Re: Microsoft Tips and Tricks for beginners


Tom Willett

And you just helped the spammer by leaving his original information in your
reply, thus propogating it even more.

"James Matthews" <> wrote in message
| spam
| --

Peter Foldes

You did also Tom. The link in your reply post below which I cut apart does get you the same spam message

> news:A4E62F9D-AE78-417A-9936-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

"Tom Willett" <tomp@xxxx.invalid> wrote in message news:uvtjZzvzHHA.3564@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> And you just helped the spammer by leaving his original information in your
> reply, thus propogating it even more.
> "James Matthews" <> wrote in message
> news:A4E62F9D-AE78-417A-9936-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> | spam
> |
> | --
> |
> |
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