Floppy Disk Question Follow Up



On Jan 10, 11:47 pm, "DaffyD®" <daf...@woohoo.com> wrote:
> ... However, I tried unplugging the cable from the floppy, powered up
> the computer, and the green light still remained on.  The problem is
> with thepower supplybut that's as far as I can get since I don't have
> the equipment to test voltage and such.

Every recommendation (including one to replace the power supply) has
a common factor. In each case, the recommendation comes without first
learning the circuits.

Unlike other drives, the floppy is turned on and off by a switch on
the floppy drive controller. Switch on controller connects to floppy
via a cable. If the cable is reversed, the floppy 'sees' a closed
switch and powers on. If cable is not reversed and switch is failed,
then floppy 'sees' a closed switch and powers on. If cable is
disconnected from controller (power connector remains connected) and
floppy powers off, then problem is directly traceable to the switch on
floppy controller.

Rather simple analysis when one first learns the interface signals -
when one first asks why a reversed cable would also cause same
symptoms. Notice how many knew the symptom but never once asked why.
'Knowing' without also knowing 'why' explains so many replies without
a useful conclusion.

Report what happens when you perform those above tests.


DaffyD® wrote:
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> PCR wrote:
|> | DaffyD® wrote:
|> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
|> ...snip
|> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on the
|> || left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side leads
|> || directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
|> |
|> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to examine
|> | or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the day I ever will
|> | need to now!
|> |
|> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
|> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on the
|> | data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable that is
|> | closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7 wires). When
|> | plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the middle of the drive
|> | right next to where the power will plug in. But this cable has a
|> | raise plastic portion on its connector that fits into a slot on
|> | the floppy drive. I guess (& too bad) they don't all have that.
|> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is slot
|> on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't help! The
|> cable connector can flipped & still match!
................................ ^...be
|> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to point to
|> the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!

| I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.

That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see, though.
Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the floppy drive
case at one side of the floppy connector. That is where I would position
the red stripe.

| Also, the
| power
| connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
| raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the right?

So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually works
as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin but not work
either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How does the drive behave
in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't forget this...!...

(1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
(2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
(not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
(3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
(Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
(4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
(It just sounds as if that might relate.)

That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.

| I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
| Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no fault
| of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I don't mind
| unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom drives, memory,
| video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk drive.

Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from your
unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an Our Father--
before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!

| This was the
| first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the floppy
| thing, everything else works perfectly.

It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.

| { : [|]=( DaffyD®
| If I knew where I was I'd be there now.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> DaffyD® wrote:
> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> PCR wrote:
> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
> |>
> |> ...snip
> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on the
> |> || left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side leads
> |> || directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
> |> |
> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to examine
> |> | or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the day I ever will
> |> | need to now!
> |> |
> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
> |> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on the
> |> | data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable that is
> |> | closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7 wires). When
> |> | plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the middle of the drive
> |> | right next to where the power will plug in. But this cable has a
> |> | raise plastic portion on its connector that fits into a slot on
> |> | the floppy drive. I guess (& too bad) they don't all have that.
> |>
> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is slot
> |> on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't help! The
> |> cable connector can flipped & still match!
> ............................... ^...be
> |>
> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to point to
> |> the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!
> |>
> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.
> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see, though.
> Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the floppy drive
> case at one side of the floppy connector. That is where I would position
> the red stripe.
> | Also, the
> | power
> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
> | raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the right?
> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually works
> as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin but not work
> either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How does the drive behave
> in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't forget this...!...
> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
> | Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no fault
> | of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I don't mind
> | unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom drives, memory,
> | video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk drive.
> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from your
> unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an Our Father--
> before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!
> | This was the
> | first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the floppy
> | thing, everything else works perfectly.
> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
> --
> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
> |
> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net
> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!


DaffyD® wrote:
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:%239UOMVLVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> DaffyD® wrote:
|> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> PCR wrote:
|> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
|> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
|> |>
|> |> ...snip
|> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on the
|> |> || left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side leads
|> |> || directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
|> |> |
|> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to
|> |> | examine or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the day I
|> |> | ever will need to now!
|> |> |
|> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
|> |> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on
|> |> | the data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable
|> |> | that is closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7 wires).
|> |> | When plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the middle of the
|> |> | drive right next to where the power will plug in. But this
|> |> | cable has a raise plastic portion on its connector that fits
|> |> | into a slot on the floppy drive. I guess (& too bad) they don't
|> |> | all have that.
|> |>
|> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is
|> |> slot on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't
|> |> help! The cable connector can flipped & still match!
|> ............................... ^...be
|> |>
|> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to point
|> |> to the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!
|> |>
|> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.
|> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see,
|> though. Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the
|> floppy drive case at one side of the floppy connector. That is where
|> I would position the red stripe.
|> | Also, the
|> | power
|> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
|> | raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the right?
|> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually
|> works as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin but
|> not work either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How does the
|> drive behave in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't forget
|> this...!...
|> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
|> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
|> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
|> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
|> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
|> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
|> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
|> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
|> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
|> | Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no
|> | fault of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I
|> | don't mind unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom
|> | drives, memory, video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk drive.
|> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from
|> your unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an Our
|> Father-- before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!
|> | This was the
|> | first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the floppy
|> | thing, everything else works perfectly.
|> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
|> --
|> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
|> |
|> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.

|> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!

OK. Anyhow, I couldn't quite fit in it last time I tried! That was an
interesting thought Myers posted in your other thread...

The power supply cable carries two voltages,12 volts for the drive motor
and 5 volts for the electronics. If it is connected in reverse, the 12
line is applied to the electronics, which may cause permanent damage.
I suggest you try a known good floppy drive, making sure to connect
the cable correctly.

I hope nothing like that has been going on with your power connector!
It's hard to describe the power socket on this SONY MPF920-Z floppy
drive in my hand. There seems to be a deep plastic slot under the 4
metal prongs. One side of the slot actually doesn't touch its wall. I
guess it depends on the shape of the plug whether it will fit just one
way-- but I can't see that! Good luck!


"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> DaffyD® wrote:
> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> | news:%239UOMVLVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> DaffyD® wrote:
> |> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> |> PCR wrote:
> |> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
> |> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
> |> |>
> |> |> ...snip
> |> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on the
> |> |> || left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side leads
> |> |> || directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
> |> |> |
> |> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to
> |> |> | examine or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the day I
> |> |> | ever will need to now!
> |> |> |
> |> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
> |> |> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on
> |> |> | the data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable
> |> |> | that is closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7 wires).
> |> |> | When plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the middle of the
> |> |> | drive right next to where the power will plug in. But this
> |> |> | cable has a raise plastic portion on its connector that fits
> |> |> | into a slot on the floppy drive. I guess (& too bad) they don't
> |> |> | all have that.
> |> |>
> |> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is
> |> |> slot on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't
> |> |> help! The cable connector can flipped & still match!
> |> ............................... ^...be
> |> |>
> |> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to point
> |> |> to the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!
> |> |>
> |>
> |> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.
> |>
> |> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see,
> |> though. Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the
> |> floppy drive case at one side of the floppy connector. That is where
> |> I would position the red stripe.
> |>
> |> | Also, the
> |> | power
> |> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
> |> | raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the right?
> |>
> |> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually
> |> works as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin but
> |> not work either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How does the
> |> drive behave in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't forget
> |> this...!...
> |>
> |> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
> |> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
> |> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
> |> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
> |> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
> |> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
> |> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
> |>
> |> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
> |>
> |> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
> |> | Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no
> |> | fault of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I
> |> | don't mind unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom
> |> | drives, memory, video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk drive.
> |>
> |> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from
> |> your unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an Our
> |> Father-- before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!
> |>
> |> | This was the
> |> | first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the floppy
> |> | thing, everything else works perfectly.
> |>
> |> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
> |> |
> |> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
> |>
> ...snip
> |> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!
> OK. Anyhow, I couldn't quite fit in it last time I tried! That was an
> interesting thought Myers posted in your other thread...
> .....Quote...........
> The power supply cable carries two voltages,12 volts for the drive motor
> and 5 volts for the electronics. If it is connected in reverse, the 12
> volt
> line is applied to the electronics, which may cause permanent damage.
> I suggest you try a known good floppy drive, making sure to connect
> the cable correctly.
> .....EOQ.............
> I hope nothing like that has been going on with your power connector!
> It's hard to describe the power socket on this SONY MPF920-Z floppy
> drive in my hand. There seems to be a deep plastic slot under the 4
> metal prongs. One side of the slot actually doesn't touch its wall. I
> guess it depends on the shape of the plug whether it will fit just one
> way-- but I can't see that! Good luck!
> I have a couple of these molex connectors and they all look the way you

described yours. By the way, I've narrowed the problem down to the power
supply. I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on the computer,
and the problem still occurred. It's got to be a voltage problem. I even
tried reinstalling the PS--no luck. And there's only one way you can connect
the PS to the motherboard so I didn't make a mistake there. Unfortunately,
it's too late to return the PS to the computer store.


"w_tom" <w_tom1@usa.net> wrote in message
On Jan 10, 11:47 pm, "DaffyD®" <daf...@woohoo.com> wrote:
> ... However, I tried unplugging the cable from the floppy, powered up
> the computer, and the green light still remained on. The problem is
> with thepower supplybut that's as far as I can get since I don't have
> the equipment to test voltage and such.

Every recommendation (including one to replace the power supply) has
a common factor. In each case, the recommendation comes without first
learning the circuits.

Unlike other drives, the floppy is turned on and off by a switch on
the floppy drive controller. Switch on controller connects to floppy
via a cable. If the cable is reversed, the floppy 'sees' a closed
switch and powers on. If cable is not reversed and switch is failed,
then floppy 'sees' a closed switch and powers on. If cable is
disconnected from controller (power connector remains connected) and
floppy powers off, then problem is directly traceable to the switch on
floppy controller.

Rather simple analysis when one first learns the interface signals -
when one first asks why a reversed cable would also cause same
symptoms. Notice how many knew the symptom but never once asked why.
'Knowing' without also knowing 'why' explains so many replies without
a useful conclusion.

Report what happens when you perform those above tests.

I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on the computer, and the
problem still occurred. It's got to be a voltage supply roblem. I even
tried reinstalling the power supply--no luck. And there's only one way you
can connect the PS to the motherboard so I didn't make a mistake there.
Unfortunately, it's too late to return the it to the computer store. I know
it would help if I had a multimeter, and it would be a greater help if I
knew how to use one.


"DaffyD®" <daffyd@woohoo.com> wrote in

> "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> news:OhlyVwXVIHA.4808@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> DaffyD® wrote:
>> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
>> | news:%239UOMVLVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> |> DaffyD® wrote:
>> |> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
>> |> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> |> |> PCR wrote:
>> |> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
>> |> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
>> |> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> |> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
>> |> |>
>> |> |> ...snip
>> |> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD
>> |> |> || ribbon cable on the left or the right? Mine is on
>> |> |> || the right but that side leads directly to pin 1
>> |> |> || on the motherboard.
>> |> |> |
>> |> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had
>> |> |> | cause to examine or fiddle with the floppy derive.
>> |> |> | And I dread the day I ever will need to now!
>> |> |> |
>> |> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from
>> |> |> | someone's discarded ME machine. It is a SONY
>> |> |> | MPF920-Z. The red strip on the data cable
>> |> |> | (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable
>> |> |> | that is closest to its twisted portion (of looks
>> |> |> | like 7 wires). When plugged in, that red stripe
>> |> |> | ends up in the middle of the drive right next to
>> |> |> | where the power will plug in. But this
>> |> |> | cable has a raise plastic portion on its connector
>> |> |> | that fits into a slot on the floppy drive. I guess
>> |> |> | (& too bad) they don't all have that.
>> |> |>
>> |> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I
>> |> |> see there is slot on both sides of the floppy drive
>> |> |> case. So, that doesn't help! The cable connector can
>> |> |> flipped & still match!
>> |> ............................... ^...be
>> |> |>
>> |> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that
>> |> |> seems to point to the side that gets the red stripe.
>> |> |> Look for that!
>> |> |>
>> |>
>> |> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no
>> |> | arrow.
>> |>
>> |> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead
>> |> that I see, though. Look for anything at all-- a dot or
>> |> a notch, maybe, on the floppy drive case at one side of
>> |> the floppy connector. That is where I would position
>> |> the red stripe.
>> |>
>> |> | Also, the
>> |> | power
>> |> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still
>> |> | work, again raising the question does the red wire go
>> |> | on the left or the right?
>> |>
>> |> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning,
>> |> it actually works as normal otherwise? Or, are you just
>> |> saying it will spin but not work either way? Did you
>> |> ever say whether it works? How does the drive behave in
>> |> DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't forget
>> |> this...!...
>> |>
>> |> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
>> |> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
>> |> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
>> |> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for
>> |> Properties.
>> |> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
>> |> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
>> |> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
>> |>
>> |> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
>> |>
>> |> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many
>> |> | years ago. Since then I've built my own computer
>> |> | (which went kaput thru no fault of mine) and have
>> |> | been inside this one numerous times. I don't mind
>> |> | unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom
>> |> | drives, memory, video and sound cards, and now a
>> |> | floppy disk drive.
>> |>
>> |> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning
>> |> a lot from your unhappy circumstance. I will surely say
>> |> 6 Hail Mary's & an Our Father-- before I ever unplug my
>> |> own floppy drive now!
>> |>
>> |> | This was the
>> |> | first time I ever installed a power supply and
>> |> | besides the floppy thing, everything else works
>> |> | perfectly.
>> |>
>> |> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
>> |>
>> |>
>> |> --
>> |> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
>> |> |
>> |> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
>> |>
>> ...snip
>> |> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!
>> OK. Anyhow, I couldn't quite fit in it last time I tried!
>> That was an interesting thought Myers posted in your other
>> thread...
>> .....Quote...........
>> The power supply cable carries two voltages,12 volts for
>> the drive motor and 5 volts for the electronics. If it is
>> connected in reverse, the 12 volt
>> line is applied to the electronics, which may cause
>> permanent damage. I suggest you try a known good floppy
>> drive, making sure to connect the cable correctly.
>> .....EOQ.............
>> I hope nothing like that has been going on with your power
>> connector! It's hard to describe the power socket on this
>> SONY MPF920-Z floppy drive in my hand. There seems to be a
>> deep plastic slot under the 4 metal prongs. One side of
>> the slot actually doesn't touch its wall. I guess it
>> depends on the shape of the plug whether it will fit just
>> one way-- but I can't see that! Good luck!
>> I have a couple of these molex connectors and they all
>> look the way you

> described yours. By the way, I've narrowed the problem
> down to the power supply. I totally disconnected the
> floppy cable, powered on the computer, and the problem
> still occurred. It's got to be a voltage problem. I even
> tried reinstalling the PS--no luck. And there's only one
> way you can connect the PS to the motherboard so I didn't
> make a mistake there. Unfortunately, it's too late to
> return the PS to the computer store.

Give me your home address, troll, and I'll send you the $15 that
the new one will cost you. Plus I'll know where to find you so I
can punch you in the mouth next time I'm there.

Of course, once you GET a new PS (i.e. SAY you did) there will
be a new problem with "your floppy drive", won't there?

Disclaimer for the authorities:

I have no intentions whatsoever of killing, harming, harassing,
or otherwise inconveniencing the poster known as "DaffyD®"
<daffyd@woohoo.com>, either now or at any time in the future.

Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.
Edward Abbey (1927 - 1989)


DaffyD® wrote:
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:OhlyVwXVIHA.4808@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> DaffyD® wrote:
|> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> | news:%239UOMVLVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> |> DaffyD® wrote:
|> |> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> |> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> PCR wrote:
|> |> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
|> |> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
|> |> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> |> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
|> |> |>
|> |> |> ...snip
|> |> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on
|> |> |> || the left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side
|> |> |> || leads directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to
|> |> |> | examine or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the
|> |> |> | day I ever will need to now!
|> |> |> |
|> |> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
|> |> |> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on
|> |> |> | the data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable
|> |> |> | that is closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7
|> |> |> | wires). When plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the
|> |> |> | middle of the drive right next to where the power will plug
|> |> |> | in. But this cable has a raise plastic portion on its
|> |> |> | connector that fits into a slot on the floppy drive. I guess
|> |> |> | (& too bad) they don't all have that.
|> |> |>
|> |> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is
|> |> |> slot on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't
|> |> |> help! The cable connector can flipped & still match!
|> |> ............................... ^...be
|> |> |>
|> |> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to
|> |> |> point to the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!
|> |> |>
|> |>
|> |> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.
|> |>
|> |> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see,
|> |> though. Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the
|> |> floppy drive case at one side of the floppy connector. That is
|> |> where I would position the red stripe.
|> |>
|> |> | Also, the
|> |> | power
|> |> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
|> |> | raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the
|> |> | right?
|> |>
|> |> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually
|> |> works as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin
|> |> but not work either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How
|> |> does the drive behave in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't
|> |> forget this...!...
|> |>
|> |> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
|> |> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
|> |> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
|> |> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
|> |> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
|> |> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
|> |> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
|> |>
|> |> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
|> |>
|> |> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
|> |> | Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no
|> |> | fault of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I
|> |> | don't mind unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom
|> |> | drives, memory, video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk
|> |> | drive.
|> |>
|> |> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from
|> |> your unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an
|> |> Our Father-- before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!
|> |>
|> |> | This was the
|> |> | first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the
|> |> | floppy thing, everything else works perfectly.
|> |>
|> |> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
|> |> |
|> |> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
|> |>
|> ...snip
|> |> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!
|> OK. Anyhow, I couldn't quite fit in it last time I tried! That was an
|> interesting thought Myers posted in your other thread...
|> .....Quote...........
|> The power supply cable carries two voltages,12 volts for the drive
|> motor and 5 volts for the electronics. If it is connected in
|> reverse, the 12 volt
|> line is applied to the electronics, which may cause permanent damage.
|> I suggest you try a known good floppy drive, making sure to connect
|> the cable correctly.
|> .....EOQ.............
|> I hope nothing like that has been going on with your power connector!
|> It's hard to describe the power socket on this SONY MPF920-Z floppy
|> drive in my hand. There seems to be a deep plastic slot under the 4
|> metal prongs. One side of the slot actually doesn't touch its wall. I
|> guess it depends on the shape of the plug whether it will fit just
|> one way-- but I can't see that! Good luck!

| I have a couple of these molex connectors and they all look the way
| you
| described yours. By the way, I've narrowed the problem down to the
| power supply. I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on
| the computer, and the problem still occurred. It's got to be a
| voltage problem. I even tried reinstalling the PS--no luck. And
| there's only one way you can connect the PS to the motherboard so I
| didn't make a mistake there. Unfortunately, it's too late to return
| the PS to the computer store.

Uhuh! Could be the floppies are somehow sensitive to the increased
power, (I'm guessing). Can you go back to the removed one, or was that
dead? I hope the floppies haven't fried now!

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


thanatoid wrote:
| "DaffyD®" <daffyd@woohoo.com> wrote in
| news:uSEiNDaVIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:

| Give me your home address, troll, and I'll send you the $15 that
| the new one will cost you. Plus I'll know where to find you so I
| can punch you in the mouth next time I'm there.

What is the matter, thanatoid!? DaffyD®'s experience with power supplies
& floppy drives is a great object lesson to the rest of us! I was
fearful from the start ever to unplug a floppy or replace a power
supply. NOW -- for sure -- I will say 25 Hail Mary's & 32 Our Fathers

SO.. I'm assigning the first 17 of those to you to say starting now! And
on your knees!

| Of course, once you GET a new PS (i.e. SAY you did) there will
| be a new problem with "your floppy drive", won't there?
| Disclaimer for the authorities:
| I have no intentions whatsoever of killing, harming, harassing,
| or otherwise inconveniencing the poster known as "DaffyD®"
| <daffyd@woohoo.com>, either now or at any time in the future.
| --
| Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.
| Edward Abbey (1927 - 1989)

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Gary S. Terhune

Please don't feed the trolls. Or have you adopted one of them?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> thanatoid wrote:


"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> Please don't feed the trolls. Or have you adopted one of them?
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> www.grystmill.com
> "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> news:ejbhBVjVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > thanatoid wrote:

>what and who is a troll?


"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> thanatoid wrote:
> | "DaffyD®" <daffyd@woohoo.com> wrote in
> | news:uSEiNDaVIHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
> ...snip
> | Give me your home address, troll, and I'll send you the $15 that
> | the new one will cost you. Plus I'll know where to find you so I
> | can punch you in the mouth next time I'm there.
> What is the matter, thanatoid!? DaffyD®'s experience with power supplies
> & floppy drives is a great object lesson to the rest of us! I was
> fearful from the start ever to unplug a floppy or replace a power
> supply. NOW -- for sure -- I will say 25 Hail Mary's & 32 Our Fathers
> first!
> SO.. I'm assigning the first 17 of those to you to say starting now! And
> on your knees!
> | Of course, once you GET a new PS (i.e. SAY you did) there will
> | be a new problem with "your floppy drive", won't there?
> |
> | Disclaimer for the authorities:
> |
> | I have no intentions whatsoever of killing, harming, harassing,
> | or otherwise inconveniencing the poster known as "DaffyD®"
> | <daffyd@woohoo.com>, either now or at any time in the future.
> |
> | --
> | Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.
> | Edward Abbey (1927 - 1989)
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net
>pcr, thanks for your support of me in your reply to whatever that jerk

wrote. i've blocked his posts and i scrolled past the text you replied to in
your post so i have no idea what junk he was spewing.
{ : [|]=( DaffyD®

If I knew where I was I'd be there now.


"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> DaffyD® wrote:
> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> | news:OhlyVwXVIHA.4808@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> DaffyD® wrote:
> |> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> | news:%239UOMVLVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> |> DaffyD® wrote:
> |> |> | "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> |> | news:%235nTs1%23UIHA.4740@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> PCR wrote:
> |> |> |> | DaffyD® wrote:
> |> |> |> || "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> |> |> |> || news:uhhRm%23XUIHA.1204@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> |> |> |> ||> DaffyD® wrote:
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> ...snip
> |> |> |> || By the way, is the pin 1 stripe on your FDD ribbon cable on
> |> |> |> || the left or the right? Mine is on the right but that side
> |> |> |> || leads directly to pin 1 on the motherboard.
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> | I don't know. I've been in my box, but never had cause to
> |> |> |> | examine or fiddle with the floppy derive. And I dread the
> |> |> |> | day I ever will need to now!
> |> |> |> |
> |> |> |> | I do have a floppy drive in my hands pulled from someone's
> |> |> |> | discarded ME machine. It is a SONY MPF920-Z. The red strip on
> |> |> |> | the data cable (labelled FC-34P?) is on the end of the cable
> |> |> |> | that is closest to its twisted portion (of looks like 7
> |> |> |> | wires). When plugged in, that red stripe ends up in the
> |> |> |> | middle of the drive right next to where the power will plug
> |> |> |> | in. But this cable has a raise plastic portion on its
> |> |> |> | connector that fits into a slot on the floppy drive. I guess
> |> |> |> | (& too bad) they don't all have that.
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> Sheesh! Now, I've pulled the data cable out-- & I see there is
> |> |> |> slot on both sides of the floppy drive case. So, that doesn't
> |> |> |> help! The cable connector can flipped & still match!
> |> |> ............................... ^...be
> |> |> |>
> |> |> |> HOWEVER, there is an arrow on the drive case that seems to
> |> |> |> point to the side that gets the red stripe. Look for that!
> |> |> |>
> |> |>
> |> |> | I wish my life were that simple, but there's no arrow.
> |> |>
> |> |> That is pitiable. Actually, it is just an arrowhead that I see,
> |> |> though. Look for anything at all-- a dot or a notch, maybe, on the
> |> |> floppy drive case at one side of the floppy connector. That is
> |> |> where I would position the red stripe.
> |> |>
> |> |> | Also, the
> |> |> | power
> |> |> | connector can be reversed and the drive will still work, again
> |> |> | raising the question does the red wire go on the left or the
> |> |> | right?
> |> |>
> |> |> So... although the drive never seems to stop spinning, it actually
> |> |> works as normal otherwise? Or, are you just saying it will spin
> |> |> but not work either way? Did you ever say whether it works? How
> |> |> does the drive behave in DOS Mode, as I asked earlier? And don't
> |> |> forget this...!...
> |> |>
> |> |> (1) "Control Panel, System, Device Manager tab"
> |> |> (2) Open the "Disk drives" branch,
> |> |> (not the "Floppy disk controllers" branch).
> |> |> (3) D-Clk the floppy drive that appears under it for Properties.
> |> |> (Mine is "Generic NEC Floppy Disk".)
> |> |> (4) At the Settings tab, ensure "Removable" is checked.
> |> |> (It just sounds as if that might relate.)
> |> |>
> |> |> That one you ought look at in Normal Mode.
> |> |>
> |> |> | I curse the guy that built my computer all these many years ago.
> |> |> | Since then I've built my own computer (which went kaput thru no
> |> |> | fault of mine) and have been inside this one numerous times. I
> |> |> | don't mind unplugging things--I've installed hard and cd rom
> |> |> | drives, memory, video and sound cards, and now a floppy disk
> |> |> | drive.
> |> |>
> |> |> Very good! You've done more than I, then. I'm learning a lot from
> |> |> your unhappy circumstance. I will surely say 6 Hail Mary's & an
> |> |> Our Father-- before I ever unplug my own floppy drive now!
> |> |>
> |> |> | This was the
> |> |> | first time I ever installed a power supply and besides the
> |> |> | floppy thing, everything else works perfectly.
> |> |>
> |> |> It is a mystery why the floppy won't cooperate.
> |> |>
> |> |>
> |> |> --
> |> |> | { : [|]=( DaffyD®
> |> |> |
> |> |> | If I knew where I was I'd be there now.
> |> |>
> |>
> |> ...snip
> |> |> Whatever you do, PCR, never think inside the box!
> |>
> |> OK. Anyhow, I couldn't quite fit in it last time I tried! That was an
> |> interesting thought Myers posted in your other thread...
> |>
> |> .....Quote...........
> |> The power supply cable carries two voltages,12 volts for the drive
> |> motor and 5 volts for the electronics. If it is connected in
> |> reverse, the 12 volt
> |> line is applied to the electronics, which may cause permanent damage.
> |> I suggest you try a known good floppy drive, making sure to connect
> |> the cable correctly.
> |> .....EOQ.............
> |>
> |> I hope nothing like that has been going on with your power connector!
> |> It's hard to describe the power socket on this SONY MPF920-Z floppy
> |> drive in my hand. There seems to be a deep plastic slot under the 4
> |> metal prongs. One side of the slot actually doesn't touch its wall. I
> |> guess it depends on the shape of the plug whether it will fit just
> |> one way-- but I can't see that! Good luck!
> |>
> | I have a couple of these molex connectors and they all look the way
> | you
> | described yours. By the way, I've narrowed the problem down to the
> | power supply. I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on
> | the computer, and the problem still occurred. It's got to be a
> | voltage problem. I even tried reinstalling the PS--no luck. And
> | there's only one way you can connect the PS to the motherboard so I
> | didn't make a mistake there. Unfortunately, it's too late to return
> | the PS to the computer store.
> Uhuh! Could be the floppies are somehow sensitive to the increased
> power, (I'm guessing). Can you go back to the removed one, or was that
> dead? I hope the floppies haven't fried now!
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net
> the old power supply was fried which is why i put in a new one. the old

floppy drive and the new one appear to be fine except for the high rpm. at
this point, i think that only a person who is had this problem and fixed it
can help me .

Gary S. Terhune


Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"DaffyD®" <daffyd@woohoo.com> wrote in message
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:%23KVlP0jVIHA.5348@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Please don't feed the trolls. Or have you adopted one of them?
>> --
>> Gary S. Terhune
>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>> www.grystmill.com
>> "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
>> news:ejbhBVjVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > thanatoid wrote:

>>what and who is a troll?



DaffyD® wrote:
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:%23KVlP0jVIHA.5348@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> Please don't feed the trolls. Or have you adopted one of them?
>> --
>> Gary S. Terhune
>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>> www.grystmill.com
>> "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
>> news:ejbhBVjVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>>> thanatoid wrote:

>> what and who is a troll?

The 'who' is thanatoid which, by the way, is an adj meaning :
1. Resembling death.
2. Mortal deadly.


On Jan 12, 11:59 pm, "DaffyD®" <daf...@woohoo.com> wrote:
> I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on the computer, and the
> problem still occurred. It's got to be a voltage supply  roblem. I even
> tried reinstalling the power supply--no luck. ... I know it would help if
> I had a multimeter, and it would be a greater help if I knew how to use
> one.

First, if your floppy disk problem was created by a power supply,
well, what from a power supply would cause your 'always on' problem?
Nothing really. A controller orders a floppy to power on. But your
floppy powers on each when not connected to that controller. Actually
controller talks to a transistor to power the floppy on. But that
transistor (apparently) is always on (shorted) whether ordered on or

When I would repair floppy drive electronics, I would now know the
small location to study and repair. Obviously you are not going to do
that. Your floppy drive is defective and must be replaced. No way
around that apparent conclusion.

Second, the multimeter is so complex that only Kmart shoppers would
buy one for a trivial $20. A significantly useful tool that requires
complex training. Dial (select) what you want to measure, touch
probes to conductors (wires), then read a number. Now you are an
expert multimeter user. Meter is that complex. If you cannot use a
multimeter, then never consider an Ipod. Ipods are far more complex
also require people with Kmart abilities.

Third, the meter measuring two voltages to the floopy drive might
have provided some useful information. Probably not. Extremely
doubtful. Meter readings would not have solved anything since your
test with cable removed says the failure is the power on circuitry
inside floppy disk..

Fourth, a defecttive power supply can still boot a computer. The
better informed technician uses a meter and two minute procedure to
confirm that replaced power supply is working properly. Just another
in a long list of solutions provided by the meter - which are not
needed for this 'simple' failure. Simple: as in why were so many
replies necessary? Well, others fix things using wild speculation
which explains so much wasted labor. Neither you nor I are going to
unsolder and replace the defective semiconductor circuit. Replace the
floppy drive.


w_tom wrote:
> On Jan 12, 11:59 pm, "DaffyD®" <daf...@woohoo.com> wrote:
>> I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on the computer,
>> and the problem still occurred. It's got to be a voltage supply
>> roblem. I even tried reinstalling the power supply--no luck. ... I
>> know it would help if I had a multimeter, and it would be a greater
>> help if I knew how to use one.

> First, if your floppy disk problem was created by a power supply,
> well, what from a power supply would cause your 'always on' problem?
> Nothing really. A controller orders a floppy to power on. But your
> floppy powers on each when not connected to that controller. Actually
> controller talks to a transistor to power the floppy on. But that
> transistor (apparently) is always on (shorted) whether ordered on or
> off.
> When I would repair floppy drive electronics, I would now know the
> small location to study and repair. Obviously you are not going to do
> that. Your floppy drive is defective and must be replaced. No way
> around that apparent conclusion.
> Second, the multimeter is so complex that only Kmart shoppers would
> buy one for a trivial $20. A significantly useful tool that requires
> complex training. Dial (select) what you want to measure, touch
> probes to conductors (wires), then read a number. Now you are an
> expert multimeter user. Meter is that complex. If you cannot use a
> multimeter, then never consider an Ipod. Ipods are far more complex
> also require people with Kmart abilities.
> Third, the meter measuring two voltages to the floopy drive might
> have provided some useful information. Probably not. Extremely
> doubtful. Meter readings would not have solved anything since your
> test with cable removed says the failure is the power on circuitry
> inside floppy disk..
> Fourth, a defecttive power supply can still boot a computer. The
> better informed technician uses a meter and two minute procedure to
> confirm that replaced power supply is working properly. Just another
> in a long list of solutions provided by the meter - which are not
> needed for this 'simple' failure. Simple: as in why were so many
> replies necessary? Well, others fix things using wild speculation
> which explains so much wasted labor. Neither you nor I are going to
> unsolder and replace the defective semiconductor circuit. Replace the
> floppy drive.

Actually, he did replace the drive. This is a long thread and it is easy to
miss what he did and did not do.
I believe that he: (not in any particular order after he replaced the PSU)
1) replaced the ribbon cable
2) reversed the ribbon cable at either end and at both ends
3) checked to see if his FDD Controller was listed (Safe Mode only showed
4) rechecked his PS connection to the MB
5) rechecked his power supply connection to the FDD (not sure if it is
possible to reverse that connection)
6) replaced the FDD with a 'new' one
7) removed the ribbon cable from the new FDD and still had the problem

Would a reversed polarity on the power supply to the FDD cause the above?


"w_tom" <w_tom1@usa.net> wrote in message
>On Jan 12, 11:59 pm, "DaffyD®" <daf...@woohoo.com> wrote:
>> I totally disconnected the floppy cable, powered on the computer, and the
>> problem still occurred. It's got to be a voltage supply roblem. I even
>> tried reinstalling the power supply--no luck. ... I know it would help if
>> I had a multimeter, and it would be a greater help if I knew how to use
>> one.

> First, if your floppy disk problem was created by a power supply,
>well, what from a power supply would cause your 'always on' problem?
>Nothing really. A controller orders a floppy to power on. But your
>floppy powers on each when not connected to that controller. Actually
>controller talks to a transistor to power the floppy on. But that
>transistor (apparently) is always on (shorted) whether ordered on or
> When I would repair floppy drive electronics, I would now know the
>small location to study and repair. Obviously you are not going to do
>that. Your floppy drive is defective and must be replaced. No way
>around that apparent conclusion.
> Second, the multimeter is so complex that only Kmart shoppers would
>buy one for a trivial $20. A significantly useful tool that requires
>complex training. Dial (select) what you want to measure, touch
>probes to conductors (wires), then read a number. Now you are an
>expert multimeter user. Meter is that complex. If you cannot use a
>multimeter, then never consider an Ipod. Ipods are far more complex
>also require people with Kmart abilities.
> Third, the meter measuring two voltages to the floopy drive might
>have provided some useful information. Probably not. Extremely
>doubtful. Meter readings would not have solved anything since your
>test with cable removed says the failure is the power on circuitry
>inside floppy disk..
> Fourth, a defecttive power supply can still boot a computer. The
>better informed technician uses a meter and two minute procedure to
>confirm that replaced power supply is working properly. Just another
>in a long list of solutions provided by the meter - which are not
>needed for this 'simple' failure. Simple: as in why were so many
>replies necessary? Well, others fix things using wild speculation
>which explains so much wasted labor. Neither you nor I are going to
>unsolder and replace the defective semiconductor circuit. Replace the
>floppy drive.

That solution was already tried earlier in the thread, and the user stated the
problem still exists with a new floppy drive. There was also an earlier thread by
ther same user on this subject, where it was originally suggested.

The suggestions in this thread are not based on "wild speculation" despite how you
may perceive it. I do look forward to your next reply, as to why the problem
remains even with a new drive, and with the data cable disconnected.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
| Please don't feed the trolls. Or have you adopted one of them?

I'm not convinced thanatoid is 99.99% a troll. I think he still can be
exorcised with hot coals & a prayer!

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| www.grystmill.com
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:ejbhBVjVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> thanatoid wrote:

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


DaffyD® wrote:
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:ejbhBVjVIHA.4696@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...

|pcr, thanks for your support of me in your reply to whatever that jerk
| wrote. i've blocked his posts and i scrolled past the text you
| replied to in your post so i have no idea what junk he was spewing.

I'm going to hunt him down for an exorcism with prayer & hot coals. Soon
you may remove him from your kill-file for being cured or for the
redundancy of it.

| --
| { : [|]=( DaffyD®
| If I knew where I was I'd be there now.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

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