WinXP --> Win98 Dial Up (direct)



Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.

So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin ignorant
that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being shoved
down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain WHY
you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure your

By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good of
mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind of
story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's a lot
of other animals out there...

As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making your
web pages???

Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So when
have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain

Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help each


"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| >
| > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear that
| > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few bucks.
| > Surely
| > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
| > |
| > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups. Some
| > I'm
| > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so seldom
| > have
| > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that can't
| > stop
| > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
| > commercial
| > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of the
| > "can't
| > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the ninth
| > | circle of hell.
| > |
| > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
| > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I thought the
| > | warning was warranted.
| > |
| > | --
| > | Gary S. Terhune
| > | MS-MVP Shell/User
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with the
| > service
| > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this several
| > in this group..
| What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post? What do
| you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly don't put
| that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least one
| to your site.)
| And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
| weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed Pope of
| security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky trading your
| soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable crap,
| crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know, because
| leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites, drivers
| downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while to see
| what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I haven't seen
| in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get positive
| results.
| > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get it,
| > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that you
| > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and other junk
| > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods to do
| > so,
| > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
| You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm perfectly
| well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause me
| problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've already
| explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
| in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have much
| to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in many if
| not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended to.
| > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like you
| > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I have no
| > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
| > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant enough
| > to
| > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for years.
| > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
| > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections based
| > largely
| > upon the thin air that seems to be what the video/TV/gaming/scripted
| > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the students
| > find
| > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for awhile in
| > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially as
| > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
| >
| > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are, why
| > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their service.
| > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
| Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again? You're
| saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money from
| mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you send
| people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
| trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes especially
| regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less), one
| not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously interested in
| your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
| certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and third
| thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared values.
| Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's SITE IS
| FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can only say
| that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty, that
| has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that last
| sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
| I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times, and I've
| yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you continue to
| amaze me with your hypocrisies.
| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| >
| > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
| > | > Might
| > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them from...
| > you
| > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find that
| > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know how
| > use
| > | > Google?
| > | >
| > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you through
| > | > techniques and changes necessary...
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB
| > | > --
| > | > _________
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And, yes, I
| > know
| > | > how
| > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off for when
| > | > need
| > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing these days
| > is
| > | > fairly
| > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups are
| > | > particularly
| > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I suggest you
| > check
| > | > | them out.
| > | > |
| > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure have
| > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
| > | > |
| > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem, right-click
| > | > button
| > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to more
| > | > |
| > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from, then
| > | > suggest
| > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that include
| > own
| > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I could get
| > for
| > | > a
| > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for instance
| > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that I am
| > | > total
| > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of course,
| > | > whether
| > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One thing I
| > | > *certainly*
| > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
| > | > |
| > | > | --
| > | > | Gary S. Terhune
| > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > | >
| > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I thought
| > a
| > | > web
| > | > | > page might be in order.
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > _________
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >


"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
| So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin
| that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
| down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain
| you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure your
| systems.
| By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good of
| mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind of
| story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
| planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's a
| of other animals out there...
| As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
| because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
| gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making
| web pages???
| Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
| security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So when
| have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
| attempt.
| Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help
| other...

Well, you have "told" me, after reading your latest post, and actually
having a look at your "official" site.
Beyond any doubt your massive ego, and over inflated opinion of your worth
is obvious.

Gary S. Terhune

Just like you to change the subject. What's the matter? Got no good answers
so you attack me instead? Like you always turn the discussion to your
favorite topic, SECURITY!!!, and make me the boogy man. You try it just
about every day. The answer will always be the same: Your side lost. The
security or lack thereof in Win98 is more and more meaningless and will
become more and more meaningless every day. It's like driving a Model-T on
the freeway. Stupid and crazy. (Not that there aren't plenty of stupid and
crazy people out there.)

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
> So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin ignorant
> that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
> shoved
> down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain WHY
> you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure your
> systems.
> By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good of
> mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind of
> story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
> planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's a
> lot
> of other animals out there...
> As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
> because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
> gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making your
> web pages???
> Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
> security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So when
> have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
> attempt.
> Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help each
> other...
> --
> --
> _________
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:%23JEm8KezIHA.2384@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | >
> | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear that
> you
> | > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few bucks.
> | > Surely
> | > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
> | > |
> | > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups. Some
> that
> | > I'm
> | > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so
> seldom
> | > have
> | > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that
> can't
> | > stop
> | > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
> | > commercial
> | > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of the
> | > "can't
> | > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the
> ninth
> | > | circle of hell.
> | > |
> | > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
> whatever
> | > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I thought
> the
> | > | warning was warranted.
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> | > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with the
> | > service
> | > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this several
> times
> | > in this group..
> |
> | What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post? What
> do
> | you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly don't
> put
> | that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least one
> link
> | to your site.)
> |
> | And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
> fine-print
> | weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed Pope of
> | security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky trading
> your
> | soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable crap,
> | crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know,
> because
> I
> | leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites, drivers
> | downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while to
> see
> | what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I haven't
> seen
> | in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get positive
> | results.
> |
> | > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get it,
> so
> | > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that you
> | > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and other
> junk
> | > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods to
> do
> | > so,
> | > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
> |
> | You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm
> perfectly
> | well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause me
> any
> | problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've
> already
> | explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
> indispensible
> | in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have much
> good
> | to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in many
> if
> | not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended to.
> |
> | > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like you
> | > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I have
> no
> | > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
> should
> | > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant
> enough
> | > to
> | > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for years.
> Not
> | > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
> reality
> | > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections based
> | > largely
> | > upon the thin air that seems to be what the video/TV/gaming/scripted
> | > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the
> students
> | > find
> | > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for awhile
> in
> | > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially as
> the
> | > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
> | >
> | > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are, why
> not
> | > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their service.
> There
> | > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
> |
> | Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again? You're
> | saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money
> from
> | mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you send
> | people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
> CERTs,
> | trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes especially
> with
> | regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less), one
> would
> | not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously interested in
> | your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
> | certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and third
> | thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared values.
> |
> | Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's SITE
> IS
> | FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can only
> say
> | that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty, that
> he
> | has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that last
> | sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
> |
> | I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times, and
> I've
> | yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you continue
> to
> | amaze me with your hypocrisies.
> |
> | --
> | Gary S. Terhune
> | MS-MVP Shell/User
> |
> |
> |
> | >
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
> service.
> | > | > Might
> | > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them from...
> do
> | > you
> | > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find that
> | > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know how
> to
> | > use
> | > | > Google?
> | > | >
> | > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you through
> the
> | > | > techniques and changes necessary...
> | > | >
> | > | > --
> | > | > MEB
> | > | > --
> | > | > _________
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And, yes,
> I
> | > know
> | > | > how
> | > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off for
> when
> I
> | > | > need
> | > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing these
> days
> | > is
> | > | > fairly
> | > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups are
> | > | > particularly
> | > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I suggest
> you
> | > check
> | > | > | them out.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure
> have
> a
> | > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem, right-click
> the
> | > | > button
> | > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to more
> crap.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from,
> then
> I
> | > | > suggest
> | > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that include
> your
> | > own
> | > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I could
> get
> it
> | > for
> | > | > a
> | > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for instance
> | > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that I
> am
> in
> | > | > total
> | > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of
> course,
> | > | > whether
> | > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One thing I
> | > | > *certainly*
> | > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | --
> | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I thought
> maybe
> | > a
> | > | > web
> | > | > | > page might be in order.
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> |
> |


No Gary, as usual, both you and Sunny have done the same stupid little
things your little minds always do on USENET. Here you are hijacking a
thread with mindless and stupid comments just so you have something to post.

YOU, Gary, started an attack just like YOU always do.
YOU previously attempted to label any who disagree with YOU and your XP
views as Luddites.
YOU have repeatedly attacked parties merely posting in this group for no
apparent reason other than you were having a bad day.
YOU have repeatedly attempted to bring me into this mindless stupidity of
This is a help group guys, take your mentally ill activities elsewhere and
seek some professional help. What you are receiving now apparently isn't

Moreover, once again you are still spouting the same mindless Microsoft
adverti$ing crap you have spouted since you became a user... and still
having run nothing but those Microsoft products...

Like I said, take your meds, seek professional medical help, and try to
actually provide a useful function on this planet.


"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| Just like you to change the subject. What's the matter? Got no good
| so you attack me instead? Like you always turn the discussion to your
| favorite topic, SECURITY!!!, and make me the boogy man. You try it just
| about every day. The answer will always be the same: Your side lost. The
| security or lack thereof in Win98 is more and more meaningless and will
| become more and more meaningless every day. It's like driving a Model-T on
| the freeway. Stupid and crazy. (Not that there aren't plenty of stupid and
| crazy people out there.)
| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| news:e8XnHlezIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
| >
| > So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin
| > that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
| > shoved
| > down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain
| > you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure your
| > systems.
| >
| > By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good of
| > mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind of
| > story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
| > planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's a
| > lot
| > of other animals out there...
| >
| > As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
| > because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
| > gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making
| > web pages???
| >
| > Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
| > security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So when
| > have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
| > attempt.
| >
| > Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help
| > other...
| >
| > --
| > MEB
| > --
| > _________
| >
| > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > news:%23JEm8KezIHA.2384@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
| > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > | >
| > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > | > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear
| > you
| > | > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few bucks.
| > | > Surely
| > | > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
| > | > |
| > | > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups.
| > that
| > | > I'm
| > | > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so
| > seldom
| > | > have
| > | > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that
| > can't
| > | > stop
| > | > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
| > | > commercial
| > | > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of the
| > | > "can't
| > | > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the
| > ninth
| > | > | circle of hell.
| > | > |
| > | > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
| > whatever
| > | > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I thought
| > the
| > | > | warning was warranted.
| > | > |
| > | > | --
| > | > | Gary S. Terhune
| > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with the
| > | > service
| > | > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this several
| > times
| > | > in this group..
| > |
| > | What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post?
| > do
| > | you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly don't
| > put
| > | that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least
| > link
| > | to your site.)
| > |
| > | And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
| > fine-print
| > | weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed Pope
| > | security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky trading
| > your
| > | soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable
| > | crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know,
| > because
| > I
| > | leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites, drivers
| > | downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while to
| > see
| > | what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I haven't
| > seen
| > | in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get
| > | results.
| > |
| > | > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get
| > so
| > | > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that
| > | > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and other
| > junk
| > | > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods
| > do
| > | > so,
| > | > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
| > |
| > | You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm
| > perfectly
| > | well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause
| > any
| > | problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've
| > already
| > | explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
| > indispensible
| > | in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have much
| > good
| > | to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in
| > if
| > | not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended to.
| > |
| > | > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like
| > | > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I
| > no
| > | > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
| > should
| > | > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant
| > enough
| > | > to
| > | > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for
| > Not
| > | > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
| > reality
| > | > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections based
| > | > largely
| > | > upon the thin air that seems to be what the video/TV/gaming/scripted
| > | > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the
| > students
| > | > find
| > | > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for awhile
| > in
| > | > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially
| > the
| > | > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
| > | >
| > | > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are,
| > not
| > | > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their service.
| > There
| > | > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
| > |
| > | Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again?
| > | saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money
| > from
| > | mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you send
| > | people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
| > CERTs,
| > | trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes
| > with
| > | regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less), one
| > would
| > | not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously interested
| > | your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
| > | certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and
| > | thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared
| > |
| > | Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's SITE
| > IS
| > | FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can only
| > say
| > | that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty,
| > he
| > | has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that last
| > | sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
| > |
| > | I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times, and
| > I've
| > | yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you
| > to
| > | amaze me with your hypocrisies.
| > |
| > | --
| > | Gary S. Terhune
| > | MS-MVP Shell/User
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | >
| > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
| > service.
| > | > | > Might
| > | > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them
| > do
| > | > you
| > | > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find
| > | > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know
| > to
| > | > use
| > | > | > Google?
| > | > | >
| > | > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you
| > the
| > | > | > techniques and changes necessary...
| > | > | >
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > --
| > | > | > _________
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| > | > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And,
| > I
| > | > know
| > | > | > how
| > | > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off for
| > when
| > I
| > | > | > need
| > | > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing these
| > days
| > | > is
| > | > | > fairly
| > | > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups are
| > | > | > particularly
| > | > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I suggest
| > you
| > | > check
| > | > | > | them out.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure
| > have
| > a
| > | > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem,
| > the
| > | > | > button
| > | > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to more
| > crap.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from,
| > then
| > I
| > | > | > suggest
| > | > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that
| > your
| > | > own
| > | > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I could
| > get
| > it
| > | > for
| > | > | > a
| > | > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for instance
| > | > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that I
| > am
| > in
| > | > | > total
| > | > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of
| > course,
| > | > | > whether
| > | > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One thing
| > | > | > *certainly*
| > | > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | --
| > | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
| > | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| > | > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I thought
| > maybe
| > | > a
| > | > | > web
| > | > | > | > page might be in order.
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > | > --
| > | > | > | > MEB
| > | > | > | > --
| > | > | > | > _________
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > | >
| > | > | > |
| > | > | > |
| > | > | >
| > | > | >
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Gary S. Terhune

YOU are a FRAUD, MEB. I have no more to say to you. Go howl into the night!

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> No Gary, as usual, both you and Sunny have done the same stupid little
> things your little minds always do on USENET. Here you are hijacking a
> thread with mindless and stupid comments just so you have something to
> post.
> YOU, Gary, started an attack just like YOU always do.
> YOU previously attempted to label any who disagree with YOU and your XP
> views as Luddites.
> YOU have repeatedly attacked parties merely posting in this group for no
> apparent reason other than you were having a bad day.
> YOU have repeatedly attempted to bring me into this mindless stupidity of
> yours.
> This is a help group guys, take your mentally ill activities elsewhere and
> seek some professional help. What you are receiving now apparently isn't
> working..
> Moreover, once again you are still spouting the same mindless Microsoft
> adverti$ing crap you have spouted since you became a user... and still
> having run nothing but those Microsoft products...
> Like I said, take your meds, seek professional medical help, and try to
> actually provide a useful function on this planet.
> --
> --
> _________
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:O75a0efzIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | Just like you to change the subject. What's the matter? Got no good
> answers
> | so you attack me instead? Like you always turn the discussion to your
> | favorite topic, SECURITY!!!, and make me the boogy man. You try it just
> | about every day. The answer will always be the same: Your side lost. The
> | security or lack thereof in Win98 is more and more meaningless and will
> | become more and more meaningless every day. It's like driving a Model-T
> on
> | the freeway. Stupid and crazy. (Not that there aren't plenty of stupid
> and
> | crazy people out there.)
> |
> | --
> | Gary S. Terhune
> | MS-MVP Shell/User
> |
> |
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:e8XnHlezIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
> | >
> | > So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin
> ignorant
> | > that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
> | > shoved
> | > down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain
> | > you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure
> your
> | > systems.
> | >
> | > By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good
> of
> | > mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind
> of
> | > story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
> | > planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's
> a
> | > lot
> | > of other animals out there...
> | >
> | > As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
> | > because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
> | > gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making
> your
> | > web pages???
> | >
> | > Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
> | > security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So
> when
> | > have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
> | > attempt.
> | >
> | > Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help
> each
> | > other...
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > --
> | > _________
> | >
> | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > news:%23JEm8KezIHA.2384@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | >
> | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear
> that
> | > you
> | > | > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few
> bucks.
> | > | > Surely
> | > | > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups.
> Some
> | > that
> | > | > I'm
> | > | > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so
> | > seldom
> | > | > have
> | > | > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that
> | > can't
> | > | > stop
> | > | > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
> | > | > commercial
> | > | > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of
> the
> | > | > "can't
> | > | > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the
> | > ninth
> | > | > | circle of hell.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
> | > whatever
> | > | > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I
> thought
> | > the
> | > | > | warning was warranted.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | --
> | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with
> the
> | > | > service
> | > | > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this
> several
> | > times
> | > | > in this group..
> | > |
> | > | What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post?
> What
> | > do
> | > | you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly
> don't
> | > put
> | > | that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least
> one
> | > link
> | > | to your site.)
> | > |
> | > | And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
> | > fine-print
> | > | weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed
> Pope
> of
> | > | security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky
> trading
> | > your
> | > | soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable
> crap,
> | > | crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know,
> | > because
> | > I
> | > | leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites,
> drivers
> | > | downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while
> to
> | > see
> | > | what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I
> haven't
> | > seen
> | > | in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get
> positive
> | > | results.
> | > |
> | > | > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get
> it,
> | > so
> | > | > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that
> you
> | > | > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and
> other
> | > junk
> | > | > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods
> to
> | > do
> | > | > so,
> | > | > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
> | > |
> | > | You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm
> | > perfectly
> | > | well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause
> me
> | > any
> | > | problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've
> | > already
> | > | explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
> | > indispensible
> | > | in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have
> much
> | > good
> | > | to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in
> many
> | > if
> | > | not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended
> to.
> | > |
> | > | > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like
> you
> | > | > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I
> have
> | > no
> | > | > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
> | > should
> | > | > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant
> | > enough
> | > | > to
> | > | > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for
> years.
> | > Not
> | > | > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
> | > reality
> | > | > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections
> based
> | > | > largely
> | > | > upon the thin air that seems to be what the
> video/TV/gaming/scripted
> | > | > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the
> | > students
> | > | > find
> | > | > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for
> awhile
> | > in
> | > | > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially
> as
> | > the
> | > | > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
> | > | >
> | > | > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are,
> why
> | > not
> | > | > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their
> service.
> | > There
> | > | > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
> | > |
> | > | Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again?
> You're
> | > | saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money
> | > from
> | > | mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you
> send
> | > | people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
> | > CERTs,
> | > | trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes
> especially
> | > with
> | > | regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less),
> one
> | > would
> | > | not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously
> interested
> in
> | > | your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
> | > | certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and
> third
> | > | thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared
> values.
> | > |
> | > | Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's
> | > IS
> | > | FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can
> only
> | > say
> | > | that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty,
> that
> | > he
> | > | has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that
> last
> | > | sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
> | > |
> | > | I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times,
> and
> | > I've
> | > | yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you
> continue
> | > to
> | > | amaze me with your hypocrisies.
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | >
> | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
> | > service.
> | > | > | > Might
> | > | > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them
> from...
> | > do
> | > | > you
> | > | > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find
> that
> | > | > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know
> how
> | > to
> | > | > use
> | > | > | > Google?
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you
> through
> | > the
> | > | > | > techniques and changes necessary...
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And,
> yes,
> | > I
> | > | > know
> | > | > | > how
> | > | > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off
> for
> | > when
> | > I
> | > | > | > need
> | > | > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing
> these
> | > days
> | > | > is
> | > | > | > fairly
> | > | > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups
> are
> | > | > | > particularly
> | > | > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I
> suggest
> | > you
> | > | > check
> | > | > | > | them out.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure
> | > have
> | > a
> | > | > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem,
> right-click
> | > the
> | > | > | > button
> | > | > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to
> more
> | > crap.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from,
> | > then
> | > I
> | > | > | > suggest
> | > | > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that
> include
> | > your
> | > | > own
> | > | > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I
> could
> | > get
> | > it
> | > | > for
> | > | > | > a
> | > | > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for
> instance
> | > | > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that
> I
> | > am
> | > in
> | > | > | > total
> | > | > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of
> | > course,
> | > | > | > whether
> | > | > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One
> thing
> I
> | > | > | > *certainly*
> | > | > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | --
> | > | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I
> thought
> | > maybe
> | > | > a
> | > | > | > web
> | > | > | > | > page might be in order.
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> |
> |

Gary S. Terhune

OK, this one I will respond to, after all. But you ARE a fraud. Anyone who
reads your diatribes at all critically can easily see so.

Comments inline.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> No Gary, as usual, both you and Sunny have done the same stupid little
> things your little minds always do on USENET. Here you are hijacking a
> thread with mindless and stupid comments just so you have something to
> post.

I'll let Sunny defend himself if he feels you're worth it. I didn't hijach a
thread, I deliberately and matter-of-fctually commented on the link you
provided. Should I have started a new thread? I just figured that since I
KNOW you always have a pop-up blocker on you don't know what really goes on
in the internet world, and I didn't think you were SUCH a jerk as to allow
that kind of thing to go on, so I figured I'd tell you about it. Give you
some suggestions for alternative solutions.

But as it turns out, you're just a socially irresponsible FRAUD.

> YOU, Gary, started an attack just like YOU always do.

Your site is an insult to any "professional" who provides assistance to this
group. THAT is why I took offense and commented. I gave suggestions, you
took unwarranted offense when you could have instead admitted that I was
right and that you need to find a different host. You so much couldn't
defend yourself against what I charged that you descended into blithering

> YOU previously attempted to label any who disagree with YOU and your XP
> views as Luddites.

I don't have XP views you idiot, except to say that it does what I need to
do better than ANY other OS on the market, past or present, and so for
practical reasons, I use it. I most certainly wish there was a better OS out
there and I'm no more happy with the history of Microsoft's development of
Windows than you are.

No, what I have are Windows 98 views and they say that Win98 is dying a
rather quick death, now, that it is obsolete, that people who insist on
staying stuck in the past with Win98, ESPECIALLY when they do so by atacking
everything else more modern, in this case Windows XP and Vista, are
Luddites, which they are, by definition.

If you'd ever bothered to read what I post, you'd know that my argument is
based upon economics, not technicalities or comparative security, or
whatever else your pathologically obsessed mind wants to obsess about.

> YOU have repeatedly attacked parties merely posting in this group for no
> apparent reason other than you were having a bad day.

A couple of times, yes, and I admitted it. But just because I say what I
mean, out loud and withholding no punches, or even if I rant, that does NOT
mean it wasn't deserved. Plus, when I run into someone who deserves a
dressing down (or, more commonly a WAKING UP!), I take full advantage of the
cathartic opportunities presented.

> YOU have repeatedly attempted to bring me into this mindless stupidity of
> yours.

I haven't attempted to bring you into ANY conversation. All I had to do is
call some other idiot a Luddite and there you were to take offense. Nobody
invited you. And there's nothing mindlesss OR stupid about calling Windows
98 an obsolete system and its *enthusiasts* Luddites. Those are both true
facts, by definition.

> This is a help group guys, take your mentally ill activities elsewhere and
> seek some professional help. What you are receiving now apparently isn't
> working..


> Moreover, once again you are still spouting the same mindless Microsoft
> adverti$ing crap you have spouted since you became a user... and still
> having run nothing but those Microsoft products...

Please point out where I "spout" such crap. I simply tell it like it is. You
are the one so wrapped up in your conspiracy theories and whining about
Microsoft that you can't even see straight enough to actually read what I
write in our conversations. And you are again LYING when you say that I've
never run any other OS than Windows. Why do you keep spouting these lies?
Oh, I know. Because you really don't KNOW a thing about me but you've run
out of arguments, so it's time to drag out the LIES.

> Like I said, take your meds, seek professional medical help, and try to
> actually provide a useful function on this planet.

Again, GFY. You have no idea what you're talking about. As usual.

Anyway, NOW maybe I will stop responding to your posts. I never get anything
but insane babbling in return, anyway.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:O75a0efzIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | Just like you to change the subject. What's the matter? Got no good
> answers
> | so you attack me instead? Like you always turn the discussion to your
> | favorite topic, SECURITY!!!, and make me the boogy man. You try it just
> | about every day. The answer will always be the same: Your side lost. The
> | security or lack thereof in Win98 is more and more meaningless and will
> | become more and more meaningless every day. It's like driving a Model-T
> on
> | the freeway. Stupid and crazy. (Not that there aren't plenty of stupid
> and
> | crazy people out there.)
> |
> | --
> | Gary S. Terhune
> | MS-MVP Shell/User
> |
> |
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:e8XnHlezIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
> | >
> | > So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin
> ignorant
> | > that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
> | > shoved
> | > down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain
> | > you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure
> your
> | > systems.
> | >
> | > By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good
> of
> | > mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind
> of
> | > story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
> | > planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's
> a
> | > lot
> | > of other animals out there...
> | >
> | > As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
> | > because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
> | > gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making
> your
> | > web pages???
> | >
> | > Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
> | > security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So
> when
> | > have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
> | > attempt.
> | >
> | > Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help
> each
> | > other...
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > --
> | > _________
> | >
> | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > news:%23JEm8KezIHA.2384@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | >
> | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear
> that
> | > you
> | > | > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few
> bucks.
> | > | > Surely
> | > | > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups.
> Some
> | > that
> | > | > I'm
> | > | > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so
> | > seldom
> | > | > have
> | > | > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that
> | > can't
> | > | > stop
> | > | > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
> | > | > commercial
> | > | > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of
> the
> | > | > "can't
> | > | > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the
> | > ninth
> | > | > | circle of hell.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
> | > whatever
> | > | > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I
> thought
> | > the
> | > | > | warning was warranted.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | --
> | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with
> the
> | > | > service
> | > | > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this
> several
> | > times
> | > | > in this group..
> | > |
> | > | What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post?
> What
> | > do
> | > | you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly
> don't
> | > put
> | > | that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least
> one
> | > link
> | > | to your site.)
> | > |
> | > | And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
> | > fine-print
> | > | weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed
> Pope
> of
> | > | security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky
> trading
> | > your
> | > | soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable
> crap,
> | > | crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know,
> | > because
> | > I
> | > | leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites,
> drivers
> | > | downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while
> to
> | > see
> | > | what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I
> haven't
> | > seen
> | > | in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get
> positive
> | > | results.
> | > |
> | > | > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get
> it,
> | > so
> | > | > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that
> you
> | > | > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and
> other
> | > junk
> | > | > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods
> to
> | > do
> | > | > so,
> | > | > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
> | > |
> | > | You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm
> | > perfectly
> | > | well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause
> me
> | > any
> | > | problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've
> | > already
> | > | explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
> | > indispensible
> | > | in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have
> much
> | > good
> | > | to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in
> many
> | > if
> | > | not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended
> to.
> | > |
> | > | > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like
> you
> | > | > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I
> have
> | > no
> | > | > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
> | > should
> | > | > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant
> | > enough
> | > | > to
> | > | > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for
> years.
> | > Not
> | > | > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
> | > reality
> | > | > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections
> based
> | > | > largely
> | > | > upon the thin air that seems to be what the
> video/TV/gaming/scripted
> | > | > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the
> | > students
> | > | > find
> | > | > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for
> awhile
> | > in
> | > | > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially
> as
> | > the
> | > | > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
> | > | >
> | > | > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are,
> why
> | > not
> | > | > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their
> service.
> | > There
> | > | > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
> | > |
> | > | Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again?
> You're
> | > | saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money
> | > from
> | > | mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you
> send
> | > | people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
> | > CERTs,
> | > | trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes
> especially
> | > with
> | > | regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less),
> one
> | > would
> | > | not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously
> interested
> in
> | > | your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
> | > | certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and
> third
> | > | thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared
> values.
> | > |
> | > | Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's
> | > IS
> | > | FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can
> only
> | > say
> | > | that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty,
> that
> | > he
> | > | has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that
> last
> | > | sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
> | > |
> | > | I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times,
> and
> | > I've
> | > | yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you
> continue
> | > to
> | > | amaze me with your hypocrisies.
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | >
> | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
> | > service.
> | > | > | > Might
> | > | > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them
> from...
> | > do
> | > | > you
> | > | > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find
> that
> | > | > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know
> how
> | > to
> | > | > use
> | > | > | > Google?
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you
> through
> | > the
> | > | > | > techniques and changes necessary...
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And,
> yes,
> | > I
> | > | > know
> | > | > | > how
> | > | > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off
> for
> | > when
> | > I
> | > | > | > need
> | > | > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing
> these
> | > days
> | > | > is
> | > | > | > fairly
> | > | > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups
> are
> | > | > | > particularly
> | > | > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I
> suggest
> | > you
> | > | > check
> | > | > | > | them out.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure
> | > have
> | > a
> | > | > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem,
> right-click
> | > the
> | > | > | > button
> | > | > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to
> more
> | > crap.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from,
> | > then
> | > I
> | > | > | > suggest
> | > | > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that
> include
> | > your
> | > | > own
> | > | > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I
> could
> | > get
> | > it
> | > | > for
> | > | > | > a
> | > | > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for
> instance
> | > | > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that
> I
> | > am
> | > in
> | > | > | > total
> | > | > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of
> | > course,
> | > | > | > whether
> | > | > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One
> thing
> I
> | > | > | > *certainly*
> | > | > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | --
> | > | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I
> thought
> | > maybe
> | > | > a
> | > | > | > web
> | > | > | > | > page might be in order.
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> |
> |


"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
| No Gary, as usual, both you and Sunny have done the same stupid little
| things your little minds always do on USENET. Here you are hijacking a
| thread with mindless and stupid comments just so you have something to
Your inflated ego is self evident.

Gary S. Terhune

Hey, MEB. You're so knowledgeable about security problems and the
vulnerabilities in Windows XP, how about you break into my computer. Go
ahead, I dare you. Get into any of my computers and steal some info that
could only come from here. Heck, you can even set up a website full of crap
and I'll go there, with no special protections in place other than my
standard ones.

Steal something from me, Maurice. If you can't do that, and PROVE it without
any help from me, you're a fraud, plain and simple.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> No Gary, as usual, both you and Sunny have done the same stupid little
> things your little minds always do on USENET. Here you are hijacking a
> thread with mindless and stupid comments just so you have something to
> post.
> YOU, Gary, started an attack just like YOU always do.
> YOU previously attempted to label any who disagree with YOU and your XP
> views as Luddites.
> YOU have repeatedly attacked parties merely posting in this group for no
> apparent reason other than you were having a bad day.
> YOU have repeatedly attempted to bring me into this mindless stupidity of
> yours.
> This is a help group guys, take your mentally ill activities elsewhere and
> seek some professional help. What you are receiving now apparently isn't
> working..
> Moreover, once again you are still spouting the same mindless Microsoft
> adverti$ing crap you have spouted since you became a user... and still
> having run nothing but those Microsoft products...
> Like I said, take your meds, seek professional medical help, and try to
> actually provide a useful function on this planet.
> --
> --
> _________
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:O75a0efzIHA.5520@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | Just like you to change the subject. What's the matter? Got no good
> answers
> | so you attack me instead? Like you always turn the discussion to your
> | favorite topic, SECURITY!!!, and make me the boogy man. You try it just
> | about every day. The answer will always be the same: Your side lost. The
> | security or lack thereof in Win98 is more and more meaningless and will
> | become more and more meaningless every day. It's like driving a Model-T
> on
> | the freeway. Stupid and crazy. (Not that there aren't plenty of stupid
> and
> | crazy people out there.)
> |
> | --
> | Gary S. Terhune
> | MS-MVP Shell/User
> |
> |
> | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | news:e8XnHlezIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > Alright Gary, you want the gloves off,, okay, I can handle that.
> | >
> | > So tell this group in your infinite wisdom why you are so friggin
> ignorant
> | > that you fail to understand how and why you block all this crap being
> | > shoved
> | > down the throats of the users on the Web... come on hot shot, explain
> | > you think all of this is good,,,, tell us all about how YOU secure
> your
> | > systems.
> | >
> | > By the way, just what is it that you have done recently for the good
> of
> | > mankind... I'll wait for several years for you to dream up some kind
> of
> | > story.. what VALUE do you have to mankind, what's your purpose on this
> | > planet... I realize you have value to the dog world,, but hey, there's
> a
> | > lot
> | > of other animals out there...
> | >
> | > As for my site,, its ranked and indexed,, move it again [as was done
> | > because of the last idiots running that prior service] and all that's
> | > gone... so how's you site doing Gary? Want some more help with making
> your
> | > web pages???
> | >
> | > Hypocrite for security? Hardly. I happen to have directed to various
> | > security issues ON the site... and **repeatedly** IN this group. So
> when
> | > have you done that recently? Or is this dumb little tirade your vain
> | > attempt.
> | >
> | > Go take your pills Gary, and find Dan, I think you guys need to help
> each
> | > other...
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB
> | > --
> | > _________
> | >
> | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > news:%23JEm8KezIHA.2384@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | news:OodnLtdzIHA.5472@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | >
> | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > news:eHRcd5ZzIHA.2068@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | 1. I know they aren't yours, I said as much. But now it's clear
> that
> | > you
> | > | > | will willingly trade with your enemy in order to save a few
> bucks.
> | > | > Surely
> | > | > | you can find a free service with higher moral standards.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | 2. I don't know ahead of time which sites I go to use pop-ups.
> Some
> | > that
> | > | > I'm
> | > | > | accustomed to using change their procedures to using them. I so
> | > seldom
> | > | > have
> | > | > | problems with pop-ups that I simply turn them off for sites that
> | > can't
> | > | > stop
> | > | > | after one. Or remember to never go there again. Even the major
> | > | > commercial
> | > | > | sites that use them for simple advertising, don't make them of
> the
> | > | > "can't
> | > | > | close", endless pop-ups variety. Those types are reserved to the
> | > ninth
> | > | > | circle of hell.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | In any case, for those of us who think YOU are responsible for
> | > whatever
> | > | > | tries to get into our computers when we go to YOUR site, I
> thought
> | > the
> | > | > | warning was warranted.
> | > | > |
> | > | > | --
> | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > Well, then you haven't been party to any of the discussions with
> the
> | > | > service
> | > | > operators, have you... gees I even posted indication of this
> several
> | > times
> | > | > in this group..
> | > |
> | > | What's that, some excuse? Do you think I read every word you post?
> What
> | > do
> | > | you say, "Beware of my site, it has nasty stuff." You certainly
> don't
> | > put
> | > | that disclaimer on every one of your posts (which all have at least
> one
> | > link
> | > | to your site.)
> | > |
> | > | And who are these "service operators"? If you're hinting at some
> | > fine-print
> | > | weasel out... I'm talking about YOU, Maurice, the self-annointed
> Pope
> of
> | > | security in this group. You don't feel just a little bit icky
> trading
> | > your
> | > | soul and selling your your site to purveyors of such objectionable
> crap,
> | > | crap that's totally rare outside the sex sites these days? I know,
> | > because
> | > I
> | > | leave my pop-up blocker off an go to all kinds of free sites,
> drivers
> | > | downloads, etc. I even click on the sex links every once in a while
> to
> | > see
> | > | what they're up to. The one I got at your site today is one I
> haven't
> | > seen
> | > | in a couple of years. Probably because it turned out not to get
> positive
> | > | results.
> | > |
> | > | > Just as YOU want everything, right now, and don't care how you get
> it,
> | > so
> | > | > do the operators of that service... I find it quite amusing that
> you
> | > | > continue to subject yourself to tracking cookies, popups, and
> other
> | > junk
> | > | > which can easily be blocked by one who bothers to look for methods
> to
> | > do
> | > | > so,
> | > | > particularly as you are an MVP for the Windows OSs.
> | > |
> | > | You haven't the slightest idea what I do to protect myself. I'm
> | > perfectly
> | > | well protected from anything getting into my machine that will cause
> me
> | > any
> | > | problems. Additionally, I keep TOTAL control of cookies, and I've
> | > already
> | > | explained that contrary to your opinion, I find pop-ups to be
> | > indispensible
> | > | in a lot of places I go, and I HATE whitelists. I also don't have
> much
> | > good
> | > | to say for anyone who lumps all this stuff together as BAD when in
> many
> | > if
> | > | not most cases outside the sex sites it works like it was intended
> to.
> | > |
> | > | > As for where else to put my site, seems most people are just like
> you
> | > | > apparently are, when confronted with a pro bono site for which I
> have
> | > no
> | > | > more intention to supply cost out of my own pocket, they feel they
> | > should
> | > | > make some type of money from it. I thought the materials relevant
> | > enough
> | > | > to
> | > | > put it in the public rather than as the limited VPN it was for
> years.
> | > Not
> | > | > that many people actually appreciate the site, since it deals with
> | > reality
> | > | > rather than daily junk, mindless ramblings, and misdirections
> based
> | > | > largely
> | > | > upon the thin air that seems to be what the
> video/TV/gaming/scripted
> | > | > unreality public presently desires and gets lost in Seems the
> | > students
> | > | > find
> | > | > some of the materials useful, and the materials were used for
> awhile
> | > in
> | > | > various courses offered, but then that would make them potentially
> as
> | > the
> | > | > apparently hated intellectuals in America.
> | > | >
> | > | > Soooo, if you want to stop the operators from doing what they are,
> why
> | > not
> | > | > drop them an email or two explaining your position on their
> service.
> | > There
> | > | > is a contact address for them on the main orgfree service page.
> | > |
> | > | Those last two paragraphs are unintelligible. Care to try again?
> You're
> | > | saying that *I* want to make money from your site? That I make money
> | > from
> | > | mine? What? And who cares who goes to your site and why? When you
> send
> | > | people there from here, where you have a certain reputation, posting
> | > CERTs,
> | > | trying to get me any way you can to discuss comparative OSes
> especially
> | > with
> | > | regard to security (when it's obvious that I couldn't care less),
> one
> | > would
> | > | not expect the site to be so sleazy. If *I* were seriously
> interested
> in
> | > | your writings (and I have read at least some of your stuff), I would
> | > | certainly be offput by the crap invasion and would have second and
> third
> | > | thoughts as to your seriousness and dedication to your declared
> values.
> | > |
> | > | Anyway, as I said, my primary point was to WARN PEOPLE THAT MEB's
> | > IS
> | > | FULL OF INVASIVE CRAPWARE. That MEB is such a weasel that he can
> only
> | > say
> | > | that it's not HIS site but his HOST's site that is doing the nasty,
> that
> | > he
> | > | has no control over that situation. Think about the logic in that
> last
> | > | sentence and then ask yourself, "Just who is this MEB dude, really?"
> | > |
> | > | I've already answered that one, posted those answers a few times,
> and
> | > I've
> | > | yet to see you prove me wrong. In fact, just the opposite, you
> continue
> | > to
> | > | amaze me with your hypocrisies.
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | >
> | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | news:%23c5XbuZzIHA.5108@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > DUHHHH, those aren't MY popups.... those come from the *free*
> | > service.
> | > | > | > Might
> | > | > | > try only enabling popups from sites you actually want them
> from...
> | > do
> | > | > you
> | > | > | > need some help configuring that, or do you think you can find
> that
> | > | > | > information. Google would be your friend for this, do you know
> how
> | > to
> | > | > use
> | > | > | > Google?
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > IF you need help, start a new discussion and I'll walk you
> through
> | > the
> | > | > | > techniques and changes necessary...
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | > "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> | > | > | > news:%23nTzTfZzIHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | Those advertising pop-ups on your site suck big time. And,
> yes,
> | > I
> | > | > know
> | > | > | > how
> | > | > | > | to block pop-ups, but then I have to turn the blocker off
> for
> | > when
> | > I
> | > | > | > need
> | > | > | > | pop-ups, which is regularly. Fact is, my normal surfing
> these
> | > days
> | > | > is
> | > | > | > fairly
> | > | > | > | popup-free except for the necessary ones. But your pop-ups
> are
> | > | > | > particularly
> | > | > | > | insidious. If you haven't actually experienced them, I
> suggest
> | > you
> | > | > check
> | > | > | > | them out.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For someone so concerned about internet intrusions, you sure
> | > have
> | > a
> | > | > | > | hypocritical attitude about the advertising you use.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | For those of you caught in Maurice's pop-up problem,
> right-click
> | > the
> | > | > | > button
> | > | > | > | on the taskbar and close. Anything else will just lead to
> more
> | > crap.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | And, Maurice, if the advertising is coming from,
> | > then
> | > I
> | > | > | > suggest
> | > | > | > | that there are some quite inexpensive alternatives that
> include
> | > your
> | > | > own
> | > | > | > | full domain name, etc. I pay ~$10/month for mine, but I
> could
> | > get
> | > it
> | > | > for
> | > | > | > a
> | > | > | > | LOT less if I were in the mood to switch. (here, for
> instance
> | > | > | > | I am secure in the knowledge that
> I
> | > am
> | > in
> | > | > | > total
> | > | > | > | control of the content my can visitors receive (though, of
> | > course,
> | > | > | > whether
> | > | > | > | they want to see the content or not is up to them.) One
> thing
> I
> | > | > | > *certainly*
> | > | > | > | wouldn't countenance is that crap on your site.
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | --
> | > | > | > | Gary S. Terhune
> | > | > | > | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > | "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> | > | > | > | news:uhaQ6MZzIHA.4816@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > After searching around for DUN/VPN server issues, I
> thought
> | > maybe
> | > | > a
> | > | > | > web
> | > | > | > | > page might be in order.
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > MEB
> | > | > | > | > --
> | > | > | > | > _________
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > | >
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | > |
> | > | > | >
> | > | > | >
> | > | > |
> | > | > |
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
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