Francois PIETTE
Hi !
I'm looking for a single sign on (SSO) solution suitable for an hospital
I has to be based on Active Directory. It has to control/automate login in
Windows, Outlook, web (IE) applications and many classical Windows
applications. Ideally it would make use of XP fast user switching.
I would like to have an autenthication device working with proximity
detector (RFID, BlueTooth or whatever technology).
Any idea about commercial or open source product ?
Francois PIETTE
I'm looking for a single sign on (SSO) solution suitable for an hospital
I has to be based on Active Directory. It has to control/automate login in
Windows, Outlook, web (IE) applications and many classical Windows
applications. Ideally it would make use of XP fast user switching.
I would like to have an autenthication device working with proximity
detector (RFID, BlueTooth or whatever technology).
Any idea about commercial or open source product ?
Francois PIETTE