Internet connection problem



"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Thank you too Harry - since the Lord Of The Rings movies were made
> here we've had a lot more favorable comment on our scenery from your
> part of the world. When I visited the USA in 1980 the question about
> NZ I remember most was "zat somewhere near New Brunswick?" The
> funniest encounter was with a Disneyland guide who remarked on my
> accent, which led to each of us insisting it was the other person who
> had one!
> I'll let you know how I get on.

I didn't realize LOTR was filmed in NZ but it is beautiful country - because
I know Xena: Warrior Princess was filmed there..
I hear the people in that part of the world aren't very friendly to
Americans though.


"webster72n" <> wrote in news:O1WeaeUVIHA.4196

> You may want to give "" a try, my experience with them is quite
> positive.
> Harry.

I would second that. Been using Copper for years, very good. I called them
today, they have 50K users now on DU, growing, no plans to end DU.



Thanks again to everyone. My connection speed is back to what it was
and Broadband Report's tweak utility gives it the all-clear.
Interesting what a few innocent-looking leftovers can do. I haven't
had time to sort out the firewall re-install problem yet. I know there
were issues with some versions of Zone Alarm, but I've got too much
else to do right now, so for a few days I'll risk working without a
firewall and hope Spyware Doctor gives me enough protection.

We like Americans OK Eric - it's just your current administration
we're not especially keen on. Then of course there was the nuclear
ship spat of almost 30 years ago which America completely
misunderstood - what we were objecting to (it was just after
Chernobyl) was the risk of a nuclear-powered ship having a reactor
accident while here and making our largest city uninhabitable for 50
years just so a few of your servicemen could have some R&R. That's not
how your Secretary of State (I forget his name) saw it - he decided we
were about to sabotage America's entire Pacific defense strategy and
kicked us out of ANZUS, which got us into strife with neighboring
Australia over commitments to joint defense operations. I guess
politicians are the same all over the world.

Please feel welcome to visit us - lots of Americans do and we'd love
to have you.


"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks again to everyone. My connection speed is back to what it was
> and Broadband Report's tweak utility gives it the all-clear.
> Interesting what a few innocent-looking leftovers can do. I haven't
> had time to sort out the firewall re-install problem yet. I know there
> were issues with some versions of Zone Alarm, but I've got too much
> else to do right now, so for a few days I'll risk working without a
> firewall and hope Spyware Doctor gives me enough protection.
> We like Americans OK Eric - it's just your current administration
> we're not especially keen on. Then of course there was the nuclear
> ship spat of almost 30 years ago which America completely
> misunderstood - what we were objecting to (it was just after
> Chernobyl) was the risk of a nuclear-powered ship having a reactor
> accident while here and making our largest city uninhabitable for 50
> years just so a few of your servicemen could have some R&R. That's not
> how your Secretary of State (I forget his name) saw it - he decided we
> were about to sabotage America's entire Pacific defense strategy and
> kicked us out of ANZUS, which got us into strife with neighboring
> Australia over commitments to joint defense operations. I guess
> politicians are the same all over the world.
> Please feel welcome to visit us - lots of Americans do and we'd love
> to have you.

That's awfully nice of you, Alan and just the way I assumed.
Thank you,



"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks again to everyone. My connection speed is back to what it was
> and Broadband Report's tweak utility gives it the all-clear.
> Interesting what a few innocent-looking leftovers can do. I haven't
> had time to sort out the firewall re-install problem yet. I know there
> were issues with some versions of Zone Alarm, but I've got too much
> else to do right now, so for a few days I'll risk working without a
> firewall and hope Spyware Doctor gives me enough protection.

A number of iterations of ZA caused grief in the uninstall process. Good luck!

> We like Americans OK Eric - it's just your current administration
> we're not especially keen on. Then of course there was the nuclear
> ship spat of almost 30 years ago which America completely
> misunderstood - what we were objecting to (it was just after
> Chernobyl) was the risk of a nuclear-powered ship having a reactor
> accident while here and making our largest city uninhabitable for 50
> years just so a few of your servicemen could have some R&R. That's not
> how your Secretary of State (I forget his name) saw it - he decided we
> were about to sabotage America's entire Pacific defense strategy and
> kicked us out of ANZUS, which got us into strife with neighboring
> Australia over commitments to joint defense operations. I guess
> politicians are the same all over the world.

I hear you! You'll find that a lot of us in the US did not and do not share the
feelings of those politicians.

> Please feel welcome to visit us - lots of Americans do and we'd love
> to have you.

I'd love to come, but I would probably want to stay, and I don't think your
immigration laws would let me. :)

Yes, the Lord of the Rings movies really made NZ more of a household name in the
US....but the film I love from NZ is "The World's Fastest Indian", about Burt Munro:
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

Gary S. Terhune

I looked up the nuclear incident out of curiosity. Happened only a little
over 20 years ago, in the mid-80s. The NZ gov. went anti-nuclear and
effectively banned ALL US ships from landing in NZ (which made ANZUS treaty
a tenuous.) Since the US doesn't say which ships have nuclear weapons and
which don't, the nuclear ban had to be applied to all US ships.

Interesting... Oh, and the Sec. of State at that time was George Schulz.
Wonder what ol' Ronny thinks of his offspring (G.W.B.)

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks again to everyone. My connection speed is back to what it was
> and Broadband Report's tweak utility gives it the all-clear.
> Interesting what a few innocent-looking leftovers can do. I haven't
> had time to sort out the firewall re-install problem yet. I know there
> were issues with some versions of Zone Alarm, but I've got too much
> else to do right now, so for a few days I'll risk working without a
> firewall and hope Spyware Doctor gives me enough protection.
> We like Americans OK Eric - it's just your current administration
> we're not especially keen on. Then of course there was the nuclear
> ship spat of almost 30 years ago which America completely
> misunderstood - what we were objecting to (it was just after
> Chernobyl) was the risk of a nuclear-powered ship having a reactor
> accident while here and making our largest city uninhabitable for 50
> years just so a few of your servicemen could have some R&R. That's not
> how your Secretary of State (I forget his name) saw it - he decided we
> were about to sabotage America's entire Pacific defense strategy and
> kicked us out of ANZUS, which got us into strife with neighboring
> Australia over commitments to joint defense operations. I guess
> politicians are the same all over the world.
> Please feel welcome to visit us - lots of Americans do and we'd love
> to have you.
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