win98 se startup issues



Let me pop in with my OT thoughts...

Religion [all of them] are creations of man, created by men wishing to
control those around them, used to attempt to explain issues which men
during those time periods were unable to answer, EACH written by MEN who
were supposedly directed by some GOD entity to do so.
Religions are PERSONAL choices. The oldest, the first sets of LAWS man
created for themselves.
Whatever caused the creation of the universe and other, it is doubtful that
whatever did gives a hoot whether insignificant man bows to it, prays to it,
or even is concerned with or about it. Reading ANY of the tomes associated
with these religions leaves VAST amounts of conflicting and un-answered
questions. EVERYONE of them reverts to "you must have faith" as the final
answer, which means you must blindly TRUST without concern, unthinkingly
BELIEVE without answers, and generally limit yourself to those and other
failings ...

Marriage is a creation of man, defined by Laws created by men, and fostered
within the religions to further their directions. Mankind SHOULD be able to
respect others of mankind WITHOUT marriage or religion, the statute Law and
religious Law require otherwise.

So unless you want me to place a request YOU PROVE with clear and
convincing evidence of the existence of YOUR particular GOD {which you can't
do}, then I would suggest you keep these OT ramblings in another group.


"jane" <> wrote in message
| "Gary S. Terhune"
| > How'd you guess? Was I clear enough? The SOB is a psychic vampire.
(Since he
| > wants to insist he's well, I have to take him at his word. He's well,
| > just a total a**hole.)
| silly boy, there are 3 ***'s, you should know that well.
| poor ol' dan, cops it awl dont he. (hows ya brother dan? has he finished
killing humans yet?)
| on the topic of 'humans',, lots seem to be hyprocrites, dont they.
| noted that you referred (or de-ferred) to 'human' in your post.... funny
thing is, u is of da human
| race, dick n' all.
| but real funny thing is, i remember a post here where you made it clear
that you dont believe in a
| god, (which equates to you only answering to yourself), yet you married
your bride via a preacher
| and in the sight of god and also mumbled words to the preacher when he
asked you certain
| questions...... correct?? dont be shy gary, answer the
question, your bride would be
| proud to know that you confessed your love to her to an ambassador of
christ,,, and to every one
| who reads n/g's. (you may get lucky tonite.)
| you also have been to friends weddings, all of which have a christian
theme, you also have been to a
| funeral, of which an ambassador of christ proceeded over........ and
no doubt have been to many
| and various christian functions.....
| so, point is, how can you call Dan all sorts of names, including
sub-human, when you yourself are a
| hypocrite of extreme size.
| would you care to make public and clear via this n/g and its readers,
whether or whether not you
| believe that god created you and this planet and all things known and
those that cant be known to a
| man?
| do you, or do you not acknowledge a god, do your wedding vowels to your
wife mean anything, or were
| they just words of convenience?
| is late, night gary.

Gary S. Terhune

Ahhh... I see that you're really Imemine. I knew you were off-kilter. Must
be why I felt so bad apologizing to you. And, having noted that, I have to
wonder if you aren't really Dan and your situation isn't getting worse. In
that case, the diagnosis would be more like MPD, or whatever they call it
these days. I hope not. I meant it when I said I liked Dan.

That or you're just a lunatic on your own account. Or somebody's account,
anyway. Imemine, jane, whoever... "." or 98 Guy, who knows. Lying sacks of
excrement, every one of you. Except that "lunatic" is to nice a word. The
correct word would be an insult to any true lunatic. It would also prevent
this post from going through.

What's the matter, didn't like my last post to Imemine?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> What flavor lunatic are you? Friend of Dan's? Except Dan would never use
> religion to put down someone else. Anyway, you have the facts all wrong,
> every one of them. Go pray some more until you get it right. Should keep
> you busy until it's time to meet your maker (as if!)
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "jane" <> wrote in message
> news:erSbxj$vIHA.4560@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> "Gary S. Terhune"
>>> How'd you guess? Was I clear enough? The SOB is a psychic vampire.
>>> (Since he
>>> wants to insist he's well, I have to take him at his word. He's well,
>>> he's
>>> just a total a**hole.)

>> silly boy, there are 3 ***'s, you should know that well.
>> poor ol' dan, cops it awl dont he. (hows ya brother dan? has he finished
>> killing humans yet?)
>> on the topic of 'humans',, lots seem to be hyprocrites, dont they.
>> noted that you referred (or de-ferred) to 'human' in your post.... funny
>> thing is, u is of da human
>> race, dick n' all.
>> but real funny thing is, i remember a post here where you made it clear
>> that you dont believe in a
>> god, (which equates to you only answering to yourself), yet you married
>> your bride via a preacher
>> and in the sight of god and also mumbled words to the preacher when he
>> asked you certain
>> questions...... correct?? dont be shy gary, answer the
>> question, your bride would be
>> proud to know that you confessed your love to her to an ambassador of
>> christ,,, and to every one
>> who reads n/g's. (you may get lucky tonite.)
>> you also have been to friends weddings, all of which have a christian
>> theme, you also have been to a
>> funeral, of which an ambassador of christ proceeded over........ and
>> no doubt have been to many
>> and various christian functions.....
>> so, point is, how can you call Dan all sorts of names, including
>> sub-human, when you yourself are a
>> hypocrite of extreme size.
>> would you care to make public and clear via this n/g and its readers,
>> whether or whether not you
>> believe that god created you and this planet and all things known and
>> those that cant be known to a
>> man?
>> do you, or do you not acknowledge a god, do your wedding vowels to your
>> wife mean anything, or were
>> they just words of convenience?
>> is late, night gary.



"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message news:u1kRbeWwIHA.552@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> Ahhh... I see that you're really Imemine. I knew you were off-kilter.

gary, my dear friend, you see nothing... your eyes have been blinded a long time ago,,,, but it
was through 'choice', and you chose.

> be why I felt so bad apologizing to you. And, having noted that, I have to
> wonder if you aren't really Dan and your situation isn't getting worse.

summon all the doctors you like, but doctors are only ppl who learn about the humanics of a human
just like you have learned heaps about puters....

> that case, the diagnosis would be more like MPD, or whatever they call it
> these days. I hope not.

beats me gst,,, so many names, so many acronyms nowadays,,, all in the name of making a human
betta..... but a human will never be betta til he finds the link twixt him/her self and the
creator,,,,, its what burdens every human everyday,, whether they realise it or not.

I meant it when I said I liked Dan.

and so you should,,,, goodness, he licked and licked forever just trying to get you to pat him

> That or you're just a lunatic on your own account. Or somebody's account,
> anyway. Imemine, jane, whoever... "." or 98 Guy, who knows. Lying sacks of
> excrement, every one of you.

see, this is zactly what i mean about you.... when you dont understand something, you choose to
insult it or shoot it... a very typical american attitude as has been portrayed in movies (made
in merica) for over 60yrs.... whereby if an merican sees a space ship land in his backyard, his
first instinct is to grab his gun!!!!!!! pretty pathetic way of dealing with things if you ask

Except that "lunatic" is to nice a word. The
> correct word would be an insult to any true lunatic. It would also prevent
> this post from going through.

well, thats a shame isnt it gst,,,, you dont get to vent your arrogance due to your respect to the
a company called micro..... but, you have no problem at all glaring and snarling at a mere man
whose only charge was to come help you help yourself,, he even died trying to help you.
> What's the matter, didn't like my last post to Imemine?

ohmygod...... forgot about that group.... sorry bud, havent been back since i did Exactly
what i said should have been done..... and it worked perfectly. so there ya go,,, you got
the imemine answer here, and the problem got solved in a simplistic way.

as for your comment(s) about Religion,,,,,,, you are sooooooooo far offa the beaten
catholics are religion, buddists are religion, mormons are religion, anglicans are religion......
but followers of christ who did what he said re: recieving the holy ghost, that got 'zilch, zero,
nada, ' to do with religion..... in fact, i challenge you as a smart person and as an academic
person, to show me where 'religion' is mentioned in the book of life? surely you can back up
your statement.

also, care to share with us all whether or whether not you got married inna church? with a
'minister' (ha ha,,, bluddy religion again) presiding? and when that guy from this group died,
did you attend a funeral? have you ever attended a funeral? if so, was it presided over by
some sort of rep' of christ/god?

maybe now you see what i mean by hypocrite,,,, if you dont, then you are simply dumb.
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:Oh7E4MBwIHA.1240@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> > What flavor lunatic are you? Friend of Dan's? Except Dan would never use
> > religion to put down someone else. Anyway, you have the facts all wrong,
> > every one of them. Go pray some more until you get it right. Should keep
> > you busy until it's time to meet your maker (as if!)
> >
> > --
> > Gary S. Terhune
> > MS-MVP Shell/User
> >
> >
> > "jane" <> wrote in message
> > news:erSbxj$vIHA.4560@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> >>
> >> "Gary S. Terhune"
> >>> How'd you guess? Was I clear enough? The SOB is a psychic vampire.
> >>> (Since he
> >>> wants to insist he's well, I have to take him at his word. He's well,
> >>> he's
> >>> just a total a**hole.)
> >>
> >> silly boy, there are 3 ***'s, you should know that well.
> >> poor ol' dan, cops it awl dont he. (hows ya brother dan? has he finished
> >> killing humans yet?)
> >> on the topic of 'humans',, lots seem to be hyprocrites, dont they.
> >> noted that you referred (or de-ferred) to 'human' in your post.... funny
> >> thing is, u is of da human
> >> race, dick n' all.
> >> but real funny thing is, i remember a post here where you made it clear
> >> that you dont believe in a
> >> god, (which equates to you only answering to yourself), yet you married
> >> your bride via a preacher
> >> and in the sight of god and also mumbled words to the preacher when he
> >> asked you certain
> >> questions...... correct?? dont be shy gary, answer the
> >> question, your bride would be
> >> proud to know that you confessed your love to her to an ambassador of
> >> christ,,, and to every one
> >> who reads n/g's. (you may get lucky tonite.)
> >> you also have been to friends weddings, all of which have a christian
> >> theme, you also have been to a
> >> funeral, of which an ambassador of christ proceeded over........ and
> >> no doubt have been to many
> >> and various christian functions.....
> >> so, point is, how can you call Dan all sorts of names, including
> >> sub-human, when you yourself are a
> >> hypocrite of extreme size.
> >> would you care to make public and clear via this n/g and its readers,
> >> whether or whether not you
> >> believe that god created you and this planet and all things known and
> >> those that cant be known to a
> >> man?
> >> do you, or do you not acknowledge a god, do your wedding vowels to your
> >> wife mean anything, or were
> >> they just words of convenience?
> >>
> >> is late, night gary.
> >>
> >>

> >

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