Trying to post, no success.



It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted it. then
when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in the chest. BUT
it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like Avast! did a false reading.
Could F-Prot be doing a false reading also? Now I am going to go through my
routine and find out what happens.

"Angel" <> wrote in message
> Hi PCR,
> I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did it and

> one came up with something when I run the cab file F-Prot
> 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the thing back and see what
> happens. I hope that it will come out not damaged. Wish me luck.
> Angel
> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done? Please
> > explain in more detail.
> > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the machine.
> > Angel
> >
> > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > Angel wrote:
> > | Hi PCR,
> > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in C:\Windows.
> > | It is a multimedia keyboard.
> > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
> >
> > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some

> > will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is something else.

> > back to that other thread, then. There are good people in it!
> >
> > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
> >
> >
> > You should have this one, too...
> >
> > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
> > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> >
> > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the

> following...
> >
> > ......Start after this dotted line.........
> >
> > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
> > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
> > [END]
> > ......End before this dotted line.........
> >
> > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap. Don't

> > it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
> >
> > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or MSConfig

> to
> > confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
> >
> > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3 cookies
> > | under the title of winsoftware.
> >
> > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt to get

> of
> > the Cookies, though.
> >
> > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus worm
> > | C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
> > | lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a through
> > | one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
> > | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
> > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
> > | chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I get
> > | rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets get
> > | it out of my machine. Angel
> >
> > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new defs, it

> > away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
> >
> > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > |> Angel wrote:
> > |> | PCR,
> > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
> > |> |
> > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
> > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
> > |> | /autorun
> > |>
> > |> Those are fine.
> > |>
> > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
> > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
> > |>
> > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig as I
> > |> said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
> > |>
> > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
> > |>
> > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at Google.
> > |> Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder. What
> > |> folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that line is
> > |> now?
> > |>
> > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a LFN
> > |> (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the SFN
> > |> instead.
> > |>
> > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
> > |>
> > |> OK.
> > |>
> > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
> > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
> > |>
> > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
> > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
> > |>
> > |> | LoadPowerProfile
> > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
> > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> > |>
> > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though. Did
> > |> you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"? Then,
> > |> re-check it.
> > |>
> > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\APC\APC
> > |> | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
> > |>
> > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged in,
> > |> but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that way, but
> > |> I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me several
> > |> times.
> > |>
> > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing you
> > |> installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
> > |>
> > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
> > |>
> > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
> > |>
> > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
> > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
> > |>
> > |> OK.
> > |>
> > |> | Angel
> > |> |
> > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > |> |> Angel wrote:
> > |> |> | Meb,
> > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
> > |> |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use PCR's
> > |> |> | email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder if it
> > |> |> | is his real email. Mine is different than the one in my posts.
> > |> |>
> > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when you
> > |> |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
> > |> |>
> > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under maintenance,
> > |> |> which does happen now/then. It used to happen more often. You
> > |> |> should sleep through it or go for a walk!
> > |> |>
> > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way... Grab
> > |> |> the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the mouse.
> > |> |> You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through two
> > |> |> vertical lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the area up
> > |> |> or down, until the buttons show again.
> > |> |>
> > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are making
> > |> |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
> > |> |>
> > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Startup
> > |> |> Programs".
> > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
> > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
> > |> |>
> > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
> > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is identified,
> > |> |> there could even be an entry at...
> > |> |>
> > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
> > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
> > |> |>
> > |> |> ... that will remove it.
> > |> |>
> > |> |> | Let me know if this is
> > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my Outlook
> > |> |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now they
> > |> |> | are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be
> > |> |> | readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop ups that
> > |> |> | has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down button only
> > |> |> | marked with a >>. When I do a post they are across the top
> > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in
> > |> |> | message news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > |> |> |>
> > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > |> |> |> | Hi,
> > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to the
> > |> |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!! What is
> > |> |> |> | happening? Angel
> > |> |> |> |
> > |> |> |> |
> > |> |> |>
> > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply to
> > |> |> |> PCR in the firewalls discussion..
> > |> |> |>
> > |> |> |> --
> > |> |> |> MEB
> > |> |> |>
> > |> |> |> ________
> > |> |>
> > |> |> --
> > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> > |> |> PCR
> > |> |>
> > |>
> > |> --
> > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> > |> Should things get worse after this,
> > |> PCR
> > |>
> >
> > --
> > Thanks or Good Luck,
> > There may be humor in this post, and,
> > Naturally, you will not sue,
> > Should things get worse after this,
> > PCR
> >
> >
> >



Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done doing
the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up and the
error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to figure out if the
F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.

"Angel" <> wrote in message
> PCR,
> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted it.

> when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in the chest. BUT
> it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like Avast! did a false

> Could F-Prot be doing a false reading also? Now I am going to go through

> routine and find out what happens.
> Angel
> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > Hi PCR,
> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did it and

> only
> > one came up with something when I run the cab file F-Prot
> > 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the thing back and see what
> > happens. I hope that it will come out not damaged. Wish me luck.
> > Angel
> >
> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done? Please
> > > explain in more detail.
> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the

> > > Angel
> > >
> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > > Angel wrote:
> > > | Hi PCR,
> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in

> > > | It is a multimedia keyboard.
> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
> > >
> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some

> programs
> > > will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is something else.

> Post
> > > back to that other thread, then. There are good people in it!
> > >
> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
> > >
> > >
> > > You should have this one, too...
> > >
> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> > >
> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the

> > following...
> > >
> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
> > > REGEDIT4
> > >
> > > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
> > > [END]
> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
> > >
> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap. Don't

> run
> > > it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
> > >
> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or

> > to
> > > confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
> > >
> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3 cookies
> > > | under the title of winsoftware.
> > >
> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt to get

> rid
> > of
> > > the Cookies, though.
> > >
> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus

> > > | C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
> > > | lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a through
> > > | one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
> > > | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
> > > | chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I get
> > > | rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets get
> > > | it out of my machine. Angel
> > >
> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new defs, it

> goes
> > > away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
> > >
> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > > |> Angel wrote:
> > > |> | PCR,
> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
> > > |> |
> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
> > > |> | /autorun
> > > |>
> > > |> Those are fine.
> > > |>
> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
> > > |>
> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig as

> > > |> said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
> > > |>
> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
> > > |>
> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at Google.
> > > |> Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder. What
> > > |> folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that line

> > > |> now?
> > > |>
> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a

> > > |> (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the SFN
> > > |> instead.
> > > |>
> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
> > > |>
> > > |> OK.
> > > |>
> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
> > > |>
> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
> > > |>
> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> > > |>
> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though.

> > > |> you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"?

> > > |> re-check it.
> > > |>
> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\APC\APC
> > > |> | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
> > > |>
> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged in,
> > > |> but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that way,

> > > |> I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me several
> > > |> times.
> > > |>
> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing

> > > |> installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
> > > |>
> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
> > > |>
> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
> > > |>
> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
> > > |>
> > > |> OK.
> > > |>
> > > |> | Angel
> > > |> |
> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
> > > |> |> | Meb,
> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
> > > |> |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use PCR's
> > > |> |> | email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder if

> > > |> |> | is his real email. Mine is different than the one in my posts.
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when you
> > > |> |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under maintenance,
> > > |> |> which does happen now/then. It used to happen more often. You
> > > |> |> should sleep through it or go for a walk!
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way... Grab
> > > |> |> the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the mouse.
> > > |> |> You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through two
> > > |> |> vertical lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the area

> > > |> |> or down, until the buttons show again.
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are

> > > |> |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Startup
> > > |> |> Programs".
> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is identified,
> > > |> |> there could even be an entry at...
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my

> > > |> |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now they
> > > |> |> | are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be
> > > |> |> | readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop ups that
> > > |> |> | has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down button

> > > |> |> | marked with a >>. When I do a post they are across the

> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in
> > > |> |> | message news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > > |> |> |>
> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to

> > > |> |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!! What is
> > > |> |> |> | happening? Angel
> > > |> |> |> |
> > > |> |> |> |
> > > |> |> |>
> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply to
> > > |> |> |> PCR in the firewalls discussion..
> > > |> |> |>
> > > |> |> |> --
> > > |> |> |> MEB
> > > |> |> |>
> > > |> |> |> ________
> > > |> |>
> > > |> |> --
> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> > > |> |> PCR
> > > |> |>
> > > |>
> > > |> --
> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
> > > |> PCR
> > > |>
> > >
> > > --
> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
> > > Should things get worse after this,
> > > PCR
> > >
> > >
> > >

> >
> >


Brian A.

Win98SE cab files:
tiki.gif is the
tiki.htm is in the
tiki.avb is in

Win98 cab files:
tiki.gif is in
tiki.htm is in
tiki.avb is in


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:

"Angel" <> wrote in message
> PCR,
> I did the Avast! through/w archives. The same virus showed up again and
> I put it in the chest.The name: C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft
> shared\Stationary\Tiki Lounge. It then proceeded on to the end and the same
> archive, C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm Infection:VBS
> malware{HTML} error occurred during moving to the chest. I clicked on to
> scan it. The window came up that "The operation is not supported for this
> type of archive. Cannot process "
> C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm" file. I did a find files and
> folders search for it. It was a Zip file and it showed to have a virus when
> I scanned it. The same thing happened. I unzipped it and the same thing
> happened when I found the file which was a gif. The date on it was before
> this computer was built. 6/23/1999. I think all the files in that folder
> were that same date. It looks like the CAB 49 is damaged by the virus. Am I
> right? Now what to do about it?
> Angel
> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> news:OsVGQPy0HHA.2484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Hi PCR,
>> The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in C:\Windows. It

> is
>> a multimedia keyboard.
>> Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
>> There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
>> I did the Scans again Spybot found 3 cookies under
>> the title of winsoftware.
>> Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus worm
>> C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki lounge. I
>> deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a through one. This showed

> up
>> in the results of the scan: C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
>> Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to chest.
>> Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I get rid of this
>> malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets get it out of my
>> machine.
>> Angel
>> "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > Angel wrote:
>> > | PCR,
>> > | I found the directions so here it is:
>> > |
>> > | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
>> > | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe /autorun
>> >
>> > Those are fine.
>> >
>> > | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
>> > | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
>> >
>> > I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig as I
>> > said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
>> >
>> > | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
>> >
>> > I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at Google. Yours
>> > looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder. What folder is
>> > mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that line is now?
>> >
>> > You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a LFN
>> > (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the SFN
>> > instead.
>> >
>> > | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
>> >
>> > OK.
>> >
>> > | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
>> > | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
>> >
>> > | KB891711 Registry (Machine
>> > | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
>> >
>> > | LoadPowerProfile
>> > | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
>> > | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
>> >
>> > Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though. Did you
>> > uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"? Then,
>> > re-check it.
>> >
>> > | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\APC\APC
>> > | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
>> >
>> > Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged in, but I
>> > chose not to install the software. It works fine that way, but I must
>> > close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me several times.
>> >
>> > I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing you
>> > installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
>> >
>> > "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
>> >
>> > ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
>> >
>> > | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
>> > | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
>> >
>> > OK.
>> >
>> > | Angel
>> > |
>> > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> > | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> > |> Angel wrote:
>> > |> | Meb,
>> > |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just typed to
>> > |> | you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use PCR's email at the
>> > |> | bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder if it is his real
>> > |> | email. Mine is different than the one in my posts.
>> > |>
>> > |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when you
>> > |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
>> > |>
>> > |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under maintenance, which
>> > |> does happen now/then. It used to happen more often. You should sleep
>> > |> through it or go for a walk!
>> > |>
>> > |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way... Grab the
>> > |> icon area or the menu area at the far left with the mouse. You will
>> > |> see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through two vertical
>> > |> lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the area up or down,
>> > |> until the buttons show again.
>> > |>
>> > |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are making
>> > |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
>> > |>
>> > |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Startup
>> > |> Programs".
>> > |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
>> > |> (3) Post it here or there.
>> > |>
>> > |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an annoyance,
>> > |> but not a real threat. Then, once it is identified, there could even
>> > |> be an entry at...
>> > |>
>> > |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
>> > |> Install/Uninstall tab"
>> > |>
>> > |> ... that will remove it.
>> > |>
>> > |> | Let me know if this is
>> > |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my Outlook
>> > |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now they are at
>> > |> | the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be readjusted? Or
>> > |> | is it from the troubles with the Pop ups that has caused anything.
>> > |> | The buttons are in a drop down button only marked with a >>. When
>> > |> | I do a post they are across the top as they were. Angel
>> > |> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
>> > |> | news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> > |> |>
>> > |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> > |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > |> |> | Hi,
>> > |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to the
>> > |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!! What is
>> > |> |> | happening? Angel
>> > |> |> |
>> > |> |> |
>> > |> |>
>> > |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply to PCR
>> > |> |> in the firewalls discussion..
>> > |> |>
>> > |> |> --
>> > |> |> MEB
>> > |> |>
>> > |> |> ________
>> > |>
>> > |> --
>> > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> > |> Should things get worse after this,
>> > |> PCR
>> > |>
>> >
>> > --
>> > Thanks or Good Luck,
>> > There may be humor in this post, and,
>> > Naturally, you will not sue,
>> > Should things get worse after this,
>> > PCR
>> >
>> >
>> >



Brian A.

"PCR" <> wrote in message

Here is the result...

Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in VirusTotal at 07/31/2007
23:55:33 (CET).

[ file data ]
* name: Tiki Lounge.htm
* size: 370
* md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
* sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39

[ scan result ]
AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
AntiVir found nothing
Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing

I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your system, it's harder to
get rid of than most viruses. I've helped a few out with it and believe you-me, it's
no cakewalk picnic.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:

Gary S. Terhune


Pick one of the CAB files that F-Prot says is "damaged". Then use WinZip to
Extract all the files from that CAB file to a new folder. If you're
successful, then there's nothing wrong with the file.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Angel" <> wrote in message
> PCR,
> Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done doing
> the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up and the
> error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to figure out if the
> F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.
> Angel
> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> news:eXO1dX%230HHA.1100@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> PCR,
>> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted it.

> then
>> when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in the chest.
>> BUT
>> it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like Avast! did a false

> reading.
>> Could F-Prot be doing a false reading also? Now I am going to go through

> my
>> routine and find out what happens.
>> Angel
>> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> > Hi PCR,
>> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did it and

>> only
>> > one came up with something when I run the cab file F-Prot
>> > 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the thing back and see what
>> > happens. I hope that it will come out not damaged. Wish me luck.
>> > Angel
>> >
>> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done? Please
>> > > explain in more detail.
>> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the

> machine.
>> > > Angel
>> > >
>> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> > > Angel wrote:
>> > > | Hi PCR,
>> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in

> C:\Windows.
>> > > | It is a multimedia keyboard.
>> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
>> > >
>> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some

>> programs
>> > > will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is something else.

>> Post
>> > > back to that other thread, then. There are good people in it!
>> > >
>> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > You should have this one, too...
>> > >
>> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
>> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
>> > >
>> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the
>> > following...
>> > >
>> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
>> > > REGEDIT4
>> > >
>> > > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
>> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
>> > > [END]
>> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
>> > >
>> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap.
>> > > Don't

>> run
>> > > it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
>> > >
>> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or

> MSConfig
>> > to
>> > > confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
>> > >
>> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3 cookies
>> > > | under the title of winsoftware.
>> > >
>> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt to get

>> rid
>> > of
>> > > the Cookies, though.
>> > >
>> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus

> worm
>> > > | C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
>> > > | lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a through
>> > > | one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
>> > > | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
>> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
>> > > | chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I get
>> > > | rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets get
>> > > | it out of my machine. Angel
>> > >
>> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new defs, it

>> goes
>> > > away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
>> > >
>> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > > |> Angel wrote:
>> > > |> | PCR,
>> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
>> > > |> |
>> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
>> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
>> > > |> | /autorun
>> > > |>
>> > > |> Those are fine.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
>> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
>> > > |>
>> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig
>> > > as

> I
>> > > |> said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
>> > > |>
>> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at Google.
>> > > |> Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder. What
>> > > |> folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that line

> is
>> > > |> now?
>> > > |>
>> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a

>> > > |> (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the SFN
>> > > |> instead.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
>> > > |>
>> > > |> OK.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
>> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
>> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
>> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
>> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
>> > > |>
>> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though.

> Did
>> > > |> you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"?

> Then,
>> > > |> re-check it.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\APC\APC
>> > > |> | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
>> > > |>
>> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged in,
>> > > |> but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that way,

> but
>> > > |> I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me several
>> > > |> times.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing

> you
>> > > |> installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
>> > > |>
>> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
>> > > |>
>> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
>> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
>> > > |>
>> > > |> OK.
>> > > |>
>> > > |> | Angel
>> > > |> |
>> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
>> > > |> |> | Meb,
>> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
>> > > |> |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use
>> > > PCR's
>> > > |> |> | email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder if

> it
>> > > |> |> | is his real email. Mine is different than the one in my
>> > > posts.
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when
>> > > you
>> > > |> |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under maintenance,
>> > > |> |> which does happen now/then. It used to happen more often. You
>> > > |> |> should sleep through it or go for a walk!
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way... Grab
>> > > |> |> the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the mouse.
>> > > |> |> You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through two
>> > > |> |> vertical lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the area

> up
>> > > |> |> or down, until the buttons show again.
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are

> making
>> > > |> |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Startup
>> > > |> |> Programs".
>> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
>> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
>> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is identified,
>> > > |> |> there could even be an entry at...
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
>> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
>> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my

> Outlook
>> > > |> |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now they
>> > > |> |> | are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be
>> > > |> |> | readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop ups that
>> > > |> |> | has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down button

> only
>> > > |> |> | marked with a >>. When I do a post they are across the

> top
>> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in
>> > > |> |> | message news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> > > |> |> |>
>> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
>> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to

> the
>> > > |> |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!! What
>> > > is
>> > > |> |> |> | happening? Angel
>> > > |> |> |> |
>> > > |> |> |> |
>> > > |> |> |>
>> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply
>> > > to
>> > > |> |> |> PCR in the firewalls discussion..
>> > > |> |> |>
>> > > |> |> |> --
>> > > |> |> |> MEB
>> > > |> |> |>
>> > > |> |> |> ________
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |> |> --
>> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
>> > > |> |> PCR
>> > > |> |>
>> > > |>
>> > > |> --
>> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
>> > > |> PCR
>> > > |>
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
>> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
>> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
>> > > Should things get worse after this,
>> > > PCR
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >




How do I do that? I have never done that before. Instructions on how tot do
that, please!

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> Angel,
> Pick one of the CAB files that F-Prot says is "damaged". Then use WinZip

> Extract all the files from that CAB file to a new folder. If you're
> successful, then there's nothing wrong with the file.
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> news:%23J31uD$0HHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > PCR,
> > Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done

> > the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up and the
> > error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to figure out if

> > F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.
> > Angel
> >
> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
> > news:eXO1dX%230HHA.1100@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> >> PCR,
> >> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted it.

> > then
> >> when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in the chest.
> >> BUT
> >> it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like Avast! did a false

> > reading.
> >> Could F-Prot be doing a false reading also? Now I am going to go

> > my
> >> routine and find out what happens.
> >> Angel
> >>
> >> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> >> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> >> > Hi PCR,
> >> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did it

> >> only
> >> > one came up with something when I run the cab file F-Prot
> >> > 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the thing back and see

> >> > happens. I hope that it will come out not damaged. Wish me luck.
> >> > Angel
> >> >
> >> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
> >> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done?

> >> > > explain in more detail.
> >> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the

> > machine.
> >> > > Angel
> >> > >
> >> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> >> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> > > Angel wrote:
> >> > > | Hi PCR,
> >> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in

> > C:\Windows.
> >> > > | It is a multimedia keyboard.
> >> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
> >> > >
> >> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some
> >> programs
> >> > > will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is something

> >> Post
> >> > > back to that other thread, then. There are good people in it!
> >> > >
> >> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > You should have this one, too...
> >> > >
> >> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
> >> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> >> > >
> >> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the
> >> > following...
> >> > >
> >> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
> >> > > REGEDIT4
> >> > >
> >> > > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
> >> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
> >> > > [END]
> >> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
> >> > >
> >> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap.
> >> > > Don't
> >> run
> >> > > it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
> >> > >
> >> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or

> > MSConfig
> >> > to
> >> > > confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
> >> > >
> >> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3

> >> > > | under the title of winsoftware.
> >> > >
> >> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt to

> >> rid
> >> > of
> >> > > the Cookies, though.
> >> > >
> >> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus

> > worm
> >> > > | C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
> >> > > | lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a

> >> > > | one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
> >> > > | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
> >> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
> >> > > | chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I

> >> > > | rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets

> >> > > | it out of my machine. Angel
> >> > >
> >> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new defs,

> >> goes
> >> > > away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
> >> > >
> >> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> >> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >> > > |> Angel wrote:
> >> > > |> | PCR,
> >> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
> >> > > |> |
> >> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
> >> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
> >> > > |> | /autorun
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> Those are fine.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
> >> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig
> >> > > as

> > I
> >> > > |> said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at

> >> > > |> Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder.

> >> > > |> folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that

> > is
> >> > > |> now?
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a

> > LFN
> >> > > |> (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the

> >> > > |> instead.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> OK.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
> >> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
> >> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
> >> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
> >> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though.

> > Did
> >> > > |> you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"?

> > Then,
> >> > > |> re-check it.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program

> >> > > |> | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged

> >> > > |> but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that way,

> > but
> >> > > |> I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me

> >> > > |> times.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing

> > you
> >> > > |> installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
> >> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> OK.
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> | Angel
> >> > > |> |
> >> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> >> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> >> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
> >> > > |> |> | Meb,
> >> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
> >> > > |> |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use
> >> > > PCR's
> >> > > |> |> | email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder

> > it
> >> > > |> |> | is his real email. Mine is different than the one in my
> >> > > posts.
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when
> >> > > you
> >> > > |> |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under

> >> > > |> |> which does happen now/then. It used to happen more often. You
> >> > > |> |> should sleep through it or go for a walk!
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...

> >> > > |> |> the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the

> >> > > |> |> You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through

> >> > > |> |> vertical lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the

> > up
> >> > > |> |> or down, until the buttons show again.
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are

> > making
> >> > > |> |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment,

> >> > > |> |> Programs".
> >> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
> >> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
> >> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is

> >> > > |> |> there could even be an entry at...
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
> >> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
> >> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my

> > Outlook
> >> > > |> |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now

> >> > > |> |> | are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be
> >> > > |> |> | readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop ups

> >> > > |> |> | has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down button

> > only
> >> > > |> |> | marked with a >>. When I do a post they are across the

> > top
> >> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not> wrote

> >> > > |> |> | message news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> >> > > |> |> |>
> >> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> >> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
> >> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to

> > the
> >> > > |> |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!! What
> >> > > is
> >> > > |> |> |> | happening? Angel
> >> > > |> |> |> |
> >> > > |> |> |> |
> >> > > |> |> |>
> >> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply
> >> > > to
> >> > > |> |> |> PCR in the firewalls discussion..
> >> > > |> |> |>
> >> > > |> |> |> --
> >> > > |> |> |> MEB
> >> > > |> |> |>
> >> > > |> |> |> ________
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |> |> --
> >> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> >> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> >> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> >> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> >> > > |> |> PCR
> >> > > |> |>
> >> > > |>
> >> > > |> --
> >> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> >> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> >> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> >> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
> >> > > |> PCR
> >> > > |>
> >> > >
> >> > > --
> >> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
> >> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
> >> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
> >> > > Should things get worse after this,
> >> > > PCR
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>

> >
> >



Angel wrote:
| PCR,
| How did you use the program? I found the program but I do not
| know what file to type in the upload bar and what choice in options
| , if any. I want to see if mine turns out the same as yours.

I never installed it, Angel. I don't know how it works. Maybe someone
who does use it will drop in. Has it worked with its current settings?
What are the choices it is offering?

| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:urmdeL80HHA.5772@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
| Angel wrote:
|| Thanks PCR,
|| I use the software from APC because sometimes we have power
|| outages if only for a moment. With the software it will automatically
|| shut down the computer if needed with no loss of files and you do not
|| get the Blue screen that says that you have not shut down properly. I
|| forgot to mention that in the previous email reply to the files in
| That's worthwhile, if you are not at the computer when the outage
| hits. Otherwise, even without the software installed, the UPS works,
| & you get 20 minutes to close up yourself. You do have to have the
| monitor plugged into one of the uninterruptible sockets, of course,
| to see what you're doing. Mine has 3 of those & another 3 that are
| surge protected only.
|| the Misinfo file. Angel
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:%23o2S5h70HHA.728@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
||> Angel wrote:
||> | PCR,
||> | I did the Avast! through/w archives. The same virus showed up
||> | again and I put it in the chest.The name: C:\Program Files\common
||> | files\Microsoft shared\Stationary\Tiki Lounge. It then proceeded
||> | on to the end and the same archive,
||> | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm Infection:VBS
||> | malware{HTML} error occurred during moving to the chest. I
||> | clicked on to scan it. The window came up that "The operation is
||> | not supported for this type of archive. Cannot process "
||> | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm" file. I did a find
||> | files and folders search for it. It was a Zip file and it showed
||> | to have a virus when I scanned it. The same thing happened. I
||> | unzipped it and the same thing happened when I found the file
||> | which was a gif. The date on it was before this computer was
||> | built. 6/23/1999. I think all the files in that folder were that
||> | same date. It looks like the CAB 49 is damaged by the virus.
||> | Am I right? Now what
||> | to do about
||> | it? Angel
||> Uhuh! I got the SAME avast! alert, myself, today about "Tiki
||> Lounge.htm", which is a 1999 file. I'm hoping it is a false alarm,
||> like the one I had before! I also did a Thorough Scan & included
||> archives. But my .cabs are on another partition. I went looking &
||> did find...
||> Cabinet WIN98_49.CAB
||> 04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 393 tiki.htm
||> ... and was puzzled NOT to find "Tiki Lounge.htm". But let me scan
||> that cab now... YEP! Just as you say... avast! finds the same
||> "Virus/Worm" in tiki.htm! It looks to me that these are the same
||> file, but with a different name...
||> TIKILO~1 HTM 393 04-23-99 10:22p Tiki Lounge.htm
||> Let me send that one to...
||> It will be scanned by 30 virus detectors! I'll report back!
||> By the way, did avast! announce to you that a new version is
||> available? I didn't click to take it, but will go to investigate
||> that too.
||> | "Angel" <> wrote in message
||> | news:OsVGQPy0HHA.2484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
||> |> Hi PCR,
||> |> The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in
||> |> C:\Windows. It is a multimedia keyboard.
||> |> Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
||> |> There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
||> |> I did the Scans again Spybot found 3
||> |> cookies under the title of winsoftware.
||> |> Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus
||> |> worm C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft
||> |> Shared\Stationary\Tiki lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the
||> |> scan, I had done a through one. This showed up in the results of
||> |> the scan: C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
||> |> Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
||> |> chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I
||> |> get rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now
||> |> lets get it out of my machine. Angel
||> |>
||> |> "PCR" <> wrote in message
||> |> news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
||> |> > Angel wrote:
||> |> > | PCR,
||> |> > | I found the directions so here it is:
||> |> > |
||> |> > | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
||> |> > | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
||> |> > | /autorun
||> |> >
||> |> > Those are fine.
||> |> >
||> |> > | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
||> |> > | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
||> |> >
||> |> > I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in
||> |> > MSConfig as I said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
||> |> >
||> |> > | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
||> |> >
||> |> > I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at
||> |> > Google. Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a
||> |> > folder. What folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts
||> |> > the way that line is now?
||> |> >
||> |> > You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is
||> |> > a LFN (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or
||> |> > use the SFN instead.
||> |> >
||> |> > | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
||> |> >
||> |> > OK.
||> |> >
||> |> > | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
||> |> > | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
||> |> >
||> |> > | KB891711 Registry (Machine
||> |> > | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
||> |> >
||> |> > | LoadPowerProfile
||> |> > | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
||> |> > | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
||> |> >
||> |> > Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile,
||> |> > though. Did you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig,
||> |> > Startup tab"? Then, re-check it.
||> |> >
||> |> > | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program
||> |> > | Files\APC\APC PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
||> |> >
||> |> > Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged
||> |> > in, but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that
||> |> > way, but I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved
||> |> > me several times.
||> |> >
||> |> > I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last
||> |> > thing you installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck
||> |> > it at...
||> |> >
||> |> > "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
||> |> >
||> |> > ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
||> |> >
||> |> > | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
||> |> > | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
||> |> >
||> |> > OK.
||> |> >
||> |> > | Angel
||> |> > |
||> |> > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
||> |> > | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
||> |> > |> Angel wrote:
||> |> > |> | Meb,
||> |> > |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
||> |> > |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use
||> |> > |> | PCR's email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I
||> |> > |> | wonder if it is his real email. Mine is different than the
||> |> > |> | one in my posts.
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when
||> |> > |> you posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered
||> |> > |> it.
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under
||> |> > |> maintenance, which does happen now/then. It used to happen
||> |> > |> more often. You should sleep through it or go for a walk!
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...
||> |> > |> Grab the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the
||> |> > |> mouse. You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally
||> |> > |> through two vertical lines after you start moving the mouse.
||> |> > |> Move the area up or down, until the buttons show again.
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are
||> |> > |> making sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at
||> |> > |> least...
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment,
||> |> > |> Startup Programs".
||> |> > |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
||> |> > |> (3) Post it here or there.
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
||> |> > |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is
||> |> > |> identified, there could even be an entry at...
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
||> |> > |> Install/Uninstall tab"
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> ... that will remove it.
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> | Let me know if this is
||> |> > |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my
||> |> > |> | Outlook express has changed the buttons were along the
||> |> > |> | top, now they are at the bottom. Are there any settings
||> |> > |> | that need to be readjusted? Or is it from the troubles
||> |> > |> | with the Pop ups that has caused anything. The buttons
||> |> > |> | are in a drop down button only marked with a >>.
||> |> > |> | When I do a
||> |> > |> | post they are across the top as they were. Angel "MEB"
||> |> > |> | <meb@not> wrote in message
||> |> > |> | news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
||> |> > |> |>
||> |> > |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
||> |> > |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
||> |> > |> |> | Hi,
||> |> > |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today
||> |> > |> |> | to the string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying
||> |> > |> |> | again!! What is happening? Angel
||> |> > |> |> |
||> |> > |> |> |
||> |> > |> |>
||> |> > |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a
||> |> > |> |> reply to PCR in the firewalls discussion..
||> |> > |> |>
||> |> > |> |> --
||> |> > |> |> MEB
||> |> > |> |>
||> |> > |> |> ________
||> |> > |>
||> |> > |> --
||> |> > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
||> |> > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
||> |> > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
||> |> > |> Should things get worse after this,
||> |> > |> PCR
||> |> > |>
||> |> >
||> |> > --
||> |> > Thanks or Good Luck,
||> |> > There may be humor in this post, and,
||> |> > Naturally, you will not sue,
||> |> > Should things get worse after this,
||> |> > PCR
||> |> >
||> --
||> Thanks or Good Luck,
||> There may be humor in this post, and,
||> Naturally, you will not sue,
||> Should things get worse after this,
||> PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


"Angel" <> wrote in

<SNIP incomprehensible voluminous twaddle>

I must say, for someone who claims they "can not post", you are
rather successful at posting.

"...for the force that circles the earth most times in a second
is not electricity but pain."
- M.P.


That was when this thread began! Other things are included here. SO,
what can I say? Do you have an answer to these problems? Read all the posts
in this string, PLEASE!

"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> "Angel" <> wrote in
> news:esPopuG1HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl:
> <SNIP incomprehensible voluminous twaddle>
> I must say, for someone who claims they "can not post", you are
> rather successful at posting.
> --
> "...for the force that circles the earth most times in a second
> is not electricity but pain."
> - M.P.


Angel wrote:
| Hi PCR,
| I have it set for automatic updates. After I got the 2nd update
| yesterday, the virus was found when I did the through scan
| w/archives.

(1) "R-Clk avast!, About avast!".
Scroll up-- what defs do you have now?
Mine are 000763-0. (But, it was fixed in 000762-5 too.)

(2) START, button, Find, F/F, "Tiki Lounge.htm"
(Use those quotes in the Find box.)

(3) R-Clk "Tiki Lounge.htm", & select to scan it.

(4) Do same for "WIN98_49.CAB".
(The quotes will be unnecessary.)

Those should scan clean-- no worm!

| Since I had been getting those messages and smut page
| showing up I have been doing this. It takes longer to do the scan, a
| lot longer!!

Yea. Probably that doesn't have to be done so often. When a virus tries
to get out of an archive, avast!'s On-Access Scanner should catch it.
But I do it, myself, now/then. I'm sure you are right to do it, & with a
Thorough, in this time of crissis, though-- with those pop-ups & all!

| The difference is only that yours is in DOS format.
| It seems to be the
| same file. The dates are different about a month. I bought my
| computer June 1, 2000 and it was on it when I got it.

A month different in the dates? I guess it's possible. Are you Win98SE
or FE? Here are my dates again...

Cabinet WIN98_49.CAB
04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 393 tiki.htm

Directory of C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery
TIKILO~1 HTM 393 04-23-99 10:22p Tiki Lounge.htm

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eyHvRB80HHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| PCR wrote:
|| Angel wrote:
||| PCR,
||| I did the Avast! through/w archives. The same virus showed up
||| again and I put it in the chest.The name: C:\Program Files\common
||| files\Microsoft shared\Stationary\Tiki Lounge. It then proceeded on
||| to the end and the same archive,
||| C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm Infection:VBS
||| malware{HTML} error occurred during moving to the chest. I clicked
||| on to scan it. The window came up that "The operation is not
||| supported for this type of archive. Cannot process "
||| C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm" file. I did a find
||| files and folders search for it. It was a Zip file and it showed to
||| have a virus when I scanned it. The same thing happened. I unzipped
||| it and the same thing happened when I found the file which was a
||| gif. The date on it was before this computer was built. 6/23/1999.
||| I think all the files in that folder were that same date. It looks
||| like the CAB 49 is damaged by the virus. Am I right? Now what to
||| do about
||| it? Angel
|| Uhuh! I got the SAME avast! alert, myself, today about "Tiki
|| Lounge.htm", which is a 1999 file. I'm hoping it is a false alarm,
|| like the one I had before! I also did a Thorough Scan & included
|| archives. But my .cabs are on another partition. I went looking & did
|| find...
|| Cabinet WIN98_49.CAB
|| 04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 393 tiki.htm
|| ... and was puzzled NOT to find "Tiki Lounge.htm". But let me scan
|| that cab now... YEP! Just as you say... avast! finds the same
|| "Virus/Worm" in tiki.htm! It looks to me that these are the same
|| file, but with a different name...
|| TIKILO~1 HTM 393 04-23-99 10:22p Tiki Lounge.htm
|| Let me send that one to...
|| It will be scanned by 30 virus detectors! I'll report back!
|| By the way, did avast! announce to you that a new version is
|| available? I didn't click to take it, but will go to investigate that
|| too.
| Here is the result...
| Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in
| VirusTotal at 07/31/2007 23:55:33 (CET).
| [ file data ]
| * name: Tiki Lounge.htm
| * size: 370
| * md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
| * sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39
| [ scan result ]
| AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
| AntiVir found nothing
| Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing
| Avast 4.7.1029.0/20070731 found nothing <<Interesting!
| ... My version is 4.7.1001 May 2007
| ... Can that be the new one avast! is offering?
| ... Hmmm! EVEN my version doesn't find the virus anymore,
| ... with just new definitions...!...
| ........Quote Summary.txt.........
| Vps: Updated
| (previous version: 000762-4, updated version: 000762-5)
| ........EOQ................................
| I guess we are clear, Angel-- put the file back where it came from!
| AVG found nothing
| BitDefender 7.2/20070731 found nothing
| CAT-QuickHeal 9.00/20070731 found nothing
| ClamAV 0.91/20070731 found nothing
| DrWeb 4.33/20070731 found nothing
| eSafe found nothing
| eTrust-Vet 31.1.5019/20070731 found nothing
| Ewido 4.0/20070731 found nothing
| F-Prot found nothing
| F-Secure 6.70.13030.0/20070731 found nothing
| FileAdvisor 1/20070731 found nothing
| Fortinet found nothing
| Ikarus T3.1.1.8/20070731 found nothing
| Kaspersky found nothing
| McAfee 5087/20070731 found nothing
| Microsoft 1.2704/20070731 found nothing
| NOD32v2 2430/20070731 found nothing
| Norman 5.80.02/20070731 found nothing
| Panda found nothing
| Prevx1 V2/20070731 found nothing
| Rising found nothing
| Sophos 4.19.0/20070726 found nothing
| Sunbelt 2.2.907.0/20070731 found nothing
| Symantec 10/20070731 found nothing
| TheHacker found nothing
| VBA32 found nothing
| VirusBuster 4.3.26:9/20070731 found nothing
| Webwasher-Gateway 6.0.1/20070731 found nothing
| __________________________________________________
| VirusTotal is a free service offered by Hispasec Sistemas. There are
| no guarantees about the availability and continuity of this service.
| Do not reply to this message. It has been generated by an automatic
| address that will not handle any reply. Although the detection rate
| afforded by the use of multiple antivirus engines is far superior to
| that offered by just one product, these results DO NOT guarantee the
| harmlessness of a file. Currently, there is not any solution that
| offers a 100% effectiveness rate for detecting viruses and malware.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Brian A. wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:eyHvRB80HHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| Here is the result...
| Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in
| VirusTotal at 07/31/2007 23:55:33 (CET).
| [ file data ]
| * name: Tiki Lounge.htm
| * size: 370
| * md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
| * sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39
| [ scan result ]
| AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
| AntiVir found nothing
| Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing
| I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your system,
| it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped a few out
| with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.

Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...

When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each virus
checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I E-Mailed it
to them.

BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you ask
AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay for it!

| --
| Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
| Conflicts start where information lacks.
| Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
| How to ask a question:

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Brian A. wrote:
| Win98SE cab files:
| tiki.gif is the
| tiki.htm is in the
| tiki.avb is in

I confirm that is true for SE. It must mean Angel is also SE.

| Win98 cab files:
| tiki.gif is in
| tiki.htm is in
| tiki.avb is in
| --
| Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
| Conflicts start where information lacks.
| Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
| How to ask a question:
| "Angel" <> wrote in message
| news:OH4YSqz0HHA.5884@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> PCR,
|> I did the Avast! through/w archives. The same virus showed up
|> again and I put it in the chest.The name: C:\Program Files\common
|> files\Microsoft shared\Stationary\Tiki Lounge. It then proceeded on
|> to the end and the same archive,
|> C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm Infection:VBS
|> malware{HTML} error occurred during moving to the chest. I clicked
|> on to scan it. The window came up that "The operation is not
|> supported for this type of archive. Cannot process "
|> C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm" file. I did a find
|> files and folders search for it. It was a Zip file and it showed to
|> have a virus when I scanned it. The same thing happened. I unzipped
|> it and the same thing happened when I found the file which was a
|> gif. The date on it was before this computer was built. 6/23/1999. I
|> think all the files in that folder were that same date. It looks
|> like the CAB 49 is damaged by the virus. Am I right? Now what to
|> do about it? Angel
|> "Angel" <> wrote in message
|> news:OsVGQPy0HHA.2484@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|>> Hi PCR,
|>> The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in
|>> C:\Windows. It is a multimedia keyboard.
|>> Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
|>> There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
|>> I did the Scans again Spybot found 3 cookies
|>> under the title of winsoftware.
|>> Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML} Virus
|>> worm C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
|>> lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a through
|>> one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
|>> Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
|>> chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I get
|>> rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets get
|>> it out of my machine. Angel
|>> "PCR" <> wrote in message
|>> news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|>> > Angel wrote:
|>> > | PCR,
|>> > | I found the directions so here it is:
|>> > |
|>> > | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
|>> > | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
|>> > | /autorun
|>> >
|>> > Those are fine.
|>> >
|>> > | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
|>> > | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
|>> >
|>> > I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in MSConfig
|>> > as I said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
|>> >
|>> > | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
|>> >
|>> > I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at Google.
|>> > Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder.
|>> > What folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that
|>> > line is now?
|>> >
|>> > You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is a
|>> > LFN (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use
|>> > the SFN instead.
|>> >
|>> > | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
|>> >
|>> > OK.
|>> >
|>> > | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
|>> > | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
|>> >
|>> > | KB891711 Registry (Machine
|>> > | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
|>> >
|>> > | LoadPowerProfile
|>> > | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
|>> > | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
|>> >
|>> > Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile, though.
|>> > Did you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup
|>> > tab"? Then, re-check it.
|>> >
|>> > | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\APC\APC
|>> > | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
|>> >
|>> > Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged in,
|>> > but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that way,
|>> > but I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me
|>> > several times.
|>> >
|>> > I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last thing
|>> > you installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
|>> >
|>> > "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
|>> >
|>> > ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
|>> >
|>> > | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
|>> > | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
|>> >
|>> > OK.
|>> >
|>> > | Angel
|>> > |
|>> > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|>> > | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|>> > |> Angel wrote:
|>> > |> | Meb,
|>> > |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
|>> > |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use
|>> > |> | PCR's email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I
|>> > |> | wonder if it is his real email. Mine is different than the
|>> > |> | one in my posts.
|>> > |>
|>> > |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when
|>> > |> you posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
|>> > |>
|>> > |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under
|>> > |> maintenance, which does happen now/then. It used to happen
|>> > |> more often. You should sleep through it or go for a walk!
|>> > |>
|>> > |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...
|>> > |> Grab the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the
|>> > |> mouse. You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally
|>> > |> through two vertical lines after you start moving the mouse.
|>> > |> Move the area up or down, until the buttons show again.
|>> > |>
|>> > |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are
|>> > |> making sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at
|>> > |> least...
|>> > |>
|>> > |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment, Startup
|>> > |> Programs".
|>> > |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
|>> > |> (3) Post it here or there.
|>> > |>
|>> > |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
|>> > |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is identified,
|>> > |> there could even be an entry at...
|>> > |>
|>> > |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
|>> > |> Install/Uninstall tab"
|>> > |>
|>> > |> ... that will remove it.
|>> > |>
|>> > |> | Let me know if this is
|>> > |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my
|>> > |> | Outlook express has changed the buttons were along the top,
|>> > |> | now they are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need
|>> > |> | to be readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop
|>> > |> | ups that has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down
|>> > |> | button only marked with a >>. When I do a post they are
|>> > |> | across the top as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not
|>> > |> |> wrote in message
|>> > |> | news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|>> > |> |>
|>> > |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
|>> > |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|>> > |> |> | Hi,
|>> > |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today to
|>> > |> |> | the string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!!
|>> > |> |> | What is happening? Angel
|>> > |> |> |
|>> > |> |> |
|>> > |> |>
|>> > |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a reply
|>> > |> |> to PCR in the firewalls discussion..
|>> > |> |>
|>> > |> |> --
|>> > |> |> MEB
|>> > |> |>
|>> > |> |> ________
|>> > |>
|>> > |> --
|>> > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|>> > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|>> > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|>> > |> Should things get worse after this,
|>> > |> PCR
|>> > |>
|>> >
|>> > --
|>> > Thanks or Good Luck,
|>> > There may be humor in this post, and,
|>> > Naturally, you will not sue,
|>> > Should things get worse after this,
|>> > PCR
|>> >

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Gary S. Terhune

Double-click the CAB file. Does it open in WinZip or does it open in
Cabview? (If it opens in some other app, post back with its name.) If WinZip
opens, go to Action menu, Extract, and in the Extract dialogue, make sure
you put the files into a new "test" folder.

If Cabview opens, click Ctrl-A, then use File>Extract or
right-click>Extract. For this one, you'll need to have first created the new
"test" folder.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Angel" <> wrote in message
> How do I do that? I have never done that before. Instructions on how tot
> do
> that, please!
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:eF7k9uE1HHA.3916@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Angel,
>> Pick one of the CAB files that F-Prot says is "damaged". Then use WinZip

> to
>> Extract all the files from that CAB file to a new folder. If you're
>> successful, then there's nothing wrong with the file.
>> --
>> Gary S. Terhune
>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23J31uD$0HHA.4184@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> > PCR,
>> > Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done

> doing
>> > the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up and the
>> > error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to figure out if

> the
>> > F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.
>> > Angel
>> >
>> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> > news:eXO1dX%230HHA.1100@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> >> PCR,
>> >> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted
>> >> it.
>> > then
>> >> when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in the chest.
>> >> BUT
>> >> it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like Avast! did a false
>> > reading.
>> >> Could F-Prot be doing a false reading also? Now I am going to go

> through
>> > my
>> >> routine and find out what happens.
>> >> Angel
>> >>
>> >> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> >> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> >> > Hi PCR,
>> >> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did it

> and
>> >> only
>> >> > one came up with something when I run the cab file F-Prot
>> >> > 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the thing back and see

> what
>> >> > happens. I hope that it will come out not damaged. Wish me luck.
>> >> > Angel
>> >> >
>> >> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> >> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done?

> Please
>> >> > > explain in more detail.
>> >> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the
>> > machine.
>> >> > > Angel
>> >> > >
>> >> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> >> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > Angel wrote:
>> >> > > | Hi PCR,
>> >> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in
>> > C:\Windows.
>> >> > > | It is a multimedia keyboard.
>> >> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some
>> >> programs
>> >> > > will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is something

> else.
>> >> Post
>> >> > > back to that other thread, then. There are good people in it!
>> >> > >
>> >> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > > You should have this one, too...
>> >> > >
>> >> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
>> >> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
>> >> > >
>> >> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the
>> >> > following...
>> >> > >
>> >> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
>> >> > > REGEDIT4
>> >> > >
>> >> > > [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
>> >> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe
>> >> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme"
>> >> > > [END]
>> >> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
>> >> > >
>> >> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap.
>> >> > > Don't
>> >> run
>> >> > > it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or
>> > MSConfig
>> >> > to
>> >> > > confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
>> >> > >
>> >> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3

> cookies
>> >> > > | under the title of winsoftware.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt to

> get
>> >> rid
>> >> > of
>> >> > > the Cookies, though.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML}
>> >> > > Virus
>> > worm
>> >> > > | C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft Shared\Stationary\Tiki
>> >> > > | lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the scan, I had done a

> through
>> >> > > | one. This showed up in the results of the scan:
>> >> > > | C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
>> >> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file to
>> >> > > | chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How do I

> get
>> >> > > | rid of this malware? Now I think I found the culprit. Now lets

> get
>> >> > > | it out of my machine. Angel
>> >> > >
>> >> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new defs,

> it
>> >> goes
>> >> > > away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
>> >> > >
>> >> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> >> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > |> Angel wrote:
>> >> > > |> | PCR,
>> >> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
>> >> > > |> |
>> >> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
>> >> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
>> >> > > |> | /autorun
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> Those are fine.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
>> >> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in
>> >> > > MSConfig
>> >> > > as
>> > I
>> >> > > |> said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at

> Google.
>> >> > > |> Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a folder.

> What
>> >> > > |> folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts the way that

> line
>> > is
>> >> > > |> now?
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it is
>> >> > > a
>> > LFN
>> >> > > |> (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes, or use the

>> >> > > |> instead.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> OK.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
>> >> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
>> >> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
>> >> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
>> >> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile,
>> >> > > though.
>> > Did
>> >> > > |> you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"?
>> > Then,
>> >> > > |> re-check it.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program

> Files\APC\APC
>> >> > > |> | PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged

> in,
>> >> > > |> but I chose not to install the software. It works fine that
>> >> > > way,
>> > but
>> >> > > |> I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes. It saved me

> several
>> >> > > |> times.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last
>> >> > > thing
>> > you
>> >> > > |> installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck it at...
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
>> >> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> OK.
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> | Angel
>> >> > > |> |
>> >> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> >> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
>> >> > > |> |> | Meb,
>> >> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I just
>> >> > > |> |> | typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried to use
>> >> > > PCR's
>> >> > > |> |> | email at the bottom of his posts. But no answer. I wonder

> if
>> > it
>> >> > > |> |> | is his real email. Mine is different than the one in my
>> >> > > posts.
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day when
>> >> > > you
>> >> > > |> |> posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have answered it.
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under

> maintenance,
>> >> > > |> |> which does happen now/then. It used to happen more often.
>> >> > > You
>> >> > > |> |> should sleep through it or go for a walk!
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...

> Grab
>> >> > > |> |> the icon area or the menu area at the far left with the

> mouse.
>> >> > > |> |> You will see a two pointed arrow going horizontally through

> two
>> >> > > |> |> vertical lines after you start moving the mouse. Move the

> area
>> > up
>> >> > > |> |> or down, until the buttons show again.
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread are
>> > making
>> >> > > |> |> sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report, or at least...
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment,

> Startup
>> >> > > |> |> Programs".
>> >> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
>> >> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
>> >> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is

> identified,
>> >> > > |> |> there could even be an entry at...
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
>> >> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
>> >> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my
>> > Outlook
>> >> > > |> |> | express has changed the buttons were along the top, now

> they
>> >> > > |> |> | are at the bottom. Are there any settings that need to be
>> >> > > |> |> | readjusted? Or is it from the troubles with the Pop ups

> that
>> >> > > |> |> | has caused anything. The buttons are in a drop down button
>> > only
>> >> > > |> |> | marked with a >>. When I do a post they are across
>> >> > > the
>> > top
>> >> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not> wrote

> in
>> >> > > |> |> | message news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > |> |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
>> >> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> >> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
>> >> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today
>> >> > > to
>> > the
>> >> > > |> |> |> | string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying again!!
>> >> > > What
>> >> > > is
>> >> > > |> |> |> | happening? Angel
>> >> > > |> |> |> |
>> >> > > |> |> |> |
>> >> > > |> |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a
>> >> > > reply
>> >> > > to
>> >> > > |> |> |> PCR in the firewalls discussion..
>> >> > > |> |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> |> --
>> >> > > |> |> |> MEB
>> >> > > |> |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> |> ________
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |> |> --
>> >> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> >> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> >> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> >> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
>> >> > > |> |> PCR
>> >> > > |> |>
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > > |> --
>> >> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> >> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> >> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> >> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
>> >> > > |> PCR
>> >> > > |>
>> >> > >
>> >> > > --
>> >> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
>> >> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
>> >> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
>> >> > > Should things get worse after this,
>> >> > > PCR
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >




Angel wrote:
| PCR,
| Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done
| doing the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up
| and the error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to
| figure out if the F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.

You mean might be corrupt? If you do not have WinZip, try

(1) "START button, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt"
(2) Paste the following line to the C:\ Prompt...

EXTRACT /d E:\Options\Cabs\ Tiki.htm

Here is the result I get? What did it say for you...?...

C:\>EXTRACT /d E:\Options\Cabs\ Tiki.htm
04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 393 tiki.htm
1 File 393 bytes


(a) If your "" is in a different folder,
you'll have to type it in.

(b) To paste the above line, copy it out of this post,
& use the "Paste" button in the DOS box (3rd button).

| Angel
| "Angel" <> wrote in message
| news:eXO1dX%230HHA.1100@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> PCR,
|> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted
|> it. then when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in
|> the chest. BUT it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like
|> Avast! did a false reading. Could F-Prot be doing a false reading
|> also? Now I am going to go through my routine and find out what
|> happens. Angel
|> "Angel" <> wrote in message
|> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> > Hi PCR,
|> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did
|> > it and only one came up with something when I run the cab file
|> > F-Prot 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the
|> > thing back and see what happens. I hope that it will come out not
|> > damaged. Wish me luck. Angel
|> >
|> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
|> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done?
|> > > Please explain in more detail.
|> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the
|> > > machine. Angel
|> > >
|> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> > > Angel wrote:
|> > > | Hi PCR,
|> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in
|> > > | C:\Windows. It is a multimedia keyboard.
|> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
|> > >
|> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some
|> > > programs will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is
|> > > something else. Post back to that other thread, then. There are
|> > > good people in it!
|> > >
|> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
|> > >
|> > >
|> > > You should have this one, too...
|> > >
|> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
|> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
|> > >
|> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the
|> > > following...
|> > >
|> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
|> > > REGEDIT4
|> > >
|> > >
|> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe
|> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme" [END]
|> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
|> > >
|> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap.
|> > > Don't run it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
|> > >
|> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or
|> > > MSConfig to confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
|> > >
|> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3
|> > > | cookies under the title of winsoftware.
|> > >
|> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt
|> > > to get rid of the Cookies, though.
|> > >
|> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML}
|> > > | Virus worm C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft
|> > > | Shared\Stationary\Tiki lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the
|> > > | scan, I had done a through one. This showed up in the results
|> > > | of the scan: C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
|> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file
|> > > | to chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How
|> > > | do I get rid of this malware? Now I think I found the
|> > > | culprit. Now lets get it out of my machine. Angel
|> > >
|> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new
|> > > defs, it goes away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
|> > >
|> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> > > |> Angel wrote:
|> > > |> | PCR,
|> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
|> > > |> |
|> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
|> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
|> > > |> | /autorun
|> > > |>
|> > > |> Those are fine.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
|> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
|> > > |>
|> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in
|> > > |> MSConfig as I said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
|> > > |>
|> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at
|> > > |> Google. Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a
|> > > |> folder. What folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts
|> > > |> the way that line is now?
|> > > |>
|> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it
|> > > |> is a LFN (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes,
|> > > |> or use the SFN instead.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
|> > > |>
|> > > |> OK.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
|> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
|> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
|> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
|> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
|> > > |>
|> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile,
|> > > |> though. Did you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig,
|> > > |> Startup tab"? Then, re-check it.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program
|> > > |> | Files\APC\APC PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
|> > > |>
|> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged
|> > > |> in, but I chose not to install the software. It works fine
|> > > |> that way, but I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes.
|> > > |> It saved me several times.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last
|> > > |> thing you installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck
|> > > |> it at...
|> > > |>
|> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
|> > > |>
|> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
|> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
|> > > |>
|> > > |> OK.
|> > > |>
|> > > |> | Angel
|> > > |> |
|> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
|> > > |> |> | Meb,
|> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I
|> > > |> |> | just typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried
|> > > |> |> | to use PCR's email at the bottom of his posts. But no
|> > > |> |> | answer. I wonder if it is his real email. Mine is
|> > > |> |> | different than the one in my posts.
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day
|> > > |> |> when you posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have
|> > > |> |> answered it.
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under
|> > > |> |> maintenance, which does happen now/then. It used to happen
|> > > |> |> more often. You should sleep through it or go for a walk!
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...
|> > > |> |> Grab the icon area or the menu area at the far left with
|> > > |> |> the mouse. You will see a two pointed arrow going
|> > > |> |> horizontally through two vertical lines after you start
|> > > |> |> moving the mouse. Move the area up or down, until the
|> > > |> |> buttons show again.
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread
|> > > |> |> are making sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report,
|> > > |> |> or at least...
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment,
|> > > |> |> Startup Programs".
|> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
|> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
|> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is
|> > > |> |> identified, there could even be an entry at...
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
|> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
|> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my
|> > > |> |> | Outlook express has changed the buttons were along the
|> > > |> |> | top, now they are at the bottom. Are there any settings
|> > > |> |> | that need to be readjusted? Or is it from the troubles
|> > > |> |> | with the Pop ups that has caused anything. The buttons
|> > > |> |> | are in a drop down button only marked with a >>.
|> > > |> |> | When I do a post they are across the top
|> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not>
|> > > |> |> | wrote in message
|> > > |> |> | news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
|> > > |> |> |>
|> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
|> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
|> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today
|> > > |> |> |> | to the string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying
|> > > |> |> |> | again!! What is happening? Angel
|> > > |> |> |> |
|> > > |> |> |> |
|> > > |> |> |>
|> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a
|> > > |> |> |> reply to PCR in the firewalls discussion..
|> > > |> |> |>
|> > > |> |> |> --
|> > > |> |> |> MEB
|> > > |> |> |>
|> > > |> |> |> ________
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |> |> --
|> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> > > |> |> PCR
|> > > |> |>
|> > > |>
|> > > |> --
|> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
|> > > |> PCR
|> > > |>
|> > >
|> > > --
|> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
|> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
|> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
|> > > Should things get worse after this,
|> > > PCR
|> > >

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Brian A.

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> |
> | I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your system,
> | it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped a few out
> | with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.
> Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...
> When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each virus
> checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I E-Mailed it
> to them.
> BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you ask
> AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay for it!

They probably already have it. Authentium is integrated into quite a few FW/AV
Suites, especially those offered by ISP's. One more reason I won't use any apps
offered by an ISP.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:


ATT does not support 98 at all. I have version 98SE

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Brian A. wrote:
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> | news:eyHvRB80HHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |
> | Here is the result...
> |
> | Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in
> | VirusTotal at 07/31/2007 23:55:33 (CET).
> |
> | [ file data ]
> | * name: Tiki Lounge.htm
> | * size: 370
> | * md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
> | * sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39
> |
> | [ scan result ]
> | AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
> | AntiVir found nothing
> | Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing
> |
> | I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your system,
> | it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped a few out
> | with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.
> Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...
> When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each virus
> checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I E-Mailed it
> to them.
> BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you ask
> AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay for it!
> | --
> |
> | Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
> | Conflicts start where information lacks.
> |
> |
> | Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
> | How to ask a question:
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Brian A. wrote:
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%235p0EcH1HHA.4236@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| <snipped>
|> |
|> | I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your
|> | system, it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped
|> | a few out with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.
|> Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...
|> When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each
|> virus checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I
|> E-Mailed it to them.
|> BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you
|> ask AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay
|> for it!
| They probably already have it. Authentium is integrated into quite
| a few FW/AV Suites, especially those offered by ISP's. One more
| reason I won't use any apps offered by an ISP.
| <snipped>

That sounds like wisdom derived of life experience to me. I can't argue
with it.

| --
| Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
| Conflicts start where information lacks.
| Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
| How to ask a question:

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Angel wrote:
| ATT does not support 98 at all. I have version 98SE

I defer to Brian A. in all matters concerning AT&T! Also, I guessed you
were SE, after I saw his post that FE uses a different .cab for

Try that thing I posted elsewhere with EXTRACT. I doubt your .cab's are
in "E:\", though-- you'll have to adjust for that. I see, in another
thread, Terhune has advised correctly that probably your is
NOT corrupt-- but we may need to EXTRACT "Tiki.htm" out of it & rename
it to "Tiki Lounge.htm".

| Angel
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:%235p0EcH1HHA.4236@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> Brian A. wrote:
|> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
|> | news:eyHvRB80HHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> |
|> | Here is the result...
|> |
|> | Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in
|> | VirusTotal at 07/31/2007 23:55:33 (CET).
|> |
|> | [ file data ]
|> | * name: Tiki Lounge.htm
|> | * size: 370
|> | * md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
|> | * sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39
|> |
|> | [ scan result ]
|> | AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
|> | AntiVir found nothing
|> | Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing
|> |
|> | I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your
|> | system, it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped
|> | a few out with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.
|> Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...
|> When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each
|> virus checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I
|> E-Mailed it to them.
|> BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you
|> ask AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay
|> for it!
|> | --
|> |
|> | Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
|> | Conflicts start where information lacks.
|> |
|> |
|> | Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
|> | How to ask a question:
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


PCR wrote:
| Angel wrote:
|| ATT does not support 98 at all. I have version 98SE
| I defer to Brian A. in all matters concerning AT&T! Also, I guessed
| you were SE, after I saw his post that FE uses a different .cab for
| "Tiki.htm".
| Try that thing I posted elsewhere with EXTRACT. I doubt your .cab's
| are in "E:\", though-- you'll have to adjust for that. I see, in
| another thread, Terhune has advised correctly that probably your
| is NOT corrupt-- but we may need to EXTRACT "Tiki.htm"
| out of it & rename it to "Tiki Lounge.htm".

I extracted Tiki.htm & compared it to "Tiki Lounge.htm", & they are the
same file. Only their name is different...!...

C:\UNZIPPED>fc /b tiki.htm tikilo~1.htm
Comparing files tiki.htm and tikilo~1.htm
FC: no differences encountered

|| Angel
|| "PCR" <> wrote in message
|| news:%235p0EcH1HHA.4236@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
||> Brian A. wrote:
||> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
||> | news:eyHvRB80HHA.536@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
||> |
||> | Here is the result...
||> |
||> | Complete scanning result of "Tiki Lounge.htm", processed in
||> | VirusTotal at 07/31/2007 23:55:33 (CET).
||> |
||> | [ file data ]
||> | * name: Tiki Lounge.htm
||> | * size: 370
||> | * md5.: c5f4869d1805078ae115a7c5464b605f
||> | * sha1: b3990474983e89fa1af5d46cace22cc1a4494d39
||> |
||> | [ scan result ]
||> | AhnLab-V3 2007.7.31.1/20070731 found nothing
||> | AntiVir found nothing
||> | Authentium 4.93.8/20070731 found nothing
||> |
||> | I hope you don't have anything Authentium installed on your
||> | system, it's harder to get rid of than most viruses. I've helped
||> | a few out with it and believe you-me, it's no cakewalk picnic.
||> Nope! That is just the quoted E-Mail sent to me by...!...
||> When I tried the on-site scan, all I got was dashes (-) after each
||> virus checker-- & nothing to say what a dash meant! Therefore, I
||> E-Mailed it to them.
||> BUT, I'll keep that in mind about Authentium, thanks. Why don't you
||> ask AT&T if they need a "good" virus checker? Tell them you'll pay
||> for it!
||> | --
||> |
||> | Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
||> | Conflicts start where information lacks.
||> |
||> |
||> | Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
||> | How to ask a question:
||> --
||> Thanks or Good Luck,
||> There may be humor in this post, and,
||> Naturally, you will not sue,
||> Should things get worse after this,
||> PCR
| --
| Thanks or Good Luck,
| There may be humor in this post, and,
| Naturally, you will not sue,
| Should things get worse after this,

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Maybe I misquoted the Date it was the same as yours. 4/23/99

"PCR" <> wrote in message
> Angel wrote:
> | PCR,
> | Well, earlier the Avast! did the automatic update. I just got done
> | doing the through w/Archives. Guess what? Nothing, no virus showed up
> | and the error for Win98_49 thing didn't show up. Now we have to
> | figure out if the F-Prot virus scan was right. Was it damaged or not.
> You mean might be corrupt? If you do not have WinZip, try
> this...
> (1) "START button, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt"
> (2) Paste the following line to the C:\ Prompt...
> EXTRACT /d E:\Options\Cabs\ Tiki.htm
> Here is the result I get? What did it say for you...?...
> C:\>EXTRACT /d E:\Options\Cabs\ Tiki.htm
> Cabinet
> 04-23-1999 10:22:00p A--- 393 tiki.htm
> 1 File 393 bytes
> (a) If your "" is in a different folder,
> you'll have to type it in.
> (b) To paste the above line, copy it out of this post,
> & use the "Paste" button in the DOS box (3rd button).
> | Angel
> |
> | "Angel" <> wrote in message
> | news:eXO1dX%230HHA.1100@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> |> PCR,
> |> It was not in the chest. The first time it showed up, I deleted
> |> it. then when I re-ran the Avast! it showed up again and I put it in
> |> the chest. BUT it is not there!! Mystery!! Now what? Looks like
> |> Avast! did a false reading. Could F-Prot be doing a false reading
> |> also? Now I am going to go through my routine and find out what
> |> happens. Angel
> |>
> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> |> news:%23m5ZJQ%230HHA.464@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> > Hi PCR,
> |> > I figured out how to use the browse and how to do it. I did
> |> > it and only one came up with something when I run the cab file
> |> > F-Prot 2007.07.31 File is damaged. Now I will put the
> |> > thing back and see what happens. I hope that it will come out not
> |> > damaged. Wish me luck. Angel
> |> >
> |> > "Angel" <> wrote in message
> |> > news:eF2%23Ej80HHA.4928@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> > > Please explain what you mean by making a file? How is it done?
> |> > > Please explain in more detail.
> |> > > I found the thing under RunServices. So I know it is on the
> |> > > machine. Angel
> |> > >
> |> > > "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> > > news:uLHrwQ80HHA.1188@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> > > Angel wrote:
> |> > > | Hi PCR,
> |> > > | The mk9908.exe is the drive for my Keyboard. It is in
> |> > > | C:\Windows. It is a multimedia keyboard.
> |> > > | Smart Bridge is my SDL program.
> |> > >
> |> > > Alright. It shouldn't hurt to uncheck them just to test it. Some
> |> > > programs will include innocent pop-up ads. But probably it is
> |> > > something else. Post back to that other thread, then. There are
> |> > > good people in it!
> |> > >
> |> > > | There was only 1 LoadPowerProfile. I checked it out.
> |> > >
> |> > >
> |> > > You should have this one, too...
> |> > >
> |> > > LoadPowerProfile Registry (Machine Run) Rundll32.exe
> |> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> |> > >
> |> > > To get it, use Notepad to make a file named "LPP.reg" from the
> |> > > following...
> |> > >
> |> > > ......Start after this dotted line.........
> |> > > REGEDIT4
> |> > >
> |> > >
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]
> |> > > "LoadPowerProfile"="Rundll32.exe
> |> > > powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme" [END]
> |> > > ......End before this dotted line.........
> |> > >
> |> > > NOTE: You should get 5 lines. If more, there has been word-wrap.
> |> > > Don't run it, then. Post back, & I'll try something else.
> |> > >
> |> > > Then, R-Clk "LPP.reg", & select "Merge". Go look in MSInfo32 or
> |> > > MSConfig to confirm it is there. If so, you may delete "LPP.reg".
> |> > >
> |> > > | I did the Scans again Spybot found 3
> |> > > | cookies under the title of winsoftware.
> |> > >
> |> > > Those couldn't be the problem, if it still exists. Didn't hurt
> |> > > to get rid of the Cookies, though.
> |> > >
> |> > > | Avast! found a virus. Malware type VBS: Malware{HTML}
> |> > > | Virus worm C:\Program Files\common files\Microsoft
> |> > > | Shared\Stationary\Tiki lounge. I deleted it. At the end of the
> |> > > | scan, I had done a through one. This showed up in the results
> |> > > | of the scan: C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS\WIN98_49CAB\tiki.htm.
> |> > > | Infection:VBS:malware{HTML} Error occurred during moving file
> |> > > | to chest. Before trying to move it I tried to delete it. How
> |> > > | do I get rid of this malware? Now I think I found the
> |> > > | culprit. Now lets get it out of my machine. Angel
> |> > >
> |> > > That was a false alarm, as I posted separately. And with new
> |> > > defs, it goes away. Can you undo what avast! did to the file(s)?
> |> > >
> |> > > | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> > > | news:OVE5qKx0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> > > |> Angel wrote:
> |> > > |> | PCR,
> |> > > |> | I found the directions so here it is:
> |> > > |> |
> |> > > |> | SystemTray Registry (Machine Run) SysTray.Exe
> |> > > |> | ScanRegistry Registry (Machine Run) c:\windows\scanregw.exe
> |> > > |> | /autorun
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> Those are fine.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | Motive SmartBridge Registry (Machine Run)
> |> > > |> | C:\PROGRA~1\SBCLIG~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> I doubt that is causing pop-up ads. Maybe uncheck it in
> |> > > |> MSConfig as I said below. Reboot, & see whether it stops.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | CHotKey Registry (Machine Run) mk9908.exe
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> I'm not finding anything about pop-ups with mk9908.exe at
> |> > > |> Google. Yours looks odd, though, in that it doesn't mention a
> |> > > |> folder. What folder is mk9908.exe in? Are you sure it starts
> |> > > |> the way that line is now?
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> You can get the folder into that line using MSConfig. If it
> |> > > |> is a LFN (Long File Name), you must surround it with quotes,
> |> > > |> or use the SFN instead.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | avast! Web Scanner Registry (Machine Run)
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> OK.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | KB918547 Registry (Machine Service)
> |> > > |> | C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KB918547\KB918547.EXE
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | KB891711 Registry (Machine
> |> > > |> | Service) c:\windows\SYSTEM\KB891711\KB891711.EXE
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | LoadPowerProfile
> |> > > |> | Registry (Machine Service) Rundll32.exe
> |> > > |> | powrprof.dll,LoadCurrentPwrScheme
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> Those 3 are fine. You should have 2 of LoadPowerProfile,
> |> > > |> though. Did you uncheck one at "START button, Run, MSConfig,
> |> > > |> Startup tab"? Then, re-check it.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | APC_SERVICE Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program
> |> > > |> | Files\APC\APC PowerChute Personal Edition\mainserv.exe
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> Hmm. I have an APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) plugged
> |> > > |> in, but I chose not to install the software. It works fine
> |> > > |> that way, but I must close down, myself, within 20 minutes.
> |> > > |> It saved me several times.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> I doubt this would include pop-up ads. But, is it the last
> |> > > |> thing you installed before they started? Then, maybe uncheck
> |> > > |> it at...
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> "START button, Run, MSConfig, Startup tab"
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> ..., reboot, & see whether they stop.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | avast! Registry (Machine Service) C:\Program Files\Alwil
> |> > > |> | Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> OK.
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> | Angel
> |> > > |> |
> |> > > |> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> |> > > |> | news:O0SZ6Ov0HHA.748@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> |> > > |> |> Angel wrote:
> |> > > |> |> | Meb,
> |> > > |> |> | I thought it was me. I maybe should retype what I
> |> > > |> |> | just typed to you. If this goes through I will.I tried
> |> > > |> |> | to use PCR's email at the bottom of his posts. But no
> |> > > |> |> | answer. I wonder if it is his real email. Mine is
> |> > > |> |> | different than the one in my posts.
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> I was dead asleep &/or on my 1st or 2nd walk of the day
> |> > > |> |> when you posted to me, Angel, but now you know I have
> |> > > |> |> answered it.
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> As Candlin & MEB verify, the NG possibly was under
> |> > > |> |> maintenance, which does happen now/then. It used to happen
> |> > > |> |> more often. You should sleep through it or go for a walk!
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> For the OE icons/buttons, those are adjustable this way...
> |> > > |> |> Grab the icon area or the menu area at the far left with
> |> > > |> |> the mouse. You will see a two pointed arrow going
> |> > > |> |> horizontally through two vertical lines after you start
> |> > > |> |> moving the mouse. Move the area up or down, until the
> |> > > |> |> buttons show again.
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> For the pop-ups, I think the others in the other thread
> |> > > |> |> are making sense. As MEB said, post a HijackThis report,
> |> > > |> |> or at least...
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> (1) "START button, Run, MSInfo32, Software Environment,
> |> > > |> |> Startup Programs".
> |> > > |> |> (2) Use the Edit menu to Select All & Copy.
> |> > > |> |> (3) Post it here or there.
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> Hopefully, as Terhune may have said, these pop-ups are an
> |> > > |> |> annoyance, but not a real threat. Then, once it is
> |> > > |> |> identified, there could even be an entry at...
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> "START, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs,
> |> > > |> |> Install/Uninstall tab"
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> ... that will remove it.
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> | Let me know if this is
> |> > > |> |> | going through. I have another question, The top of my
> |> > > |> |> | Outlook express has changed the buttons were along the
> |> > > |> |> | top, now they are at the bottom. Are there any settings
> |> > > |> |> | that need to be readjusted? Or is it from the troubles
> |> > > |> |> | with the Pop ups that has caused anything. The buttons
> |> > > |> |> | are in a drop down button only marked with a >>.
> |> > > |> |> | When I do a post they are across the top
> |> > > |> |> | as they were. Angel "MEB" <meb@not>
> |> > > |> |> | wrote in message
> |> > > |> |> | news:uQgQEdt0HHA.1168@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> |> > > |> |> |>
> |> > > |> |> |> "Angel" <> wrote in message
> |> > > |> |> |> news:ehw8x5s0HHA.4652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> |> > > |> |> |> | Hi,
> |> > > |> |> |> | I have a dilemma. I tried to post 3 times today
> |> > > |> |> |> | to the string, "Error Alert?" NO SUCCESS So trying
> |> > > |> |> |> | again!! What is happening? Angel
> |> > > |> |> |> |
> |> > > |> |> |> |
> |> > > |> |> |>
> |> > > |> |> |> Good question, I have now tried six times to post a
> |> > > |> |> |> reply to PCR in the firewalls discussion..
> |> > > |> |> |>
> |> > > |> |> |> --
> |> > > |> |> |> MEB
> |> > > |> |> |>
> |> > > |> |> |> ________
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |> |> --
> |> > > |> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> > > |> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> > > |> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> > > |> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> > > |> |> PCR
> |> > > |> |>
> |> > > |>
> |> > > |> --
> |> > > |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> > > |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> > > |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> > > |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> > > |> PCR
> |> > > |>
> |> > >
> |> > > --
> |> > > Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> > > There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> > > Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> > > Should things get worse after this,
> |> > > PCR
> |> > >
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
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