What is final, last windows update, security file we should dl for Win98SE?



"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in
| news:eE6#cvccIHA.6080@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
| > So I see, hey we all have those times when lashing out
| > seems to at least take away some of the daily pain...
| It's a silly distraction until the final repose comes, yes...
| Others often suffer as a result, I know this as well.

Well the forums can be a relief and a release, and regardless of former
accusations, I'm not this forum's nanny...

| > But, I am trying to determine what PA actually meant
| > regarding these
| > indications, so kinda "bear" with me on this one...
| As you know, there are many things I know nothing about. Like
| about the intricacies of that point of your discussion - except
| that several things kept cropping up in the discussion which
| made me think "if they didn't use IE with its ActiveX component
| they would not have most (if not all) of these problems". But I
| could be wrong.

Well, to a point that would seem to be correct, however, these Certs can be
imported into several of the other browsers to help control Internet
activities and use sites which otherwise might not be safely accessable
otherwise [script or code wise anyway].

| And I'll shut up now.

Well no need for that, seems the group needs some spark every once in
awhile [[ then again its not me who seems to receive these most of the

| I hope he will be willing to clarify his stand on this for you.

So do I!

| Take care.
| --
| "As you know, it is considered bad form to discuss the latest
| news with persons from the beyond."
| Karel Capek

Well don't run off, heck even had the old digs and daggers goin' for awhile
this past week, kinda like the old days in here...



Esra Sdrawkcab

Re: What is final, last windows update, security file we should dlfor Win98SE?

StargateFan wrote:
> On 16 Feb 2008 19:47:52 GMT, thanatoid <waiting@the.exit.invalid>
> wrote:
>> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <PABearMVP@gmail.com> wrote in
>> news:ex3Q1nMcIHA.1960@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
>>> MS06-021 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer
>>> (916281)
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-021.
>>> mspx
>>> MS06-022 Vulnerability in ART Image Rendering Could Allow
>>> Remote Code Execution (918439)
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-022.
>>> mspx
>>> MS06-023 Vulnerability in Microsoft JScript Could Allow
>>> Remote Code Execution (917344)
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-023.
>>> mspx
>>> MS06-024 Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow
>>> Remote Code Execution (917734)
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-024.
>>> mspx
>>> MS06-026 Vulnerability in Graphics Rendering Engine Could
>>> Allow Remote Code Execution (918547)
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-026.
>>> mspx ==============================
>>> All of the above were released on 13 Jun-06 and are
>>> available at http://windowsupdate/microsoft.com and
>>> http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/catalog/en/default.asp
>>> . No more updates for Win9x were released after 13 Jun-06
>>> Support fot Win9x ended on 11 Jul-06.

>> OP:
>> The above info is extremely helpful as it clearly points out the
>> basic fact about MS updates, i.e. that 99% of them have to do
>> with IE/OE, MS Office, and WMP. The other 1% has to do with
>> problems in MS "graphics rendering engines" etc. and ONLY occur
>> when running MS programs. Not to mention few people write
>> malware that will run on 98 anymore. XP and Disasta offer MUCH
>> more exciting opportunities for making a real mess of your
>> machine.
>> So:
>> 1. Do not use Internet Explorer for anything except viewing chm
>> help files (thank you Microsoft). (You can actually remove IE
>> entirely with the program from www.litepc.com in spite of what
>> MS and its brainwashed slaves claim).

> Been using Firefox for a few years now <g>.
>> 2. Get a real browser, a real newsreader and a real mail
>> program.

> Agent many years before that <g> ...
>> 3. Do not use Windows Media Player (duuh).

> Good. Safe there, too. Years ago heard of problems and have only
> ever used WMP6 Classic!
>> 4. Do not use MS Office.

> Ouch. That's a toughie since still I still work in office. Despite
> my indifference to anything M$, have to say that nothing comes close
> to Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint! These 3 apps make up for some of
> the garbage the rest of the whole M$ family is!
> However, hate to say it but I'm migrating over to Linux so this won't
> be as big an issue. Have had XP for about 15 months now and it's
> eroded what little patience I had left since Win98SE went. After
> 98SE, Windows has steadily progressed downhill! 98SE was superb
> can't say very much positive about 2K and virtually nothing good about
> XP. Oh ... my mistake ... XP is very pretty!
> However, a colleague gave me his old computer that was gathering dust.
> It's small, just 20gigs but I'm looking forward to using Win98SE
> again. Despite any inherent system designs/flaws with 98SE, went
> nearly 8 years at home virtually problem-free on it. One of the
> reasons I'm enjoying Linux forays is the ease of use and knowing that
> I'm returning to a text-based user interface alongside a GUI-based
> one. That was one of Win98SE's strengths for me.
>> There are far superior and usually free alternatives for all MS
>> products claiming to perform the above functions.

> Yeah, going to learn OpenOffice since it comes packaged with the Linux
> distro I'm currently looking at. I'll probably eventually switch
> everything M$ to OO. Just will take some time <g>.
>> 5. Forget about the word "update".

> <g> I never did do the update thing. But now that Win98SE is no
> longer supported, my plan is to dl the last, comprehensive "update"
> and after installing Win98SE, apply it and that's the end of that.
>> Should you decide not to follow the sage advice above, and if
>> you really enjoy wading deep in the MS mud, an excellent source
>> of updates for 98SE is at:
>> http://exuberant.ms11.net/98sesp.html

> Thanks! I'm actually not an update fan but a colleague harped on and
> on about it this week I may take the plunge with the "new" box a
> colleague gave to me that I mention above. I prefer to install
> Win98SE and maintain security apps on it rather than updating even
> though everyone always harps on about the no-no aspect of that.
> As an aside, nice to know that Linux seems to be run on a better
> foundation. Can't tell you how many Windows users in my circle of
> family and friends who are not computer literate have had their
> computers run into the ground because they didn't know they need
> firewalls, anti-virus apps, anti-spyware apps, anti- ..., ad
> infinitum, ad nauseum!
> But getting back to 98SE, it is and always will be my favourite
> Windows flavour. It allowed me extreme control, the registry never
> talked back to me, every single change I _ever_ made to it or the
> system in general was _always_ obeyed ...
> For the 15 months, I've fought daily battles for dominance and control
> over my stupid XP box which gives me nothing but trouble. XP experts
> on the ngs never solved the details vs. large icons war! _None_ of
> their expertise did one bit of good! <ha!> I've even had to use a WE
> replacement (such a stupid thing to have to find alternative for!).

Start settings Control Panel Switch to Classic view
Explorer: View (details for me) then Tools Folder Options General (use
Windows classic folders): View, change just about all the defaults! and
click the top "Apply to All Folders".

right click taskbar, Start Menu, Classic, Customise, tick Show Small
Icons on Start Menu

> Anyway, thanks for the help, guys. Much appreciated. Last thing to
> say is that who wants the latest Ferarri that limps along and gives
> less-than-ideal mileage when the sleek volkswagen outstrips it in
> performance every time (not talking the hardware advances undoubtably
> good. Just don't need 'em! Performance and reliability much more
> important to me!) :eek:D
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