IE6 is NOT working, why?



I am with you there Gary and I really do enjoy targetting the individual
machine and trying to cure it. It really is so much simpler if you can fix
the individual machine by being able to sit at that machine and work at that
machine and that is a good reason why I am still a Windows 98 Second Edition
guy at heart because it is so much fun to be able to sit at the machine and
fix the problems right there. I guess that is why 9x is a consumer source
code compared to NT being a business source code because the 2 markets have
different needs. My friend Chris from Camp Stoney in Santa Fe, NM tells me
he plans to build a 98 Second Edition Machine from an old motherboard of mine
and he wants it for old-school gaming. <smile>

That is the coolest thing in my opinion because I am totally an old-school
gamer having grown up with an IBM PCjr in New York City and my first big
adventure game being King's Quest 1 in 1984 by Ken Williams of Sierra-On-Line
that was built to show off the prowess of the IBM PCjr. I have heard from
others in the industry that Amiga was really cool but I never had a chance to
play around with one or a Commodore for that matter.

"Gary S. Terhune" wrote:

> Well my answer to intractable network issues in a single machine is to
> remove ALL of it, just scour the system for anything that has to do with
> networking and remove it, from DM, from Networks folder, make sure the right
> drivers are available and then let it reinstall itself.
> But then, it's been so long since I dealt with dial-up on XP I totally
> forget what the dialogues even look like.
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "Robert A. Macy" <> wrote in message
> On Aug 18, 12:01 am, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> > Me? I had nothing to do with it, I swear. It was that guy over there.
> > Leave
> > me outta this.

> Actually, you had the best sequence of things to try. Didn't even
> know those programs exist. Must be someplace to find out the set of
> useful DOS commands, grouped alphabetically and functionally. It
> seemed to me like the other group NEVER really got past making certain
> there was no malware running, that all my antivirus software was
> installed and then turned off. Well maybe not, just seemed like
> that.
> > If Windows is taking that long to load, you need to analyze why. Anything
> > that waits for response before continuing, and then given a long list of
> > responses to wait for, like networking. What the heck kind of network do
> > you
> > have, anyway?

> Uh, no network at all. All machines are autonomous. Need to take my
> question over to the WinXP group,...shudder.
> Oddly, at the same time I was trying to get this WinXP up and onto the
> net, our other three machines stopped logging on promptly, or at all.
> My complaint to our server resulted in about a three day effort
> [including not being available off and on for long periodsof time] for
> them to fix the problem. I think they now have it fixed because the
> two Win98's and the 'good' WinXP all log on in the standard 12 to 20
> seconds of dial, hand shake, verify, and page comes up. But, alas,
> this WinXP is still a dog. Coincidence was strange.
> However, I am THOROUGHLY convinced the problem is now unique to this
> WinXP SP2 running too much stuff and upgrades.
> Thanks for the help.
> Robert

Robert A. Macy

On Aug 19, 12:18 am, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> Well my answer to intractable network issues in a single machine is to
> remove ALL of it, just scour the system for anything that has to do with
> networking and remove it, from DM, from Networks folder, make sure the right
> drivers are available and then let it reinstall itself.

From the WinXP group that is saying something about UPnP

The fault may be in the Network Plug 'n' Play AutoSearch is taking too
much time.

Again, strip all network and reinstall.

Uh,...what is DM?



Driver Management?, but I am sure Gary knows. <grin>

"Robert A. Macy" wrote:

> On Aug 19, 12:18 am, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> > Well my answer to intractable network issues in a single machine is to
> > remove ALL of it, just scour the system for anything that has to do with
> > networking and remove it, from DM, from Networks folder, make sure the right
> > drivers are available and then let it reinstall itself.

> From the WinXP group that is saying something about UPnP
> The fault may be in the Network Plug 'n' Play AutoSearch is taking too
> much time.
> Again, strip all network and reinstall.
> Uh,...what is DM?
> Robert

Gary S. Terhune

DM = Device Manager, and take it from me, you want to disable UPnP after
installing SP3. Just the way it is. I have yet to notice any difference from
its missing. Whether it's the cause of *your* problem, I don't know, and I
can't remember what my specific issue was (my brain is mush this morning),
but disabling UPnP fixed it.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Robert A. Macy" <> wrote in message
On Aug 19, 12:18 am, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
> Well my answer to intractable network issues in a single machine is to
> remove ALL of it, just scour the system for anything that has to do with
> networking and remove it, from DM, from Networks folder, make sure the
> right
> drivers are available and then let it reinstall itself.

From the WinXP group that is saying something about UPnP

The fault may be in the Network Plug 'n' Play AutoSearch is taking too
much time.

Again, strip all network and reinstall.

Uh,...what is DM?


Gary S. Terhune

Re: Personal message for Dan


Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Hi Dan :)
> In case of doubt, I was being serious. I PM'd the administrator of our
> group (Jenn) and she has replied as follows:-
> "sure he can join, but I'd need to know the username he'd be using. I've
> been blocking a bot that auto joins by blocking the nicknames it uses...
> sooo .. if I know what Dan's nickname is going to be I can make sure I
> don't block that combination of letters and allow him to join".
> It's a very small group - and I'm sure that you will be made most welcome.
> Will you join us ............ please? <smile> If you do, what nickname
> will be used? I'll pass on the message.
> It cost nothing but time to take a looksee anyway!
> Dave
> --
> "~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:%23gvt9gQAJHA.4852@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Dan - Hi!
>> Gary thinks *I'm* an idiot too! <wink!>
>> Please pop over to and join me and fellow outcasts,
>> mostly Christians too. :)
>> Dave
>> --
>> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>>> <responses left below and only removed previously to shorten posts and
>>> lesson
>>> confusion at least to me>
>>> You will always be in my thoughts and prayers even if you cannot read
>>> this
>>> Gary S. Terhune.
>>> BTW, I was diagnosed with a learning disability at age 6 and so have
>>> never
>>> been completely normal and never will be and I have learned to thank God
>>> for
>>> the challenges that the Creator God has given me and can now rise to the
>>> occasion to get my house in order and try and always build up others
>>> where I
>>> can. This is what is lacking in the States (the U.S.A.) is that we
>>> keep
>>> trying to fix other people's problems when we are having lots of
>>> problems
>>> that are not getting fully dealt with like in the case of Hurricane
>>> Katrina
>>> and its aftermath.
>>> Thyroid Disease is not fun and I would not wish or hope for my worst
>>> enemy
>>> to ever have it and I would say it is up there with brain cancer and or
>>> Al
>>> timer's Disease because it jacks with all of your systems and does
>>> indeed
>>> make you completely crazy as I was in the past.
>>> Remember the radiation treatment which was delivered by x-rays was in
>>> 1990
>>> and mainly on the right side of the thyroid which was removed by Mike,
>>> the
>>> surgeon in New Mexico but it is fine with me if no one believes me
>>> anymore
>>> because I can hardly believe it myself. In addition, I now freely admit
>>> to
>>> having lied and posted using Art's Computer in Tucson, Arizona because I
>>> have
>>> dealt with my Fear of being afraid of man and woman more but I will
>>> continue
>>> to deal with this great fear for the rest of my life.
>>> I can only hope and pray that God will continue to strengthen me for the
>>> future. I do not judge anyone for not believing in my Christian God but
>>> all
>>> I ask is that you have Faith in something greater than yourselves so you
>>> will
>>> not fall into pride and whether it be another great being or even an
>>> alien
>>> then at least it can give you the hope to live day by day.
>>> I am in my 30's and living day by day and finally starting to really
>>> enjoy
>>> life and knowing that people that I know on-line are only on-line like
>>> Brad
>>> Paisley says in his song that he can be anyone on-line and so I sinned
>>> and
>>> know now I was wrong and humbly repent and hope that at least some of
>>> you can
>>> have mercy upon me but even if not I know that my God finds this
>>> wretched and
>>> broken body and mind and soul and spirit acceptable to Him and only if
>>> He
>>> would let me meet Him quickly but for some reason God has decided to
>>> keep
>>> little old Dan around not that it matters much but that is all to say
>>> and so
>>> take care all of you and stay safe out there boys and girls.
>>> "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
>>>> Yup. Sounds like Dan. And if so, what you get it's pure lunacy,
>>>> regardless
>>>> of the it's nature. Lately, it's occurred to me that his is a serious
>>>> case
>>>> of MPD (they're calling it something else these days, but I forget.) He
>>>> belongs permanently institutionalized. There is no cure. I have also
>>>> seen
>>>> indicators of a homicidal personality. I learned that years ago. And
>>>> about
>>>> his pathological lying (and I'm speaking in purely clinical terms,
>>>> here.)
>>>> I'm serious, if you're talking about Dan, as far as I can tell from
>>>> this
>>>> distance, he's a danger to himself and others and should be
>>>> institutionalized, at gunpoint if necessary. I've been around enough of
>>>> them, I know.
>>>> And that's as far as I go until you somehow switch from using MIME QP
>>>> to
>>>> something else. When you use MIME QP, my OE cannot add "indentation"
>>>> marks
>>>> to "included" content. Therefore, it limits me to top-posting only, and
>>>> while I am generally a top-poster anyway, I won't be limited to it
>>>> unless
>>>> there is absolutely no other way. I used to use MIME QP to keep
>>>> hyperlinks
>>>> from breaking for people who used certain other types of newsreaders. I
>>>> was
>>>> finally convinced that the advantages are greatly outweighed by the
>>>> disadvantages caused to others, and the resulting bad will, due to the
>>>> lack
>>>> of distinction between one person's text and another's.
>>>> --
>>>> Gary S. Terhune
>>>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>>>> "Robert A. Macy" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Aug 10, 3:48 pm, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
>>>> > When you don't leave the previous content of the thread in your post,
>>>> > nobody
>>>> > has the slightest idea who or what you're responding to. In my case,
>>>> > lots
>>>> > of
>>>> > idiots get blocked, and from the sounds of it, this one was called
>>>> > Dan. A
>>>> > lying mental patient, escaped from the asylum.
>>>> >
>>>> > Or, in the case of the msnews news server, lots of posts get dumped
>>>> > for no
>>>> > reason at all. So leave at least two or three in complete.
>>>> Too bad it was blocked it contained accolades about you, an apology
>>>> specifically addressed to you [I think], and a detailed explanation
>>>> [did not seem like an excuse, but an explanation] of the reason for
>>>> his inappropriate previous interaction with you.
>>>> So this time I left a few lines., regarding getting on line with this
>>>> last system...
>>>> I am pursuing installing a modem driver that is EXACTLY for the dialup
>>>> modem installed in the faulty system. I've found two, but neither
>>>> seem exactly correct for this WinXP
>>>> the modem is
>>>> Aztech Systems MDP 3880W(B)
>>>> 1NA-IDN-A22-99-0577
>>>> containing Conexant chip:
>>>> RH56D-PCI
>>>> R6795-12
>>>> F21204.6
>>>> 0008
>>>> I'll keep looking.
>>>> I can't believe an inadequate driver caused the problem because the
>>>> thing didn't work, worked perfectly for a session, then stopped
>>>> working, never worked again. It was that 'worked perfectly for a
>>>> session' that is confusing to me.
>>>> But, as you said, step by step.
>>>> It's possible there is some 'residual' antivirus in this machine. But
>>>> I don't see any vestige of it. At least when I hit ctl-alt-del it does
>>>> not show up.
>>>> From past experience, when I brought up the other WinXP, everything
>>>> almost worked only to find that
>>>> 1) generic modem driver did NOT make it dial at all [different modem]
>>>> 2) had to make certain that the WinXP Network something was started
>>>> manually before installing the Network connection.
>>>> After installing the correct driver and starting the Network Manager
>>>> manually before setting up, that WinXP system keeps working.
>>>> Hmmm....didn't think of this - swap modems. much to do, much to do.
>>>> In the system that doesn't work, any idea why the
>>>> ipconfig /flushdns
>>>> hung up the command window? and seemed to do nothing?
>>>> After I square away a few more basics, I'll be back with information
>>>> to share, and probably ask again.
>>>> Robert




Re: Personal message for Dan

:) Big grin!

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> Please!
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> news:eTcmsucAJHA.4476@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> Hi Dan :)
>> In case of doubt, I was being serious. I PM'd the administrator of our
>> group (Jenn) and she has replied as follows:-
>> "sure he can join, but I'd need to know the username he'd be using. I've
>> been blocking a bot that auto joins by blocking the nicknames it uses...
>> sooo .. if I know what Dan's nickname is going to be I can make sure I
>> don't block that combination of letters and allow him to join".
>> It's a very small group - and I'm sure that you will be made most
>> welcome.
>> Will you join us ............ please? <smile> If you do, what nickname
>> will be used? I'll pass on the message.
>> It cost nothing but time to take a looksee anyway!
>> Dave
>> --
>> "~BD~" <~BD~@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:%23gvt9gQAJHA.4852@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>>> Dan - Hi!
>>> Gary thinks *I'm* an idiot too! <wink!>
>>> Please pop over to and join me and fellow outcasts,
>>> mostly Christians too. :)
>>> Dave
>>> --
>>> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>>>> <responses left below and only removed previously to shorten posts and
>>>> lesson
>>>> confusion at least to me>
>>>> You will always be in my thoughts and prayers even if you cannot read
>>>> this
>>>> Gary S. Terhune.
>>>> BTW, I was diagnosed with a learning disability at age 6 and so have
>>>> never
>>>> been completely normal and never will be and I have learned to thank
>>>> God for
>>>> the challenges that the Creator God has given me and can now rise to
>>>> the
>>>> occasion to get my house in order and try and always build up others
>>>> where I
>>>> can. This is what is lacking in the States (the U.S.A.) is that we
>>>> keep
>>>> trying to fix other people's problems when we are having lots of
>>>> problems
>>>> that are not getting fully dealt with like in the case of Hurricane
>>>> Katrina
>>>> and its aftermath.
>>>> Thyroid Disease is not fun and I would not wish or hope for my worst
>>>> enemy
>>>> to ever have it and I would say it is up there with brain cancer and or
>>>> Al
>>>> timer's Disease because it jacks with all of your systems and does
>>>> indeed
>>>> make you completely crazy as I was in the past.
>>>> Remember the radiation treatment which was delivered by x-rays was in
>>>> 1990
>>>> and mainly on the right side of the thyroid which was removed by Mike,
>>>> the
>>>> surgeon in New Mexico but it is fine with me if no one believes me
>>>> anymore
>>>> because I can hardly believe it myself. In addition, I now freely
>>>> admit to
>>>> having lied and posted using Art's Computer in Tucson, Arizona because
>>>> I have
>>>> dealt with my Fear of being afraid of man and woman more but I will
>>>> continue
>>>> to deal with this great fear for the rest of my life.
>>>> I can only hope and pray that God will continue to strengthen me for
>>>> the
>>>> future. I do not judge anyone for not believing in my Christian God
>>>> but all
>>>> I ask is that you have Faith in something greater than yourselves so
>>>> you will
>>>> not fall into pride and whether it be another great being or even an
>>>> alien
>>>> then at least it can give you the hope to live day by day.
>>>> I am in my 30's and living day by day and finally starting to really
>>>> enjoy
>>>> life and knowing that people that I know on-line are only on-line like
>>>> Brad
>>>> Paisley says in his song that he can be anyone on-line and so I sinned
>>>> and
>>>> know now I was wrong and humbly repent and hope that at least some of
>>>> you can
>>>> have mercy upon me but even if not I know that my God finds this
>>>> wretched and
>>>> broken body and mind and soul and spirit acceptable to Him and only if
>>>> He
>>>> would let me meet Him quickly but for some reason God has decided to
>>>> keep
>>>> little old Dan around not that it matters much but that is all to say
>>>> and so
>>>> take care all of you and stay safe out there boys and girls.
>>>> "Gary S. Terhune" wrote:
>>>>> Yup. Sounds like Dan. And if so, what you get it's pure lunacy,
>>>>> regardless
>>>>> of the it's nature. Lately, it's occurred to me that his is a serious
>>>>> case
>>>>> of MPD (they're calling it something else these days, but I forget.)
>>>>> He
>>>>> belongs permanently institutionalized. There is no cure. I have also
>>>>> seen
>>>>> indicators of a homicidal personality. I learned that years ago. And
>>>>> about
>>>>> his pathological lying (and I'm speaking in purely clinical terms,
>>>>> here.)
>>>>> I'm serious, if you're talking about Dan, as far as I can tell from
>>>>> this
>>>>> distance, he's a danger to himself and others and should be
>>>>> institutionalized, at gunpoint if necessary. I've been around enough
>>>>> of
>>>>> them, I know.
>>>>> And that's as far as I go until you somehow switch from using MIME QP
>>>>> to
>>>>> something else. When you use MIME QP, my OE cannot add "indentation"
>>>>> marks
>>>>> to "included" content. Therefore, it limits me to top-posting only,
>>>>> and
>>>>> while I am generally a top-poster anyway, I won't be limited to it
>>>>> unless
>>>>> there is absolutely no other way. I used to use MIME QP to keep
>>>>> hyperlinks
>>>>> from breaking for people who used certain other types of newsreaders.
>>>>> I was
>>>>> finally convinced that the advantages are greatly outweighed by the
>>>>> disadvantages caused to others, and the resulting bad will, due to the
>>>>> lack
>>>>> of distinction between one person's text and another's.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Gary S. Terhune
>>>>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>>>>> "Robert A. Macy" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Aug 10, 3:48 pm, "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote:
>>>>> > When you don't leave the previous content of the thread in your
>>>>> > post,
>>>>> > nobody
>>>>> > has the slightest idea who or what you're responding to. In my case,
>>>>> > lots
>>>>> > of
>>>>> > idiots get blocked, and from the sounds of it, this one was called
>>>>> > Dan. A
>>>>> > lying mental patient, escaped from the asylum.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Or, in the case of the msnews news server, lots of posts get dumped
>>>>> > for no
>>>>> > reason at all. So leave at least two or three in complete.
>>>>> Too bad it was blocked it contained accolades about you, an apology
>>>>> specifically addressed to you [I think], and a detailed explanation
>>>>> [did not seem like an excuse, but an explanation] of the reason for
>>>>> his inappropriate previous interaction with you.
>>>>> So this time I left a few lines., regarding getting on line with this
>>>>> last system...
>>>>> I am pursuing installing a modem driver that is EXACTLY for the dialup
>>>>> modem installed in the faulty system. I've found two, but neither
>>>>> seem exactly correct for this WinXP
>>>>> the modem is
>>>>> Aztech Systems MDP 3880W(B)
>>>>> 1NA-IDN-A22-99-0577
>>>>> containing Conexant chip:
>>>>> RH56D-PCI
>>>>> R6795-12
>>>>> F21204.6
>>>>> 0008
>>>>> I'll keep looking.
>>>>> I can't believe an inadequate driver caused the problem because the
>>>>> thing didn't work, worked perfectly for a session, then stopped
>>>>> working, never worked again. It was that 'worked perfectly for a
>>>>> session' that is confusing to me.
>>>>> But, as you said, step by step.
>>>>> It's possible there is some 'residual' antivirus in this machine. But
>>>>> I don't see any vestige of it. At least when I hit ctl-alt-del it does
>>>>> not show up.
>>>>> From past experience, when I brought up the other WinXP, everything
>>>>> almost worked only to find that
>>>>> 1) generic modem driver did NOT make it dial at all [different modem]
>>>>> 2) had to make certain that the WinXP Network something was started
>>>>> manually before installing the Network connection.
>>>>> After installing the correct driver and starting the Network Manager
>>>>> manually before setting up, that WinXP system keeps working.
>>>>> Hmmm....didn't think of this - swap modems. much to do, much to do.
>>>>> In the system that doesn't work, any idea why the
>>>>> ipconfig /flushdns
>>>>> hung up the command window? and seemed to do nothing?
>>>>> After I square away a few more basics, I'll be back with information
>>>>> to share, and probably ask again.
>>>>> Robert


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