Time for a new operating system??

  • Thread starter squirltok@yahoo.com
  • Start date


webster72n wrote:
>> ...I *do* still rely on my ME system
>> daily for more than 12 hours at a stretch.

> All the more reason to keep this group alive, don't you think?
> There isn't much advantage in arguing about "non-essential" details.
> <H>.

Well.. I'm only hanging on to WinMe until I've fully transferred and backed
up my existing data. It's taking a while because I still continue to use
the same system to do my work and most of my communication too. When I've
decided what I can absolutely give up, I'm simply going to overwrite the
existing WinMe environment with the replacement OS. I'm not needing
anymore WinMe fixes because I believe I've applied everything that has been
published on the various quirks and problems and there's nothing more that
can get fixed in WinMe that I haven't
tried. Meanwhile, all I can do is avoid doing certain things like launching
more than three apps or windows and not be tempted to try new apps nor
"upgrade" any of my current WinMe apps.

I've received great tips and advice here over the years that has helped
minimize certain system problems. I am quite grateful for that. However,
WinMe has reached its limit of fixability. The OS can't meet my current
needs, but the current hardware can. I want my current hardware (despite it
being dated from year 2000) to work as I expect.


"Ogg" <sorry-nopam-wanted@at.all> wrote in message
> webster72n wrote:
> >> ...I *do* still rely on my ME system
> >> daily for more than 12 hours at a stretch.

> >
> > All the more reason to keep this group alive, don't you think?
> > There isn't much advantage in arguing about "non-essential" details.
> > <H>.

> Well.. I'm only hanging on to WinMe until I've fully transferred and

> up my existing data. It's taking a while because I still continue to use
> the same system to do my work and most of my communication too. When I've
> decided what I can absolutely give up, I'm simply going to overwrite the
> existing WinMe environment with the replacement OS. I'm not needing
> anymore WinMe fixes because I believe I've applied everything that has

> published on the various quirks and problems and there's nothing more that
> can get fixed in WinMe that I haven't
> tried. Meanwhile, all I can do is avoid doing certain things like

> more than three apps or windows and not be tempted to try new apps nor
> "upgrade" any of my current WinMe apps.
> I've received great tips and advice here over the years that has helped
> minimize certain system problems. I am quite grateful for that. However,
> WinMe has reached its limit of fixability. The OS can't meet my current
> needs, but the current hardware can. I want my current hardware (despite

> being dated from year 2000) to work as I expect.

I don't see anything wrong with your decision under the circumstances.
Once you have severed the ties with WinME, don't forget to stop by once in a
while, your presence always was and will be appreciated. <H>.



My ME runs on an old HP Pavilion (only computer that I own)
and I keep it powered up day and night. I do a lot of
surfing, games, music and rarely have any problems with the
system even though I never installed ALL the Microsoft
recommended updates.

What I mean to say is I am happy with ME and I'm very glad
there is still a newsgroup that I can come to for
knowledgeable help on the rare occasion that I encounter a

If I ever become ready to move on to another computing
system I will do so and, hopefully, I won't assume that
others should do the same.

"Ogg" <no-spam-wanted@at.all> wrote in message
Mike M wrote:
|| Review your dates. Win Me wasn't even released until
June 2000. My
|| cpu comments were out by about a year.

I was out by six months. Reviewing the date of my order, I
purchased my
WinME pc in June 2001. But you've missed the whole point
of my remarks.
WinME had to be tweaked down and features disabled inorder
to work with the
year 2000 hardware. If you're suggesting that WinME was not
designed to
work with CPUs and hardware newly released in 2000, then I
will accept that.

This ng has probably outgrown its usefulness, and no "new"
users are using
WinMe anymore. I only stuck around incase someone still
needed a WinMe tip
or some help based on a real system, not a virtualized one.


"Job" <iam@best.slow> wrote in message
> My ME runs on an old HP Pavilion (only computer that I own)
> and I keep it powered up day and night. I do a lot of
> surfing, games, music and rarely have any problems with the
> system even though I never installed ALL the Microsoft
> recommended updates.
> What I mean to say is I am happy with ME and I'm very glad
> there is still a newsgroup that I can come to for
> knowledgeable help on the rare occasion that I encounter a
> problem.
> If I ever become ready to move on to another computing
> system I will do so and, hopefully, I won't assume that
> others should do the same.

Thanks, Job, glad to have you. <H>.

> "Ogg" <no-spam-wanted@at.all> wrote in message
> news:OY2OZplcIHA.6080@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Mike M wrote:
> || Review your dates. Win Me wasn't even released until
> June 2000. My
> || cpu comments were out by about a year.
> I was out by six months. Reviewing the date of my order, I
> purchased my
> WinME pc in June 2001. But you've missed the whole point
> of my remarks.
> WinME had to be tweaked down and features disabled inorder
> to work with the
> year 2000 hardware. If you're suggesting that WinME was not
> designed to
> work with CPUs and hardware newly released in 2000, then I
> will accept that.
> This ng has probably outgrown its usefulness, and no "new"
> users are using
> WinMe anymore. I only stuck around incase someone still
> needed a WinMe tip
> or some help based on a real system, not a virtualized one.
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