Does MS Cofee Backdoor Work with 98?



Well, what a non-surprise, no wishes to bite,,, okay I will.
Likely not, there is no need. There is no encryption and that style of
supposed security in 9X. Any that was used would be from third party

Likely one of the things this tool would use is the mistaken idea that
people have, that encryption is finite. In XP and VISTA the files are opened
and held as all other files are, in streams, bits and pieces which may be
all over the disk. The file may be closed but the data or parts of it may
still be found unencrypted. Then there are also the logs created by the
system for various reasons.
As was indicated, there are dozens of tools available to *hack* even the
most secure [supposedly] systems, what makes this of interest is Microsoft
providing the tool. Who else would know EXACTLY how its OSs work, however,
the supposed "full text of Microsoft's final answer on COFEE" is unsigned as
presented.. Without the signature it holds little value.

As for the comments it always amazes me that people still suffer under the
impression that the Constitution protects them, and supposed illegal search
and seizure will as well. The modifiers in today's world and courts are
"reasonable suspicion", "reasonable to assume" taken with any of the *keys*
now used, be it {child or adult}pornography, illegal software or music,
drugs, terrorism, money laundering, tax evasion, espionage, sedition,
malcontent, (you get the picture)., to the point that those once expected
protections become the whim of the judge. You mainly find these supposed
protections posted by ignorant parties whom haven't read the rulings or the
related Laws and Acts, and who ALWAYS post the "Big Brother"/conspiracy
theory/nut case/whatever label against any who question the activities.
There are a LOT of ignorant people on this planet.


"foo" <> wrote in message
| "Microsoft slowly seals its lips about its police toolkit"
| bout_its_police_toolkit/1210007124
| Does Microsoft include win 98 support with this tool?

Mike Y

"foo" <> wrote in message
> "Microsoft slowly seals its lips about its police toolkit"
> bout_its_police_toolkit/1210007124
> Does Microsoft include win 98 support with this tool?

I imagine SOME of the tools will work, but some won't, and some won't
even be necessary.

While there are certainly some OS specific tools on the device, the real
tool is having the ability to get in 'live' and do 'snapshots' without a
reboot that would prompt for 'activation' passwords, or worse, waveoffs
for wipers and destructive utilities.

As to 98, unless it is '98SE', it won't support the device anyway, and
even 98SE might require drivers and a reboot. At that point, the best
choice for an investigator is to yank the plug live then pull the drive out
and use a forensic interface to snapshot it, then put it in an evidence bag
and not touch it again except to maybe make more snapshots.

Even WITH the tool, it's still be advisable to yank the plug and
snapshot the drive.
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