...
> Cabinet WIN98_45.CAB
> 04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 36,864 hh.exe
> That goes way back!
> | pidgen.dll, icwscrpt.exe, fixmapi.exe - replaced with the same
> | version, but curent vers. is smaller size.
> |
> | and so on...
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe with
latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it seems.
Where to get latest vers. for win98?


"SANTANDER" <> wrote in message
> OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe with
> latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it seems.
> Where to get latest vers. for win98?

Google: 811630usa8.exe 98/811630USA8.EXE

You should first install the Cumulative Update for Internet Explorer (810847)

You should be able to get both by going to Windows Update.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%23drcE2YTIHA.4656@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...

|> HH.EXE Updated 5.2.3644.0 6/10/02 5.2.3790.30
|> 4/13/05 No
|> And the actual current version of that file I have is...
|> 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540).

I see all of that in the file's Properties in Explorer.

|> SO... SFC isn't great with that one! The version number is too big!

| OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe
| with latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it
| seems. Where to get latest vers. for win98?

I think I must agree with glee on that. At...

"START button, Run, QFECheck"

....I can see that HH.exe is included actually with 3 critical updates in
the W98 section...


They all show a version number of 5.2.3790.309 (but not the rest of what
I see in the Properties of that file). The first 2 actually show 6 files
apiece, all with that version number. The last shows only 5 of the
files, but those 5 also match in version number. It lacks HHCTRLUI.dll
(v.5.2.3664.0), which is the only file with a version number different
from 5.2.3790.309.

I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you there...


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> SANTANDER wrote:
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:%23drcE2YTIHA.4656@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> ...snip
> |> HH.EXE Updated 5.2.3644.0 6/10/02 5.2.3790.30
> |> 4/13/05 No
> |>
> |> And the actual current version of that file I have is...
> |> 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540).
> I see all of that in the file's Properties in Explorer.
> |> SO... SFC isn't great with that one! The version number is too big!
> ...snip
> | OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe
> | with latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it
> | seems. Where to get latest vers. for win98?
> I think I must agree with glee on that. At...
> "START button, Run, QFECheck"
> ...I can see that HH.exe is included actually with 3 critical updates in
> the W98 section...
> UPD323255
> UPD811630
> UPD896358
> They all show a version number of 5.2.3790.309 (but not the rest of what
> I see in the Properties of that file). The first 2 actually show 6 files
> apiece, all with that version number. The last shows only 5 of the
> files, but those 5 also match in version number. It lacks HHCTRLUI.dll
> (v.5.2.3664.0), which is the only file with a version number different
> from 5.2.3790.309.
> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you there...


I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest updates.
I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual current version
is(3 files in different locations):

5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS


| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%233QPUSNUIHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> SANTANDER wrote:
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:%23drcE2YTIHA.4656@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> ...snip
|> |> HH.EXE Updated 5.2.3644.0 6/10/02 5.2.3790.30
|> |> 4/13/05 No
|> |>
|> |> And the actual current version of that file I have is...
|> |> 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540).
|> I see all of that in the file's Properties in Explorer.
|> |> SO... SFC isn't great with that one! The version number is too
|> |> big!
|> ...snip
|> | OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe
|> | with latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it
|> | seems. Where to get latest vers. for win98?
|> I think I must agree with glee on that. At...
|> "START button, Run, QFECheck"
|> ...I can see that HH.exe is included actually with 3 critical
|> updates in the W98 section...
|> UPD323255
|> UPD811630
|> UPD896358
|> They all show a version number of 5.2.3790.309 (but not the rest of
|> what I see in the Properties of that file). The first 2 actually
|> show 6 files apiece, all with that version number. The last shows
|> only 5 of the files, but those 5 also match in version number. It
|> lacks HHCTRLUI.dll (v.5.2.3664.0), which is the only file with a
|> version number different from 5.2.3790.309.
|> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you
|> there...
| ---------
| I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest updates.
| I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual current
| version is(3 files in different locations):
| 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
| 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
| 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS

That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> SANTANDER wrote:
> | snip
> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest updates.
> | I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual current
> | version is(3 files in different locations):
> |
> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS
> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.

Right.....there should not even be a copy of hh.exe in the Windows\System folder.

As you may see, the version in the Windows directory and in Options\Cabs are newer
than the one supplied by the update I mentioned
(, which contains version 5.2.3644.0 of
hh.exe. So, there was at least one later update that included a newer version of
hh.exe, and Santander got it already, through Windows Update. That is why it is
always best to get the updates following a scan at the WU site.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


glee wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:OhawJIXUIHA.5360@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> SANTANDER wrote:
|> | snip
|> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest
|> | updates. I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual
|> | current version is(3 files in different locations):
|> |
|> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
|> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
|> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS
|> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
|> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
|> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.
^... well
| Right.....there should not even be a copy of hh.exe in the
| Windows\System folder.

Good. Thanks for the confirmation.

| As you may see, the version in the Windows directory and in
| Options\Cabs are newer than the one supplied by the update I mentioned
| (, which contains version
| 5.2.3644.0 of hh.exe. So, there was at least one later update that
| included a newer version of hh.exe, and Santander got it already,
| through Windows Update.

OK. That must have been what shows as UPD896358 in QFECheck. After that
one came in, the 2 prior updates that involved HH.exe now also seem to
indicate they contained that updated version of the file. But it makes
sense as you say that they originally had older versions.

| That is why it is always best to get the
| updates following a scan at the WU site.

I agree. Although yesterday & today I am shocked to see Windows Update
offer me...

Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1

....all over again, I think it may be my own fault somehow. I can see in
"IE, About" I already took that. ALSO, I took the later one-- Q918439.

And, QFECheck is complaining that UPD918547 is missing its files
(KB918547.exe & Q918547.dll). Yet, the files are both in
"C:\Windows\System\KB918547", & the .exe is running! And "918547" is
mentioned in 12 Registry keys outside of MRU lists!

I did do a full system restore recently. But things should have been
fine with that. It could be a big in/un-install to blame. I'll get to
the bottom of it!

| Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> SANTANDER wrote:
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:%233QPUSNUIHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> SANTANDER wrote:
> |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> | news:%23drcE2YTIHA.4656@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |>
> |> ...snip
> |> |> [E:\OPTIONS\CABS]
> |> |> HH.EXE Updated 5.2.3644.0 6/10/02 5.2.3790.30
> |> |> 4/13/05 No
> |> |>
> |> |> And the actual current version of that file I have is...
> |> |> 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540).
> |>
> |> I see all of that in the file's Properties in Explorer.
> |>
> |> |> SO... SFC isn't great with that one! The version number is too
> |> |> big!
> |>
> |> ...snip
> |> | OK, SFC will not help in this case anyway. Just want update hh.exe
> |> | with latest version for win98. Its microsoft Windows Help file, it
> |> | seems. Where to get latest vers. for win98?
> |>
> |> I think I must agree with glee on that. At...
> |>
> |> "START button, Run, QFECheck"
> |>
> |> ...I can see that HH.exe is included actually with 3 critical
> |> updates in the W98 section...
> |>
> |> UPD323255
> |> UPD811630
> |> UPD896358
> |>
> |> They all show a version number of 5.2.3790.309 (but not the rest of
> |> what I see in the Properties of that file). The first 2 actually
> |> show 6 files apiece, all with that version number. The last shows
> |> only 5 of the files, but those 5 also match in version number. It
> |> lacks HHCTRLUI.dll (v.5.2.3664.0), which is the only file with a
> |> version number different from 5.2.3790.309.
> |>
> |> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you
> |> there...
> | ---------
> |
> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest updates.
> | I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual current
> | version is(3 files in different locations):
> |
> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS
> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


I renamed Hh.exe to Hh.ex_ in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

I noticed that many CHM files have changed standard icon to another icon,
from '1-4a rename'.
Some file have normal CHM icon, some CHM files have changed icon to this
utility. I just downloaded and tried it once. Something wrong in this
utility, it changes a lot of CHM icons.


| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:OhawJIXUIHA.5360@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> SANTANDER wrote:

|> |> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you
|> |> there...
|> |> ---------
|> |
|> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest
|> | updates. I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual
|> | current version is(3 files in different locations):
|> |
|> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
|> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
|> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS
|> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
|> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
|> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.

| I renamed Hh.exe to Hh.ex_ in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

Very good. That's that, then! (Eventually, for neatness sake, delete the
renamed one, though.)

| I noticed that many CHM files have changed standard icon to another
| icon, from '1-4a rename'.
| Some file have normal CHM icon, some CHM files have changed icon to
| this utility. I just downloaded and tried it once. Something wrong in
| this utility, it changes a lot of CHM icons.

I doubt that renamer is at fault. I just don't see why it should be. All
of my .chm files have a sheet of paper with a big yellow question mark
for an icon. At...

"START button, Settings, Folder Options, File Types tab"

(1) Scroll the list of registered file types for
"Compiled HTML Help file".
(2) D-Clk that entry.
The "Edit File Type" requestor should appear.
(3) Click the "Change Icon" button.
The "Change Icon" requestor should appear.

What shows up in the File Name box? I see...


.... there. If you are showing "System\" in yours, remove it, & click OK.

(4) Back at the "Edit File Type" requestor,
D-Clk "open" in the Actions box.

What shows up in the "Application used to perform action" box? I see...

"c:\windows\hh.exe" mine-- INCLUDING the quotes. You may need to remove "System" from
there too. I think that should do it. Alternatively, search the registry


...., & change each one to...


...., which is mentioned 5 times in my Registry outside of MRU lists.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:

| And, QFECheck is complaining that UPD918547 is missing its files
| (KB918547.exe & Q918547.dll). Yet, the files are both in
| "C:\Windows\System\KB918547", & the .exe is running! And "918547" is
| mentioned in 12 Registry keys outside of MRU lists!

That one was fixed by adjusting the folder name in this Registry key...

@="Windows 98 KB918547 Update"

....I THINK I did that once before, but lost it by restoring a full
system backup!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <> wrote in message
> SANTANDER wrote:
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:OhawJIXUIHA.5360@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> SANTANDER wrote:
> ...snip
> |> |> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you
> |> |> there...
> |> |> ---------
> |> |
> |> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest
> |> | updates. I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the actual
> |> | current version is(3 files in different locations):
> |> |
> |> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
> |> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
> |> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS
> |>
> |> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
> |> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
> |> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.
> ...snip
> | I renamed Hh.exe to Hh.ex_ in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
> Very good. That's that, then! (Eventually, for neatness sake, delete the
> renamed one, though.)
> | I noticed that many CHM files have changed standard icon to another
> | icon, from '1-4a rename'.
> | Some file have normal CHM icon, some CHM files have changed icon to
> | this utility. I just downloaded and tried it once. Something wrong in
> | this utility, it changes a lot of CHM icons.
> |
> |
> I doubt that renamer is at fault. I just don't see why it should be. All
> of my .chm files have a sheet of paper with a big yellow question mark
> for an icon. At...
> "START button, Settings, Folder Options, File Types tab"
> (1) Scroll the list of registered file types for
> "Compiled HTML Help file".
> (2) D-Clk that entry.
> The "Edit File Type" requestor should appear.
> (3) Click the "Change Icon" button.
> The "Change Icon" requestor should appear.
> What shows up in the File Name box? I see...
> c:\windows\hh.exe
> ... there. If you are showing "System\" in yours, remove it, & click OK.
> (4) Back at the "Edit File Type" requestor,
> D-Clk "open" in the Actions box.
> What shows up in the "Application used to perform action" box? I see...
> "c:\windows\hh.exe"
> mine-- INCLUDING the quotes. You may need to remove "System" from
> there too. I think that should do it. Alternatively, search the registry
> for...
> C:\Windows\System\HH.exe
> ..., & change each one to...
> C:\Windows\HH.exe
> ..., which is mentioned 5 times in my Registry outside of MRU lists.
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


After rebooting all .chm icons are normal. So, it some windows issue,
something with refreshing.
Does this Hh.ex_ can be removed from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM? It should not be
there by default?



| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:unfKdflUIHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> SANTANDER wrote:
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:OhawJIXUIHA.5360@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> |> SANTANDER wrote:
|> ...snip
|> |> |> I would first go to Windows Update & see what is offered to you
|> |> |> there...
|> |> |> ---------
|> |> |
|> |> | I have updated windows a long time ago, so it have all latest
|> |> | updates. I've checked hh.exe Properties > Version, and the
|> |> | actual current version is(3 files in different locations):
|> |> |
|> |> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in C:\WINDOWS
|> |> | 4.72.7286 - in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM <--- no good! (says PCR)
|> |> | 5.2.3790.309 (srv03_gdr.050413-1540) - in
|> |>
|> |> That looks good-- EXCEPT for the one in ...System\.
|> |> Rename it to HH.ex_ (that's an underline instead of an "e").
|> |> If all goes for 3 years, remember eventually to delete it.
|> ...snip
|> | I renamed Hh.exe to Hh.ex_ in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
|> Very good. That's that, then! (Eventually, for neatness sake, delete
|> the renamed one, though.)
|> | I noticed that many CHM files have changed standard icon to another
|> | icon, from '1-4a rename'.
|> | Some file have normal CHM icon, some CHM files have changed icon to
|> | this utility. I just downloaded and tried it once. Something wrong
|> | in this utility, it changes a lot of CHM icons.
|> |
|> |
|> I doubt that renamer is at fault. I just don't see why it should be.
|> All of my .chm files have a sheet of paper with a big yellow
|> question mark for an icon. At...
|> "START button, Settings, Folder Options, File Types tab"
|> (1) Scroll the list of registered file types for
|> "Compiled HTML Help file".
|> (2) D-Clk that entry.
|> The "Edit File Type" requestor should appear.
|> (3) Click the "Change Icon" button.
|> The "Change Icon" requestor should appear.
|> What shows up in the File Name box? I see...
|> c:\windows\hh.exe
|> ... there. If you are showing "System\" in yours, remove it, & click
|> OK.
|> (4) Back at the "Edit File Type" requestor,
|> D-Clk "open" in the Actions box.
|> What shows up in the "Application used to perform action" box? I
|> see...
|> "c:\windows\hh.exe"
|> mine-- INCLUDING the quotes. You may need to remove "System"
|> from there too. I think that should do it. Alternatively, search the
|> registry for...
|> C:\Windows\System\HH.exe
|> ..., & change each one to...
|> C:\Windows\HH.exe
|> ..., which is mentioned 5 times in my Registry outside of MRU lists.
| -----------------
| After rebooting all .chm icons are normal. So, it some windows issue,
| something with refreshing.

All right. I suppose your settings are fine, then. It wouldn't to go &
look, though.

| Does this Hh.ex_ can be removed from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM? It should not
| be there by default?

Yea. Go ahead & delete it. It is obsolete.

| Thanks.

You are welcome.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:

| Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
| (KB916281)
| ...all over again, I think it may be my own fault somehow. I can see
| in "IE, About" I already took that. ALSO, I took the later one--
| Q918439.

Well, that's fixed too. I uninstalled 918439. Then, I over-installed
916281 & reinstalled 918439, both from the Catalog downloads I have.
NOW, Windows Update offers nothing as it should! Ah, ha, ha!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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