problems apparently with rundll32 when loading drivers

  • Thread starter J. P. Gilliver (John)
  • Start date

Gary S. Terhune

Re: OT 98Lite ISSUE_Re: problems apparently with rundll32 when loading drivers

You can tell the King of Idiots that his statement is about as stupid as any
I've seen him make. The issue isn't whether the crap is built from MS files,
it's that they aren't Windows 98 files, in their entirety, as distributed
under the name "Windows 98 Operating System". It's a butchery of Windows 98,
regardless of the goals, efficacy or failures that result.

You can chop off the top of a certain type of fruit tree (I don't remember
which, but let's say it's a pear tree) and graft all kinds of other closely
related fruit trees onto it. You no longer have a pear tree, it will never
produce pears, even though it has a "kernel" that can be called "pear". Yes,
it produces fruit, but they are not pears. It is no longer a "pear tree" and
a club devoted to the growth and care of pear trees would have nothing to do
with your grafted monstrosity and probably vote you out of the club and show
you the door with little to say other than, "Good Luck. Hope you can find
someone to help you with that one graft that's failing. But you and your
tree don't belong here."

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in message
> In message <Xns9B00A0A3D3E0thanexit@>, thanatoid
> <waiting@the.exit.invalid> writes
>>"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in
>>> In message <e1fkC8mAJHA.1180@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>, Gary S.
>>> Terhune <none@?.?.invalid> writes
>>>>Just to keep me happy, eh? So you really don't care about
>>>>the innocent user who might stumble upon this thread and
>>>>not realize that it isn't about Windows 98?
>>> I do, actually.

>>See what I mean? According to Terhune, Windows xLite is NOT
>>Windows. I have asked him to show me a single file in
>>Win98SELite which did not come from MS, but he prefers to argue
>>in ignorance and refuses to even look at the program. After all,
>>it's a figment of our imagination.

> Well, to be fair, I rather suspect 98lite.exe is not M$ (-:
> --
> J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985
> MB++G.5AL(+++)IS-P--Ch+(p)Ar+T[?]H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
> ** for thoughts on
> PCs. **
> it is no use hitting all the targets and missing the point. - chief
> executive
> of
> the Disability and Carers Service, quoted in computing, 23 March 2006,
> page 26.


Re: OT 98Lite ISSUE_Re: problems apparently with rundll32 when loading drivers

"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote in

> In message <Xns9B00A0A3D3E0thanexit@>,
> thanatoid <waiting@the.exit.invalid> writes
>>"J. P. Gilliver (John)" <> wrote
>>> In message <e1fkC8mAJHA.1180@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl>, Gary
>>> S. Terhune <none@?.?.invalid> writes
>>>>Just to keep me happy, eh? So you really don't care about
>>>>the innocent user who might stumble upon this thread and
>>>>not realize that it isn't about Windows 98?
>>> I do, actually.

>>See what I mean? According to Terhune, Windows xLite is NOT
>>Windows. I have asked him to show me a single file in
>>Win98SELite which did not come from MS, but he prefers to
>>argue in ignorance and refuses to even look at the program.
>>After all, it's a figment of our imagination.

> Well, to be fair, I rather suspect 98lite.exe is not M$ (-:

Yes, but that file is NOT in the OS! It's the customizer! It's
like saying that if the BIOS is not made by MS, it's not a
Windows machine!
(I should have said "in a finished Win98SELite install".)

[from a recent conversation]
thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.


Re: problems apparently with rundll32 when loading drivers in 98lite with UBCD

In news:an7$ ,
J. P. Gilliver (John) contemplated and posted:

| In message <##sF8ZIAJHA.4992@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl>, MEB
| <> writes
|>I see you installed something new from soporific, what was it?
| It was the full UBCD, but with the option - which it offers - to
| install over an existing system, keeping settings etcetera. I should
| have known better - this sort of thing is always better done as a
| full clean install. And I don't _really_ hold soporific responsible.

Well you shouldn't, no one knows whether these things will work perfectly
on everyone's system.

BTW: the UBCD of this discussion is soporific's *Unattended Boot &
Installation CD* ** NOT** the Universal Boot CD, for testing and diagnostic

IF I'm reading this and your other posts correctly: Your issue stems from a
*MIXED modified system*. 98Lite removes system files AND modifies registry
settings during its modification process, so does soporific's UBCD. Many of
these MODs require some of the IE5/6 files [and depending upon the MOD, IE
updates] be installed within the system.

|> I have outlined what would likely be the normal procedure in this
|>situation and the procedure when installing an un-official
|>compilation. Perhaps it might be beneficial for you to outline what
|>you have already done. You
| The installation proceeded quite far, but did get to a point (after
| one - I think - reboot) where it went into a loop, repeatedly
| encountering some error message.

The problem likely arose with the massive device changes being made within
the system, During the process USB [a universal driver is installed] and
other devices [PCI, firewire, etc.] were being changed. Depending upon where
in the process it failed, the registry may not have been fully updated
[which appears to be the issue].

Potenially, you could physically remove all added adapters from the system,
which *might* allow booting to Safe Mode. From there, you may be able to
remove *all* adapters shown in Device Manager. This DID work for me once
upon a time during my testing of some of the older MODs.

As an additional FYI for potential MOD users: you will find these work
better if you uninstall/physically remove USB/Firewire devices [not the
software] *prior* to attempting the installation.

|>should also note that unless you follow the procedures and
|>updates/patch process being used in unofficial patchings by the
|>creator of the patch, your results will likely NOT reflect the same
|> That type of process requires one be prepared to re-install an image
|>should the testing fail or corrupt one's system.
| []
| Indeed. I managed to restore my system to how I had it by use of an
| ERD saveset from before I started with UBCD this is not a full
| image, but is a Microsoft utility. Unfortunately, as I've only
| discovered subsequently, it (a) didn't bring back sound - which I
| didn't notice immediately - and (b) has damaged _some_thing involved
| with the loading of drivers in general. (I've now found it with
| _three_ things - the sound, the microscope [webcam], and a new USB
| stick.)
| To keep some people happy I will say: I am using 98lite any advice
| given may not be applicable to those who are not.

Again, the UBCD installs the universal driver package [among other device
changes]. That universal driver package DOES require the removal of ALL USB
and Firewire devices prior to its installation.

Wish I could be more help, but since you are stuck in a loop of failed
software installation, in a *dual modified* system, much of what I would
potentially suggest will not be viable.

*IF* Safe Mode can be entered after removing the devices, run through the
file re-registration processes outlined within the Microsoft KBs PRIOR to
re-installing the removed adapters..

Looks something like this from the Run or Prompt:

regsvr32 {switches} {some DLL}

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